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战国时代是中国思辩学术发展的关键时期,百家争鸣形成了战国诸子思辩景观。就思辩所能达到的高度和深度而言,《庄子》和《墨经》之文体现出当时思辩的最高水平,成为战国思辩文章的典型之作,但二者又存在着实质的不同,形成了"别是一家"的《庄子》思辩和传统意味浓厚的《墨经》思辩,昭示了战国思辩乃至此后思辩学术和文化发展的两个趋势和方向,影响重大而深远。  相似文献   

荀子因应战国后期思想界话语环境的变化,展开了批判先秦诸子之历史活动和思想主张的学术活动。这些活动主要有辟枉、解蔽、批儒等方面内容。荀子期望藉此彰显绍述孔子学统,尊孔隆礼,“净化”儒家理想人格,廓清儒学发展的道路和儒家门户。这种学术批评实践,排除了其他学派对儒学可能造成的非理性渗透和侵蚀,对秦以后儒学的发展起了一定的厘清方向的作用,并使其避免了其他先秦诸子之学的命运──退向边缘或走向消解。  相似文献   

荀子批判诸子及儒家之学术检讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荀子因应战国后期思想界话语环境的变化,展开了批判先秦诸子之历史活动和思想主张的学术活动。这些活动主要有辟枉、解蔽、批儒等方面内容。荀子期望藉此彰显绍述孔子学统,尊孔隆礼,“净化”儒家理想人格,廓清儒学发展的道路和儒家门户。这种学术批评实践,排除了其他学派对儒学可能造成的非理性渗透和侵蚀,对秦以后儒学的发展起了一定的厘清方向的作用,并使其避免了其他先秦诸子之学的命运——退向边缘或走向消解。  相似文献   

赵光怀 《管子学刊》2005,(2):101-103
“合”是汉代诸子学的一个重要特点,但是“合”不是“大杂烩”,而是指各家彼此渗透、相互吸收和融合。正是这种思想的整合以及在整合基础上的发展,才形成了汉代诸子学“多元一体”的特征。两汉时期的政治社会因素不仅为诸子之学的发展提供了社会土壤。还直接影响诸子学的发展方向,使汉代诸子与先秦诸子有截然不同的表象,在两汉历史发展过程中明显表现出阶段性特征。  相似文献   

学校教育思想是两汉诸子治国思想的重要内容。他们主张教育为立国之本,以《五经》为主要教育内容,教育方法多样化,教育为培养汉代治国人才服务。两汉诸子从学校教育与治国,学校教育的内容、方法、手段及学校教育功能的发挥等方面论述了汉代的学校教育,对汉代学校教育体系的构建产生了十分重要的影响。  相似文献   

朱汉民 《现代哲学》2017,(2):115-121
先秦诸子的丰富思想是士人创造的,他们创造的不同思想与其所持的政治态度密切相关。如果将先秦诸子对王权的政治态度做一基本分类,大体有依附型、疏离型、合作型三种类型。其中,法家、道家、儒家影响最大,分别体现为依附王权、疏离王权、与王权合作三种政治态度类型。  相似文献   

当代中国在经济发展的压力之下,用牺牲自然资源来获取经济增长,这无疑是最简捷的途径,但资源的有限性则约束了利用资源的质量、数量以及时空范围。中国先秦时代,诸子百家的许多论断就闪现了对资源合理利用的认识,用这些理念反观当今科学发展观视角下的能源资源战略,仍具有鲜明的借鉴意义和历史价值。  相似文献   

张海燕 《管子学刊》2009,(3):125-128
《学记》总结了先秦诸子的教育思想,肯定了教育的地位和作用,肯定了教师的地位和作用,并提出了教师的素质要求,认识到教育是教学相长的过程,进而相对完整的阐述了教育教学中应遵循的原则和方法,对今天的教育教学仍有很好的启发和指导作用。  相似文献   

古代哲学与现代哲学的重要区别在于:前者将哲学作为生活方式来实践,后者将哲学作为话语方式来实践.先秦诸子哲学是中国古代哲学的经典形式,我们应该将它们作为生活哲学来对待,但是由于受到现代哲学观念的影响,我们通常将它们作为话语哲学来处理.这种哲学观念上的错位,必然导致我们无法很好地理解诸子哲学.通过对诸子哲学的恰当研究,进而复兴哲学作为生活艺术的观念,有助于现代专业哲学摆脱它的困境.  相似文献   


This paper examines the striking absence of women philosophers from German historiography of philosophy during the nineteenth and early twentieth century. While the general topic has been considered before, additional documents and considerations are presented that will help us better understand the omission of women philosophers in the German context. Firstly, material is presented showing that women philosophers were widely discussed in Germany prior to 1800. These discussions stand sharply in contrast with the silence about women in subsequent general histories of philosophy. Secondly, it is shown that the absence of women philosophers in German historiography of philosophy during the nineteenth century is not entirely new but has to be seen as a continuation of tendencies characteristic for the historiography of philosophy already during the eighteenth century. Thirdly, it is argued that, towards the end of the nineteenth century, there was a new stimulus for thinking about women in the history of philosophy, namely women’s emancipation and, more specifically, the right to a university education. Seen in this light, the renewed and intensified effort to diminish women philosophers can be understood as a symptomatic attempt to keep women out of academia in general, and out of philosophy in particular.  相似文献   

