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In Experiments 1 and 2 first-, third-, and seventh-grade children and college subjects circled the letter a while reading passages constructed of words familiar to first graders. First graders made more errors on the letter a embedded in a word than on the word a, whereas the converse was true of the other age groups. In Experiments 3 and 4 first-, second-, fourth-, and seventh-grade children and college students read passages and circled the letter t, making more errors on the common word the than on other words and on correctly spelled than on misspelled words. The effect of misspelling the other words increased with age and reading skill. Our combined results suggest that reading unit size increases with age and reading ability and that, whereas younger children, like adults, unitize common words, the unitization of less common words increases as word configurations become more familiar.  相似文献   

Cheal JL  Rutherford MD 《Perception》2010,39(11):1514-1525
Past research showing categorical perception of emotional facial expressions has relied on identification and discrimination tasks that require an explicit response via keypress. Here we report a new paradigm for investigating the category boundary of emotional facial expressions that, instead, relies on an implicit response--eye direction. Participants were trained to expect a target stimulus on a particular side of the monitor, predicted by an emotional expression on a face image. An eye-tracker then recorded eye movements of participants as they viewed novel intermediate facial-expression stimuli. Anticipatory eye movement was taken as evidence of categorisation. Results from two experiments suggest that this implicit method can be used to determine category boundaries, and that the boundaries found with this method are similar to those found with the keypress response.  相似文献   

Human brain activity time-locked to narrative event boundaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Readers structure narrative text into a series of events in order to understand and remember the text. In this study, subjects read brief narratives describing everyday activities while brain activity was recorded with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Subjects later read the stories again to divide them into large and small events. During the initial reading, points later identified as boundaries between events were associated with transient increases in activity in a number of brain regions whose activity was mediated by changes in the narrated situation, such as changes in characters' goals. These results indicate that the segmentation of narrated activities into events is a spontaneous part of reading, and that this process of segmentation is likely dependent on neural responses to changes in the narrated situation.  相似文献   

Boundaries between meaningful events are key moments in comprehending human action. At these points, viewers may focus on the event's contents at the expense of other information. We tested whether visual detection was impaired at those moments perceivers judged to be boundaries between events. Short animated football clips were used as stimulus material, and event boundaries were imposed by having the ball change possession. In a first experiment, we found that possession changes were perceived to be event boundaries. In a second experiment, participants were asked to keep track of 4 of 10 players and to watch for 120 ms probes appearing either at an event boundary or a nonboundary. Probe detection was less accurate at event boundaries. This result suggests that the segmentation of ongoing activity into events corresponds with the regulation of attention over time.  相似文献   



In a sample of 171 participants aged 6 to 18, the present investigation assessed the changes in the size of the Stroop effect with age, and its relationship with the development of expectancies.


Experiment 1 consisted in four separated tasks, involving naming print colors or reading color words in either a purely neutral or mixed incongruent/neutral condition. Experiment 2 examined changes in the effect of expectation on color naming and word reading processes with age. We manipulated the stimulus set size (from three to seven different neutral stimuli to name or read per condition) in a neutral word-reading and a neutral color-naming task.


As expected, color naming and word reading develop with age, as revealed by decreased response times. More surprisingly, the magnitude of the Stroop effect was similar across age groups. No reversed Stroop effects were observed (Experiment 1). Moreover, increasing the number of different colors to be named slowed color-naming, but did not impact word reading latencies (Experiment 2).


