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This study investigated the influence of pitch body tilt on judging the possibility of passing under high obstacles in the presence of an illusory horizontal self-motion. Seated subjects tilted at various body orientations were asked to estimate the possibility of passing under a projected bar (i.e., a parking barrier), while imagining a forward whole-body displacement normal to gravity. This task was performed under two visual conditions, providing either no visual surroundings or a translational horizontal optic flow that stopped just before the barrier appeared. The results showed a main overestimation of the possibility of passing under the bar in both cases and most importantly revealed a strong influence of body orientation despite the visual specification of horizontal self-motion by optic flow (i.e., both visual conditions yielded a comparable body tilt effect). Specifically, the subjective passability was proportionally deviated towards the body tilt by 46% of its magnitude when facing a horizontal optic flow and 43% without visual surroundings. This suggests that the egocentric attraction exerted by body tilt when referring the subjective passability to horizontal self-motion still persists even when anchoring horizontally related visual cues are displayed. These findings are discussed in terms of interaction between spatial references. The link between the reliability of available sensory inputs and the weight attributed to each reference is also addressed.  相似文献   

To overcome certain disadvantages of the tilted-mirror situation as a technique for separating visual and postural determinants of the perceived upright, a new procedure was developed. The S was presented with a small tilted room, on the back wall of which was a rod which he had to adjust to the true upright. In a first test, judgments of the rod were obtained with body upright, and under three different conditions of the field: (a) The S, standing at a distance from the tilted scene, viewed it through a tube which restricted his view to the interior of the scene. (b) The S stood directly in front of the scene without a tube. (c) The S stood at a distance from the scene, without a tube, so that he saw not only the tilted scene but the outer upright room as well. Under all three conditions the perceived vertical and horizontal were displaced significantly in the direction of the axes of the tilted scene. When an outer upright field was present, as in the third condition, the effect of the tilted scene upon the perceived upright diminished. In another experiment, judgments of the rod were obtained with body tilted, both to the same side as the field and to the opposite side. It was found that tilting the body resulted in an increased tendency to accept the tilted field as a basis for judging the upright. Not only were the perceived vertical and horizontal displaced further in the direction of the tilted scene, but a number of Ss perceived the tilted scene as fully upright. In another experiment there was found a tendency for the tilted scene to right itself with prolonged observation. In some cases the righting was complete, so that at the end of the observation period, the tilted scene was perceived to be fully upright. Under all conditions, striking individual differences were found in the extent to which the perceived upright was affected by the surrounding tilted field. There is evidence of considerably consistency in a person's performance under the different conditions employed.  相似文献   

It is commonly said that tall people look thinner. Here, we asked whether an illusion exists such that the taller of two equally wide stimuli looks thinner, and conversely whether the thinner of two equally tall stimuli looks taller. In five experiments, participants judged the horizontal or vertical extents of two identical bodies, rectangles, or cylinders that differed only in their vertical or horizontal extents. Our results confirmed the folk wisdom that being tall makes you look thinner. We similarly found that being thin makes you look taller, although this effect was less pronounced. The same illusion was present for filled rectangles and cylinders, but it was consistently stronger for both photographs and silhouettes of the human body, raising the question of why the human form should be more prone to this illusion.  相似文献   

Social support during an ongoing illness has been shown to be beneficial for both the provider and the receiver, but people often struggle with offering effective, appropriate support. There is a lack of communication-focused training not specifically tied to caregiving or training that is designed for all social network members of a person experiencing a chronic illness, which we call interpersonal support providers (ISPs). We conducted a concurrent mixed-methods needs assessment, surveying both ISPs and support receivers, to understand communicative challenges and inform an evidence-based intervention. Analysis of results from an online survey (Nproviders = 91, Nreceivers = 97), consisting of five open-ended and 15 quantitative items, suggests that ISPs have difficulty managing their worries and emotions while providing comfort to others, which may impact support quality. In addition, ISPs and receivers both identify “listening” as a key skill for ISPs to hone, though ISPs feel they are more skilled at listening than receivers say they are. Lastly, ISPs feel they are good at sharing information and advice, but receivers often perceive it as patronizing or unhelpful. These results will inform the creation of an intervention for everyone offering emotional, esteem, and informational support to individuals with chronic illnesses.  相似文献   