Several review and epidemiological studies have been conducted over recent years to inform behavior analysts of functional analysis outcomes. None to date have closely examined demographic and clinical data for functional analyses conducted exclusively in public school settings. The current paper presents a data-based summary of 90 functional analyses conducted in public school settings from 2006 through 2009 for 69 students. Specifically, we present data on gender, age, race, diagnosis, topography of target behaviors, number of conditions, duration of sessions, duration of analysis, functional outcomes, setting, and person serving the role of therapist. Results suggest that functional analyses in schools are possible, practical, and produce results that are comparable to those in past research.  相似文献   

The implementation of a peer support project in 13 schools from a disadvantaged background is discussed using the social ecological, systems and social construction theory as a theoretical guide in action research. The goal was to establish an alternative helping system in schools that was sustainable within the school system. In the implementation of peer support attention was given to the integration of the project into the existing context; encouraging participation on all levels, facilitating change and creating shared meanings, supporting the process of reorganizing and restructuring and providing feedback to facilitate further change. From a process evaluation of the programme implementation challenges in the implementation process were identified and recommendations made that could contribute to the optimal functioning and sustainability of the project to address the needs of learners and enhance well being in the school community. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Social responsibility has been linked to the moral development of students, but little prior research has examined how personal and situational variables influence students’ willingness to show care and concern for social issues that reflect higher levels of moral development. We theorised and tested the hypotheses that females would endorse social responsibility to a greater extent than males, and that school/programme context would moderate this relationship. In Study 1, levels of social responsibility were greater for girls than boys and in academic versus vocational high schools, and school type moderated levels of social responsibility for boys. Study 2 replicated the male–female difference in social responsibility, and demonstrated greater differences in social responsibility across university academic programmes for female than male students. These studies expand the understanding of personal versus situational influences on social responsibility and their implications for moral education in schools.  相似文献   

In the mid‐1980s, feminist philosophers began to turn their critical efforts toward reclaiming women in the history of philosophy who had been neglected by traditional histories and canons. There are now scores of resources treating historical women philosophers and reclaiming them for philosophical history. This article explores the four major argumentative strategies that have been used within those reclamation projects. It argues that three of the strategies unwittingly work against the reclamationist end of having women engaged as philosophers. The fourth type, the one that seeks to transform philosophical practice and reconstruct its history, is the only strategy that will result in that engagement because it is the only strategy that pays sufficient attention to the mechanisms by which women have been excluded from philosophy and its history.  相似文献   


Based on Habermas’ normative theory of religion in post-secular society, this article elaborates on the organisation of Islamic religious education (RE) in state schools. Hereto, a brief sketch of the Habermasian concepts of reflexive religion and complementary learning processes will be given. Subsequently, the author addresses the role of RE in post-secular society and applies these Habermasian concepts to confessional RE, with particular attention to Islamic RE in Belgium, where this subject is included as an optional subject in the state school curriculum since 1975, but where it is also criticised today, in particular with regard to content, teacher-training, textbooks, and inspection. These deficiencies will lead us to one of the main problems of Islamic RE and of confessional RE in general: the absence of state control. Based on Habermas’ ideas, the author concludes that it is up to the state to elucidate under which conditions confessional RE can be part of the regular curriculum, and to facilitate these conditions, by funding and co-organising teacher training, reviewing curricula and textbooks, formulating a ‘core curriculum’ and controlling teachers, for example. If these conditions have not been met, confessional RE should not be a part of the regular curriculum in a liberal state.  相似文献   

Lidz, Waxman, and Freedman [Lidz, J., Waxman, S., & Freedman, J. (2003). What infants know about syntax but couldn’t have learned: Evidence for syntactic structure at 18-months. Cognition, 89, B65-B73.] argue that acquisition of the syntactic and semantic properties of anaphoric one in English relies on innate knowledge within the learner. Several commentaries have now been published questioning this finding. We defend the original finding by identifying both empirical and logical flaws in the critiques.  相似文献   

Islam is the fastest growing faith in the Republic of Ireland, with the number of adherents reported in 2012 at 50,000. However, despite this number there are only three Muslim primary schools. Empirical research on Muslim schools in Ireland is currently very limited. This article aims to provide insight and understanding into the role of ethos as a lived experience among children in Muslim primary schools in contemporary twenty-first century Ireland. The data for this ethnographic study were based on observations and interviews with Muslim parents and religion teachers in two Muslim Irish state-funded schools. This study revealed both similarities and variations between the schools, despite being under the same patronage. These were significantly notable in how the ethos was manifested and experienced by Muslim pupils, in terms of prayer, dress code and physical environment. The article concludes with some implications for the research.  相似文献   

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