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The picture-word interference (PWI) paradigm and the Stroop color-word interference task are often assumed to reflect the same underlying processes. On the basis of a PRP study, Dell’Acqua et al. (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14: 717-722, 2007) argued that this assumption is incorrect. In this article, we first discuss the definitions of Stroop- and picture-word interference. Next, we argue that both effects consist of at least four components that correspond to four characteristics of the distractor word: (1) response-set membership, (2) task relevance, (3) semantic relatedness, and (4) lexicality. On the basis of this theoretical analysis, we conclude that the typical Stroop effect and the typical PWI effect mainly differ in the relative contributions of these four components. Finally, the results of an interference task are reported in which only the nature of the target – color or picture – was manipulated and all other distractor task characteristics were kept constant. The results showed no difference between color and picture targets with respect to all behavioral measures examined. We conclude that the assumption that the same processes underlie verbal interference in color and picture naming is warranted.  相似文献   

Effects of picture-word format were investigated with four problem-solving items. In Experiment 1, picture-word input was presented for 8 sec followed by a test sentence that included verbatim and inference statements. Subjects made a true/false reaction time to the test sentence. In Experiment 2, the input remained on the screen while the test sentence was presented with varied stimulus onset asynchronies from 0 to 1,000 msec. Results showed that responses to pictures were faster than responses to words, and the format effect was larger with inference than with verbatim sentences. The picture advantage seemed to be due to the nature of the input and how information is extracted from it. The findings are discussed within the context of text-processing theories (Glenberg & Langston, 1992; Larkin & Simon, 1987).  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that while pictures are more easily recognized, discriminated, associated, and recalled than their corresponding verbal labels, this is not the case in concept acquisition/utilization tasks. If such evidence is interpreted in terms of a "frequency theory" perspective, one would expect the typically obtained frequency judgment differences between pictures and words to be reduced if "conceptual" frequency judgments are required. This expectation was confirmed in three experiments.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the processing of pictures and words in two tasks of semantic decision--judgments of conceptual size and judgments of associative relatedness--in order to test the prediction from single-coding models of memory that different semantic decisions produce comparable picture-word latency differences. In Experiment 1 an interaction in decision latency was found such that picture-picture (P-P) pairs were significantly faster than word-word (W-W) pairs in decisions of size but not in decisions of associative relatedness. In Experiment 2 no latency differences were found in decisions of association for pairs presented in P-P, W-W, or mixed (P-W or W-P) forms. Decisions of size, however, were fastest for P-P pairs, intermediate for mixed pairs, and slowest for W-W pairs. In a third experiment, using a speeded inference task, the interaction obtained in the first two experiments was reproduced. In light of these results possible revisions to common-coding assumptions about the processing of pictures and words in semantic decisions are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of audiovisual interactions on size perception has yet to be examined, despite its fundamental importance in daily life. Previous studies have reported that object length can be estimated solely on the basis of the sounds produced when an object is dropped. Moreover, it has been shown that people typically and easily perceive the correspondence between object sizes and sound intensities. It is therefore possible that auditory stimuli may act as cues for object size, thereby altering the visual perception of size. Thus, in the present study we examined the effects of auditory stimuli on the visual perception of size. Specifically, we investigated the effects of the sound intensity of auditory stimuli, the temporal window of audiovisual interactions, and the effects of the retinal eccentricity of visual stimuli. The results indicated that high-intensity auditory stimuli increased visually perceived object size, and that this effect was especially strong in the peripheral visual field. Additional consideration indicated that this effect on the visual perception of size is induced when the cue reliability is relatively higher for the auditory than for the visual stimuli. In addition, we further suggest that the cue reliabilities of visual and auditory stimuli relate to retinal eccentricity and sound intensity, respectively.  相似文献   

Marlow P  Gillam BJ 《Perception》2011,40(12):1413-1427
Binocular disparity produces less stereoscopic depth if the targets are separated by several degrees. It is thus possible that separation decreases the influence of stereopsis as a relative depth cue. Here, four experiments tested the strength of disparity in determining the direction of relative depth in the face of strongly conflicting relative size for a range of target separations. Under conditions of natural fixation-permitting sequential stereopsis-disparity dominated completely at small separations (0.42 degrees) but gradually gave way to relative size domination at large separations. However, when brief presentations prevented changes in fixation, disparity completely dominated at a separation of 0.5 degrees while relative size mostly dominated by 0.75 degrees - 1 degrees of separation. By varying target separation at different retinal eccentricities, we showed that separation per se was the critical factor in the dominance switch. Stereoacuity as a function of target separation for the same observers did not predict the switch from disparity to relative size. Stereoscopic dominance was found for the same small separations that are immune to stereoscopic reversals (Gillam, 1993 Perception 22 1025-1036). Our results suggest that relative disparity has a compulsory influence on perceived depth at small separations, suggesting a different mechanism from the one operating at larger separations.  相似文献   

