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The technique of minimizing information (infomin) has been commonly employed as a general method for both choosing and updating a subjective probability function. We argue that, in a wide class of cases, the use of infomin methods fails to cohere with our standard conception of rational degrees of belief. We introduce the notion of a deceptive updating method and argue that non-deceptiveness is a necessary condition for rational coherence. Infomin has been criticized on the grounds that there are no higher order probabilities that ??support?? it, but the appeal to higher order probabilities is a substantial assumption that some might reject. Our elementary arguments from deceptiveness do not rely on this assumption. While deceptiveness implies lack of higher order support, the converse does not, in general, hold, which indicates that deceptiveness is a more objectionable property. We offer a new proof of the claim that infomin updating of any strictly-positive prior with respect to conditional-probability constraints is deceptive. In the case of expected-value constraints, infomin updating of the uniform prior is deceptive for some random variables but not for others. We establish both a necessary condition and a sufficient condition (which extends the scope of the phenomenon beyond cases previously considered) for deceptiveness in this setting. Along the way, we clarify the relation which obtains between the strong notion of higher order support, in which the higher order probability is defined over the full space of first order probabilities, and the apparently weaker notion, in which it is defined over some smaller parameter space. We show that under certain natural assumptions, the two are equivalent. Finally, we offer an interpretation of Jaynes, according to which his own appeal to infomin methods avoids the incoherencies discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

We introduce a general framework for reasoning with prioritized propositional data by aggregation of distance functions. Our formalism is based on a possible world semantics, where conclusions are drawn according to the most ‘plausible’ worlds (interpretations), namely: the worlds that are as ‘close’ as possible to the set of premises, and, at the same time, are as ‘faithful’ as possible to the more reliable (or important) information in this set. This implies that the consequence relations that are induced by our framework are derived from a pre-defined metric on the space of interpretations, and inferences are determined by a ranking function applied to the premises. We study the basic properties of the entailment relations that are obtained by this framework, and relate our approach to other methods of maintaining incomplete and inconsistent information, most specifically in the contexts of (iterated) belief revision, consistent query answering in database systems, and integration of prioritized data sources.  相似文献   

Targets presented just beyond arm's reach look closer when observers intend to touch them with a reach-extending tool rather than without the tool. This finding is one of several that suggest that a person's ability to act influences perceived distance to objects. However, some critics have argued that apparent action effects were actually due to effects on the judgments rather than on the perception. In other words, the target does not actually look closer, but participants report that it is. To help counter this argument, the current experiments used an indirect measure of perceived distance: Participants reported perceived shape or perceived parallelism. The results revealed that triangles looked shorter and lines looked more horizontal to participants who reached with a tool, and therefore could reach the targets, than they did to participants who reached without the tool. These results demonstrate convergence across multiple types of judgments, a finding that undermines alternative, judgment-based accounts and suggests that the ability to reach an object changes the perceived distance to the object.  相似文献   

By adjusting the orientation of, and separation between, two free-standing dots, Ss indicated directions and distances associated with the Poggendorff display (a transversal interrupted by parallel lines). Judged distance between parallels (with transversal absent) increased slightly when additional interior parallels were added; this Oppel effect can be interpreted as contour repulsion. Errors in judging the orientation of an actual transversal segment were too small to account for the Poggendorff effect. The usual large errors occurred for estimates of the orientation of the missing transversal segment between the parallel lines. Cognitive mistracking adequately describes the Poggendorff effect. Mistracking is a function of the angle subtended between transversal and parallels, and of the orientation of the entire display.  相似文献   

6 non-runners and 6 distance runners were compared for ability to increase heart rates voluntarily using biofeedback. There was no difference between the groups on that ability, but runners were significantly more accurate in ability to estimate the magnitude of the cardiac changes which occurred.  相似文献   

The codability of kinesthetic location and distance information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A study is reported of gender differences in a haptic version of three Piagetian tests that assess understanding of Euclidian space. A raised-line drawing kit was used both for subject responses and for production of stimuli. To test understanding of the horizontal, subjects felt pictures of a jar at four tilts and were asked to draw the water line. Two methods were used to examine understanding of the vertical. First, subjects drew a hanging electrical cord and light bulb, attached to the ceiling of a bus, parked on hills of four different angles. Subsequently, subjects drew telephone poles (represented by a single line) on hills of four different angles. In the jar task, males and females showed comparable performance, both groups showing large errors. Judgments of the vertical were very similar for males and females in the bus task, but errors diminished considerably for both genders when subjects drew telephone poles on hills. It is suggested that better judgments of the vertical in the pole task probably derive from the use of body-centered spatial reference information.  相似文献   

