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Point-light walkers have been useful to study the contribution of form and motion to biological motion perception by manipulating the lifetime, number, or spatial distribution of the light points. Recent studies have also manipulated the light points themselves, replacing them with small images of objects. This manipulation degraded the recognizability of biological motion, particularly for local images of human bodies. This result suggests an interference of body form information in the local images with the body form analysis necessary for global biological motion recognition at the global level. We further explored this interference with respect to its selectivity for body orientation and motion. Participants had to either discriminate the facing direction (left/right) or the walking direction (forward/backward) of a global walker composed of local stick figures that could face left or right and either stand still or walk forward or backward. Local stick figures interfered stronger with the facing direction task if they were facing in the same direction as the global walker. Walking (forward/backward/static) of the stick figures influenced neither the facing direction task nor the walking direction task. We conclude that the interference is highly specific since it concerns not only the category (human form), but even the facing direction.  相似文献   

We addressed the issue of how display orientation affects the perception of biological motion. In Experiment 1, spontaneous recognition of a point-light walker improved abruptly with image-plane display rotation from inverted to upright orientation. Within a range of orientations from 180 degrees to 90 degrees, it was dramatically impeded. Using ROC analysis, we showed (Experiments 2 and 3) that despite prior familiarization with a point-light figure at all orientations, its detectability within a mask decreased with a change in orientation from upright to a range of 90 degrees-180 degrees. In Experiment 4, a priming effect in biological motion was observed only if a prime corresponded to a range of deviations from upright orientation within which the display was spontaneously recognizable. The findings indicate that display orientation nonmonotonically affects the perception of biological motion. Moreover, top-down influence on the perception of biological motion is limited by display orientation.  相似文献   

Humans can readily perceive biological motion from point-light (PL) animations, which create an image of a moving human figure by tracing the trajectories of a small number of light points affixed to a moving human body. We have applied ideal observer analysis to a standard biological motion discrimination task involving either full-figure or PL displays. Contrary to current dogma, we find that PL animations can be rich inpotential stimulus information but that human observers are remarkably inefficient at exploiting this information. Although our findings do not discount the utility of PL animation, they do provide a realistic measure of the computational challenge posed by biological motion perception.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined how observers' ability to perceive biological motion changes with increasing age. The observers discriminated among kinetic figures, depicting walking, jogging, and skipping. The direction, duration, and temporal correspondence of the motions were manipulated. Quantitative differences occurred between the recognition performances of younger and older observers, but these differences were often modest. The older and younger observers' performances were comparable for most conditions at stimulus durations of 400 ms. The older observers also performed well above chance at shorter durations of 240 and 120 ms. Unlike their performance on other 2- or 3-dimensional motion tasks, older observers' ability to perceive biological motion is relatively well preserved.  相似文献   

To understand the visual analysis of biological motion, subjects viewed dynamic, stick figure renditions of a walker, car, or scissors through apertures. As a result of the aperture problem, the motion of each visible edge was ambiguous. Subjects readily identified the human figure but were unable to identify the car or scissors through invisible apertures. Recognition was orientation specific and robust across a range of stimulus durations, and it benefited from limb orientation cues. The results support the theory that the visual system performs spatially global analyses to interpret biological motion displays.  相似文献   

