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Fifteen rats were trained to learn the location of a spatially fixed platform hidden in a Morris water maze (40 +/- 2 degrees C). Then retention of the spatial task was assessed immediately after raising core body temperature (Tc) to 42 or 40 degrees C or stabilizing at 37 degrees C (the normothermic control). The hyperthermic treatment order was counterbalanced according to a Latin-square design. Hyperthermia at 42 degrees C Tc significantly impaired spatial performance. Hyperthermic animals were cooled to normothermia (Tc = 37 degrees C) and spatial performance was tested again approximately 30 min later. Cooling resulted in a complete recovery of spatial performance. These results demonstrate that hyperthermia-induced amnesia can be obtained on an overtrained spatial-mapping strategy and cooling to normothermia initiates recovery of spatial performance.  相似文献   

Endocannabinoids (eCBs) modulate a variety of brain functions via activation of the widely expressed CB1 receptor. One site of high density of this receptor is the basolateral amygdala (BLA), a structure involved in the formation of aversive memories. The activation and blockade of CB1 receptors by systemic or hippocampal drug administrations have been shown to modify memory processing. However, little is known about the role of the BLA endocannabinoid system in aversive memories. Additionally, BLA endocannabinoid transmission seems to be related to emotional states, but the relevance of these effects to memory formation is still unknown. In this study we investigated the effects of the eCB anandamide (AEA) and the CB1 antagonist/inverse agonist AM251 infused into the BLA on the acquisition of an aversive memory task, concomitantly evaluating basal anxiety levels in rats. Male rats received pre-training micro-injection of AEA, AM251 or vehicle bilaterally into the BLA, and were studied with the plus-maze discriminative avoidance task (a paradigm that allows concomitant and independent evaluation of anxiety-like behavior and the memory of an aversive task). Our results showed that AEA into the BLA before training prevented memory retrieval 24 h later, as evaluated by exploration of the aversive arm of the maze, while AM251 into the BLA did not interfere with animals' performance. In addition, AEA had no effect on anxiety-like behavior (as evaluated by open arm exploration and risk assessment), while AM251 induced an anxiogenic effect. Our data indicate an important role of BLA CB1 receptors in aversive memory formation, and suggest that this involvement is not necessarily related to a possible modulation of anxiety states.  相似文献   

Information on the difference in cognitive function between laboratory and wild-caught mice is anecdotal and this question has not been systematically studied. Moreover, studying a wild-caught mouse strain per se may add information to the repertoire of mouse strains available. We aimed to study spatial memory in a wild mouse strain (Apodemus sylvaticus, AS) as compared to two individual laboratory mouse strains.Male AS (n = 20), CD1 (n = 19) and C57BL/6J mice (n = 19), 12–14 weeks old, were used in the experiments. The Morris water maze (MWM) was used for determination of spatial memory and time spent in the target quadrant at time points 5 (D5) and 12 days (D12) was evaluated. During the acquisition phase latency to reach the platform and path length to reach the platform was evaluated.Following four training days on day 5 (D5), time spent in the target quadrant was highest in AS > CD1 > C57BL/6J (P < 0.006). On day 12 (D12), time spent in the target quadrant was significantly higher in AS than in both other strains (P < 0.001).All animals learned the task and during the acquisition phase, latency to reach the platform as well as path length decreased significantly in AS.It is concluded that the AS is the most suitable strain for the evaluation of spatial memory in the MWM and is presenting with memory retention superior to laboratory mouse strains CD1 and C57BL/6J.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence shows that post-training administration of dopamine agonists can enhance memory through actions on consolidation processes, but relatively little is known regarding the effects of dopamine antagonists on consolidation. These experiments investigated the effects of post-training systemic administration of the D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride on consolidation of memory for two versions of the Morris water maze task. Rats trained in either the hidden (spatial) or visible (cued) platform version received a subcutaneous injection of sulpiride or vehicle immediately following training. Retention testing 48 hr later revealed that relative to vehicle controls, sulpiride reduced platform latencies in both task versions, suggesting that like dopamine agonists, sulpiride can also have memory-enhancing effects.  相似文献   

