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<正>客观认识和充分挖掘伊斯兰文化中和社会主义核心价值观相一致的积极因素,用社会主义核心价值观统领伊斯兰教教务工作,对于进一步增强穆斯林的凝聚力、向心力和整合力,提升伊斯兰教与其他宗教的亲和力,引导中国穆斯林坚定不移地走与社会主义社会相适应道路,坚持伊斯兰教中国化方向,具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

<正>坚持伊斯兰教中国化方向是我国伊斯兰教生存和发展的内在需求与必然选择,是伊斯兰教与社会主义社会相适应的重要途径,是做好新时代伊斯兰教工作的客观要求。近年来,浙江省民族宗教事务委员会始终坚持全面贯彻落实党的宗教工作基本方针,注重充分发挥伊斯兰教界的积极性和主动性,持续探索伊斯兰教中国化的实践路径,不断总结和丰富伊斯兰教中国化的经验与做法,着重提高与社会主义社会相适应的广度和深度,谱写了伊斯兰教中国化浙江新篇章。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教兴起后,有一个自我完善、自我发展的过程。这一过程,亦即伊斯兰教自我调适机制发挥作用的过程。自伊斯兰教输入中国以来,该机制的作用显现为伊斯兰教的中国化。本文通过对伊斯兰教的史实、经籍的探析,借以说明伊斯兰教在社会主义社会制度下,唯有与社会主义社会相适应,乃其发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

明末清初的回族伊斯兰教学者,以富有中国特色的伊斯兰教汉文译著作品,系统地研究、整理、总结伊斯兰教的教义理论与实践,使之系统化、理论化、经学化,并力求使之更趋完备、具体,与中国封建社会相适应,富于中国传统文化的哲理性,带有浓郁的中国特色。他们建构的这种思想体系,有人称之为“中国伊斯兰哲学”,也有人名之曰“中国作风、中国气派的中国伊斯兰教教义学”。仔细推敲,不难发现这两种名称均不够精确。首先,它仅仅是回族学者根据伊斯兰教传统经学并结合回族穆斯林的宗教生活实践提出的思想体系;其次,这套思想体系属于伊斯兰教经学,很难…  相似文献   

贾庆林说,实践证明,解经工作是伊斯兰教工作中抓根本、打基础、管长远的工作,是团结引导广大穆斯林群众的法宝,是与民族分裂势力和宗教极端势力斗争的利器,是引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的创举。贾庆林希望中国伊斯兰教界认真学习贯彻全国两会精神,巩固和深化解经工作成果,着力加强伊斯兰教经学思想建设,自觉抵御三股势力分裂活动,进一步推动中国伊斯兰教与社会主义社会相适应,努力开创中国伊斯兰教事业发展新局面。  相似文献   

在伊斯兰文化中,关于自然界的认识和理解有其独特的宗教含义,这也必然决定了伊斯兰文化中和谐自然观所存在的宗教特质,要科学地认识伊斯兰文化中的和谐自然观,就必须要坚持“伊斯兰教与社会主义社会相适应”的原则,一方面要积极肯定其和谐自然观中的和谐理念和价值,另一方面也要充分地认识其宗教特质,这也同样是伊斯兰教在中国特色社会主义...  相似文献   

积极引导我国伊斯兰教与社会主义社会相适应,必须坚持伊斯兰教中国化方向,这是伊斯兰教健康发展的内在要求,也是根本途径和必由之路。青海伊斯兰教界以中国伊斯兰教协会颁布的《推进我国伊斯兰教中国化五年工作规划纲要(2018-2022)》为指导,坚定立场,明确方向,积极推进伊斯兰教中国化的青海实践。  相似文献   

中国当代伊斯兰教概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国当代伊斯兰教概述沙秋真中国信仰伊斯兰教的人口有1700余万,广及10多个少数民族。在千余年的历史岁月中,伊斯兰教同中国社会相协调、相适应,与中国传统文化相趋同、相交融,逐渐形成具有中国特色的伊斯兰文化风格。中华人民共和国诞生后,中国伊斯兰教掀开了...  相似文献   

<正>坚持伊斯兰教中国化方向,是我国伊斯兰教生存和发展的内在需求与必然选择,是伊斯兰教与社会主义社会相适应的重要途径,是做好新时代伊斯兰教工作的客观要求。多年来,云南省伊斯兰教协会始终坚持全面贯彻落实党的宗教工作基本方针,充分发挥伊斯兰教界的积极性和主动性,持续探索伊斯兰教中国化的实践路径,不断总结和丰富伊斯兰教中国化的经验和做法。  相似文献   

要研究中国伊斯兰教发展与社会主义社会相适应问题,就必须要理清与伊斯兰教发展相关的各个因素:一是经济因素,二是教育因素,三是管理因素。这样才能对伊斯兰教的整体有较全面的  相似文献   

