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尊重是对公民个体同属于“人类”共同体的基本属性和价值的肯定性态度和行为,是对公民人格和尊严的“认可”、“尊敬”与“重视”;“真实尊重”的形成有赖于真实平等的社会制度以及由此建立起来的真实平等的价值观念。在社会主义条件下,尊重与相互尊重不仅是制度对公民个体的道德诉求,是社会主义市场经济的平等交换关系在道德领域的现实要求,也是公民的基本权利和义务;大力提倡和加强公民尊重教育,将赋予公民个体强烈的责任感、义务感和权利感,进一步增强公民道德的内在基础,促进公民社会和谐人际关系与良好道德氛围的形成。  相似文献   

龚群  兰超 《道德与文明》2019,(4):122-129
人们生活中的道德要求有不同层次,规则是最低层次的要求,这一要求是建构 起共同体生活秩序的最起码的要求,霸座问题的出现表明一些社会成员无视 共同体生活的这一最基本要求。一个人如果自己没有最起码的规则意识同时还要求他人更有 道德,则是提出了一种类似于道德绑架的超义务道德要求。享有人格尊严是每个 社会成员在生活世界中受到尊重的基本人格条件。每个社会成员的尊严是平等的,人格尊严 是无价的。我们要维持共同体生活的最基本的道德 条件,树立起规则意识和人格尊严意识。  相似文献   

马克思的公平观由以下三个方面内容组成。 (一)公平的物质基础是生产资料所有制。马克思认为,简单商品经济社会具有公允性,即商品生产奉行等价交换原则,其基础是生产资料的个人所有制和个人劳动。资本主义社会“生产方式的基础就在于物质的生产条件以资本和地产的形式掌握在非劳动者手中,而人民大众则只有人身的生产条件,即劳动力。”工人与资本家之间发生的  相似文献   

洛克财产权理论为后世自由主义的资本主义所有制辩护奠定了劳动原则与个人所有原则。从表面上看,洛克财产权理论的两大原则与马克思劳动理论具有一定的同质性。事实上,马克思通过以劳动为基础的私有制和以占有他人劳动为基础的私有制的区分,证明了洛克的劳动原则无法成为资本主义私有制的正当性依据;并根据商品所有权规律向资本主义占有规律的转化,揭示自由主义在为资本主义所有制辩护时陷入劳动幻象的根源与机制。同时,马克思在劳动力商品化的分析中通过描述劳动者与劳动力分离的历史过程,对洛克自我所有原则进行前提性批判,即人与人格的区分是自我所有原则的前提,而人与人格的区分是历史的产物,而非自然法的前提。  相似文献   

恩格斯在《反杜林论》第一编第十章"道德和法。平等"中表明:一切人,或者至少是一个国家的一切公民,或者一个社会的一切成员,都应当有平等的政治地位和社会地位,这种平等要求是从人就他们是人而言的这种平等观念中引申出来的;平等观念是一种规范性价值判断,是正义的表现;现代平等要求是资产阶级首先提出来的;资产阶级的平等要求只停留在政治权利的平等上;无产阶级的平等要求则要进而实现社会和经济领域的平等;无产阶级平等要求的实际内容都是消灭阶级的要求。  相似文献   

公民责任建设与构建社会主义和谐社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建社会主义和谐社会需要加强公民责任建设。公民责任指公民履行与自己的公民身份相适应的、符合社会规范预期的职责。社会契约(平等)原则、自由(权利)原则、社会正义原则构成公民责任的逻辑基础。公民责任表现为法律责任、政治责任、社会责任和参与责任四种形式。要通过制度建设实现社会的自由、平等和正义,为公民责任建设营造一个良好的制度环境;通过政治文化建设和政治社会化,增强公民对社会制度的普遍认同;积极创造条件保障公民依法行使公民权利,积极履行公民义务,培养公民的责任能力。  相似文献   

政治民主是指所有公共事务的最终决策意志应该是一个政治共同体内的全体公民.政治民主是个体公共人格的展现,是一种协商过程,是政治正义的题中应有之意.政治民主的功能在于:它是政治自由的坚实保障,与政治平等相互支撑,可以促进社群分合.其价值局限性在于:它容易导致非理性的集体行动并侵犯个人价值,忽略商谈缺位者的利益,偏离社会的整体价值导向.在当前中国政治文明的建设中,政治民主可以巩固民众本体的意识,鼓舞和引导人们的政治和公共参与,促进良性政治的形成.  相似文献   