More than 30 years ago, Johansson was the first to show that humans are capable of recovering information about the identity and activity of animate creatures rapidly and reliably from very sparse visual inputs – the phenomenon of biological motion. He filmed human actors in a dark setting with just a few strategic points on the body marked by lights – so-called moving light displays (MLDs). Subjects viewing the MLDs reported a vivid impression of moving human forms, and were even able to tell the activity in which the perceived humans were engaged. Subsequently, the phenomenon has been widely studied and many attempts have been made to model and to understand it. Typical questions that arise are: How precisely is the sparse low-level information integrated over space and time to produce the global percept, and how important is world knowledge (e.g., about animal form, locomotion, gravity, etc.)? In an attempt to answer such questions, we have implemented a machine-perception model of biological motion. If the computational model can replicate human data then it might offer clues as to how humans achieve the task. In particular, if it can do so with no or minimal world knowledge then this knowledge cannot be essential to the perception of biological motion. To provide human data for training and against which to assess the model, an extensive psychophysical experiment was undertaken in which 93 subjects were shown 12 categories of MLDs (e.g., normal, walking backwards, inverted, random dots, etc.) and were asked to indicate the presence or absence of natural human motion. Machine perception models were then trained on normal sequences as positive data and random sequences as negative data. Two models were used: a k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) classifier as an exemplar of ‘lazy’ learning and a back-propagation neural network as an exemplar of ‘eager’ learning. We find that the k-NN classifier is better able to model the human data but it still fails to represent aspects of knowledge about body shape (especially how relative joint positions change under rotation) that appear to be important to human judgements.  相似文献   

Biological motion perception can be assessed using a variety of tasks. In the present study, 8- to 11-year-old children born prematurely at very low birth weight (<1500 g) and matched, full-term controls completed tasks that required the extraction of local motion cues, the ability to perceptually group these cues to extract information about body structure, and the ability to carry out higher order processes required for action recognition and person identification. Preterm children exhibited difficulties in all 4 aspects of biological motion perception. However, intercorrelations between test scores were weak in both full-term and preterm children—a finding that supports the view that these processes are relatively independent. Preterm children also displayed more autistic-like traits than full-term peers. In preterm (but not full-term) children, these traits were negatively correlated with performance in the task requiring structure-from-motion processing, r(30) = ?.36, p < .05), but positively correlated with the ability to extract identity, r(30) = .45, p < .05). These findings extend previous reports of vulnerability in systems involved in processing dynamic cues in preterm children and suggest that a core deficit in social perception/cognition may contribute to the development of the social and behavioral difficulties even in members of this population who are functioning within the normal range intellectually. The results could inform the development of screening, diagnostic, and intervention tools.  相似文献   

Prior knowledge about display inversion in biological motion perception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pavlova M  Sokolov A 《Perception》2003,32(8):937-946
Display inversion severely impedes veridical perception of point-light biological motion (Pavlova and Sokolov, 2000 Perception & Psychophysics 62 889-899; Sumi, 1984 Perception 13 283-286). Here, by using a spontaneous-recognition paradigm, we ask whether prior information about display orientation improves biological motion perception. Participants were shown a set of 180 degrees inverted point-light stimuli depicting a human walker and quadrupeds (dogs). In experiment 1, one group of observers was not aware of the orientation of stimuli, whereas the other group was told beforehand that stimuli will be presented upside down. In experiment 2, independent groups of participants informed about stimulus orientation saw the same set of stimuli, in each of which either a moving or a static background line was inserted. The findings indicate that information about display inversion is insufficient for reliable recognition of inverted point-light biological motion. Instead, prior information facilitates display recognition only when it is complemented by additional contextual elements. It appears that visual impressions from inverted point-light stimuli remain impenetrable with respect to one's knowledge about display orientation. The origins of orientation specificity in biological motion perception are discussed in relation to the recent neuroimaging data obtained with point-light stimuli and fragmented Mooney faces.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that intranasally administered oxytocin modulates several social cognitive and emotional processes in humans. In this study, we investigated the effect of oxytocin on the perception of biological motion (a walking character) and nonbiological motion (a rotating shape). The participants were 20 healthy volunteers who observed moving dots embedded among a cloud of noise (mask) dots. Sensitivity (d ) for motion detection was determined after the administration of oxytocin and placebo. The results showed that oxytocin (relative to placebo) administration increased sensitivity to biological motion but not to nonbiological motion. These results suggest that oxytocin specifically modulates the perception of socially relevant stimuli.  相似文献   

