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道教官观是道教信众通神修道之所.遵照老庄道家自然哲学思想和道教的基本教义,在营建宫观时特别注重生态环境的保护和建设,并加以清规戒律的约束,是道教的一贯行为.长久的历史积淀所形成的优良传统,在当今世界仍有其延续的合理价值.  相似文献   

六年前,上海城隍庙组织全体教职人员参加了华东师范大学宗教班的学习。经过这几年国民学历教育大专阶段和本科阶段的修学,其中部分教职人员已经或将于年内本科毕业。面对这样的好形势,庙管会拓展思路,创新学习机制,以文化学习为基础,全面提高教职人员  相似文献   

沈阳市繁华的市府大路,高楼林立,车水马龙,人声鼎沸。马路旁却有一块幽静处,一片青砖瓦舍的古建筑群,这就是太清宫。太清宫始建于清康熙二年1633年),原名三教堂,于清乾隆四十四年1779年),改为太清宫。太清宫自清代创建起,即是东北地区道教第一宫观。太清宫不仅被列为辽宁省重点  相似文献   

<正>善化寺位于大同城区南隅,是一座规模宏大、布局完整的佛教寺院。寺内的建筑和塑像吸取了宋、辽、金三代的精华,形成了自已独特的艺术风格。据善化寺内金代碑记载:"寺建于唐,明皇时与道观皆赐开元之号。"由此可以看出,作为  相似文献   

尚诚 《中国宗教》2013,(1):87-90
晨钟暮鼓之间,辽宁阜新瑞应寺走过了300余年的历史,它以文化滋养着黑土地尚德人民,因此也成就了无上庄严!尽管只是初冬时节,关外却已是白雪茫茫。朝阳刚从山后升起,我们已经从阜新启程。山路盘旋,一山又一山。在一个山路回旋处,远远看到在淡黄的阳光映照下的金瓦庙顶,熠熠生辉,散发着耀眼的光芒。同车的向导尽管已经来过很多次,依旧掩饰不住自己的欣喜,指着这处巍峨的建筑群叫道:  相似文献   

<正>天镇县慈云寺坐落在县城大西街路北,始建于唐代。宋、元、明、清均有修缮,寺院坐北向南,占地5600平方米,现为国家重点文物保护单位。  相似文献   

<正>在清末民初的高鹤年居士所写的《五台山游访记》中载道:光绪二十九年(1903)五月"二十三日,游栖贤寺。里许观音洞,洞在岩畔,蹑  相似文献   

吾有三宝天有三宝:日、月、星。人有三宝:精炁、神。空门有三宝:佛、法、僧。玄门有三宝:道、经、师。道祖老子有三宝:一曰慈,二曰俭,三曰不敢为天下先。韩旭亮,蓝田县汤峪人氏,以前在八仙宫做清洁工。一日,韩老憨然一笑,对众人说:我也有三宝———手里的笤笤脚下的戳戳、腰里的篓篓。  相似文献   

按佛教教义及管理学原理,以饶益、随顺众生为特色的寺庙慈善行为,满足了社会中的个体及群体的部分需求。因此,慈善行为也就成为寺庙这一非营利组织存在乃至发展的前提。人类的需求,有的亘古不变,如衣食住行等基本生理需求;有的则具备时代特征,如商业社会中普遍存在的求职、职业发展需求等。当今寺庙的慈善行为以因袭传统为特质,所满足的大多是那些不随社会变化而变化的需求。满足需求的手段,也以传统的财布施为主。因袭传统的慈善,或许可以维持寺庙的生存现状。若要实现可持续发展,则需探究众生在现时代的特有需求,在此基础上开发技能满足之。  相似文献   

川北苯教名寺——苟哇象仓寺历史考证及现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苟象寺是历史上著名的苯教寺院之一,在川北藏族社会具有很大的影响。本文主要考察了苟象寺的历辈主持象帕大师的传承,历史上的属寺和所属部落领地,以及寺院的法事法会、教育体制、传承和现状。  相似文献   

It was a coincidence that I was asked to talk about resistance at Ground Rounds at the University of Texas, Department of Psychiatry, on the tenth anniversary of mailing the first version of Death of Resistance to a journal in 1979. Although the paper was subsequently rejected 17 times and revised six times, it was eventually published inFamily Process (de Shazer, 1984). I still insist that the concept of resistance was a bad idea for therapists to have in their heads.This paper was presented April 14, 1989, at Ground Rounds, University of Texas, Southwest Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Dallas, Texas.  相似文献   

Restructuring revisited   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Gestalt psychologists proposed that restructuring ( Umstrukturierung ) is an essential process in thinking. This concept has not been integrated into the information processing theory of problem solving. As a preparation for such an integration, the Gestalt writings about restructuring in problem solving are summarized in a set of principles. Critical scrutiny shows that some Gestalt principles are overstated; others have very weak empirical support. But the psychological reality of restructuring is not in doubt, in spite of the recent criticism by Weisberg and Alba (1982 a ). A unified theory of thinking should interpret restructuring in information processing terms, and explain the relation between restructuring and search.  相似文献   


This is a first tentative examination of the possibility of reinstating reduction as a valid candidate for presenting relations between mental and physical properties. Classical Nagelian reduction is undoubtedly contaminated in many ways, but here I investigate the possibility of adapting to problems concerning mental properties an alternative defmition for theory reduction in philosophy of science. The defmition I offer is formulated with the aid of non-monotonic logic, which I suspect might be a very interesting realm for testing notions concerning localized mental-physical reduction. The reason for this is that non-monotonic reasoning by defmition is about appeals made not only to explicit observations, but also to an implicit selection of background knowledge containing heuristic information. The flexibility of this defmition and the fact that it is not absolute, i.e. that the relation of reduction may be retracted or allowed to shift without fuss, add at least an interesting alternative factor to current materialist debates.  相似文献   

A female patient of mine recounts her week. I listen with interest, waiting for her to arrive at particular conclusions. She has suffered a great deal and still does, but prefers not to dwell on it. My interest turns into patience as she continues to talk but circumvents her discontent. She is adroit at avoidance, but easily offended when I point such things out. "I'd better wait" I think. I grow more aware that I must encourage her digressions. I feel frustrated. Getting further and further away, she skirts the issue with supple grace, then strays off into tangentiality. I forget her point and lose my focus, then get down on myself. The opportunity is soon gone. I glance at the clock as her monologue drones on into banality. I grow more uninterested and distant. There is a subtle irritation to her voice; a whiney indecisive ring begins to pervade my consciousness. I home in on her mouth with aversion, watching apprehensively as this disgusting hole flaps tirelessly but says nothing. It looks carnivorous, voracious. Now she is unattractive, something I have noticed before. I forget who my next patient is. I think about the meal I will prepare for my wife this evening, then glance at the time once more. Then I am struck: Why am I looking at the clock? So soon? The session has just begun. I catch myself. What is going on in me, between us? I am detached, but why? Is she too feeling unattuned, disconnected? I am failing my patient. What is her experience of me? I lamentingly confess that I do not feel I have been listening to her, and wonder what has gone wrong between us. I ask her if she has noticed. We talk about our feelings, our impact on one another, why we had lost our sense of connection, what it means to us. I instantly feel more involved, rejuvenated, and she continues, this time with me present. Her mouth is no longer odious, but sincere and articulate. She is attractive and tender; I suddenly feel empathy and warmth toward her. We are now very close. I am moved. Time flies, the session is soon over; we do not want it to end.  相似文献   

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