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积极情感消极情感量表(PANAS)的修订   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邱林  郑雪  王雁飞 《应用心理学》2008,14(3):249-254,268
以情感二维结构理论为基础,对Watson等(1988)编制的积极情感消极情感量表(PANAS)进行了修订。收集了几种主要的情感环丛模型中积极情感和消极情感项目后,用专家评定法剔除了不属于情绪描述词的项目,并用问卷法考察了这些情感体验的典型性,试测后确定了积极情感和消极情感项目各9项构成最终量表。最后用自评、同伴评价和认知测量法对量表的心理测量学属性进行了较为全面的分析。结果表明,修订后的PANAS中各项目具有良好的区分度,是情感幸福感有效和可靠的测量工具。  相似文献   

张楠  罗峥 《心理学探新》2009,29(4):88-92
心理治疗中长期存在两种倾向:力图减少消极情绪、认为这样可以自动增加积极情绪。该文分析并总结了有关积极与消极情绪的关系及作用的实证研究和综述,主要得出三个结论:1)积极与消极情绪有三种关系:负相关、相互独立、部分重合,具体表现出哪种关系要视实际情况而定。2)过多的积极情绪对认知、行为、健康有消极作用。3)适当的消极情绪对认知、行为、健康有积极作用。因此,在进行心理治疗或研究时,应根据实际情况.明确对象并选择正确方法。  相似文献   

正、负性情绪的跨文化心理测量:PANAS维度结构检验   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
张卫东  刁静 《心理科学》2004,27(1):77-79
对中国大学生(N=201)和美国大学生(N=321)进行PANAS测评,以检验该量表中、英文版的因素效度。探索性因素分析会聚性地验证了该量表的PA和NA两维度结构具有跨文化一致性,中、英文量表两因子的累积方差贡献率分别为51.31%和44.25%,接近Watson等的研究结果。然而研究结果也显示测项偏差问题,因此中文量表的PA分量表的测项组成不等同于原量表。中、英文量表的PA与NA分量表同样具有较高内在一致性信度,表明其符合心理测量学要求。  相似文献   

Using Brehm's (1999) intensity of emotion paradigm, we investigated whether basic positive or negative affect operates like a motivational state. We focused on one of the most basic affects, the sensory affect experienced when eating food. Participants tasted a delicious chocolate truffle (Study 1) or some bitter chocolate (Study 2) and were exposed to either a weak, moderately strong, or a very strong reason for feeling an opposing-valence affect or to no reason. In line with the predictions, the affect that participants reported in response to chocolate functioned like a motivational state as its intensity was a cubic function of the importance of the reason for feeling an opposing affect. We discussed the implications of these findings for the conceptualisation of affect and consider several applications for food advertising and consumer rating research.  相似文献   

为探究积极和消极情绪与自我控制在自我同情与睡眠质量间的中介机制,采用问卷法对477名成人进行调查,建立结构方程模型对中介效应进行检验。结果发现:(1)自我同情、积极情绪、自我控制和睡眠质量两两之间均为显著正相关,而上述变量与消极情绪均为显著负相关;(2)自我同情可分别以积极情绪、消极情绪和自我控制为中介来预测睡眠质量;还可依靠消极情绪与自我控制的链式中介效应来间接预测睡眠质量,但自我同情对睡眠质量的直接效应不显著。该研究结果为改善睡眠质量提供了新的干预视角。  相似文献   

Previous findings on the relationship between positive mood and global processing are often based on visual matching tasks that involve a choice between global and local strategies. Preferences for global processing in positive mood, however, do not imply a reduced ability to process locally. The present experiment tested the assumption that positive affect increases flexibility in cognitive processing as indicated by the ability to overcome global precedence, and to respond rapidly to non-dominant (local) features when the task necessitates it. Consistent with expectations, participants responded significantly faster to local targets after positive compared to neutral and negative prime words. The typical precedence of global over local processing observed after neutral and negative prime words was reversed after positive prime words. Findings support the assumption that positive affect increases cognitive flexibility. Furthermore, findings suggest that mood-related preferences in global versus local processing cannot be generalized to processing ability.  相似文献   

以3353名初一、初二、高一、高二年级学生为被试,探讨了青少年消极情感的特点,并进一步检验了不同依恋类型对青少年消极情感的独特效应、同伴依恋在亲子依恋与消极情感中的中介作用以及二者对消极情感的交互作用。结果发现:1)青少年的消极情感水平总体上呈现从初一到高二逐渐上升的趋势,且女生得分显著高于男生;2)同伴与父子依恋对消极情感的独特效应显著,但母子依恋的独特效应不显著,且同伴依恋在消极情感中的独特效应显著高于父子与母子依恋;3)同伴依恋部分中介父子依恋与消极情感、完全中介母子依恋与消极情感的联系,同时,父子与母子依恋又调节同伴依恋对消极情感的影响,表现为同伴依恋对消极情感的预测在高亲子依恋个体中更显著。因而,依恋对消极情感的作用机制中,间接效应模型与交互作用模型同时成立,是有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether illness representations of control and consequences mediate the relation of cardiac patients’ affect to well-being. A further aim was to examine this indirect relationship at a dyadic level (i.e. patient and spouse). Design and main outcome measures: One hundred and four patients with a cardiovascular disease and their spouses participated in the study. Positive and negative affect was assessed at baseline; illness representations were assessed 2 months later, and physical and psychological well-being 4 months later. Results: Illness representations generally mediated the impact of patients’ and spouses’ affect on well-being, while several actor and partner effects were found. However, it was only positive affect that was indirectly related to well-being, while the representations of personal and treatment control chiefly acted as mediators. The effects were stronger for patients than spouses, as well as for physical well-being. Conclusion: The results underline the strong connection between illness-related self-regulation and the overall person/environment interaction as depicted by affect. They also indicate the need to integrate theories on adaptation to illness, with models describing adaptation of couples to stressful conditions, and specific theories about the role of emotion in adaptation to illness.  相似文献   


