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工作记忆训练成为近年来提升个体认知绩效的一种有效方式。工作记忆训练主要是指采用工作记忆广度任务、刷新任务以及各种复杂工作记忆任务在计算机上以循序渐进的方式进行训练。近年来的研究发现, 工作记忆训练能提升工作记忆、流体智力、抑制、注意、阅读和数学等认知功能。神经机制的研究发现:工作记忆训练引起大脑额-顶区域激活减弱, 而皮层下结构包括纹状体和尾状核区域的激活增强; 工作记忆训练减少了大脑灰质的数量, 增强了大脑白质的功能连通性; 工作记忆训练引起尾状核上多巴胺受体的变化。未来的研究需要在研究设计、被试人群、研究手段上进一步确认和扩展工作记忆训练的有效性和内在认知神经机制。  相似文献   

以往研究表明,工作记忆是一个资源有限的系统,但近年来大量研究发现工作记忆成绩可以通过训练提高。工作记忆训练是指针对低容量的个体进行针对存储系统或者中央执行系统各成分的训练,以提升个体工作记忆绩效及影响任务相关脑区的活动。来自认知神经科学的证据在评估工作记忆训练的效果上起到了重要作用。虽然目前该领域的研究已经取得一定的成绩,但是利用工作记忆训练来改善个体的工作记忆在具体的方法、训练成效等问题上还存在一定的争议。  相似文献   

音乐训练对认知能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今社会中, 越来越多的儿童接受音乐训练, 试图通过音乐训练提高认知能力。针对认知活动中的语言能力、空间能力以及数学能力, 探究音乐训练与认知能力的关系, 试图为音乐教育提供实证依据。研究结果表明, 尽管音乐训练与认知能力的关系较为复杂, 但是, 音乐训练与个体的语言知觉和产生能力以及空间视觉化能力都存在正相关, 且在一定程度上可以提高这些认知能力。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been much theoretical and applied interest in the prospects of cognitive training for improving cognition. NeuroTracker is a relatively recent training device for improving dynamic attention in athletes by training 3D multiple-object tracking skills. We examined its effectiveness for improving working memory (WM) span in members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) by randomly assigning participants to the experimental (NeuroTracker), active control (adaptive dual n-back task), or passive control (no contact) conditions. NeuroTracker training resulted in significant gains in verbal, visual, and matrix span. No gain was observed in the active or passive control group. These results suggest that NeuroTracker could be a useful training tool for increasing WM span in military samples. Future studies could examine the effects of NeuroTracker training on militarily relevant performance measures that draw on WM span.  相似文献   

王元  李柯  盖笑松 《心理科学》2019,(4):820-826
视频游戏训练是一种正处于探索阶段的执行功能训练方案,其对工作记忆和认知灵活性能产生迁移效应,对抑制的迁移结论尚不明确,这一结果不同无法通过考察迁移发生的泛化还是具体化机制得到解决,差异更有可能来自游戏训练本身。虽然真实游戏经验能产生迁移,但训练不一定能模拟经验对执行功能的迁移。这一方面受训练游戏类型的影响,另一方面与训练剂量有关。建议从丰富迁移机制等角度提高迁移效应。  相似文献   

