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Women's achievement was examined by studying the achievement styles and leadership outcomes of women college leaders as compared with those of a control sample of undergraduate men and women (Study 1) and with those of men college leaders (Study 2). Women leaders scored significantly higher than control women on six of nine achievement styles, scored higher than control men on three of nine, and derived satisfaction from a greater number of achievement sources than did women or men controls. Women leaders perceived more support from their institutions and attached more importance to contributing to their community and becoming an authority in their field than did men or women controls. Achievement style was related to leadership role, with endorsement of six styles correlated with attaining leadership. Achievement profiles of women leaders were replicated in Study 2. Men and women college leaders showed similar profiles on eight of nine achievement styles. However, women leaders were significantly less likely to derive satisfaction from competitive achievement than were men leaders.  相似文献   

This paper combines the results of two studies across different cultures which included an investigation into the relationship between field-dependence-independence and vocational orientations within the framework of Holland's theory of career choice and Witkin's theory of psychological differentiation. The samples included 179 Canadian senior high school students and 376 Pakistani college and university students. Both samples were administered Self-Directed Search and Group Embedded Figures Test. The results indicated a significant relationship between cognitive styles and vocational orientations. It was evident from the findings of these two studies that the theories of Holland and Witkin dove-tail nicely with each other.  相似文献   

Ethnocultural background and gender were investigated as correlates of love styles in an ethnically diverse sample of university students in Toronto. Women viewed love as more friendship oriented, more pragmatic, but less permissive than did men, findings consistent with previous research with American college students. Ethnocultural differences or Gender x Ethnocultural Background interactions were also found. In line with an expected contrast between Asian and Western cultural traditions regarding love, Chinese and other Asian respondents of both sexes were more friendship oriented in their love relationships than were respondents of Anglo-Celtic or European ethnocultural backgrounds. Expectations of greater gender role differentiation among Asians were partly supported by finding that women from Asian ethnocultural backgrounds other than Chinese were less likely to view love as a game than were either their female or male counterparts. Women from Asian ethnocultural backgrounds other than Chinese also expressed a more altruistic view of love than did Anglo-Celtic women.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the need to alter existing instructional reading paradigms by teaching to each of four basic learning styles. The argument proposes that by doing so each of the four modalities will be more frequently evoked. The argument proposes that there are discrete sets of reading activities that are specifically related to learning styles, and that a balanced program of reading needs to involve all students in reading activities in each of the styles. Such instruction validates the student's individual style, and challenges the student to greater reading achievement in the other styles. The argument suggests that since intuitive‐feelers tend to be the most creative, and tend to get the highest scores on measures of high‐level cognition (Piaget's formal operations) that those same achievement behaviors be evoked for more students by using each of the modalities and style presentation techniques in our instruction. Finally, I've argued that a new basic‐skills emphasis must include a concentrated emphasis on evoking the seven visual discrimination skills since visual discrimination tends to be a prerequisite to most forms of higher level cognition  相似文献   

This study conceptualized perceived trustworthiness of the individual, self-disclosure to the individual, perceived trustworthiness of people in general, and disclosive tendencies to other people in general to be indicants of a broader construct of trust. Self-disclosure and perceived trustworthiness of the individual were found to be related constructs assessing differential aspects of the trust construct. Likewise, self-disclosure and perceived trustworthiness of the individual were found to be criterial attributes of interpersonal solidarity. These communication-related phenomena indicated the solidarity of interpersonal relationships. In the progress of the research, a 20-item measure of perceived interpersonal solidarity was developed as a criterion for assessing the impact of communication-related variables on interpersonal relationships. Other exploratory research issues were investigated.  相似文献   

问题表征方式与数学问题解决的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
阐述了问题表征在数学问题解决中的作用;重点探讨了抽象表征、原理表征、图式表征等不同表征方式与数学问题解决的关系;最后提出通过选择与转换两种策略来寻求适宜的问题表征方式。  相似文献   

The concept of intelligence as a kind of mental power is criticized, since it is essentially static. Many authors wish to substitute the concept of processes or styles of thinking and learning, which might be developed by appropriate training. But there is no consensus as to which styles are of major importance in intellectual growth, and few of those suggested can be assessed objectively. They resemble the historical notion of types; and like types, they may be weak in internal consistency and generalizability. Some types which are defined by psychometric variables or factors are more promising. Currently the contrast between left brain and right brain functions is over-popularized. But it is associated both with verbal vs visuospatial abilities, and with analytic-sequential vs holistic processing. The right brain has been credited with a wide range of other functions for which there is little evidence, e.g., intuition, creativity, meditational trance states, etc. Findings from studies of brain-damaged or commissurotomized patients, and experiments with normal subjects, are outlined. The dichotomy is not the same as Das' simultaneous vs successive, Freud's primary vs secondary processes, Witkin's field independence, or Guilford's convergent vs divergent. Certain implications for education, for mental testing, and for cross-cultural research are discussed.  相似文献   