Abstract :  The Christian tradition of just war does not have a New Testament foundation but is a tradition that developed after the conversion of Constantine and Christianity's emergence as the state religion of the empire. In Islam, however, just war has been an issue since its foundational period, because while Christianity did not get involved in statecraft until Constantine, Islam dates its calendar literally from the establishment of the first statecraft in Medina. However, distortion of this tradition has occurred in both religions: we have a distorted justification of just war tradition in Christianity, and a distorted understanding of jihad as simply a holy war in Islam. This paper tries to deconstruct both these traditions and create a new hermeneutics for contemporary times.  相似文献   

Three avenues in Islamic studies are distinguished. The humanities study the languages, texts and history of Islam as a civilisation and religion. The main difficulty confronting them is to understand properly the texts studied. Anthropology, sociology and political science constitute the main contribution of the social sciences. Here the main difficulty lies in explaining religious data correctly within their context. In religious studies, the third avenue, the main problem is to interpret correctly the way in which Muslim communities and persons have understood their cultural tradition and the religious elements which belong to it. Focusing on the people's intentions which make Islam a religion rather than a social system or ideology enables Islam to be understood from the perspective of religious studies.  相似文献   

伊斯兰教在中国传播、发展过程中,不断吸取中国传统文化的滋养,逐渐实现了伊斯兰教的中国化。其中,经堂教育的倡兴和发展,是伊斯兰教中国化的一个关键步骤。本文肯定了早年苏非派对经堂教育的影响以及后来排斥其影响的必然性,介绍了苏非著作列为经堂读本以及经师和经生的思想言行、生活方式受苏非主义影响的情况,讨论了中国伊斯兰教中一度出现的教争现象,探讨了苏非著作作者的道统(或教团归属),进而得出伊斯兰教中国化的几个初步的结论。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper is a reflection on the two most significant challenges that I have faced teaching the introductory course in Islam. The first is the challenge of teaching Islam after September 11, 2001, the events of which gave rise to such pedagogical questions as how much and in what ways the course syllabus should change, and in particular how we should address issues such as extremism and terrorism. The second is the challenge of being a non‐Muslim teaching Islam, which raises issues of authority (particularly when there are Muslim students in the classroom). The limitations and advantages of teaching a tradition as an outsider are explored, and strategies for compensating for the limitations are suggested. The final section of the essay explores the following question: When, if ever, can (or should) we as teachers move from explaining and analyzing the positions taken by members of a tradition to criticizing them?  相似文献   

As Islam becomes an important source for re‐assessing modern international order it needs to engage in a dialogue with its normative tradition to retrieve a relevant theology for the twenty‐first century. This paper undertakes that intellectual dialogue to evaluate the available concepts and ideas within the Islamic tradition and assess them critically to show whether they can become substantial resources for Christian‐Muslim relations in the twenty‐first century. The conclusion of the paper is that unless Muslim thinkers are willing to recognize the necessity to go beyond the epistemes provided in the classical sources, Islam will continue to remain unresponsive to the emerging pluralism in the global community today.  相似文献   

Almost two decades after the Islamic revolution of 1979, the quest of Iranians for a distinct religious identity produced a new socio-political movement, which incorporated a pluralistic rhetoric in the name of reform. Since the presidential elections of May 1997, an intensifying fascination has emerged with exposing the internal diversities of the Islamic nation via a language of critique. The June 2001 elections confirmed the popular desire for reform. This reform movement has given voice to the needs and desires of so-far peripheral groups (youth, women, intellectuals, artists and ethnic minorities, etc.), who tend to appropriate Islam in order to come into public life as active protagonists. Recent discursive developments in Iran demonstrate the real possibility of the public expression of dissent within the constraints of Islamic politics. This paper is meant to offer an overview of how new intellectual interpretations of Islamic tradition in Iran since 1997 are contributing to cultural, social and political critique, within a public sphere defined by Islam.  相似文献   

The subject of Islam and politics raises problems of definition and categorisation of its religio‐ideological content and of the different groups and parties which uphold that Islam and politics are inextricably linked. There is a general consensus in the more recent literature on Islam that Islam is not monolithic. There are frequent references to the ‘variety of Islams’, ‘the Islam of the state’, ‘the Islam of radical Islamist groups’ and ‘sufi and popular Islam’. But is it so ordered? Have we gone from one extreme, that of defining Islam as monolithic, and replaced it with a set of rigid and compartmentalized notions of the different spheres and interpretations of Islam? It appears that the perceptions and practice of Islam are much more fluid and tend to overlap and that there is a common and integrated world‐view amongst Muslims that can be delineated.  相似文献   

本文根据史料文献,从教派组织制度、信仰礼仪等方面考察分析中国伊斯兰教历史上的教派归属问题。认为逊尼派(Sunni)在中国伊斯兰教中始终居主流地位,但什叶派(Shi‘ah)教义主张也曾获得流传,不过在中国伊斯兰教中教派分歧始终不明显。  相似文献   

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