A reduction of the cost associated with increasing neutral stimulus set size with age was also observed, revealing the development of expectation processes. The regression analysis linking the data of the two experiments confirmed the impact of expectancies on color-naming but not on word reading. The analysis also supported the idea that the Stroop effect is in part due to expectation.  相似文献   

Subjects read passages of prose, canceling targets that were visual (letters), acoustic (phonemes), or semantic (words of a specified category). Each of the targets occurred singly and in all possible double and triple combinations. Comparison of the search times reveals that semantic processing adds little or no extra time when combined with acoustic or with visual and acoustic searches, i.e., it occurs in parallel. Other combinations of processing yield search times that are slightly faster than a serial model would predict and are best interpreted as reflecting an overlapping sequence of operations.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of text difficulty on cognitive capacity demands. In Experiment 1, subjects read easy and difficult text when a secondary task was either present or absent. Text was presented one word at a time, and rereading was prevented by erasing each word after it had been read. Prior studies have indicated that cognitive capacity demands decrease as text difficulty increases (e.g., Britton, Westbrook, & Holdredge, 1978). In contrast to this, the main results of Experiment 1 revealed shorter visual-probe-detection times during the reading of easy text than during the reading of difficult text. Analyses of word-reading times showed that difficult text was read slower than easy text, irrespective of probe application. Experiment 2 compared visual-probe detection with auditory-probe detection. The results again showed shorter probe reaction times during the reading of easy text than during the reading of difficult text, irrespective of probe type. There were, however, effects of probe type on the reading time of words following the visual probe. The results were taken as evidence that the reading of difficult text requires more capacity than the reading of easy text and that probes may incur modality-specific and modality-independent capacity demands.  相似文献   

How well can a sequence of frames be represented by a subset of the frames? Video sequences of American Sign Language (ASL) were investigated in two modes: dynamic (ordinary video) and static (frames printed side by side on the display). An activity index was used to choose critical frames at event boundaries, times when the difference between successive frames is at a local minimum. Sign intelligibility was measured for 32 experienced ASL signers who viewed individual signs. For full gray-scale dynamic signs activity-index subsampling yielded sequences that were significantly more intelligible than when every mth frame was chosen. This result was even more pronounced for static images. For binary images, the relative advantage of activity subsampling was smaller. We conclude that event boundaries can be defined computationally and that subsampling from event boundaries is better than choosing at regular intervals.  相似文献   

Maintaining global coherence in reading: The role of sentence boundaries   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In four experiments, we examined the reinstatement of backgrounded information in locally coherent passages, investigating the influence of syntactic boundaries, such as periods, on the time course of this process. In Experiment 1, using a line-by-line reading paradigm, readers were delayed in noticing a contradiction on a target line when the sentence continued onto a posttarget line. Consistent with this, in Experiments 2A and 2B, the results of a recognition probe demonstrated that relevant concepts from long-term memory were not integrated immediately unless the contradiction was followed by a period. Experiment 3 demonstrated that sentence boundaries are sufficient to facilitate the integration of related background information but are not necessary; additional time served the same purpose. Consistent with a memory-based text-processing framework, it appears that the reactivation of related information is initiated automatically but that an integration stage is influenced by such factors as syntactic boundaries.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated whether lexical complexity increases a word’s processing time. Subjects read sentences, each containing a target word, while their eye movements were monitored. In experiment 1, mean fixation time on infrequent words was longer than on their more frequent controls, as was the first fixation after the Infrequent Target. Fixation Times on Causative, factive, and negative verbs and ambiguous nouns were no longer than on their controls. Further analyses on the ambiguous nouns, however, suggested that the likelihood of their various meanings affected fixation time. This factor was investigated in experiment 2. subjects spent a longer time fixating ambiguous words with two equally likely meanings than fixating ambiguous words with one highly likely meaning. The results suggest that verb complexity does not affect lexical access time, and that word frequency And the presence of two highly likely meanings may affect lexical access and/or postaccess integration.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether people can use their knowledge of the wider discourse rapidly enough to anticipate specific upcoming words as a sentence is unfolding. In an event-related brain potential (ERP) experiment, subjects heard Dutch stories that supported the prediction of a specific noun. To probe whether this noun was anticipated at a preceding indefinite article, stories were continued with a gender-marked adjective whose suffix mismatched the upcoming noun's syntactic gender. Prediction-inconsistent adjectives elicited a differential ERP effect, which disappeared in a no-discourse control experiment. Furthermore, in self-paced reading, prediction-inconsistent adjectives slowed readers down before the noun. These findings suggest that people can indeed predict upcoming words in fluent discourse and, moreover, that these predicted words can immediately begin to participate in incremental parsing operations.  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects searching for the letter t in passages that contained some misspellings made many more errors on the word the than on other correctly spelled words. Accuracy increased dramatically when the word the and the other words containing t were misspelled, even when the misspelled word was the same shape as the original. These findings define a word-inferiority effect, which stands in contrast to the superior perception of letters in words over nonwords commonly found in tachistoscopic studies. In a third experiment, subjects searched for the letter n in passages typed normally or typed with all interword spaces replaced by the symbol +. Detection errors on the word and were greatly reduced when the interword spaces were replaced by +s, but errors on other words, including those ending in the suffix morpheme -ing, were not affected by this manipulation. These results suggest that frequent function words are processed in terms of reading units that are larger than the letter and include the interword spaces.  相似文献   

