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Previous research has suggested that bullying is an increasingly severe problem in schools. Such research has approached the phenomenon from two different angles. Earlier research has treated bullying and victimisation as separate entities. However, current research suggests that bullies and victims engage in a special dynamic and interactive relationship, thereby providing the need for studying any similarities and differences between bullies and victims in relation to various factors. The present research has approached bullying and victimisation in both ways. First, we studied differences between bullies, victims, and those not involved in relation to various demographic, school, well‐being, and personality factors to identify factors that separate these three groups. In addition, we studied differences between those involved in bullying/victimisation (one group) and those never involved in relation to the same aforementioned factors to highlight aspects of the development of their special relationship (i.e., common factors). Prevalence rates and types of bullying/victimisation experienced/expressed in Scottish schools were also investigated. It was found that bullying and victimisation, when treated as separate entities, differed in relation to peer self‐esteem, with bullies reporting higher levels of peer self‐esteem than victims. When bullies and victims were treated as one group (involved), they were found to differ from the noninvolved group in relation to various factors, including school, well‐being, and personality factors. The involved group was found to be disadvantaged in relation to all measures used. However, overall results indicated that from all these factors the best predictors of overall involvement as bully, victim, or bully‐victim were Quality of School Life and school stress. The present results support the notion that bullying and victimisation could be treated, by future research, as both separate and/or interactive entities. This is so because bullying and victimisation were found to differ in relation to one personality factor, that is, peer self‐esteem. However, Quality of School Life and school stress, both school factors, were found to be associated with the phenomenon as a whole. Results are discussed in relation to future development of antibullying policy in Scottish schools.Aggr. Behav. 28:45–61, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The question of whether dogs recognize an emergency and understand the need to seek help from a bystander was tested in two experiments. In the first experiment, dogs' owners feigned a heart attack in an open field, and in the second experiment, dogs' owners experienced an accident in which a bookcase fell on them and pinned them to the floor. In these experiments, one or two bystanders were available to which dogs could go for help. The dogs' behavior was taped for 6 min after the owner had fallen and was later scored for the frequency and time the dogs spent performing different behaviors. In no case did a dog solicit help from a bystander. It is concluded that dogs did not understand the nature of the emergency or the need to obtain help.  相似文献   

University courses in counsellor training have mushroomed over the past decade. Questions are raised about the match between the culture of counselling and the culture of universities. A comparison is drawn between traditional university styles of pedagogy and the learning requirements of trainee counsellors. Issues relating to teaching methods and assessment procedures are examined. Kolb's model of experiential learning is offered as a framework for this comparison. Attention is drawn to the effect of moves towards the accreditation of prior learning upon the cohesion of student groups, and to the changes in curriculum occasioned by the move towards credit rating of university courses. On the other side of the coin, the niche which counselling has forged for itself in universities is seen as a vehicle for professional legitimation. It is concluded that the challenge faced by university counselling teachers is to find ways to resolve the tension between the two cultures  相似文献   

This study explored the use of text‐based computer‐mediated communication in counsellor supervision. ‘Cybervision’ is an innovative collaboration between counsellors and computer technology. The study reports on the use of clinical case presentation by e‐mail and the discussion of cases in text‐based chat rooms. The inquiry, conducted from a qualitative research perspective, seeks to explore the potential effectiveness of Cybervision along with its advantages and disadvantages. Prior to each supervision session, the supervisee presented case concerns by e‐mail and later received 60 minutes supervision from the remaining three group members adopting the role of supervisor. As a form of co‐operative inquiry, the personal experience of research participants was investigated and reported, highlighting key themes and issues relating to the absence of face‐to‐face contact. In all cases, participants reported that Cybervision effectively influenced and informed the clinical practice of the counsellor. Participants quickly and successfully formed a meaningful group where support, challenge and feedback were expressed and valued. The ‘disinhibition’ effect of on‐line contact was found to support open and honest communication. Feelings were communicated in this environment with surprising ease. The consistent emergence of useful parallel processes was another significant finding.  相似文献   

