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Though it has sometimes been shown that events encoded in a certain state of affect or mood are most retrievable in that state, neither the circumstances under which mood dependent memory (MDM) occurs nor the mechanisms that enable its emergence are as yet well understood. The purpose of the research reviewed here is to clarify these circumstances and mechanisms. To this end, the research focuses on four factors that appear to play pivotal roles in the occurrence of MDM. These factors are (a) the nature of the target events or the manner in which they are encoded (ie, are events generated through internal mental processes such as reasoning, imagination, or thought more apt to be forgotten following a shift in sources?), (b) the nature of the retrieval task (is it possible to demonstrate mood dependence using implicit rather than explicit measures of memory?), (c) efficacy of mood modification (do strong, stable, and authentic affective states promote the appearance of MDM?), and (d) whether alterations in affect are one-dimensional or two-dimensional (does a shift along both the pleasure and the arousal dimensions of mood impair memory more than does a shift along the pleasure dimension alone?) Exploring these four factors in detail may make it possible to resolve much of the controversy that now surrounds MDM, and to acquire fresh insights into its cognitive and affective foundations.  相似文献   

情绪状态对学生创造性的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
研究了情绪状态对学生创造性影响的问题。被试为上海师范大学第三附属中学初二的学生 2 2 0名 ,其中男生 10 4人 ,女生 116人 ,年龄 13~ 14岁。由于国外已有研究的结果并不统一 ,研究的方法也缺乏生态化效度 ,因此本文试图通过教学现场实验 ,运用实际教学情境中的刺激来诱发学生愉快—难过情绪 ,以探索在教学情境中学生情绪状态对其创造性影响状况。研究结果表明 ,学生在愉快情绪状态下的创造性总体发挥水平显著高于难过情绪状态 (t=2 0 2 5 ,p =0 0 4 5 ) ,且主要体现在流畅性和变通性两个方面  相似文献   

Summary . One potential source of bias that has not been examined in relation to the grading of essays is that of the mood of the marker. Several lines of research in social psychology can be generalised to predict different assessment outcomes as a function of mood. This study examined the effect of mood on student grading of children's essays. Markers first watched a film designed to induce either a positive or a negative mood state. They then graded nine essays, including a number of target essays. Mood affected only the first essay graded. The results do not support a mood effect in essay assessment.  相似文献   

Abstract— The nature of reaction time variability is analyzed in a suite of four experiments involving tasks, methodologies, and types of perceptual judgment commonly encountered in cognitive psychology In every case, a substantial fraction of the trial-by-trial variability in reaction time latency is shown to be well described by a particular type of fluctuation known as l/f noise. These results suggest that the time it takes to make and register a speeded decision reflects a kind of dynamic complexity that is seen in natural systems that self-organize at the boundary between order and chaos.  相似文献   

The level of consistency of cyclical change in well-being between consecutive menstrual cycles has important methodological, clinical, and theoretical implications. In this study, 109 women completed daily diaries of mood and physical well-being for two consecutive menstrual cycles. Scores in equivalent cycle phases were highly correlated, but the degree and direction of change from the pre-post menstrual phase were less consistent between cycles. Physical experiences proved more consistent across cycles than did emotional ones. Only 5.4% (nonsteroidal contraceptive users) and 7.8% (oral contraceptive users) of Cycle 2 emotional score variance could be accounted for by Cycle 1 scores compared to 15% and 22%, respectively, for physical scores. The data indicate that premenstrual experiences vary between menstrual cycles, and suggest that they cannot be adequately explained on the basis of simple biological determinism. Methodological and theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

高中生的情绪状态及其影响因素研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用情绪状态量表(POMS),对273名高中生的情绪状态进行了问卷调查。结果显示:(1)有较高比例高中生的情绪处于不良状态;(2)男高中生的自尊感显著高于女高中生;(3)不同年级高中生的情绪状态有显著差异;(4)学校类型、学校期中考试对高中生的情绪状态没有产业显著影响。  相似文献   

