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郭丽 《管子学刊》2010,(4):38-41
公子诸儿、公子糺、公子小白同是齐僖公的儿子;诸儿因年长而继承王位,是为齐襄公。襄公俊美多才,有图强之心。他攻打鲁国,讨伐卫国,灭掉纪国,帮助卫惠公登上王位,齐国一时强盛。齐襄公和鲁桓公于桓公十八年在泺会见,鲁桓公夫人文姜随行。齐襄公复与妹妹文姜私通,并派力士彭生杀死鲁桓公。襄公做事随意,喜怒无常,最终被公孙无知杀死。公孙无知夺得齐国王位后,亦因暴虐被杀,齐桓公登上王位。襄公的功业,为桓公称霸打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

正齐僖公有三个儿子,太子诸儿、公子纠和公子小白。公元前698年,齐僖公去世,太子诸儿继位,人称齐襄公。政治家管仲、大夫鲍叔牙分别辅佐公子纠、公子小白。一日,齐襄公忽然杀害鲁桓公,他们预感到齐国将要发生大乱,赶快保护公子纠、公子小白逃到鲁国躲避。  相似文献   

在父子互隐案例中,一般认为孔子会赞成父子互隐;但如果从礼与直、道与鲁的角度则会得出孔子未必赞成父子互隐.孔子讲"吾党之直者"如此,直者是父子互隐,而孔子则不能简单认为是直者,孔子应是礼者;直者有优点,也有缺点,"直而无礼则绞"、"好直不好学其蔽也绞",孔子主张由直而进至礼."吾党"是鲁国当时社会现实如此,但孔子还说过"齐一变,至于鲁,鲁一变,至于道",即虽然孔子认为鲁国多少比齐国好,但鲁国也不是完美的,鲁国也应进一步改进,进至完美(道)的境地.由此可以看出,孔子并不简单地维护现实,也努力批判现实.  相似文献   

子贡救鲁的外交谋略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
子贡,春秋时卫国人,是孔子的学生,有谋略,善辞令。曾在鲁国做官,当齐国即将兵临鲁国之际,他游说四国,不发一兵一卒,成功地使鲁国转危为安。充分显示了他卓越的外交才能和以弱胜强的谋略。齐国的执政官田常,企图夺取国家权力,所害怕的是高、国、鲍、晕晏四大家族。为了提高自己的威望,他打算兴兵讨伐鲁国(在今山东省西南部)。齐强鲁弱,鲁国面临灭亡的危险。孔子是鲁国人,得知齐国将要侵鲁的消息,他召集学生们说:“鲁国,坟墓所处,父母之国。今国家危险如此,各位为什么不出去想点办法?”话刚说完,学生中一个名叫子路的就挺身而出,孔子把他劝住…  相似文献   

试论齐文化的开放性特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
任何一种文化,都有很强的地域性。齐文化,指先秦时期齐国的文化。这种文化的渊源可追溯到齐的封国。西周时期齐、鲁分别立国,此为齐文化和鲁文化的最初分野。齐文化创始于太公,传至管仲而形成系统,后来由稷下齐法家进一步发展。齐文化以它特有的形式和内容区别于鲁文化,成为山东  相似文献   

黔娄多以高洁的形象出现于古代文献中。古代记载黔娄的文献很多,如《列女传》《汉书·艺文志》《高士传》《贫士传》及有关史书、诗文等等,但这些文献在记载黔娄的生活年代与所处地域时出现了不同。即存在春秋与战国的时间差异、齐国与鲁国的地域差异,这种差异就是本文要探讨的齐、鲁黔娄之别。对于这种差异,后人没有留意,常常混淆之。大概是由于古人姓名具有复杂性,加上齐、鲁接壤,后人对黔娄没有细致区分,造成齐、鲁黔娄混淆的现象。甚至,出现了多种黔娄的说法。又由齐、鲁黔娄及文献记载的不同引申出马国翰辑佚本《黔娄子》及其作者与《汉书·艺文志》中记载的《黔娄子》及其作者的归属问题。  相似文献   

文化中心由曲阜到临淄的转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
春秋时期,鲁国的都城曲阜是中国文化的中心;到了战国时期,文化中心就转移到了齐国都城临淄。它标志着旧学的衰落与新学和百家争鸣的兴起。西周初,周公平定武庚和三监叛乱之后,就派他的儿子伯禽到殷人的重要根据地奄(曲阜)建立了鲁国,作为统治东方的中心。周公制礼作乐,以从政治上、思想上和文化上加强统治;作为东方统治中心的鲁国,最有力地贯彻了周公的这个方针。据《史记·鲁周公世家》说:“鲁公伯禽之初受封之鲁,三年而后报政周公。周公曰:‘何迟也?’伯禽曰:  相似文献   