This study investigates how Jewish senior staff at orthodox Jewish primary schools in North-West London experience therapeutic services such as counselling for their students and community. A qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews with seven female orthodox Jewish participants was employed. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. Results highlighted six broad themes covering the school’s view of counselling and other therapeutic services. Uptake of counselling was often low. Negative parental attitudes, stigma, fear of local authorities and lack of culturally appropriate signposting were some of the factors determining whether counselling services were accessed or not, and why. The importance of the therapist’s own religion and the language used to describe therapy was also significant. Further research into increasing awareness of mental health needs for orthodox Jewish schools and to increase uptake of therapeutic services should be undertaken and has implications cross culturally.  相似文献   

Governments, schools, and curriculum authorities are increasingly recognizing that body image during adolescence is a public health issue that warrants attention in the school setting. After 30 years of eating disorder prevention research, and given the current interest in this area, it seems timely to review the research on interventions to improve body image in schools. We reviewed universal-selective, classroom-based programs that have been conducted since the year 2000, among adolescents, and found 16 eligible intervention programs. Seven of these programs were effective in improving body image on at least one measure, from pre to post test, though effect sizes were small (d = 0.22–0.48). These effective programs were conducted among younger adolescents 12.33–13.62 years, and included activities focusing on media literacy, self esteem, and the influence of peers. Implications for school personnel and curriculum authorities are discussed, and we provide recommendations for a strategic approach to future research in this area.  相似文献   

Concern is expressed about the proliferation of new or 'innovative' approaches in counselling or psychotherapy. Most of these approaches appear to be regressive in that they ignore what we have learned about the importance of certain conditions for the therapeutic relationship. They place the counsellor or therapist in the position of a charismatic expert controlling and directing the lives of his clients. The potential dangers of these methods are noted. Yet there seems to be no good way to protect clients either from well-intentioned but misguided professionals or from the untrained non-professional. If professionals are not successful in policing the field, injured consumers and an aroused public may succeed in imposing unnecessarily rigid restrictions on all practice of counselling and psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of the spacing effect in the psychological literature, the impact of lesson timing has not yet been fully explored in real classrooms. The current study examined whether spacing could improve long‐term retention of both factual and critical thinking curriculum‐based teaching materials for children. Students 9 to 12 years old were taught to judge the credibility of websites in either three consecutive days of lessons or one lesson per week. Thirty‐five days after the final lesson, students were tested on factual knowledge and applied their knowledge to evaluating a new website. Students in the spaced condition remembered more facts from the lessons and were better able to explain their website ratings than students in the massed group.  相似文献   

Postgraduate research students: People in context?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article seeks to explore learning, development and academic success, using postgraduate research students' experiences and relating them to submission and completion rates. The perceptions and circumstances of a sample of postgraduate research students from one cohort in a large civic university were examined via questionnaire and interviews. Significant associations between data gained via questionnaire and outcome of research study are presented, together with qualitative illustrations from comments and interviews with participating individuals. A developmental, sociocultural understanding of the learner is discussed. This supports a brief review of a package of practical measures designed to assist universities to support research students, especially those who may have difficulty negotiating the experience of research study, and their supervisors, and ultimately improve retention and submission rates.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of Germany-based matchmaking agencies operating on the Internet, investigating how they are organized and how they advertise their commodities. Matchmaking has rapidly grown into a big digital business. This has engendered debate regarding the sexual behavior of its users, consequences of the resulting intermarriages, and on successful international policy for regulating the related migration. Being a new phenomenon, matchmaking on the Internet has largely remained unresearched until very recently. This analysis is a preliminary attempt to address online introduction services in one industrialized western country, Germany. It examines the size and extent of this kind of German business. One goal is to explore regional manifestations of the trade such as which countries are the counterparts in the other end of the trade? The article also highlights features typical for the advertising on this kind of web site, keeping in mind gender, ethnic, and race aspects. Finally, the issues are raised of whether matchmaking agencies are providing equal possibilities to different kinds of people in this kind of transaction, and whether these kinds of services have an impact on gender and ethnic equality.  相似文献   