Depression is the most common mental disorder for young people, and it is associated with educational underachievement, self‐harm, and suicidality. Current psychological therapies for adolescent depression are usually focused only on individual‐level change and often neglect family or contextual influences. The efficacy of interventions may be enhanced with a broader therapeutic focus on family factors such as communication, conflict, support, and cohesion. This article describes a structured multi‐family group approach to the treatment of adolescent depression: Behaviour Exchange Systems Therapy for adolescent depression (BEST MOOD). BEST MOOD is a manualized intervention that is designed to address both individual and family factors in the treatment of adolescent depression. BEST MOOD adopts a family systems approach that also incorporates psychoeducation and elements of attachment theories. The program consists of eight multifamily group therapy sessions delivered over 2 hours per week, where parents attend the first four sessions and young people and siblings join from week 5. The program design is specifically aimed to engage youth who are initially resistant to treatment and to optimize youth and family mental health outcomes. This article presents an overview of the theoretical model, session content, and evaluations to date, and provides a case study to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the altruism and courtesy dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) regulate mood at work. Social psychological theories of mood regulation suggest helping behaviors can improve individuals’ moods because helping others provides gratification and directs attention away from one's negative mood. We capture mood states prior to and following the enactment of OCBs using experience sampling methodology in a sample of managerial and professional employees over a 3‐week period. Results suggest altruism shows a pattern consistent with mood regulation; negative moods during the prior time period are associated with altruism and positive moods in the subsequent time period. The pattern of results for courtesy behaviors is only partially consistent with a mood regulation explanation. Consistent with theories of behavioral concordance, interaction results suggest individuals higher on Extroversion have more intense positive mood reactions after engaging in altruistic behaviors. Interactions with courtesy were not significant.  相似文献   

有偿献血HIV感染者的情绪障碍   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
考察有偿献血HIV感染者的情绪状况,探讨他们面临的艾滋病压力和对感染HIV的认知评价对其情绪的影响。方法:采用Beck抑郁量表、焦虑自评量表、艾滋病压力量表、认知评价量表作为测查工具,测查了185名有偿献血HIV感染者,并收集了人口学资料、症状资料和其它信息。结果:(1)92%的有偿献血HIV感染者有中、重度抑郁障碍,他们的焦虑程度高于神经衰弱者和焦虑症者;(2)艾滋病压力不仅通过认知评价而且会直接对情绪障碍产生影响;(3)认知评价在艾滋病压力和情绪障碍之间起部分中介作用。结论:有偿献血HIV感染者抑郁、焦虑情绪障碍严重,艾滋病压力和认知评价对情绪障碍的产生都有直接或间接的影响  相似文献   

In this article, the advantages and drawbacks of using Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM), especially signal-contingent ESM, to study psychological variables in the workplace are described. It is argued that ESM can be a valuable tool in the field study of work, with the potential to answer different research questions than can be answered by traditional cross-sectional research. To illustrate ESM, an application of signal-contingent ESM to the examination of mood and concurrent task perceptions at work is presented. Study results indicate that both perceived goal progress and skill on task influence task enjoyment and mood. Also described and illustrated is an adaptation of pooled time-series hierarchical regression for analyzing immediate, short-term retrospective (end-of-day), and individual difference variables in a single framework. In conjunction, ESM data collection and hierarchical regression analysis provide a useful approach for studies that examine immediate work experiences.  相似文献   

The birth of a premature infant can have adverse effects on the mood of mothers and on the interaction patterns between parents and their preterm babies. The aim of the present systematic review was to examine whether the Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) intervention can attenuate these adverse psychological effects of a premature birth by ameliorating negative maternal mood and/or promoting more positive interactions between preterm infants and their parents. The results showed that although findings of studies were inconclusive, there is some evidence to suggest that KMC can make a positive difference on these areas. Specifically, it was found that KMC can improve negative maternal mood (e.g., anxiety or depression) and promote more positive parent–child interactions. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

宋維真 《心理学报》1959,4(5):41-52
五十年前巴甫洛夫曾在动物身上造成实驗性神經症。他发現引起动物实驗性神經症的因素主要是在外界強烈的或长期持續的刺激下引起高級神經活动过程的过度紧张,并导致它們的破裂。这种破裂正如巴甫洛夫所說的:“表現在两种过程分別削弱或同时削弱中,表現在混乱的神經活动中”。当然,这种在实驗过程中引起神經症的原理,也可作为进一步探討人类神經官能症生理机制的理論基础。巴甫洛夫也曾提到过,在狗身上进行的此种实验研究是理解“人类神经病的电切近和电基本的根据”。根据我们的调查,目  相似文献   

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