The role of a prominent visual cue (a light) in spatial learning was examined. Rats were trained to locate a hidden platform in a 4-arm radial water maze. For some rats the light predicted platform location. For other rats the light moved from trial to trial and did not predict platform location. While the predictive light did not facilitate performance above that seen in rats trained without a light, the moving light significantly impaired performance. In a second experiment, the temporal parameters of the moving light were manipulated. For one group the light was visible for the entire trial. In a second group the light was visible only before the rats reached the platform and in a third group the light was visible only after the rats reached the platform. The moving light impaired performance only when it was presented for the entire trial. When rats were subsequently retrained with a new platform location and a moving light in the familiar room, the light did not impair performance in any of the groups. We suggest that the prominent visual cue served as a directional cue, that competed with other directional cues, in the unfamiliar environment and interfered with performance.  相似文献   

A reduction in the activity of cytochrome oxidase, a respiratory chain enzyme, has been recently identified in mitochondria from blood platelets and postmortem brain tissue from Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. We have developed an animal model of this deficit in rats by chronic subcutaneous infusion of sodium azide, a selective inhibitor of cytochrome oxidase, delivered via Alzet 2ML4 osmotic minipumps. In previous work, azide-treated rats were impaired in an appetitively motivated spatial learning task, the radial arm maze. In the present investigation, we tested male Sprague-Dawley rats (350-400 g), which were tonically infused with azide or saline, on an aversively motivated spatial task, the Morris water maze. Azide-treated rats were impaired on both acquisition and retention of this task, without showing evidence of a motor impairment. Thus, the present results are consistent with previous findings showing that chronic azide treatment produces a learning and memory deficit. These findings strengthen the hypothesis that azide treatment in rats produces a useful animal model of some aspects of AD.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effects of glucose on drug-induced spatial learning deficits, three experiments were conducted using the Morris water maze. Scopolamine and glucose were injected ip at various stages of training. Rats of Wistar strain served as subjects. In Experiment 1, scopolamine (0.4 mg/kg) and 10, 100, or 500 mg/kg of glucose were administered every day from the start of training, and the effect on acquisition was evaluated. In Experiment 2, scopolamine and 100 or 500 mg/kg of glucose were administered after 6 days of training, and the effect on performance was assessed. In Experiment 3, scopolamine and 500 mg/kg of glucose were injected after 2 days of training, and the effect on the following trial was tested. In all experiments, scopolamine impaired acquisition/performance of the task. Glucose at 500 mg/kg showed a significant enhancing effect on acquisition regardless of scopolamine injection only when injected daily from the start of training (Experiment 1). Glucose injected after the performance has reached asymptote (Experiment 2) did not affect performance, and glucose in the middle of training showed a slight but insignificant enhancing effect (Experiment 3). These results may suggest that the effect of glucose changes as a function of the degree of learning of the spatial learning task. The possibility of task specificity of the glucose effect was also discussed in relation to the cholinergic systems and local cerebral glucose utilization.  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus (DG) subregion of the hippocampus has been shown to be involved in encoding but not retrieval in a spatial maze task (modified Hebb-Williams maze). The first experiment in this study examined whether a lesion to the CA3 would contribute to a similar encoding deficit. A DG group was included in order to replicate previous results. Relative to controls, animals receiving CA3 lesions were impaired in encoding, not retrieval, on the modified Hebb-Williams maze--similar to a group that received DG lesions. This suggests the possibility that CA3 and DG are working together to mediate encoding processes. The second experiment in this study was designed to test the interaction between CA3 and DG using a disconnection paradigm. Animals with contralateral lesions (CA3 lesioned in one hemisphere, DG lesioned in the other hemisphere) showed a significant disruption effect on encoding, but not retrieval, when compared with animals with ipsilateral lesions (CA3 and DG lesioned in the same hemisphere, leaving the other hemisphere intact). This suggests an interaction between CA3 and DG in supporting encoding but not retrieval processes in a spatial maze learning task.  相似文献   