Drawing on literature from different psychotherapeutic traditions, the meaning of money is reviewed, and the psychological and practical issues which arise from the setting, changing and payment of fees in counselling and psychotherapy are discussed. A person-centred approach is offered as a framework for the counsellor's understanding of fees in the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

Vocational guidance and the careers education programmes which vocational theorists currently argue should span the secondary school years imply that entry into employment is the outcome of choice processes exercised on significant differences among available jobs in respect of the talents they require and the kind and extent of opportunity for self-fulfilment that they offer. Because Roberts (1977) has questioned these assumptions, the case is here argued that careers education programmes (CEPs), if begun early enough, can exert an influence upon all young people's educational and occupational choices, and that such an influence is educationally and socially defensible.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of the children's TV program Arthur on the development of narrative skills over an academic year for Spanish-speaking English-language learners. In October, February, and June of their kindergarten year, children were asked to tell a story, in English, prompted by 3 pictures. Before the 2nd and 3rd assessments, half of the 108 children were randomly assigned to view Arthur 3 times a week during school hours, and the other half, which formed the control group, viewed the children's program Between the Lions on the same schedule. Individual growth modeling analysis showed that children who viewed Arthur had steeper growth trajectories than those who viewed Between the Lions. Boys displayed better English narrative skills than girls but no difference in narrative growth rate. The results suggest that certain educational TV programs can assist in some aspects of the language development of bilingual children.  相似文献   

Based on a major evaluation project, this article presents an emerging theme from research on the activities supported by Prayer Spaces in Schools, an organisation supporting ‘pop-up’ prayer spaces in schools across the UK and internationally. Evaluating the activities primarily in terms of their possible contribution to spiritual development, a number of important issues arose relating to policy on education and religion. This article focuses on how some engage with these prayer spaces as a way of reimagining and renegotiating educational policy. Based on data gathered from interviews with staff and students (aged 7–16) across seven schools in England, questionnaire responses from 555 students across 15 schools and feedback from two prayer spaces conferences, a hermeneutic approach is used to compare the interpretations of staff with those of students and the implicit positions of policy documents. This article explores various forms of policy implementation and how staff engagement with prayer spaces can be seen as a form of subversion, with staff tactically subverting policy implementation sometimes in order to promote the very intention of those policies – a form of what we refer to as subversive obedience.  相似文献   

In September 2003, Ontario universities accepted a double cohort of new students resulting from the Ontario government’s decision to eliminate Grade 13. The admission to university of two categories of students distinguished by their age and high school program raised a number of questions, not only in terms of admission infrastructure but mostly in what concerns the sum of student retention, academic success, and graduation. Factors associated with success and with the maintenance of university studies are numerous: stress, socioeconomic status, parents’ education, intellectual capacities, motivation, social abilities, and social support (Olds & Papalia, 2000). Therefore, the objectives of this study were: (1) to test the hypothesis of a double cohort effect on student academic success during the first year of university, (2) to verify the hypothesis that high school academic history, socioeconomic variables related to stress and perceived stress predict academic success and retention at the end of first year university. In September 2003, 300 first year students answered questionnaires inquiring about their high school program and high school GPA, their socioeconomic characteristics, and their perceived stress. These measures were then used to predict drop out, final GPA, number of credits attempted, passed and failed in June 2004. Results showed that school persistence and first year university academic achievement are mostly predicted by gender, high school GPA, type of financial resources, and number of hours worked at a paid job. Although not significant, we have found a higher proportion of Grade 12 students who dropped out during first year at university, suggesting a possible long-term effect of high school program on academic achievement.  相似文献   