This study investigated spiral drawing performance as an indicator of fine motor function, as well as to gain insight into adaptive movement strategies used by people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Seven people with MS, nine younger controls (mean age of 20) and eight older controls (mean age of 40) drew spirals on a graphics tablet at a comfortable speed and size. Spirography (i.e., a subjective visual assessment of the static trace) revealed indications of reduced control of the pen for people with MS. Analysis of the movements showed that people with MS tended to draw the spirals slower and with less pen pressure than controls. All groups increased their speed and pressure along with spiral size, but this increase was much steeper for the controls. MS participants drew spirals with more variability around an ideal trajectory, highlighting fine motor control degradation. MS patients tended to use a smaller scaling ratio, resulting in smaller spirals for a given number of revolutions. The younger and older control groups drew the spirals in a similar manner, and age was not a significant factor in any of the analyses. It is argued that the relatively lower pressure used, and slower, smaller movements (particularly during the more difficult outer sections of the spiral) are in part an adaptive strategy used to reduce movement variability. These results demonstrate the utility of the analysis of spiral movements as an objective technique for assessing motor control degradation, which can compliment the subjective rating based on the static pen trace. As such, it can provide further insight into the biomechanical strategies used when performing fine movements.  相似文献   


Treatment for drug-induced depression usually consists of cessation or reduction of the causative agent and psychopharmacologic management. In addition, psychotherapy can be useful as an adjunctive treatment. The author presents case material related to a young woman with an inborn physical illness, who became depressed during the course of interferon treatment for a medical complication, hepatitis virus infection. In addition to the cessation of interferon and pharmacologic management, supportive psychotherapy of a psychodynamic orientation was started in order to address the patient’s low self-esteem and anxiety about her future. During the course of psychotherapy, it was understood that the premature cessation of interferon was, to her, a narcissistic injury. It was also important to explore the meanings of her inborn illness and her guilty feelings. After reviewing various formulations of depression, the author discusses the case material from an integrative perspective, which describes vicious cycles of depression.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effects of using a computer-based orientation program on organizational socialization and attitudinal outcomes. In a quasi-experimental field study, 261 newcomers either participated in a group, social-based orientation session or an individual, computer-based orientation session. Consistent with hypotheses, results indicated that participation in the computer-based orientation session led to lower levels of socialization in the more socially rich content areas, whereas the more information-based content areas were not affected. Levels of socialization mediated the effects of computer-based orientation on the more distal attitudinal outcomes of affective organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Computer-based orientation participation also negatively affected supervisor ratings of socialization. The results demonstrate the importance of newcomer orientations and socialization outcomes during organizational entry and that training method can be an important moderator of orientation practices.  相似文献   

We studied a computational model of short term memory capacity that performs a simulated running memory span task using Hebbian learning and rapid decay of connection strengths to keep recent items active for later recall. This model demonstrates recall performance similar to humans performing the same task, with a capacity limit of approximately three items and a prominent recency effect. The model also shows that this capacity depends on decay to release the model from accumulating interference. Model findings are compared with data from two behavioral experiments that used varying task demands to tax memory capacity limits. Following additional theoretical predictions from the computational model, behavioral data support that when task demands require attention to be spread too thin to keep items available for later recall, capacity limits suffer. These findings are important both for understanding the mechanisms underlying short term memory capacity, and also to memory researchers interested in the role of attention in capacity limitations.  相似文献   

In the current paper, we first evaluate the suitability of traditional serial reaction time (SRT) and artificial grammar learning (AGL) experiments for measuring implicit learning of social signals. We then report the results of a novel sequence learning task which combines aspects of the SRT and AGL paradigms to meet our suggested criteria for how implicit learning experiments can be adapted to increase their relevance to situations of social intuition. The sequences followed standard finite-state grammars. Sequence learning and consciousness of acquired knowledge were compared between 2 groups of 24 participants viewing either sequences of individually presented letters or sequences of body-posture pictures, which were described as series of yoga movements. Participants in both conditions showed above-chance classification accuracy, indicating that sequence learning had occurred in both stimulus conditions. This shows that sequence learning can still be found when learning procedures reflect the characteristics of social intuition. Rule awareness was measured using trial-by-trial evaluation of decision strategy (Dienes & Scott, 2005; Scott & Dienes, 2008). For letters, sequence classification was best on trials where participants reported responding on the basis of explicit rules or memory, indicating some explicit learning in this condition. For body-posture, classification was not above chance on these types of trial, but instead showed a trend to be best on those trials where participants reported that their responses were based on intuition, familiarity, or random choice, suggesting that learning was more implicit. Results therefore indicate that the use of traditional stimuli in research on sequence learning might underestimate the extent to which learning is implicit in domains such as social learning, contributing to ongoing debate about levels of conscious awareness in implicit learning.  相似文献   