In separate studies, observers viewed upright biological motion, inverted biological motion, or arbitrary motion created from systematically randomizing the positions of point-light dots. Results showed that observers (a) could learn to detect the presence of arbitrary motion, (b) could not learn to discriminate the coherence of arbitrary motion, although they could do so for upright biological motion, (c) could apply a detection strategy to learn to detect the presence of inverted biological motion nearly as well as they detected upright biological motion, and (d) performed better discriminating the coherence of upright biological motion compared with inverted biological motion. These results suggest that learning and form information play an important role in perceiving biological motion, although this role may only be apparent in tasks that require processing information from multiple parts of the motion display.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests those with autism may be generally impaired in visual motion perception. To examine this, we investigated both coherent and biological motion processing in adolescents with autism employing both psychophysical and fMRI methods. Those with autism performed as well as matched controls during coherent motion perception but had significantly higher thresholds for biological motion perception. The autism group showed reduced posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus (pSTS), parietal and frontal activity during a biological motion task while showing similar levels of activity in MT+/V5 during both coherent and biological motion trials. Activity in MT+/V5 was predictive of individual coherent motion thresholds in both groups. Activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and pSTS was predictive of biological motion thresholds in control participants but not in those with autism. Notably, however, activity in DLPFC was negatively related to autism symptom severity. These results suggest that impairments in higher-order social or attentional networks may underlie visual motion deficits observed in autism.  相似文献   

Recent models have proposed a two-stage process of biological motion recognition. First, template or snapshot neurons estimate the body form. Then, motion is estimated from body form change. This predicts separate aftereffects for body form and body motion. We tested this prediction. Observers viewing leftward- or rightward-facing point-light walkers that walked forward or backward subsequently experienced oppositely directed aftereffects in stimuli ambiguous in the facing or the walking direction. These aftereffects did not originate from adaptation to the motion of the individual light points, because they occurred for limited-lifetime stimuli that restrict local motion. They also occurred when the adaptor displayed a random sequence of body postures that did not induce the walking motion percept. We thus conclude that biological motion gives rise to separate form and motion aftereffects and that body form representations are involved in biological motion perception.  相似文献   

《Human movement science》1986,5(2):185-206
This study tests the contributions of structural and transformational information in the perception of technical execution and aesthetic quality in gymnastics judging. A focal question was whether the quality of human movement usually called aesthetic belongs to some category different from mere transformations of position over time, i.e., kinematics. Qualified gymnastics judges (Elite/Class I and Class III) and naive observers rated 30 performances of a 30-sec pass from a compulsory balance beam routine (Class III girls). The same performances were rated for technical execution and aesthetic quality under point-light and normal viewing conditions. Within observer groups there were no differences in scores for technical execution or aesthetic quality. Correlation analyses indicated that all three groups of observers rated performances with similar trends across point-light and normal display conditions for technical execution (range 0.67–0.87). Significantly lower correlations were found for aesthetic quality within all three groups(range 0.46–0.56). Naive observers showed the highest correlations between technical execution and aesthetic quality in both point-light and normal display conditions. Results suggest that transformational information provides much of necessary information for the evaluation of technical execution and aesthetic quality although observer experience affects the pick-up of this information.  相似文献   