采用图-词干扰范式,要求被试口语产生包含三个名词的句子,同时听觉呈现干扰刺激并操纵其与各个名词的语音相关性,通过与无关刺激相比,与各个名词语音相关的干扰刺激产生的语音效应,探讨句子产生中音韵编码的计划广度,同时检验音韵编码的层级激活假设。结果发现,只有第一个名词上出现了语音促进效应,第二和第三个名词上既无语音促进,也无语音干扰。该结果与层级激活假设相悖,表明句子产生中音韵编码的计划广度为第一个韵律词。  相似文献   

Current models in social neuroscience advance that eye contact may automatically recruit cognitive resources. Here, we directly tested this hypothesis by evaluating the distracting strength of eye contact on concurrent visual processing in the well-known Stroop’s paradigm. As expected, participants showed stronger Stroop interference under concomitant eye contact as compared to closed eyes. Two control experiments allowed ruling out low-level account of this effect as well as non-specific effect of the presence of open eyes. This suggests that refraining from processing eye contact is actually as difficult as refraining from word reading in the Stroop task. Crucially, the eye contact effect was obtained while gaze was not under the direct focus of attention and the participants were faced with another powerful distracter (the incongruent word) in the task at hand. Thus, there is a cost of being watched even in circumstances where the processing of direct gaze is strongly disfavored. The present results emphasize the crucial status of eye contact in human cognition.  相似文献   

P Walker  S Smith 《Perception》1985,14(6):729-736
In a preliminary experiment subjects were asked to explore three wooden knobs of different sizes and to rate each one on a series of 7-point scales. The results confirmed that an object may possess a number of multimodal qualities that are contingent on its haptic size. The pattern of intercorrelations between the qualities was consistent with the pattern that is observed when subjects respond to pure auditory tones varying in pitch. For example, small (high-pitched) sounds, like small objects, are judged to be sharp, thin, light, weak, fast, tense, and bright. The main experiments used a paradigm based on the Stroop interference effect. Subjects were required to press one of two keys as quickly as possible depending on which of four possible words appeared in the centre of the screen. A 50 Hz or a 5500 Hz tone accompanied each test word, and subjects responded on two keys that differed in size. Subjects were found to respond more slowly when either the pitch of the incidental sound or the size of the key on which they responded was incongruent with the multimodal features represented by the test word. The results confirm that people are automatically and immediately sensitive to the multimodal features of a stimulus when direct sensory evidence for the features is absent.  相似文献   

Semantic and perceptual size decision times for pictorial and verbal material were analyzed in the context of a unitary memory model and several dual memory models. Experiment 1 involved a same-different categorical judgment task. The results showed that picture-picture response latencies were 185 msec faster than the corresponding word-word latencies, and word-picture and picture-word latencies equaled the mean of these two extremes. Similarity of subcategory for “same” judgments led to faster decision latency for all presentation conditions. Additionally, a linear relationship was found between picture-picture and word-word latencies for individual item pairs. Experiment 2 involved a comparison of pictures and words across a. categorical judgment and a size judgment task. Pictures produced faster decision latencies in both tasks, and the latency diflerence between pictures and words was comparable across tasks. These data fit the predictions of a unitary memory model. Several variants of a dual memory model are rejected and those which fit the data require assumptions about storage and/or transfer time values which result in a functional regression to the unitary memory model.  相似文献   

Caramazza A  Costa A 《Cognition》2001,80(3):100-298
Caramazza and Costa (Cognition 75 (2000) B51) reported results which demonstrate that a semantically related word distractor interferes in picture naming even when it is not in the response set and there is no possibility for mediated interference. They interpreted the results to be problematic for the model of lexical access proposed by Levelt, Roelofs, and Meyer (Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1999) 1). Roelofs (Cognition 80 (2001, this issue 283--90)) argues that those results are not inconsistent with Levelt et al.'s model when certain new assumptions about the mechanism of lexical selection are considered. Here we show that even with these assumptions the model still makes the wrong predictions. We report new results which demonstrate that the semantic interference and facilitation effects that are obtained respectively in the basic-level and category-level naming variants of the picture-word interference paradigm are not the result of response set size and response repetitions.  相似文献   

The present study was intended to test whether the standard contextual interference effect would be observed when only two patterns were practiced in blocked or random schedules of multisegment movement tasks rather than three patterns which is the norm. In line with the basic effect, Blocked learners' performance was closer to ideal during acquisition, but Random learners had smaller errors at 24-hr. retention. In addition, random learners had better recall of the details of the patterns they had practiced. Learners' predictions of retention performance did not match the group differences actually observed.  相似文献   