Agents that alter adrenergic receptors, such as "beta-blockers," also alter memory storage. However, reports suggest that beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists, such as propranolol, have conflicting behavioral effects with acute vs chronic dosing. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of chronic propranolol on retention for a spatial learning task. Adult male ICR mice were given daily injections of propranolol (2, 4, 8, or 12 mg/kg ip) or 0. 9% NaCl for 15 days prior to, and during, trials in a Morris water maze. Mice received five massed acquisition (escape) trials in each of three daily sessions, followed by a single 60-s probe trial on the fourth day. The location of the submerged platform was constant for each animal over acquisition trials, but varied across animals; starting position varied across trials. A 5 (dose) x 3 (trial blocks) mixed factorial ANOVA for escape time yielded a significant trial blocks effect only (p <.001), showing performance improving over sessions. Time spent in the target quadrant on the probe trial was shorter under all doses of propranolol when compared to vehicle group (all p <.001), indicating poorer retention of prior platform location. This effect, however, was not dose-related. Swim speed was not significantly affected by propranolol. These data demonstrate that chronic dosing with propranolol can impair retention of spatial learning, which cannot be attributed to reduced arousal or motor function.  相似文献   

Stress is one of the most important variables to determine recovery following stroke. We have previously reported that post-stroke exposure to either stress or corticosterone (CORT) alleviates hippocampal ischemic outcome. The present experiment expands previous findings by investigating the influence of exposure to stress prior to ischemic event. Rats received either daily restraint stress (1h/day; 16 consecutive days) or CORT (0.5mg/kg; 16 consecutive days) prior to focal ischemic stroke in the hippocampus induced by bilateral injection of endothelin-1 (ET-1). All experimental groups were then tested in the ziggurat task, a new task for spatial cognition. The stress+stroke group showed significant deficits in both hippocampal structure and function. No deleterious effect of pre-stroke exposure to CORT was found in the CORT+stroke group. Our results indicate that a history of chronic stress sensitizes hippocampal cells to the damaging consequences of focal ischemia. The opposing effects of CORT-related experiences in this study not only reflect the diversity of glucocorticoid actions in the stress response, but also provide evidence that elevated CORT in the absence of emotional disturbance is not sufficient to produce hippocampal deficit.  相似文献   

Animals develop robust learning and long lasting taste aversion memory once they experience a new taste that is followed by visceral discomfort. A large body of literature has supported the hypothesis that basolateral amygdala (BLA) plays a critical role in the acquisition and extinction of such conditioned taste aversions (CTA). Despite the evidence that BLA is crucially engaged during CTA training, it is unclear how BLA neural activity represents the conditioned tastes. Here, we incorporated a modified behavioral paradigm suitable for single unit study, one which utilizes a sequence of pulsed saccharin and water infusion via intraoral cannulae. After conditioning, we investigated BLA unit activity while animals experience the conditioned taste (saccharin). Behavioral tests of taste reactivity confirmed that the utilized training procedure produced reliable acquisition and expression of the aversion throughout test sessions. When neural activity was compared between saccharin and water trials, half of the recorded BLA units (77/149) showed differential activity according to the types of solution. 76% of those cells (29/38) in the conditioned group showed suppressed activity, while only 44% of taste reactive cells (17/39) in controls showed suppressed activity during saccharin trials (relative to water trials). In addition, the overall excitability of BLA units was increased as shown by altered characteristics of burst activity after conditioning. The changes in BLA activity as a consequence of CTA were maintained throughout test sessions, consistent with the behavioral study. The current study suggests that the neuronal activity evoked by a sweet taste is altered as a consequence of CTA learning, and that the overall change might be related to the learning induced negative affect.  相似文献   