We propose and test a framework that describes the relationship between network structures and job performance. We provide an integration of the current conceptualizations of social capital as they pertain to job performance outcomes by taking a multi-dimensional view of job performance. We break down job performance into creativity, decision-making, task execution, and teamwork, and distinguish the effect of structural holes within and across the organizational boundary on these four job performance domains. In an analysis of 318 managers, we find that networks rich in structural holes that cross the organizational boundary had a positive association with creativity and decision-making, whereas networks with few structural holes within the organization had a positive association with task execution and teamwork. We discuss the theoretical implications for integrating the social capital, boundary spanning, and network structure literatures, as well as the practical benefits of giving much more precise advice to managers and employees regarding how to use networks to improve performance at work.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported in which subjects read and recalled two paragraphs of text which could be consistently related, inconsistent or unrelated. Recall biasses associated with directly primed inconsistency are described (Experimen I) and they are dependent upon attempts to integrate the whole text (Experiment II). The biasses are attributed to editing processes occurring during acquisition (Experiment III).  相似文献   

The present study investigated the importance of Event Boundaries for 16- and 20-month-olds’ (n = 80) memory for cartoons. The infants watched one out of two cartoons with ellipses inserted covering the screen for 3 s either at Event Boundaries or at Non-Boundaries. After a two-week delay both cartoons (one familiar and one novel) were presented simultaneously without ellipses while eye-tracking the infants. According to recent evidence a familiarity preference was expected. However, following Event Segmentation Theory ellipses at Event Boundaries were expected to cause greater disturbance of the encoding and hence a weaker memory trace evidenced by reduced familiarity preference, relative to ellipses at Non-Boundaries. The results suggest that overall this was the case, documenting the importance of Boundaries for infant memory. Furthermore, planned analyses revealed that whereas the same pattern was found when looking at the 20-month-old infants, no significant difference was found between the two conditions in the youngest age-group.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine if the relatively strong negative affect generated by anticipation of pain from exposure to aversive stimulation would give rise to an instigation to aggression and accompanying feelings of annoyance-irritation-anger. The 45 undergraduate women in the study were required to immerse their nondominant hand in water as they administered reward and punishment to a fellow student, supposedly as an evaluation of that person's solutions to assigned problems. In two-thirds of the cases the water temperature was unpleasantly cold, while it was much more tolerable in temperature for the remaining subjects. Half of the participants in the cold water condition and all of those in the more tolerable water temperature group has been led to expect the possibility of pain as they kept their hand in the water, whereas the remaining women (exposed to the cold water) had been alerted only to the physical sensations they would have. In accord with the findings obtained in an earlier experiment by Leventhal, Brown, Sacham, and Enquist (1979), the subjects in the cold water group expecting that they might feel pain reported experiencing the greatest discomfort. Further, consistent with Berkowitz's analysis of anger and angry aggression, these participants also reported the strongest feelings of annoyance-irritation-anger and were most punitive to the available target even though they could not attribute their discomfort to this person.  相似文献   

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