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本刊讯近心著名的云水参方居士高鹤年撰写的《名山游访记》,最近已由江苏省佛教协会再版,在全国各地寺院的经书流通处流通。定价每册3.2元,邮寄每册加邮费0.15元。这次再版增补了《救灾日记》、与金山江天寺霜亭长老等的往来诗书以及有关的图片资料。赵朴初居士题写了书名,  相似文献   

道教名山   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
道士修真养性之著名山岳。道教的理想是修炼成仙,为此选择幽远之深山大岳作为修炼之地,故以后亦称为神仙所居之洞天福地。东汉谶纬之书已列有不少名山。谓有仙室或灵药。魏晋南北朝时期,名山成为传授道书和炼丹之  相似文献   

华山,为我国著名的五岳之西岳.位于陕西省华阴县南,海拔约二千二百公尺,广十里,属秦岭东段。《水经注》渭:“远而望之若花状”,“西方为华山,少阴用事,万物生华,故曰华”,故名“华山”。又因其西有少华山,亦称太华山。华山主要有南峰(落雁)、东峰(朝阳)、西峰(莲花)、中峰(玉女)、北峰(云台)五峰组成,其中主峰落雁、朝阳、莲花三峰峥嵘耸峙,鬼斧神工,有壁立千仞之势。南峰不仅为华山群峰中最高峰,也是五岳中最高的山峰、千山环之,若羽林执戟,登临绝顶俯瞰群山,层峦叠嶂,气势磅礴,宋寇准赞  相似文献   

正清代的袁子才(枚),风流倜傥,名噪一时,人称才子,又有美食家的雅号。有个叫陶怡云的毛头小伙,不知是不了解袁枚的脾性,还是故意跟他玩笑,竟然给他送了一只瘦骨嶙峋、龙钟萎缩的老鸭。随园欲食恐无味,弃之又可惜,只好将原物奉还,并附一短札,读之令人喷饭:您所赠送的、题签特地标明的‘雏鸭’,已经收到,非常高兴。可是仔细审视,名实似乎不符。这位‘雏鸭’萎萎缩缩,老态龙钟,一副可怜相,看来它的年龄与老夫差不了许多吧!如果把它烹而食之(真是罪过),不是长了一副像《山海经》中西  相似文献   

景色壮丽的庐山锦绣谷下,面对云蒸霞蔚的香炉峰,一座古刹雄踞丘阜,红墙金瓦,气度非凡,这就是千古名寺,"净土宗"的发祥地——东林寺.东林寺地处幽谷,群山环抱,林木葱茏,风光锦绣.虎溪水从寺前潺潺流过,好似天然勾成的尘世与净土的标界.溪上,明代重建的虎溪桥头,一对虎头石狮历经风雨,  相似文献   

位于长江中下游的镇江,是我国历史文化名城.佛教传入镇江已有1700多年历史,境内金山、焦山、宝华山为佛教三大名山,遐迩闻名,享誉四海,在佛教发展史上占有重要地位.岁月沧桑,三大名山虽屡经兴废,但在中共十一届三中全会以后,随着宗教政策的落实,寺庙得到大力修复和整理,香火日趋旺盛.如今,镇江这三大佛教名山,正以庄严的容姿展现在世人面前.  相似文献   

司马承祯与道教名山   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“心依道胜,理会玄远,遍游名山,密契仙洞。”①这是唐玄宗对司马承祯的评语。的确,在许多道教名山中,都留下了高道司马承祯的足迹。司马承祯(647~735)字子微,道号道隐,是盛唐时期的著名道士,上清第十二代宗师,有《坐忘论》、《天隐子》、《服气精义论》等多部著作传世。他出身官宦世家,年少好学却无心仕途,二十一岁服巾褐入道,在衡山追随著名道士潘师正学习上清经法。此后,司马承祯开始遍游道教名山。一、与道教名山的仙缘司马承祯曾到过哪些名山呢?据《唐王屋山中岩台正一先生庙碣》云:“而后游句曲,步华阳之天(指茅山);盝桐柏,入灵虚之洞…  相似文献   