The authors investigated the effects of religiosity and negative affect on beliefs in the paranormal and supernatural among 94 undergraduate students enrolled in psychology classes at a small, private U.S. university. They hypothesized that religiosity would predict differential beliefs in the supernatural versus the paranormal but that negative affect would attenuate these beliefs. In addition, the authors predicted that belief in the supernatural and negative affect would interact to predict belief in the paranormal. Overall, the results were consistent with predictions. The religious participants were skeptical of paranormal phenomena but were accepting of supernatural phenomena. In addition, increased reports of negative affect over the preceding year appeared to attenuate belief in the supernatural for the religious participants. By contrast, for the nonreligious participants, increased belief in both the supernatural and paranormal was predicted when reports of negative affect were high. Finally, the interaction of supernatural belief and negative affect significantly predicted belief in the paranormal.  相似文献   

This study examined how four different configurations of unemployment and reemployment (defined by history of past unemployment and unemployment/reemployment 3 years later) related to changes in psychological well-being. The longitudinal sample consisted of 566 Portuguese men and women who were unemployed at the beginning of the study. Using true change score models, we found that individuals who reported a long period of unemployment at T1 but were reemployed at T2 showed meaningful gains in positive affect and life satisfaction compared to those who had a shorter history of unemployment and were reemployed. An examination of gender differences revealed that the women who were reemployed after a long history of unemployment showed the greatest relative gains in positive affect. We conclude by noting limitations of this research and suggesting future research to address these limitations.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to clarify the inconsistent relationship between negative affect and innovative work behaviour by taking into account the role of affect activation and mindfulness. Building on the conservation of resources theory, we hypothesized that low-activated negative affect can be associated with increased innovativeness, but only for employees with high levels of mindfulness. Conversely, high-activated negative affect is expected to have a positive, direct relationship with innovative work behaviour. Data were collected from two independent samples, namely 163 French Canadian and 101 Italian employees. Consistent with our predictions, multiple regression analysis results showed that low-activated negative affect was positively related to innovative behaviour only when mindfulness was high (vs. low), whereas high-activated negative affect was directly associated with higher innovativeness. Our findings challenge the assumption that low-activated negative affects are associated with undermined innovative behaviour, suggesting that these affective states can be related to increased innovativeness if employees are mindful. On the other hand, they support the view that high-activated negative affects provide the energizing potential for instigating innovative actions. This study is unique in examining mindfulness as a moderator that is capable of shaping the link between deactivating negative affect and employee innovativeness. As such, it answers recent calls for research on how mindfulness can contribute to workplace functioning. Moreover, this is the first study to take into account the role of activation level in the negative affect-innovative work behaviour relationship.  相似文献   

情绪可以唤醒自主神经系统, 伴随有一系列的生理变化。从基础研究的角度来看, 正负性情绪可以诱发心血管系统(如心率、血压、心率变异性)、皮肤电系统(如皮肤电导水平)、呼吸系统(如呼吸阻力、每分通气量)和其他系统(如瞳孔直径、胃肌电等)的活动及其变化。在应用研究方面, 正负性情绪诱发的自主神经反应可以应用在多个领域, 主要包括用户体验中的情绪测量、基于生理信号的人-机情感交互系统的开发, 以及消费者态度和偏好的测查等。对于现有研究结果中存在的分歧, 从被试的个体差异、诱导范式的不一致性和诱导效果的可靠性, 以及刺激材料属性的多样化等方面进行了分析, 指出了未来研究应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the heterogeneity of creativity and the role of interpersonal relationships for creativity subgroups among primary school students. We used latent profile analysis to identify subgroups of creativity among pupils. We then used logistic regression analysis to investigate the role of teacher-student and peer relationships in these subgroups. A total of 1,047 primary school students (Mage = 10.97, SD = 0.91; 47.80% girls) completed the Chinese version of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Figural Form A, the Teacher-Student Relationship Scale, and peer nominations. First, the results revealed five creativity profiles for pupils in primary school: high-creativity individuals, innovators, medium-creativity individuals, adaptors, and low-creativity individuals. Heterogeneity across the five subgroups was reflected in the differing creativity levels and differences in creativity dimensions. Second, students who had better teacher-student relationships were more likely to be high-creativity individuals and innovators than low-creativity individuals. In addition, students who had higher perceived popularity tended to be high-creativity individuals, innovators, adaptors, and medium-creativity individuals than low-creativity individuals. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis and empirical support for the targeted cultivation of creativity in primary schools.  相似文献   