Mental health literacy is the knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders that aid their recognition, management, or prevention, and is an important determinant of help seeking. This has relevance in suicide prevention, particularly for those with major depression, the clinical condition most frequently associated with suicidal behavior. In this study of a random and representative community sample, a vignette depicting classical features of major depression was presented to subjects along with questions related to mental health literacy. The responses of those with major depression, as delineated by the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders instrument, both with and without suicidal ideation, were compared to those of a third group of respondents. The results demonstrated that despite increased professional contact by those with major depression and suicidal ideation, there were few differences among the three groups on either open-ended or direct questions related to mental health literacy. This indicates that increased professional contact in itself was not related to increased mental health literacy, and suggests that more specific psychoeducational programs are required.  相似文献   

Visual science is currently a highly active domain, with much progress being made in fields such as colour vision, stereo vision, perception of brightness and contrast, visual illusions, etc. But the "real" mystery of visual perception remains comparatively unfathomed, or at least relegated to philosophical status: Why it is that we can see so well with what is apparently such a badly constructed visual apparatus? In this paper I will discuss several defects of vision and the classical theories of how they are overcome. I will criticize these theories and suggest an alternative approach, in which the outside world is considered as a kind of external memory store which can be accessed instantaneously by casting one's eyes (or one's attention) to some location. The feeling of the presence and extreme richness of the visual world is, under this view, a kind of illusion, created by the immediate availability of the information in this external store.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe objective of this study was to determine the effects of different visual stimuli during visual-motor illusion on sit-to-stand in people with hemiplegia following stroke.MethodsThis was a randomized crossover controlled trial. Twenty people with hemiplegia following stroke were randomly divided into groups. The video images used for visual-motor illusion were ankle dorsiflexion without resistance (standard visual-motor illusion [standard illusion]) and maximum effort dorsiflexion with resistance (power visual-motor illusion [power illusion]). People with hemiplegia following stroke underwent both illusion interventions with a 1-week washout period in between; group A started with the standard illusion intervention and group B started with the power illusion intervention. Outcomes included the sit-to-stand duration, maximum weight-bearing value, trunk movement during sit-to-stand, ankle joint movement during sit-to-stand, and active ankle dorsiflexion movement on the paralyzed side.ResultsThe angular velocity of the trunk and ankle joints increased significantly during sit-to-stand, and sit-to-stand duration decreased significantly in response only to power illusion. In addition, the change in angular velocity of active ankle dorsiflexion was significantly greater in response to power illusion than was the change in response to standard illusion.ConclusionPower illusion induces a greater improvement in paralyzed ankle dorsiflexion function than standard illusion, resulting in shorter sit-to-stand duration.  相似文献   

Maniatis LM 《Perception》2010,39(9):1175-1184
In order to convert a 2-D image to a 3-D percept, the visual system must apply constraints that maximize the chances that the result will be unique and veridical. Previously proposed constraints include one that maximizes the symmetry of the percept, and one that maximizes its compactness (Li et al, 2009 Vision Research 49 979-991). Analysis of the 3-D percepts elicited by certain 2-D forms suggests the action of an additional constraint, favoring the alignment of the surfaces and/or axis of symmetry of the perceived object with the horizontal plane.  相似文献   

Meta-stereotype refers to individuals' predictions about how their group is viewed by an outgroup rather than their own impressions about the outgroup (i.e. other-stereotype). We posited that, because of their inferential nature, meta-stereotypes can be affected by evaluational aspects, and that being liked or disliked can evoke reciprocal feelings toward the outgroup. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether meta-stereotypes are predictive of implicitly measured attitudes toward an outgroup by focusing on the Japanese meta-stereotype of Koreans. Japanese participants answered questions about their meta- and other-stereotype of Koreans and completed the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to assess their attitudes toward Koreans relative to their ingroup. The results indicated that meta-stereotypes, particularly those for negative items, were related to the IAT-assessed relative attitudes toward the outgroup, whereas other-stereotypes were not. The indicative aspects of meta-stereotypes with respect to attitudes toward outgroups are discussed.  相似文献   

Paralleling the recent work by Reichle, Reineberg, and Schooler (2010), we explore the use of eye movements as an objective measure of mind wandering while participants performed a reading task. Participants were placed in a self-classified probe-caught mind wandering paradigm while their eye movements were recorded. They were randomly probed every 2–3 min and were required to indicate whether their mind had been wandering. The results show that eye movements were generally less complex when participants reported mind wandering episodes, with both duration and frequency of within-word regressions, for example, becoming significantly reduced. This is consistent with the theoretical claim that the cognitive processes that normally influence eye movements to enhance semantic processing during reading exert less control during mind wandering episodes.  相似文献   

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