孟子先后游历过魏、齐、宋、滕、鲁等国,齐国是他寄希望最大、居留时间最长和唯一做过官的国家。在齐的七年中,孟子思想发展到最高峰,变化也较大。本文的内容就是探讨一下他在齐的政治活动和思想变化的大体概况。一、游齐初期游齐初期即到齐之后至为卿之前。齐宣王二年,孟子抱着以仁政统一中国的伟大抱负,从魏国到达齐国的首都临淄,游说齐王。这一时期,孟子游说的策略是顺应齐王喜好,引导他实行仁政,建立王天下大业。第一、引导齐王变称霸大欲为王天下大业。  相似文献   

齐文化研究的现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宣兆琦  张玉书 《管子学刊》2005,(1):111-122,127
本文主要从齐文化研究的回顾、齐文化综合研究、稷下学研究、管子学研究、晏子学研究、齐国军事思想研究、齐国经济管理思想研究、齐国科技思想研究、齐国法治思想研究、齐文化与其他地域文化的比较研究等方面,对新时期的齐文化研究进行了较为全面的评述。继之,本文从齐文化向比较研究发展、向文献的重新整理和研究发展、向多学科协同研究发展、向为现代化建设服务发展、向从中国传统文化和世界古代文化发展史的角度审视发展、向适应经济全球化的趋势发展等六方面做出了对未来齐文化研究趋势的基本判断。  相似文献   

齐国教育思想初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教育作为治国的一种手段,历来受到统治者的高度重视,先秦齐国也不例外。本文借助现有齐文化典籍,就齐国教育思想中的几个方面进行了初步探析,力图阐明其关于教育的地位、方针、内容、方式和目的,以求为当代教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

多重因素的综合作用促成了齐亡豢兴的迥异结局,制度建设的差异是其中不容忽视的一个方面,毕竟一个国家的运转要靠制度来规范。在诸项制度中.又以政治制度为重要,因为这一制度与一国政权的运作模式、官僚系统的管理等最核心的问磊息息相关。只有符合时代要求并适应国家发展需要的管理制度才能有效地保证各政权机关权力的合理划分,也才能更好地调动行政机关人员的工作效率和工作热情。正是由于在政治制度上的许多差异,才造成齐秦两国在地方与中央权力分配、机构运作、官吏任选等方面存在重大不同.这明显对两国的最终命运产生了不同影响。  相似文献   

先秦齐、鲁两国作为周王室分封在东方的重要诸侯国,虽然同处东方,但所处地域的地理环境还是存在差异,而且各自所奉行的治国策略也不相同。文化作为人类在特定的自然环境与社会环境中为了生存与发展而有意识地进行的物质创造与精神创建,决定了齐、鲁文化之间必会存在着相同点和不同点,本文借助现有文献对齐、鲁文化的渊源、政治、经济、习俗、文化特征等方面进行了初步的异同比较阐述。  相似文献   

State work engagement (SWE), a multidimensional construct of work-related well-being, was originally conceptualized as a trait, but diary studies have revealed substantial within-person fluctuations. Given that SWE is conceptualized as a work-related affective-motivational construct, the question arises as to whether SWE can be differentiated from other affective constructs. Thus, the goal of the present study was to compare SWE and state affect with respect to their degree of within-person variability and to examine their distinct relationships with health and performance variables (i.e., sleep quality and job performance). Fifty-two employees (44% female) participated in the study, which included 3 assessments per day over the course of 2 weeks. Our results revealed that energetic arousal and tense arousal fluctuated more strongly within days than vigor and absorption. Multilevel analyses demonstrated that high sleep quality predicted higher state affect but not higher SWE. In addition, vigor exhibited an inverted U-shaped relation with performance. In sum, SWE as a time-varying construct showed some overlap with state affect but also demonstrated discriminant validity.  相似文献   

春秋战国时期,周王室衰微,各诸侯国为国家的发展和壮大,政体先后向中央集权方向演变,围绕着中央权力机构的系统分化和进一步完善,其人才体制出现了新的特点,重视“中央之人”的选任,尤重相的任置。本文试以春秋战国时期的齐国为例,来分析相任的人才理念的形成、贯彻及社会影响等。  相似文献   

