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We investigated the role of the visual similarity of masked primes to targets in a lexical decision experiment. In the primes, some letters in the target (e.g., A in ABANDON) had either visually similar letters (e.g., H), dissimilar letters (D), visually similar digits (4), or dissimilar digits (6) substituted for them. The similarities of the digits and letters to the base letter were equated and verified in a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) perceptual identification task. Using targets presented in lowercase (e.g., abandon) and primes presented in uppercase, visually similar digit primes (e.g., 484NDON) produced more priming than did visually dissimilar digit primes (676NDON), but little difference was found between the visually similar and dissimilar letter primes (HRHNDON vs. DWDNDON). These results were explained in terms of task-driven competition between the target letter and the visually similar letter.  相似文献   

Auditory and visual similarity was manipulated in a same-different reaction-time task to investigate the use of modality-specific codes in same-different judgments for pairs of letters. Experiment 1 showed that letters presented simultaneously in the auditory and visual modalities were matched on the auditory dimension. In Experiment 2, the letters were presented sequentially, and the modality of the second letter was randomly varied. Subjects matched the pairs on the modality dimension of the second letter even though the modality could not be reliably predicted. In Experiment 3, subjects judged adjacent pairs of letters presented for 50 msec, and in one condition they also named the letters. Matches were made on visual codes in both conditions. In general, the results indicate that when subjects are instructed to determine if two letters are the same, the letters will be matched on a modality-specific code in a way that will minimize the information processing necessary to complete the match.  相似文献   

Recent research on the Roman alphabet has demonstrated that the magnitudes of masked repetition priming are equivalent for letter pairs that have similar visual features across cases (e.g., c-C) and for letter pairs with dissimilar features (e.g., g-G). Here, we examined whether priming of abstract letter representations occurs in an orthographic system, Arabic, in which the letters show an intricate number of contextual forms. Arabic does not have a lowercase/uppercase distinction, but the letters exhibit different forms that depend on their position (initial, medial, final, or isolated) and their connectivity. Importantly, some letters look quite different across positions (e.g., (symbol in text) and (symbol in text), which correspond to the letter 'ayn), whereas others look very similar (e.g. (symbol in text), and (symbol in text), which correspond to the letter fā'). We employed a masked priming same-different task, in which native speakers of Arabic decided whether a target letter was the same as or different from a reference letter presented in a different position (middle vs. isolated). The results showed masked repetition priming effects of the same magnitude for letter pairs with similar and with dissimilar visual features across letter positions. These data support the view that priming of abstract letter representations is a universal phenomenon.  相似文献   

Previous demonstrations of "visual" effects in auditory tasks have been largely restricted to orthographic effects with word stimuli. As a result, explanations of such effects have centered around a shared orthography--the similarity of the spelling patterns at the ends of the words. In the present study, these effects were extended to single-letter stimuli. Subjects made rhyming decisions about pairs of letters presented auditorily. Visually similar letter pairs facilitated responses to rhyming pairs and inhibited responses to nonrhyming pairs. The results indicate that visual effects are not restricted to word stimuli and suggest that additive effects of visual similarity and shared orthography may be responsible for these findings.  相似文献   

Visual similarity effects in immediate verbal serial recall   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The role of visual working memory in temporary serial retention of verbal information was examined in four experiments on immediate serial recall of words that varied in visual similarity and letters that varied in the visual consistency between upper and lower case. Experiments 1 and 2 involved words that were either visually similar (e.g. fly, cry, dry; hew, new, few ) or were visually distinct (e.g. guy, sigh, lie; who, blue, ewe ). Experiments 3 and 4 involved serial recall of both letter and case from sequences of letters chosen such that the upper- and lower-case versions were visually similar, for example Kk, Cc, Zz, Ww , or were visually dissimilar, for example Dd, Hh, Rr, Qq . Hence in the latter set, case informationwas encoded interms of both the shape and the size of the letters. With both words and letters, the visually similar items resulted in poorer recall both with and without concurrent articulatory suppression. This visual similarity effect was robust and was replicated across the four experiments. The effect was not restricted to any particular serial position and was particularly salient in the recall of letter case. These data suggest the presence of a visual code for retention of visually presented verbal sequences in addition to a phonological code, and they are consistent with the use of a visual temporary memory, or visual "cache", in verbal serial recall tasks.  相似文献   