Handwriting recognition presents a problem for most theories of letter perception. How do people accurately discriminate letters given the variability in handwritten forms? We propose that perceivers detect and capitalize on information relating to production inherent in the static trace of the handwritten letter. In an "implicit detection" task, subjects' ability to detect stroke direction in a series of handwritten characters was found to be influenced by the particular drawing method used to generate the stimuli. Similar results were obtained in an "explicit detection" task in which the subjects were asked to speculate on the drawing method used to generate the samples. Our findings suggest that perceivers are able to extract information relating to production from the static trace. We propose that they can then use this information in conjunction with their knowledge of a common production process, shared by both producers and perceivers, to aid character recognition.  相似文献   

The role of visual imagery in short-term retention of movement end locations and distances was examined by comparing performances of subjects with extreme scores on the space relations section of the Differential Aptitude Test. Twelve HIGHS and twelve LOWS were tested on reproduction accuracy of six distances and six end locations immediately following presentation a 30-sec rest, a 30 sec imaginal rehearsal condition, and a 30-sec imaginal distraction condition. Initial analysis of the data provided little support for the hypothesis that HIGHS would reproduce criterion locations with more accuracy than LOWS. However, when scores of HIGHS reporting use of an imaginal coding strategy (HIGHS) were compared with LOWS who did not (LOWS), several expected findings were disclosed. HIGHS reproduced end locations with significantly less error in the immediate and imaginal rehearsal conditions, and as expected, accuracy scores for HIGHS and LOWS did not differ for the distance task. The findings suggest that when subjects employ an imaginal coding strategy, visual imagery ability may be an important factor in the retention of location information, but of little functional significance in the recall of distance.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated using the “silent-center” (SC) syllable paradigm that there is sufficient information in syllable onsets and offsets,taken together, to support accurate identification of vowels spoken in both citation-form syllables and syllables spoken in sentence context. Using edited natural speech stimuli, the present study examined the identification of American English vowels when increasing amounts of syllable onsetsalone or syllable offsetsalone were presented in their original sentence context. The stimuli were /d/-vowel-/d/ syllables spoken in a short carrier sentence by a male speaker. Listeners attempted to identify the vowels in experimental conditions that differed in the number of pitch periods presented and whether the pitch periods were from syllable onsets or syllable off-sets. In general, syllable onsets were more informative than syllable offsets, although neither onsets nor offsets alone specified vowel identity as well as onsets and offsets together (SC syllables). Vowels differed widely in ease of identification; the diphthongized long vowels /e/, /ae/, /o/ were especially difficult to identify from syllable offsets. Identification of vowels as “front” or “back” was accurate, even from short samples of the syllable; however, vowel "height" was quite difficult to determine, again, especially from syllable offsets. The results emphasize the perceptual importance of time-varying acoustic parameters, which are the direct consequence of the articulatory dynamics involved in producing syllables.  相似文献   

Five experiments are reported in which subjects judged the movement or spatial location of a visible object that underwent a combination of real and induced (illusory) motion. When subjects attempted to reproduce the distance that the object moved by moving their unseen hands, they were more affected by the illusion than when they pointed to the object's perceived final location. Furthermore, pointing to the final location was more affected by the illusion when the hand movement began from the same position as that at which the object initially appeared, as compared with responses that began from other positions. The results suggest that people may separately encode two distinct types of spatial information: (1) information about the distance moved by an object and (2) information about the absolute spatial location of the object. Information about distance is more susceptible to the influence of an induced motion illusion, and people appear to rely differentially on the different types of spatial information, depending on features of the pointing response. The results have important implications for the mechanisms that underlie spatially oriented behavior in general.  相似文献   

In Johansson and Börjesson (1989), a new theory of visual space perception—the optic sphere theory—was presented in which the hemispheric shape of the retina is utilized for determination of slant of plane surfaces in wide-angle perception. The process of the optic sphere mechanism can be described as the projection of a translating distal line on the optic sphere, and an extrapolation of this projection to a great circle. The determination of the 3-D slant of the distal line is made by identification of points of no change on the great circle during its rotation. The main objective of the present study was to investigate this process as applied to central stimulation of the retina with reduced and minimal information of slant or horizontal orientation. Each stimulus pattern consisted of either two continuous lines or two pairs of dots in motion presented on a computer screen. The pairwise lines and the pairs of dots defined simulated 3-D slants (or horizontal orientations) of different magnitude within each pair, and the subjects' task was to discriminate between these simulated slants. It was shown that the simulations evoke percepts of 3-D slants, and of horizontal orientations, and that it is possible to discriminate between them even from minimal information (pairs of dots). Further, the empirical findings of Börjesson (1994) indicated that longer extrapolations of the projected arc to a point of no change yield less accurate discriminations of slant. We failed to replicate this in Experiment 4, in which case stimulus variables that covaried with extrapolation length were eliminated or minimized. It is suggested that this raises some doubt about discrimination accuracy as dependent on extrapolation length per se. The overall conclusion, however, is that the optic sphere theory represents a possible explanation of, or analogy to, the process utilized by the visual system for determination of the simulated 3-D slants and horizontal orientations in the present study.  相似文献   