State dependent learning (SDL) occurs when learning acquired in one context is not retrievable in a different context. Although traditionally SDL is thought of in the context of substance use, the role of SDL should be considered during combined medication and exposure treatment for anxiety disorders. Data are presented from a within-subjects, case-series design of four participants with social anxiety disorder. Participants engaged in a series of situational exposures while taking either alprazolam (0.75 mg), propranolol (40 mg), placebo or no medication. They returned 48 h later and engaged in the same situational exposure in an unmedicated state to determine retention of learning following the shift in drug context. Results suggest that SDL effects are possible when combining pharmacotherapy (alprazolam) with exposure therapy. Future research is needed determine the conditions under which SDL is most likely to occur and ways to facilitate transfer of learning across different contexts.  相似文献   

燕齐圜钱的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘兴林 《管子学刊》2007,2(3):30-33
战国晚期燕国和齐国铸行的方孔圆钱在形制、钱文等方面有着诸多相似之处,二国之圜钱联系密切。燕国圜钱的铸行晚于齐国,在币值的分等和铸造技术等方面也不如齐国进步。齐国圜钱为三等币值,燕国为二等币值;齐币已使用当时先进的叠铸技术,而燕币的铸造尚不见此法的应用。可以认定燕国圜钱是受到齐国圜钱的影响后产生的,这同齐襄王退燕以前燕国刀币对齐国货币强烈影响的态势有所不同。  相似文献   

An emerging literature highlights the potential for broader dissemination of evidence‐based prevention programs in communities through existing state systems, such as the land grant university Extension outreach system and departments of public education and health (DOE–DPH). This exploratory study entailed surveying representatives of the national Extension system and DOE–DPH, to evaluate dissemination readiness factors, as part of a larger project on an evidence‐based program delivery model called PROSPER. In addition to assessing systems’ readiness factors, differences among US regions and comparative levels of readiness between state systems were evaluated. The Extension web‐based survey sample N was 958 and the DOE–DPH telephone survey N was 338, with response rates of 23 and 79 %, respectively. Extension survey results suggested only a moderate level of overall readiness nationally, with relatively higher perceived need for collaborative efforts and relatively lower perceived resource availability. There were significant regional differences on all factors, generally favoring the Northeast. Results from DOE–DPH surveys showed significantly higher levels for all readiness factors, compared with Extension systems. Overall, the findings present a mixed picture. Although there were clear challenges related to measuring readiness in complex systems, addressing currently limited dissemination resources, and devising strategies for optimizing readiness, all systems showed some readiness‐related strengths.  相似文献   

Michael A. McDaniel   《Intelligence》2006,34(6):601-606
Kanazawa [Kanazawa, S. (2006). IQ and the wealth of states. Intelligence, 34, 593–600.] offered estimates of state IQ derived from SAT data. The purpose of this commentary is to argue that state preferences for the use of the ACT versus the SAT create biased estimates of SAT-derived state IQ for states where the ACT is more frequently used than the SAT. This error can be reduced by using both ACT and SAT data to estimate state IQ. An IQ estimate based on a ACT-SAT composite and a NAEP-derived state IQ estimate were compared as predictors of three wealth variables. Both IQ estimates cause one to conclude that states with higher mean IQ have larger gross state product per capita, higher median incomes, and a lower percentage of their population in poverty.  相似文献   

吴建琴 《管子学刊》2006,(1):52-55,99
寓于齐文化之中的齐国音乐艺术,在“因其俗,简其礼”这一治国方略的指导下,呈现出了勃勃生机。普及的群众性音乐活动,在齐都及其周边地区孕育出了五大音乐活动中心,即:宫城王府——官乐中心、郭城韶院——雅乐中心、雍门内外——民间音乐交流中心、齐右高唐——群众歌咏中心、齐左莱地——莱夷乐舞中心。  相似文献   


This article describes the work at the Division of Criminal Justice Services of New York State, in collaboration with other state partners, integrating developments in neuroscience, in particularly the understanding of the adolescent brain, into practical, well informed changes to the juvenile justice system in New York State. The process started in earnest in 2010 with a statewide collective impact planning process that included data-driven analysis, extensive interviews with juvenile justice stakeholders, and an analysis of effective practices in New York State and across the nation. This process resulted in the implementation of action steps outlined in a strategic plan for juvenile justice reform entitled Safe Communities, Successful Youth: A Shared Vision for the New York State Juvenile Justice System, released in July 2011. Since that time, we have developed a sophisticated network of juvenile justice stakeholders to come together to work on implementing effective strategies to promote youth success and ensure public safety. Specifically, we have developed statewide metrics and county profiles that allow us to track 235 data points across the juvenile justice system over time so we can get a sense of system effectiveness and pinpoint potential areas of focus. We have also established nine Regional Youth Justice Teams across the State to bring system stakeholders together on a regional basis so that we can more effectively impact change based on the needs of different communities. Finally, we are excited that we will soon be launching a new best practices institute, which will help us to develop and share model interventions for our most vulnerable youth.  相似文献   

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