Cognitive and physical training have been shown to be effective in improving older adults’ cognition. However, it is not yet clear whether combined cognitive and physical training offers an advantage compared to cognitive training alone. Twenty-two older adults performed cognitive or combined cognitive and physical training in order to compare their effects on working memory event-related potentials (ERPs) and on working memory and executive function performance. Before and after eight weeks of training, performance in Plus Minus, Flanker, Updated Span, and Complex Span tasks was measured, and ERPs were registered during performance of an n-back task (0-back, 2-back, and 3-back). Post-training behavioural improvement was observed in Updated Span, Complex Span, and n-back tasks. During the n-back task, the N2/P3 complex was modulated by training, with a decrease in N2 amplitude and an increase in P3 amplitude in the posttraining session compared to the pretraining session. These changes in ERP components suggest that both types of training potentially reduce the need for attentional control to perform the tasks correctly and increase working memory capacity. Thus, based on our data, no conclusion can be reached on the direct advantage of combined training, either at behavioural or at neural level. However, the present study might suggest an indirect advantage of such a combined training, because the cognitive benefit was found to be highly similar in both types of training. Using combined cognitive and physical training may produce a potential improvement in general fitness and an increased appeal of training.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the contributions of memory and attention processes to the cognitive abilities of reasoning and perceptual speed were investigated. Two measures of speed of information retrieval from long-term and short-term memory (Posner paradigm, Sternberg paradigm) and two attention measures (continuous attention test, attention switching test) were included in the first experiment (N = 220). The memory tests led to correlations with the measures of cognitive abilities, whereas the attention test did not. The same tests as well as one additional memory test and one attention test (working memory test, test of covert orientation) were administered in the second experiment (N = 116). Again, the memory tests led to the larger correlations with the measures of cognitive abilities. Two components were obtained in components analysis, of which the first was characterized by high loadings of the memory tests and the second by high loadings of the attention tests. Only the memory component contributed to the prediction of cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

工作记忆的认知模型与神经机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王益文  林崇德 《心理科学》2006,29(2):412-414,418
本文评述了工作记忆认知模型的进展,阐述工作记忆神经机制研究的基本问题。研究者在工作记忆认知模型框架下,提出了工作记忆成分结构的脑模型。根据自己的研究探索,展望进一步的研究问题,以及TMS和fMRI/ERP等脑成像技术的结合运用对工作记忆认知神经科学研究的推动。  相似文献   

彭君  莫雷  黄平  周莹  王靖  昂晨 《心理学报》2014,46(10):1498-1508
目前已有许多研究证据表明, 工作记忆训练能提高成人、儿童的流体智力成绩, 然而这种训练是否能够提高幼儿的流体智力表现, 更为重要的是, 如果训练确有成效, 那么这种训练效果能否长期保持?为此, 本研究选择了幼儿园4~5岁幼儿进行工作记忆训练任务, 考察工作记忆训练对流体智力的提升及保持效应。实验中设立3个组:实验组、控制1组和控制2组。实验组采用单个空间n-back的工作记忆游戏程序进行训练, 控制1组采用“水果忍者”的游戏程序进行训练, 两组进行游戏训练的时间均为14天, 每天15 min; 控制2组不进行任何训练。结果发现, 训练后实验组幼儿被试的流体智力成绩明显优于两个控制组, 在6个月后再进行测试, 这种优势仍然保持。本研究结果表明, n-back工作记忆训练可以提高幼儿的流体智力成绩, 并且这种训练效果具有持续的稳定性。  相似文献   

抑制控制与高级认知功能的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王君  陈天勇 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1768-1778
近年来抑制控制与高级认知功能关系的研究受到了越来越多的重视。大量实证研究表明, 抑制控制是解释工作记忆、阅读理解、液态智力等高级认知功能个体差异的一个重要机制。脑成像研究表明, 抑制控制与工作记忆和液态智力等高级认知功能都激活了前额叶和顶叶等共同脑区。同时, 认知发展和认知老化, 以及认知干预领域的研究都一致表明, 抑制控制与高级认知功能关系密切。未来研究应注意抑制控制的定义和测量问题, 以及脑机制和训练干预等方面的问题。  相似文献   

工作记忆训练:一个很有价值的研究方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用不同的训练方法对不同人群的工作记忆进行训练的研究发现,工作记忆能力可以通过训练提高。通过工作记忆训练,个体的阅读能力、智力水平等得到提升。工作记忆的训练还可以改变人类大脑的活动,而且对于特殊儿童临床症状的缓解有一定的作用。工作记忆训练的研究对原有的认知理论以及相关理论模型提出了挑战,为工作记忆训练运用于教育、临床治疗等领域提供了实证支持,也为理解工作记忆开辟了新的方向。未来的研究应致力于改进训练内容、完善训练形式与指标、探索一套与工作记忆缺陷个体临床治疗相结合的工作记忆训练系统。  相似文献   