This study explores the perception of stimuli at two levels: local parts and the wholes that comprise these parts. Previous research has produced contradictory results. Some studies (e.g., Pomerantz & Sager, 1975) show local precedence, in which the local parts are more difficult to ignore in selective attention tasks. Other studies (e.g., Navon, 1977) have shown the opposite effect, global precedence. The present five experiments trace the causes of this discrepancy by exploring the effects of the relative discriminabilities of the local and global levels of the stimuli and the differences between two different measures of selective attention, namely, Stroop-type interference (attributable to incongruity on the irrelevant dimension) and Garner-type interference (attributable to variability on the irrelevant dimension). The experiments also examine whether the precedence effects previously examined in form perception generalize to motion perception. The results show that (a) some cases of global precedence are due solely to the greater perceptual discriminability of the global level and thus demonstrate only that more discriminable stimuli are harder to ignore; (b) instances of both local and global precedence can be demonstrated for certain types of stimuli, even when the discriminabilities of their local and global levels have been equated; and (c) the Stroop and Garner measures of selective attention are not equivalent but instead measure different types of interference. In addition, a distinction is made between two fundamentally different types of part-whole relationships that exist in visual configurations, one based only on the positions of the parts (Type P) and one based also on the nature of the parts (Type N). Previous research has focused on Type P, which appears to be irrelevant to the broader questions of Gestalt and top-down effects in perception. It is concluded that bona fide cases of both local and global precedence have been amply documented but that no general theory can account for why or when these effects will appear until we better understand both the nature of part-whole relationships and the perceptual processes that are tapped by different measures of selective attention.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigate whether reading an action-word can influence subsequent visual perception of biological motion. The participant's task was to perceptually judge whether a human action identifiable in the biological motion of a point-light display embedded in a high density mask was present or not in the visual sequence, which lasted for 633 ms on average. Prior to the judgement task, participants were exposed to an abstract verb or an action verb for 500 ms, which was related to the human action according to a congruent or incongruent semantic relation. Data analysis showed that correct judgements were not affected by action verbs, whereas a facilitation effect on response time (49 ms on average) was observed when a congruent action verb primed the judgement of biological movements. In relation with the existing literature, this finding suggests that the perception, the planning and the linguistic coding of motor action are subtended by common motor representations.  相似文献   

Previous studies reported impaired visual information processing in patients with fragile X syndrome and in premutation carriers. In this study, we assessed the perception of biological motion (a walking point-light character) and mechanical motion (a rotating shape) in 25 female fragile X premutation carriers and in 20 healthy non-carrier controls. Stimuli were moving stimulus dots embedded among a cloud of noise dots. Sensitivity (d′) for motion detection was determined. Emotional symptoms were assessed by Hamilton’s depression and anxiety rating scales. Results revealed that the premutation carriers displayed lower sensitivities for biological and mechanical motion relative to the non-carriers. This deficit was more pronounced in the case of biological stimuli. The premutation carriers displayed higher depression and anxiety scores relative to the non-carriers. Higher depression, but not anxiety, scores were associated with decreased sensitivity for biological, but not mechanical, motion in the carrier group. These results suggest that motion perception deficits are detectable in fragile X premutation carriers, and that the impairment of biological motion perception is associated with depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

Detection and recognition of point-light walking is reduced when the display is inverted, or turned upside down. This indicates that past experience influences biological motion perception. The effect could be the result of either presenting the human form in a novel orientation or presenting the event of walking in a novel orientation, as the two are confounded in the case of walking on feet. This study teased apart the effects of object and event orientation by examining detection accuracy for upright and inverted displays of a point-light figure walking on his hands. Detection of this walker was greater in the upright display, which had a familiar event orientation and an unfamiliar object orientation, than in the inverted display, which had a familiar object orientation and an unfamiliar event orientation. This finding supports accounts of event perception and recognition that are based on spatiotemporal patterns of motion associated with the dynamics of an event.  相似文献   

生物运动系在运动的生物体身的关键节点安置12~15个光点的运动痕迹形成的动画。研究表明光点生物运动包含了丰富的社会性信息,其社会性信息的识别涉及多个心理活动过程,其中大脑自上而下的知觉调控过程发挥重要作用。本研究通过两个实验探讨了表象预期在大脑自上而下调控光点生物运动性别信息识别的作用。结果发现:(1)表象预期能够加快男性生物运动的性别识别速度;想象中性形象被试倾向于将性别中立的生物运动识别为中性,而较少为男性或者女性。(2)表象预期条件和无表象预期条件下性别中立的光点生物运动性别类型识别都表现出“男性偏差”现象。(3)反应类型能够影响生物运动的性别识别。本研究有利于揭示大脑自上而下调控光点生物运动性别信息识别的心理机制。  相似文献   

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