The present study determined whether peripheral injections of the 5HT(1A) agonist (8-OH-DPAT), scopolamine infusions into the frontal cortex, or a combination of both drug treatments would produce impairments in rats trained on passive avoidance. Using a 2x2 design, rats were infused with either bacteriostatic water or 30 microg/1 microl of scopolamine HCl into the frontal cortex 30 min before being trained on passive avoidance. This was followed by injections (ip) of either 0.1% ascorbic acid/bacteriostatic water or 30 microg/kg of 8-OH-DPAT 15 min later. All subjects were tested for retention 72h later. At test, the initial latency to enter into the black shocked compartment and the total time spent in the white safe compartment (TTW) were recorded. Analysis of the latency data indicated that scopolamine and 8-OH-DPAT, when administered singly or in combination, produced amnesia for the task. Assessment of TTW scores, however, revealed that of the three drug-treated groups, only animals treated with 8-OH-DPAT alone tended to avoid the previously shocked black compartment and spend more time in the white safe compartment. These data indicate that either stimulating 5-HT(1A) or blocking frontal cortical muscarinic receptors at training impairs passive avoidance performance and that the deficit following the latter treatment is somewhat more extensive. Implications for the role frontal cortical muscarinic and 5HT(1A) receptors play in learning and memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is abundantly expressed in postmitotic neurons of the developed nervous system. MAPK is activated and required for induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the CA1 area of the hippocampus, which is blocked by the specific inhibitor of the MAPK kinase, PD 098059. Recently it was demonstrated that MAPK is activated in the hippocampus after training and is necessary for contextual fear conditioning learning. The present work tests the role of the MAPK cascade in step-down inhibitory avoidance (IA) retention. PD 098059 (50 microM) was bilaterally injected (0.5 microl/side) into the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus or entorhinal cortex at 0, 90, 180, or 360 min, or into the amygdala or parietal cortex at 0, 180, or 360 min after IA training in rats using a 0.4-mA foot shock. Retention testing was carried out 24 h after training. PD 098059 impaired retention when injected into the dorsal hippocampus at 180 min, but not 0, 90, and 360 min after training. When infused into the entorhinal cortex, PD 098059 was amnestic at 0 and 180 min, but not at 90 and 360 min after training. The MAPKK inhibitor also impairs IA retention when infused into the parietal cortex immediately after training, but not at 180 or 360 min. Infusions performed into amygdala were amnestic at 180 min, but not at 0 and 360 min after training. Our results suggest a time-dependent involvement of the MAPK cascade in the posttraining memory processing of IA; the time dependency is different in the hippocampus, amygdala, entorhinal cortex, or parietal cortex of rats.  相似文献   

Extensive evidence indicates that benzodiazepine receptors in the amygdala are involved in regulating memory consolidation. Recent findings indicate that many other drugs and hormones influence memory through selective activation of the basolateral amygdala nucleus (BLA). This experiment examined whether the memory-modulatory effect of flumazenil, a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, selectively involves the BLA. Bilateral microinfusions of flumazenil (12 nmol in 0.2 microl) into the BLA of rats administered immediately after training in an inhibitory avoidance task significantly enhanced 48-h retention performance whereas infusions into the central nucleus were ineffective. These findings indicate that the BLA is selectively involved in mediating flumazenil's influence on memory storage and are thus consistent with extensive evidence indicating that the BLA is involved in regulating memory consolidation.  相似文献   

In the present study the effects of contextual interference on the retention and transfer performance of reflectives and impulsives on a maze task were studied. Forty-seven subjects were randomly assigned to either a high contextual interference group or to a low contextual interference group. Within the two groups subjects were further classified according to their preferred modes of responding. Retention and transfer were measured immediately following practice and after a 4-week delay. The dependent variables were tracing time and errors. Reflectives made fewer errors and moved more quickly after practising under conditions of high contextual interference. Impulsives tended to have fewer errors after practising under conditions of high contextual interference but moved more slowly. Based on these results it was suggested that trainers consider individual differences in reflectivity-impulsivity before designing particular practice schedules.  相似文献   

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