Executive function (EF), its importance for scholastic achievement and the question of whether or not EF is malleable, have become a topic of intense interest. Education or schooling is often seen as effective approaches to enhance EF due to the specific school‐related requirements as compared to kindergarten or pre‐school. However, no study to date has investigated whether targeted training focusing on those domains might be comparable with regular schooling in improving EF and fluid intelligence (Gf). The aim of the present study was to replicate and extend the previously demonstrated schooling effects on EF by using a school‐cutoff design, and to further investigate whether a theoretically motivated intervention targeting specific EF, i.e., working memory (WM) or inhibitory control (IC), could achieve comparable effects with schooling in both, WM and IC, as well as Gf. 91 6‐year‐old kindergarteners and first‐graders with similar chronological age participated the study. We compared the performance of a first‐grade schooling group with that of two kindergarten training groups as well as a business‐as‐usual kindergarten control group. Participants were assessed in WM, IC and Gf at baseline, immediately after the intervention (posttest), as well as 3 months after training completion (follow‐up). The results showed that the schooling group indeed outperformed the kindergarten groups at baseline in several cognitive tasks. Furthermore, both the WM and IC training showed pronounced gains in the trained tasks, as well as varying degrees of improvement in non‐trained outcome measures. Most importantly, both training groups achieved comparable performance with the schooling group, which was especially apparent in Gf at follow‐up. Our findings provide further evidence for the malleability of EF demonstrating that both, long‐term and short‐term interventions can facilitate the acquisition of those important skills, and as such, our work has important implications for educational practice.  相似文献   

爱荷华博弈任务(IGT)是一项检查情感性决策机制的常用实验范式。据此, Damasio等人提出了躯体标记假设(SMH)解释情绪影响决策的神经生理机制。近期, 大量研究在IGT究竟是模糊决策还是风险决策、与情绪和认知的关系、与工作记忆和陈述性记忆的关系以及IGT的神经网络与分子遗传机制等方面积累了丰富资料。结果显示, IGT加工的早期由模糊决策主导, 情绪性躯体信号对引导决策选项的偏好可能起关键作用, 后期则倾向是一种风险决策, 认知评价和预期对选项偏向逐渐占优势; IGT与工作记忆的加工成分有相互重叠, 也需陈述性记忆的参与; IGT的加工不仅依赖于杏仁核、腹内侧前额皮层、眶额皮层等组成的情绪脑网络的活动, 还与背外侧前额皮层、海马、腹侧纹状体、岛叶皮层、辅助运动前区、扣带回皮层等许多脑区的活动有关; COMT和5-HTT的基因多态性会调节IGT相关的决策加工。总之, IGT是一项需要多重神经系统协同活动的决策加工任务, 且模糊与风险决策可能具有不同的遗传基础。  相似文献   

Age-related decline in executive functions can be decisive in performing everyday tasks autonomously. Working memory (WM) is closely related to executive functions, and training of WM has yielded evidence toward cognitive plasticity in older adults. The training effects often transfer to untrained tasks and functions. These effects have mostly been shown in processes such as WM and attention, whereas studies investigating transfer to executive functions have been scarce. We trained older adults aged 57–73 years in a WM training task that was reported to be effective in producing transfer in young adults. The training intervention consisted of a dual n-back task including independently processed auditory and visual n-back tasks. We investigated transfer to tasks engaging executive functions, and compared the effects in older adults to those reported in young adults. We found that both training groups improved in the training task. Although the training effect in older adults was smaller than the training effect in young adults, the older adults still showed a notable improvement so that after training they performed on the same level as young adults without training. The older adults also showed transfer to an untrained WM updating task, a result that was in accordance with the findings in young adults; other transfer effects in older adults were lacking. We conclude that although transfer effects were scarce, the present study provides encouraging evidence toward the possibilities to compensate for age-related decline in executive functions by a WM training intervention.  相似文献   

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