In the present study, the authors examined the extent to which familiarity and feedback (auditory and/or articulatory) might be beneficial to proofreading. Participants proofread unfamiliar and familiar (repeated) passages while (a) concurrently reading either aloud or silently, (b) concurrently listening to the passages being read to them, or (c) reading without either auditory or articulatory feedback. Errors were one-letter changes that transformed function words into contextually inappropriate words. Familiarity improved reading times largely irrespective of feedback, and it enhanced error detection only when auditory feedback was available to participants. Proofreaders' enhanced error detection in familiar text reflected a change in their sensitivity to errors rather than any change in the placement of the response criterion for reporting errors. These findings suggest that familiarity can produce two kinds of functional fluency, one involving speed of processing, which is largely independent of feedback, and the other concerned with accuracy of processing, which relies on feedback.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Although it has been postulated that psychological responses to stress in adulthood are grounded in childhood experiences in the family environment, evidence has been inconsistent. This study tested whether two putative measures of neurobiological sensitivity (vagal flexibility and attentional capacity) moderated the relation between women’s reported exposure to a risky childhood environment and current engagement in suppressive or avoidant coping in response to daily stress.

Design and methods: Adult women (N?=?158) recruited for a study of stress, coping, and aging reported on early adversity (EA) in their childhood family environment and completed a week-long daily diary in which they described their most stressful event of the day and indicated the degree to which they used suppression or avoidance in response to that event. In addition, women completed a visual tracking task during which heart rate variability and attentional capacity were assessed.

Results: Multilevel mixed modeling analyses revealed that greater EA predicted greater suppression and avoidance only among women with higher attentional capacity. Similarly, greater EA predicted greater use of suppression, but only among women with greater vagal flexibility.

Conclusion: Childhood adversity may predispose individuals with high neurobiological sensitivity to a lifetime of maladaptive coping.  相似文献   

We introduce an alternative response instruction to reduce the fakability of situational judgment tests. This novel instruction is based on the false consensus effect, a robust social psychological bias whereby people infer that the majority of other people’s thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors are aligned with their own. In four studies, including both field and laboratory data (total N = 882), we demonstrate that participants show a false consensus bias when asked what others would do in situational judgment tests. Furthermore, the situational judgment test based on the false consensus effect turned out to relatively difficult to be fake, and produced scores that were meaningfully correlated with conceptually related traits, as well as both self-reported and behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

When 2 persons--an acquaintance who could not have avoided a problem and a close relative who is responsible for her own plight--ask for help, attribution theory and sociobiology conflict about who will receive help. Attribution theorists assume that the nonresponsible acquaintance will be supported, but sociobiologists argue that the responsible sibling will receive help. The authors tested the hypothesis that characteristics of the situation affect which theory better predicts help giving. The results confirmed that in situations that do not affect life and death, a nonresponsible acquaintance would receive more help than a responsible sibling. But in life-or-death situations, inasmuch as the reproductive fitness of the person in need is in danger, a responsible sibling would be supported more than a nonresponsible acquaintance.  相似文献   

Because a telepresence robot is intended for use in telecommunications, conveying the presence of a remote sender is an important issue. Even though certain characteristics of robots such as identity could be effective at generating a sense of presence, this risks yielding a distortion of presence in the remote sender. Thus, in order to find effective ways to increase presence, we executed an experiment comparing a telepresence robot with high identity and a telepresence robot with low identity. The 60 participants in this study engaged in a video call with a remote sender using either a telepresence robot with high identity or a telepresence robot with low identity. The results showed that participants felt more remote sender presence when interacting with the telepresence robot with low identity than they did with the one with high identity. On the other hand, when a telepresence robot has high identity, participants felt more presence toward the robot than they did toward the one with low identity. In the second study (N = 72), participants experienced two types of telepresence robots (identity level: a telepresence robot with high identity vs. a telepresence robot with low identity) with two types of remote senders (number of remote senders: single remote sender vs. multiple remote senders). The identity level of the robot and the number of remote senders affected the presence of the remote sender, telepresence, and the presence of the robot. We discuss in detail the implications for the design of telepresence robots in terms of increasing presence.  相似文献   

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