The Macro Theory of Positive Functioning integrates key aspects of the Self-Determination Theory and the Broaden and Build Theory. The theory posits a model that provides new perspectives on the development of positive characteristics. The Macro Theory proposes that higher levels of intrinsic motivation and basic needs satisfaction as described by the Self-Determination Theory result in high levels of positive affect (consisting of emotions such as joy). The Broaden and Build Theory proposes that high levels of positive affect result in a broadening of perspective resulting in more engagement with opportunities and relationships, which builds beneficial cognitive and behavioural resources and skills. Such resources and skills may manifest as positive characteristics described and studied in the positive psychology approach. These characteristics include self-compassion, self-efficacy, empathy, emotional intelligence, and character strengths. High levels of these characteristics may result in optimal functioning. Results from model testing with concurrent data designs as well as experimental designs provide initial support for the Macro Theory.  相似文献   

Among sexual minority men (i.e., gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men) living with HIV, those who use methamphetamine experience profound health disparities. Affect Regulation Treatment to Enhance Methamphetamine Intervention Success (ARTEMIS) is an evidence-based, 5-session, individually delivered positive affect intervention adapted for sexual minority men living with HIV who use methamphetamine. ARTEMIS was designed to amplify the benefits of evidence-based substance use interventions such as contingency management (CM) with this high-priority population. Delivering ARTEMIS during CM has been shown to assist participants in reducing stimulant use, increasing positive affect, and achieving durable reductions in HIV viral load. We describe the theoretical underpinnings of the ARTEMIS intervention, provide details of the training and session protocols with a case example, and discuss implications for future applications in research and clinical settings.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that individual differences in affect and motivation predict divergent and convergent thinking performance, two thinking processes involved in creative idea generation. Individual differences in affect and motivation also predict spontaneous eye blink rate (sEBR) during divergent and convergent thinking; and sEBR predicts divergent and convergent thinking performance. This study investigates experimentally whether the relationship between sEBR and divergent and convergent thinking depends on individual differences in affect and motivation. Eighty-two participants completed the Emotion/motivation-related Divergent and Convergent thinking styles Scale (EDICOS; G. Soroa et al., 2015), performed the alternative uses task (AUT; divergent thinking) or the remote associates task (RAT; convergent thinking), while their sEBR was captured with an eye-tracker. The results showed that individual differences in positive affect positively correlated with sEBR for the AUT, whereas individual differences in negative affect positively correlated with sEBR for the RAT. Furthermore, the interaction between individual differences in positive and negative affect and sEBR predicted divergent and convergent thinking performance. The contribution of our study is therefore that individual differences in positive and negative affect can both positively correlate with sEBR during divergent and convergent thinking; and that this predicts divergent and convergent thinking performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrated that positive affect fosters intrinsic motivation, as reflected by choice of activity in a free-choice situation and by rated amount of enjoyment of a novel and challenging task, but also promotes responsible work behavior in a situation where the work needs to be done. Where there was work that needed to be done, people in the positive-affect condition reduced their time on the enjoyable task, successfully completed the work task, but also spent time on the more enjoyable task. These results indicate that positive affect does foster intrinsic motivation, and enjoyment and performance of enjoyable tasks, but not at the cost of responsible work behavior on an uninteresting task that needs to be done. Implications for the relationship between positive affect and such aspects of self-regulation as forward-looking thinking and self-control are discussed.
Alice M. IsenEmail:

对321名大学生施测青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、自动思维问卷(ATQ)、特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)及流调中心用抑郁量表(CESD),以探讨生活事件、负性自动思维及应对方式对抑郁的影响模式。结果:(1)相关分析发现:生活事件、负性自动思维、消极应对方式均与抑郁呈显著正相关(p<0.01),生活事件与负性自动思维及消极应对方式呈显著正相关(p<0.01)。(2)路经分析发现:有六条显著路径影响抑郁。应对方式对抑郁产生直接的影响;自动思维可以直接影响抑郁,同时也可通过应对方式间接影响抑郁;生活事件对抑郁的直接影响不显著,其影响是经由负性自动思维及应对方式的中介作用而间接实现的。  相似文献   

The present cross-lagged panel study aimed to investigate the energizing power of job resources and related gain spirals. Drawing on Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources (COR) theory’s rarely tested assumptions of cumulative resource gains and gain spirals a reciprocal process was expected: (1) job resources lead to work engagement and work engagement leads to personal initiative (PI), which, in turn, has a positive impact on work-unit innovativeness, and (2) work-unit innovativeness leads to PI, which has a positive impact on work engagement, which finally predicts future job resources. The study was based on a two-wave 3-year panel design among 2555 Finnish dentists. Structural equation modeling was employed to study cross-lagged associations. The results mainly confirmed our hypotheses: positive and reciprocal cross-lagged associations were found between job resources and work engagement and between work engagement and PI. In addition, PI had a positive impact on work-unit innovativeness over time.  相似文献   

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