Recognition probes given before or after a series of letters presented at varying rates were used to evaluate perception and memory loss of order and item information. For both order and item information pre- and postprobe functions converged at fast rates of presentation. Performance decrement at fast rates is attributable to perceptual factors and is greater for order than for item information.  相似文献   

A 2×2 factorial design requiring judgments of interobject distance was utilized which separated the effects of magnification per se from the concomitant truncation of the visual field normally effected by optically produced magnification. Only the main effect of magnification was significant, and this was much less than the decreases optically specified by the decreased perspective and texture gradients.  相似文献   

The sound pressure level of vowels reflects several nonlinguistic and linguistic factors: distance from the speaker, vocal effort, and vowel quality. Increased vocal effort also involves the emphasis of higher frequency components and increases in F0 and F1. This should allow listeners to distinguish it from decreased distance, which does not have these additional effects. It is shown that listeners succeed in doing so on the basis of single vowels if phonated, but not if whispered, and that they compensate for most of the between-vowel variation in level. The results obtained when listeners had to estimate vocal effort as well as distance suggest that an analysis of an utterance takes place at an early stage in auditory processing, before memories of episodes are stored.  相似文献   

Perception of rotated forms: a theory of information types   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present article proposes a theory of form perception in an attempt to understand puzzling problems in mental rotation and in perception of forms rotated in the frontal-parallel plane. According to the theory, it is critical to distinguish four types of information. They result from the orthogonal combination of two binary distinctions: information can be orientation-free or orientation-bound, elementary or conjunctive. The theory provides an explanation as to when and why mental rotation has to be performed. If two forms can be discriminated only on the basis of conjunctive orientation-bound information, mental rotation or some other functionally equivalent strategy is required. Mental rotation is unnecessary if the forms differ in either type of orientation-free information, provided that the difference is actually encoded as such. This explanation along with the proposed distinctions among the four types of information was supported by two mental rotation experiments and three visual search experiments.  相似文献   

为探讨社会合作信息对距离知觉的影响,本研究通过两个实验,采用动态追逐场景,对两个追逐者之间的交互模式(或合作或单独追逐同一目标)与追逐目标的存在与否进行了操作。结果发现,相比随机运动和单独追逐,存在合作关系的两个追逐者间的距离被知觉得更远,即存在距离的扩张效应(实验1),且该效应不能由底层的物理特征所解释(实验2)。该结果揭示,社会合作信息使得知觉距离被扩张,其可帮助理解视觉的适应性机制。  相似文献   

Summary A common concern for both cognitive/computational and ecological/dynamical models of human motor control is the isolation of the minimal essential information needed to support skilled perception and action. In perception isolating essential features of the optic flow field, which are reliably informative regarding the nature of current events, from nonessential features provides a valuable step towards understanding how the computational complexity of perceptual information processing may be reduced to manageable levels and how relatively direct linkages of low dimensionality may be established between information and control variables. Likewise, in the study of action, discrimination of the movement features that remain immutable (invariant?) across changes in task conditions from the variables that are situationally determined provides a principled insight into the structural framework upon which skilled movement is built. Controversy abounds, however, in the study of perception and action as to whether features isolated as informative and immutable are centrally represented (in the form of a template or program) or are rather directly picked up (in the case of perceptual variables) or are simply an emergent consequence of the underlying dynamics (in the case of action variables). In this paper some examples of putative minimal essential information sources in perception and action are provided, strategies for uncovering such sources are discussed, and attention is directed, with the use of some recent data collected on natural skills, to some systematic expert-novice differences in the utilization of essential information and control variables. Expert-novice differences are highlighted because of the insight they may provide regarding the nature of perceptual-motor skill acquisition.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated using the "silent-center" (SC) syllable paradigm that there is sufficient information in syllable onsets and offsets, taken together, to support accurate identification of vowels spoken in both citation-form syllables and syllables spoken in sentence context. Using edited natural speech stimuli, the present study examined the identification of American English vowels when increasing amounts of syllable onsets alone or syllable offsets alone were presented in their original sentence context. The stimuli were /d/-vowel-/d/ syllables spoken in a short carrier sentence by a male speaker. Listeners attempted to identify the vowels in experimental conditions that differed in the number of pitch periods presented and whether the pitch periods were from syllable onsets or syllable offsets. In general, syllable onsets were more informative than syllable offsets, although neither onsets nor offsets alone specified vowel identity as well as onsets and offsets together (SC syllables). Vowels differed widely in ease of identification; the diphthongized long vowels /e/, /ae/, /o/ were especially difficult to identify from syllable offsets. Identification of vowels as "front" or "back" was accurate, even from short samples of the syllable; however, vowel "height" was quite difficult to determine, again, especially from syllable offsets. The results emphasize the perceptual importance of time-varying acoustic parameters, which are the direct consequence of the articulatory dynamics involved in producing syllables.  相似文献   

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