It has been claimed both that (1) imagery selectivelyinterferes with perception (because images can be confused with similar stimuli) and that (2) imagery selectivelyfacilitates perception (because images recruit attention for similar stimuli). However, the evidence for these claims can be accounted for without postulating either image-caused confusions or attentional set. Interference could be caused by general and modality-specific capacity demands of imaging, and facilitation, by image-caused eye fixations. The experiment reported here simultaneously tested these two apparently conflicting claims about the effect of imagery on perception in a way that rules out these alternative explanations. Subjects participated in a two-alternative forced-choice auditory signal detection task in which the target signal was either the same frequency as an auditory image or a different frequency. The possible effects of confusion and attention were separated by varying the temporal relationship between the image and the observation intervals, since an image can only be confused with a simultaneous signal. We found selective facilitation (lower thresholds) for signals of the same frequency as the image relative to signals of a different frequency, implying attention recruitment; we found no selective interference, implying the absence of confusion. These results also imply that frequency information is represented in images in a form that can interact with perceptual representations.  相似文献   

张锋  申之美 《心理学报》2014,46(9):1317-1330
基于建构水平理论基本假设的推论, 采用图片-词汇Stroop范式, 通过两组实验, 探讨了行为表征水平与心理距离间是否具有自动化联接特性的问题。实验结果一致表明:(1)无论是以词性判断速度为指标(实验1), 还是以词汇判断速度为指标(实验2), 对不同建构水平行为评价词汇的加工均不受词汇所在空间距离位置的影响, 说明行为表征水平的心理距离效应不具有自动化加工的特性, 而可能是意识性控制加工的产物; (2)无论是对于特质性词汇, 还是对于行动性词汇, 相对于近距离位置, 当其呈现于远距离位置时, 被试对其词性(实验1)和词汇(实验2)加工的速度均更快, 说明空间距离的延伸可促进对行为评价性词汇的加工绩效。  相似文献   

Excessive fear generalisation is a feature characteristic of clinical anxiety and has been linked to its aetiology. Previous animal studies have shown that the mere passage of time increases fear generalisation and that brief exposure to training cues prior to long-term testing reverses this effect. The current study examined these phenomena in humans. Healthy participants learned the relationship between the presentation of a picture of a neutral male face and the delivery of a mild shock. One group was immediately tested with a novel picture of a somewhat different male face (generalisation test). Another group was tested one week later. A third group was also tested one week later and was additionally exposed to the training picture prior to testing. During picture presentations, shock-expectancy ratings were obtained as a measure of fear. Fear generalisation increased from the immediate test to the 1-week follow-up test. This result could not be attributed to level of neuroticism or a general increase in fear (incubation). Furthermore, the time-dependent increase in fear generalisation vanished following brief exposure to the training picture. Results indicate that human fear generalisation is a temporally dynamic process and that memory for stimulus details can be re-established following a reminder treatment.  相似文献   

A target and a flanking nontarget which shared no primary feature were exposed simultaneously in the parafoveal region of the left or right visual field. The presentation terminated with one of two metacontrast masks, one of which masked the nontarget significantly better than the other. One group of 8 subjects received nontargets which were detected better with one of the metacontrast masks, while another group of 8 subjects received nontargets which were detected better with the other mask. Target identification was significantly better when the nontarget appeared on its foveal side rather than on its peripheral side, and this superiority was independent of accuracy in detecting the nontarget. The lack of consistency of this result with models explaining the parafoveal identification asymmetry in terms of feature perturbations is emphasized. Asymmetric lateral inhibition is suggested as an explanation.  相似文献   

Skilled readers demonstrate remarkable efficiency in processing written words, unlike beginning readers for whom reading occurs more serially and places higher demands on visual attention. In the present study, we used the Stroop paradigm to investigate the relationship between reading skill and automaticity, in individuals learning a second language with a different orthographic system. Prior studies using this paradigm have presented a mixed picture, finding a positive, a negative, or no relationship between the size of Stroop interference and reading skills. Our results show that Stroop interference in the second language was positively related to reading skill (when controlled for interference in the first language). Furthermore, interference was positively related to objective but not subjective indices of the amount of exposure to the second language. We suggest that the lack of consistency in the results of earlier studies may be due, at least in part, to these studies looking at Stroop interference in isolation, rather than comparing interference between languages.  相似文献   

Picture#x2014;word interference studies typically show that semantically related distractor words embedded within a picture slow picture-naming responses, relative to unrelated ones. This semantic interference effect is commonly interpreted as arising from the competition of lexical#x2014;semantic (e.g., Schriefers, Meyer, & Levelt, 1990) or lexical#x2014;phonological (e.g., Starreveld & La Heij, 1996) codes. The experiment reported here tests a crucial assumption shared by these accounts#x2014;namely, that the effect reflects a lexical, rather than a nonverbal, conceptual conflict. Pictures were named while participants attempted to ignore embedded distractors that were in either verbal or pictorial format. The presence of both words and pictures substantially interfered with naming responses, but only words, not pictures, were found to induce semantic interference. These findings support the claim that for semantic interference to arise, both target picture and distractor have to be lexicalized. Consequently, a general conceptual locus of the effect can be excluded, and the claim that semantic interference is based on a lexical conflict is confirmed.  相似文献   

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