调节效应与中介效应的比较和应用   总被引:184,自引:6,他引:184  
温忠麟  侯杰泰  张雷 《心理学报》2005,37(2):268-274
讨论了调节变量的概念和调节效应分析方法,并简要介绍了中介变量的概念和中介效应分析方法。从研究目的、关联概念、典型模型、变量的位置和功能、效应的估计和检验方法等角度,对调节变量和中介变量、调节效应和中介效应以及相应的模型做了系统的比较。作为应用例子,在儿童行为对同伴关系的影响研究中分析和比较了调节变量和中介变量。  相似文献   

问卷长度与作答型式的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从心理计量的观点来看,作答型式对心理测验及研究采用的问卷的信度和效度,均会构成严重威协。本文介绍了一些常见的作答型式及用来控制作答型式的传统统计方法。随后,我们指出由于这些传统统计方法都预先假定作答型式是稳定不变的,其效度便有疑问了;因为本文报告的研究证实了随着问卷长度的递增,作答型式会趋于刻板和不极端。因此,我们建议研究者在设计研究时,应尽量避免使用冗长的问卷。  相似文献   

认知操作和认知方式与生态文化因素的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
郑雪  陈中永 《心理学报》1995,28(2):152-158
采用认识测试、查阅人类学资料、现场调查和谈话等多种方法探讨了我国不同生产方式、不同地区和不同民族460名成人的分析综合的认知操作和认知方式及其与生态文化因素的关系.认知测试分数的8×2×3的ANOVA协方差分析表明,在分析操作水平上存在着显著的组间差异、性别差异、年龄差异和协变量(现代化影响)的效应;在综合操作上,存在着显著的组间差异、年龄差异和协变量效应;在认知方式上,存在着显著的组间差异和协变量效应.Ste-pwise方法的多重回归分析表明,生态环境艰难程度、生产方式所决定的食物贮存程度、社会结构的紧密性、社会化的倾向性和现代化影响是预测被试认知操作和认知方式的有效因素.研究结果与“中国人认知操作和认知方式与生态文化关系”的理论模式所提出的预测基本一致,即研究结果支持了该理论模式.  相似文献   

652名大学生应对方式与其人格特质的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对682名在校大学生同时进行“应对方式问卷”和“16PF”测试,并对652份有效答卷进行了数据处理。结果发现,大学生在认知、情感、行为三个方面所表现的积极与消极的应对方式与其所反映的16种人格特质之间存在不同程度的相关,尤其是与C(稳定性)、H(敢为性)、O(忧虑性)、Q3(自律性)、Q4(紧张性)这些人格特质均存在非常显著的相关,而与B(聪慧性)、I(敏感性)等人格特质仅在个别侧面有显著相关。经过二次因素分析发现,大学生的认知、情感、行为方面的应对方式与其次元人格因素也存在着不同程度的相关。  相似文献   

This study explored the efficacy of disclosure as a stigma management strategy in normal-stigmatized interactions. A laboratory experiment was conducted using confederates to simulate three classes of stigmas. As predicted, reactions of normals (nonstigmatized subjects) were uniform across stigmas. While there is some indication that disclosure may reduce uncertainty in normal-stigmatized interactions, no support obtained for the hypothesis that disclosure about a stigma increases acceptance of the bearer. Path analysis of the data indicated a process leading from uncertainty, tension, and attraction to acceptance/rejection, as expected. Findings are discussed in terms of stigma attributions and relational development.  相似文献   

This study sought to demonstrate that turnover and retirement intentions were distinct forms of organizational withdrawal and to empirically examine the similarities and differences between their antecedents. In a sample of 375 (126 men and 247 women) working adults, a confirmatory factor analysis supported the contention that items measuring turnover intent and retirement intent were related to 2 separate constructs. In addition, the correlation between the 2 measures was low and not significant. The influence of common and unique variables that influence turnover intent and retirement intent were then examined. The results suggested that there were significant differences between the predictors of turnover intentions and retirement intentions. These findings suggest that there are important differences between turnover and retirement and it is necessary to treat them separately for some purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract: It has at various times been said, both before and since the fall of apartheid, that philosophers in South Africa are neglecting to do certain sorts of work. Behind this accusation lies a general claim that philosophers have responsibilities to their contexts. This essay is dedicated to (i) defending this claim against objections, and (ii) offering a positive argument for there being moral pressure on philosophers to increase understanding. My aim is not to accuse any philosopher or community of philosophers of neglect. It is rather to defend an understanding of both philosophy and ethical responsibilities that makes room for philosophers to have moral responsibilities. Whether or not it has ever in fact been appropriate to accuse philosophers in South Africa, or indeed anywhere else, of neglect, philosophers do indeed have responsibilities to their contexts.  相似文献   

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