This study builds on a specific characteristic of letters of the Roman alphabet—namely, that each letter name is associated with two visual formats, corresponding to their uppercase and lowercase versions. Participants had to read aloud the names of single letters, and event-related potentials (ERPs) for six pairs of visually dissimilar upper- and lowercase letters were recorded. Assuming that the end product of processing is the same for upper- and lowercase letters sharing the same vocal response, ERPs were compared backward, starting from the onset of articulatory responses, and the first significant divergence was observed 120 ms before response onset. Given that naming responses were produced at around 414 ms, on average, these results suggest that letter processing is influenced by visual information until 294 ms after stimulus onset. This therefore provides new empirical evidence regarding the time course and interactive nature of visual letter perception processes.  相似文献   

Indicators of letter visual similarity have been used for controlling the design of empirical and neuropsychological studies and for rigorously determining the factors that underlie reading ability and literacy acquisition. Additionally, these letter similarity/confusability matrices have been useful for studies examining more general aspects of human cognition, such as perception. Despite many letter visual-similarity matrices being available, they all have two serious limitations if they are to be used by researchers in the reading domain: (1) They have been constructed using atypical reading data obtained from speeded reading-aloud tasks and/or under degraded presentation conditions; (2) they only include letters from the English alphabet. Although some letter visual-similarity matrices have been constructed using data gathered from normal reading conditions, these either are based on old fonts, which may not resemble the letters found in modern print, or were never published. For the first time, this article presents a comprehensive letter visual-similarity/confusability matrix that has been constructed based on untimed responses to clearly presented upper- and lowercase letters that are present in many languages that use Latin-based alphabets, including Catalan, Dutch, English, French, Galician, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Such a matrix will be useful for researchers interested in the processes underpinning reading and literacy acquisition.  相似文献   


The bi-alphabetic nature of the Serbo-Croatian writing system allows unequivocal examination of phonemic similarity unconfounded with graphemic similarity. The Roman and Cyrillic alphabets are largely independent but map onto the same sounds. A lower-case context written in one alphabet bears no visual similarity to an uppercase target written in the other alphabet. One naming experiment and one lexical decision experiment investigated phonemic priming of high-frequency words and pseudowords with word and pseudoword contexts. For naming, targets that were phone-mically similar to the preceding context were named significantly faster than were phonemically dissimilar targets. This result was indifferent to the lexicality of the contexts and targets. For lexical decision, in contrast, phonemically similar word-word pairs showed inhibition, whereas phonemically similar pseudoword-word pairs showed facilitation relative to their phonemically dissimilar counterparts. These results were discussed in terms of (1) a model of visual word processing that posits a layer of phoneme units between letter units and word units, and (2) the idea that active word units inhibit one another in proportion to each one's frequency. In this account, phonemic similarity effects in naming are based on the states of the phoneme units, while phonemic similarity effects in lexical decision are based on the states of the word units. These results lend further support to the claim that, for readers of Serbo-Croatian, the visual computation of phonology is automatic and prelexical.  相似文献   