论协商民主的内在价值意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共治理视角下的协商民主,通过广泛的公民参与、公正的协商程序和公开的审议过程以达成促进公共利益的理性共识,为公民参与社会治理搭建了广阔的制度平台,成为社会主义民主的重要实现形式。协商民主有其内在的价值意蕴,平等是这一价值体系的逻辑前提;广泛的政治参与激发了公民对独立人格和主体地位的清晰认知;借助于法治的力量来建构协商的规范化标准、捍卫协商民主的权威;在协调文化分歧和价值冲突的过程中蕴含着宽容贵和的公民品格;对公共利益的价值认同推动了政治共同体成员之间的协商合作,揭示了协商民主的本质和价值归宿。  相似文献   

共同体的美好是以相关的公民德性之存在为条件.建设和谐社会,需要公民具有正义的德性.和谐社会公民的德性包括恪尽职守、平等、守法、诚信、友爱等道德品质.致力于公民德性的教育,应当是以社会正义而非社会成就为旨归;应当着力关注人的德性的发展;应当使学校成为学生的精神家园.  相似文献   

获取之正义乃是人类的千古困惑.获取正义之原则必须而且只能从社会主义社会理念中导出,该理念是:人人生而自由,人人生而平等,没有贵族,没有特权,没有压迫,没有剥削,公共职位向所有公民开放,人人有权选择并努力实现自己所向往的幸福生活.在此理念之下,自由与平等之关系是:公民之间的平等是基于自由权利的平等.社会主义社会理念下的获取正义包括:每个公民都有从自然资源中获取收益的社会权利;合法的市场交易所得;其他合法途径,如遗产继承、馈赠等.任何一个认同社会主义社会理念的人均不赞成公共财政充当劫富济贫的"佐罗"角色,但保障每个公民都能够从自然资源的收益中获得生存资料乃是政府之责任、公民之权利,税收资源的主要功能是创造和维护社会秩序、保障本民族的集体安全、满足公共事务的需要.  相似文献   

People often assign ownership to the person who has invested labor into making an object (labor rule). However, labor usually improves objects and increases their value, and it has not been investigated whether these considerations underlie people's use of the labor rule. We presented participants with third‐party ownership conflicts between an owner of materials and an artist who used the materials for some artwork. Experiment 1 revealed that participants were more likely to transfer ownership to the artist for low‐value materials than for high‐value materials, and Experiment 2 showed that this effect was further moderated by the amount of effort the artist had invested. A third experiment confirmed that participants transferred ownership more often if the artist's labor had increased the value of the materials than when it had added no value. These findings suggest that considerations for value underlie ownership transfers following the investment of labor.  相似文献   

Property evaluations rarely occur in the absence of social context. However, no research has investigated how intergroup processes related to prejudice extend to concepts of property. In the present research, we propose that factors such as group status, prejudice and pressure to mask prejudiced attitudes affect how people value the property of racial ingroup and outgroup members. In Study 1, White American and Asian American participants were asked to appraise a hand‐painted mug that was ostensibly created by either a White or an Asian person. Asian participants demonstrated an ingroup bias. White participants showed an outgroup bias, but this effect was qualified. Specifically, among White participants, higher racism towards Asian Americans predicted higher valuations of mugs created by Asian people. Study 2 revealed that White Americans' prejudice towards Asian Americans predicted higher valuations of the mug created by an Asian person only when participants were highly concerned about conveying a non‐prejudiced personal image. Our results suggest that, ironically, prejudiced majority group members evaluate the property of minority group members whom they dislike more favourably. The current findings provide a foundation for melding intergroup relations research with research on property and ownership.  相似文献   

The authors suggest that ownership may be one of the critical entry points into thinking about social constructions, a kind of laboratory for understanding status. They discuss the features of ownership that make it an interesting case to study developmentally. In particular, ownership is a consequential social fact that is alterable by an individual, even a child. Children experience changes in ownership in a way they do not experience changes in other social facts (such as word meanings or social norms). Ownership is also an individual rather than a general property; two objects can be identical, but differ in ownership.  相似文献   