正~~  相似文献   


谢重光先生是福建省社会科学院历史研究所副研究员。以一位身在佛门之外的学者身份,他认真地分析了到底是“天下名山僧占多”还是“天下名山僧建多”,有理有据、不卑不亢;娓娓道来、层层深入;将这一“历史冤案”辩得十分清详。特别是他不抱成见、不存偏见,可谓仗义执言! “天下名山僧占多”的不实之词是古已有之,这类论调尚不止此一句。由来已久却并不一定就正确,谢重光先生的论析便是一个重要的启示。因此,举凡在三教相争之中、在儒教高压之下形成的对佛教的一些扭曲的看法,都有必要一一澄清。澄清的目的在于了解什么是好传统,哪些精神要弘扬光大。“雨后复斜阳,关山阵阵苍”,读了谢先生的文章,会感到“满目青山照眼明”的。  相似文献   

Negative precedents are set when, in the absence of mitigating conditions, social rules are not enforced by relevant authorities. This study examined the effects of normative (i.e., to enforce rules) and nonnormative arguments (i.e., to “make exceptions”) on decisions that could establish negative precedents and whether those effects differed for children and adolescents. As expected, on baseline problems, age correlated positively with decision-making performance. After receiving normative arguments, normative decisions increased and adolescents—but not preadolescents—transferred their understanding to novel problems. Nonnormative arguments led to decrements in normative decisions across ages. However, only for preadolescents did performance decrements following nonnormative arguments transfer to novel problems. Discussion focuses on the abilities to engage in “metacognitive intercession,” variability in children’s and adolescents’ decisions, and developments in the understanding of the consequences of violating the social rules.  相似文献   

The current research investigated whether mind-sets and contexts that afford a focus on self-other differences can facilitate perceptual and conceptual forms of perspective taking. Supporting this hypothesis, results showed that directly priming a difference mind-set made perceivers more likely to spontaneously adopt other people's visual perspectives (Experiment 1) and less likely to overimpute their own privileged knowledge to others (Experiments 2 and 3). Given that intergroup encounters typically evoke a difference mind-set, we also explored the possibility that such contexts might help perceivers to step outside their own perspectives. As predicted, perceivers were less "cursed" by their own privileged knowledge when mentalizing about out-group targets than when mentalizing about in-group targets (Experiment 4) and communicated more effectively with interaction partners whose minimal-group membership differed from their own (Experiment 5). Overall, acknowledging self-other differences allowed perceivers to look beyond the limits of their own perspectives and thereby provided an efficacious route to intuiting other people's minds.  相似文献   

Jackson and Jacobs (1983) have argued that many of the findings in communication research could be specific to the particular messages used in a given study. As a solution, Jackson and Jacobs propose generalizing to message populations by treating messages as a random variable. This article argues that the Jackson and Jacobs solution is inappropriate for complex messages and that meta-analytic techniques represent an alternative that permits the detection of results that are specific to particular messages, researchers, or paradigms.  相似文献   

The present study examines how young men and women, when primed with sexual cues in entertainment media, incorporate these cues into their first impressions of an unfamiliar target. Respondents (n = 188) were exposed to popular music either with or without sexual lyrics. Respondents in the sexual music condition recognized the sexual conveyance of that music. Respondents in the other condition rated the sexuality in their music as low. After exposure, respondents evaluated unknown targets—job applicants represented by their resumés. Sexual conveyance elevated ratings of sexual qualities attributed to the targets, suggesting sexual objectification of the targets. Sexual quality ratings then predicted evaluations of the targets’ merit, including knowledge and integrity. Although the association between sexual quality and overall merit ratings were positive for both men and women, men exhibited a significantly stronger association than women did. Findings support a postconscious automatic processing interpretation of media priming effects and corroborate prior observations that sexual media primes yield sexualized evaluations. Findings also suggest a need to measure initial affective responses to media primes, as different sexual depictions might trigger sexual thoughts with either a positive or negative connotation.  相似文献   

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