For simplicity, contemporary models of written-word recognition and reading have unspecified feature/letter levels—they predict that the visually similar substituted-letter nonword PEQPLE is as effective at activating the word PEOPLE as the visually dissimilar substituted-letter nonword PEYPLE. Previous empirical evidence on the effects of visual similarly across letters during written-word recognition is scarce and nonconclusive. To examine whether visual similarity across letters plays a role early in word processing, we conducted two masked priming lexical decision experiments (stimulus-onset asynchrony = 50 ms). The substituted-letter primes were visually very similar to the target letters (u/v in Experiment 1 and i/j in Experiment 2; e.g., nevtral–NEUTRAL). For comparison purposes, we included an identity prime condition (neutral–NEUTRAL) and a dissimilar-letter prime condition (neztral-NEUTRAL). Results showed that the similar-letter prime condition produced faster word identification times than the dissimilar-letter prime condition. We discuss how models of written-word recognition should be amended to capture visual similarity effects across letters.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, orthographic and phonetic information were separated by using artificial letters to represent English pseudowords and random letter strings. Subjects could learn to distinguish combinations of artificial letters on the basis of (1) orthographic, but not phonetic, information, (2) orthographic and phonetic information, (3) paired-associate verbal labels without orthographic information, and (4) neither orthographic nor phonetic information. By imposing a variety of response deadlines it appeared that subjects quickly exploited orthographic information without any contribution from phonetic correspondences. The only suggestion of a phonetic effect occurred in the absence of orthographic information and at longer latencies. Experiment 3 (using English letters) also suggested that phonetic information influenced the analysis of letter string pairs at only longer latencies, after visual analysis. Experiment 2 provided a demonstration that orthographic rules similar to those exploited in Experiment 1 were useful in visual discriminations regardless of the particular letter position affected by those rules. The results strain phonetic mediation models of performance in word-related tasks (e. g., Spoehr & Smith, 1975)and support models that emphasize visual analysis(Barron & Baron, 1977; Massaro, 1975; Pollatsek, Well, & Schindler, 1975).  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to assess the similarity of tactile form perception and visual form perception under conditions of extreme visual blurring. In the first experiment, resolution and relative localization tasks were performed by five subjects under both tactile and blurred visual presentation. The results obtained here were the same for the two modalities. In the second experiment, all 26 block letters were presented to each of four subjects in two distinct methods of presentation, using both tactile and blurred visual displays. In one method, the full-field letter was flashed for 1.0 sec; in the other, a vertical slit scanned the letter from left to right. For all method comparisons, a strong similarity was found between the patterns of correct responses as a function of letter. In addition, there was a definite similarity between the two modalities in terms of which letters improved in recognizability in the change from the full-field to the slit mode of presentation. However, the overall superiority of the slit method found for tactile recognition was not obtained visually. The two experiments indicate that recognition with blurred vision is similar to recognition using the intact cutaneous sense, although some differences remain.  相似文献   

Determinants of synesthetic color choice for Japanese phonetic characters were studied in six Japanese synesthetes. The study used Hiragana and Katakana characters, which represent the same set of syllables although their visual forms are dissimilar. From a palette of 138 colors, synesthetes selected a color corresponding to each character. Results revealed that synesthetic color choices for Hiragana characters and those for their Katakana counterparts were remarkably consistent, indicating that color selection depended on character-related sounds and not visual form. This Hiragana–Katakana invariance cannot be regarded as the same phenomenon as letter case invariance, usually reported for English grapheme-color synesthesia, because Hiragana and Katakana characters have different identities whereas upper and lower case letters have the same identity. This involvement of phonology suggests that cross-activation between an inducer (i.e., letter/character) brain region and that of the concurrent (i.e., color) area in grapheme-color synesthesia is mediated by higher order cortical processing areas.  相似文献   

Reaction times to discriminate lower‐case letters were collected in an experiment. The inverse discrimination times were used to build metrics on the space of letters. These metrics were found to be significantly correlated with various well‐known letter confusability measures, and a meaningful dimensional analysis of the alphabet was performed. This methodology is mathematically well founded, it requires fewer data than common methods, and it appears to be highly sensitive to visual similarity between letters, which allows visual letter features to be effectively analysed.  相似文献   

How orthographically similar are words such as paws and swap, flow and wolf, or live and evil? According to the letter position coding schemes used in models of visual word recognition, these reversed anagrams are considered to be less similar than words that share letters in the same absolute or relative positions (such as home and hose or plan and lane). Therefore, reversed anagrams should not produce the standard orthographic similarity effects found using substitution neighbors (e.g., home, hose). Simulations using the spatial coding model (Davis, Psychological Review 117, 713-758, 2010), for example, predict an inhibitory masked-priming effect for substitution neighbor word pairs but a null effect for reversed anagrams. Nevertheless, we obtained significant inhibitory priming using both stimulus types (Experiment 1). We also demonstrated that robust repetition blindness can be obtained for reversed anagrams (Experiment 2). Reversed anagrams therefore provide a new test for models of visual word recognition and orthographic similarity.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we tested subjects’ ability to localize a letter in a character string with identification controlled by varying the delay of a mask, dimming the display, or deleting some of the dots used to define the letters on the cathode-ray screen. The first experiment involved two tasks. In the first task, subjects indicated whether or not a letter named verbally had been present in an eight-letter target string. In the second task, they localized a letter named verbally in the target string; the target string was presented by using display parameters shown in the first task to hold character identification between 70% and 75% correct. In the second experiment, we tallied errors in a partial-report bar-probe study after equating performance across the manipulations of display quality. Masking disrupted subjects’ ability to recover location information more than either a manipulation of stimulus luminance or a manipulation of its visual form.  相似文献   

Similarity-related channel interactions in visual processing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lateral interference between letters in the visual field is a joint function of their similarity and physical separation. Data needed to evaluate hypothesis about the processes implicated in these effects were obtained from two experiments in which the task was identification of a target letter always presented in the center of a three-letter display. Variation of target-flanker similarity, the primary variable, was combined factorially with spacing of target and flanker, location of the display in the visual field, delay of patterned postmasks, and exposure duration. The effect of target-flanker similarity on target identification yielded a nonmonotonic function with a minimum at an intermediate degree of similarity. Data from same-different judgments regarding target-flanker similarity indicate that some information about similarity is available even at levels of visibility that do not permit identification of individual letters. All of the findings could be accommodated by a model assuming that only variables determining visibility--exposure duration, mask properties, location in the visual field, separation of letters--influence extraction of featural information pertaining to letter identification. In contrast, visual similarity influences performance by way of sometimes subtle effects on subjects' criteria or response biases and by effects on the encoding and retention of information regarding relative positions of characters in the visual field. The varying effects of similarity reported in the literature on letter identification all appear to be interpretable in these terms.  相似文献   

Three kinds of rhymes: An ERP study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coch D  Hart T  Mitra P 《Brain and language》2008,104(3):230-243
In a simple prime-target visual rhyming paradigm, pairs of words, nonwords, and single letters elicited similar event-related potential (ERP) rhyming effects in young adults. Within each condition, primes elicited contingent negative variation (CNV) while nonrhyming targets elicited more negative waveforms than rhyming targets within the 320-500ms (N400/N450) time window. The target rhyming effect, apparently primarily an index of phonological processing, was similar across conditions but tended to be smaller in mean amplitude for letters. One of the first reports of such a letter rhyming effect in the ERP literature, these findings could be important developmentally because letter rhyme tasks simultaneously index the two best predictors of ease of learning to read: letter name knowledge and phonological awareness.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of the effects of spatial separation between stimuli in whole report from brief visual displays are reported. The stimuli were presented on the periphery of an imaginary circle centered on fixation. In Experiment 1, each display showed two capital letters (letter height approximately equal 1.3 degrees, width approximately equal 0.9 degree, eccentricity approximately equal 5.5 degrees). The proportion of correctly reported letters was a strictly increasing, decelerating function of the spatial separation between the letters for center-to-center separations ranging from less than 2 degrees to more than 10 degrees of visual angle. Experiment 2 yielded similar results with triples of letters. Experiment 3 showed that accuracy increased with spatial separation for report of two short words, and Experiment 4 showed the same result for words presented upside down. The results are explained by a model of lateral masking (crowding) based on competitive interactions within receptive fields of cortical neurons.  相似文献   

The influence of 2 types of structural similarity on analogical reasoning was examined. The theme of a story is a structural component that constrains other relationships in the story. Another structural component is the way in which the theme is implemented. Participants received pairs of stories that varied in the similarity of these two components. Participants in Experiment 1 judged stories containing similar themes as more analogous than stories with dissimilar themes. Likewise, stories with similar implementations were judged as more analogous than stories with dissimilar implementations. Experiment 2 revealed a similar pattern when participants had the opportunity to transfer information from source to target stories. Greater transfer was seen for stories with similar themes than for stories with dissimilar themes. Greater transfer was also seen for stories with similar implementations of different themes than for stories with different implementations.  相似文献   

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