In recent work, Rawls, Nozick, and the ‘democratic‐socialist’ theory of Markovi? and Gould, attempt to ground rival models of just economic relations on the basis of conflicting interpretations of human freedom. Beginning with a philosophical conception of humans as essentially free beings, each derives a different system of basic rights and freedoms: (1) the familiar democratic civil and political rights of citizenship in the West (Rawls); (2) the classical bourgeois market freedoms ‐ ‘life, liberty, and property’ (Nozick); and (3) democratic socialist rights of self‐management of the work‐place (Gould and Markovi?). I argue that each of these theorists implicitly assumes a different but ungrounded ’social paradigm of human agency’ concerning the particular forms of human choice which are singled out as most important for a free, human life. None of these theories contains the methodological resources for showing why the forms of human agency it ‘emancipates’ are more important than the forms it suppresses or ignores. In order to overcome this impasse and provide a way of evaluating such rival paradigms of free agency, I elaborate a methodology based on the idea that a free society must provide its members with ‘equality in the social bases of self‐respect’. I use this methodology to argue that all three of the above conceptions are blind to problems of human agency, freedom, and dignity posed by the modern phenomena of welfare dependency, unemployment, and a self‐stultifying division of labor.  相似文献   

Ownership is not a “natural” property of objects, but is determined by human intentions. Facts about who owns what may be altered by appropriate decisions. However, young children often deny the efficacy of transfer decisions, asserting that original owners retain rights to their property. In Experiment 1, 4–5-year-old and 7–8-year-old children and adults were asked to resolve disputes between initial owners and various types of receivers (finders, borrowers, buyers). Experiment 2 involved disputes both before and after transfers of ownership. At all ages participants privileged owners over non-owners and accepted the effectiveness of property transfers. Overall, children's intuitions about property rights were similar to those of adults. Observed differences may reflect older participants’ willingness to segregate property rights from other considerations in assessing the acceptability of actions.  相似文献   

We propose in this article an Enhanced Agentic Diversity Perspective (EADP), which is derived from the concept of agentic resources in social relational theory. EADP recognizes that all human beings are equally agents, that agentic expressions differ due to variation of individual access to power resources (individual, relational and cultural) and that the current social conditions serve to promote agentic diversity by enhancing all the three domains of power resources. In addition, EADP comprises a proposal for the development of accommodative social spaces. We argue that only in an accommodative social space can diversity unlock innovation; otherwise, it serves as a source for conflict. A constructive, nonhierarchical account of diversity, such as EADP is needed under current social conditions for the optimal becoming of idiosyncratic human agents as well as human society as a whole.  相似文献   

This article provides perspective on today's planetary crisis by seeing it as a transition within the larger picture of human social evolution. There are certain ground qualities that were present at the beginnings of our social evolution—natural living, belonging, vitality, community, equality. Over the span of human history certain emergent qualities have developed to give us greater power in the world—technology, social organization, rational thinking. However, in developing these qualities we have suppressed the ground qualities, at the expense of our health and wholeness and now leading to a profound crisis. The next step in social evolution is to take conscious charge of our future by integrating the ground qualities with the emergent qualities. This model of social evolution helps to extend and deepen the concept of general evolution, giving us a broad view of our place in human and cosmic evolution.  相似文献   

Community integration through occupational engagement is an integral tenet of occupational therapy. However, little is known about how pets may assist this process. This study explores community integration through pet ownership as a meaningful, lifelong, occupation for one person with bipolar illness receiving Assertive Community Treatment. Using a case study approach, eight qualitative interviews, as well as observation and analysis of pet photos, were conducted with the mental health consumer and also with members of her social network. Data were analyzed inductively according to the constant comparative approach. The findings reveal that pet ownership assisted the person to counterbalance and move beyond stigma through pets as enablers of: “continuity,” “belonging,” “action and self-construction,” “acceptance,” and “participation.” This process was influenced by the “severity of illness,” “view of community,” and “supports and resources.” The results contribute to our understanding of pet ownership as a means to community integration. The study indicates that to enable persons with a mental illness to engage in pet ownership, occupational scientists need to examine and understand this occupation in the broader context of recovery, health, and well-being. A perspective of pet ownership as meaningful occupation challenges occupational therapists to develop strategies to actively engage clients and their pets in their community.  相似文献   

Giraffe herds have been characterized as random associations of individuals, but recent evidence suggests giraffe have a more complex social structure. The authors formulated 3 hypotheses designed to evaluate whether a herd of captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) associated randomly or patterned their behavior and proximity in a manner indicative of social relationships. Affiliative interaction, proximity, and nearest neighbors for 6 captive female giraffe living in a large outdoor enclosure were analyzed, and all three measures were nonrandomly distributed, indicating female giraffe had social preferences. Furthermore, preferences were consistent across measures and time, suggesting that adult female giraffe maintain relationships. Mother-daughter pairs and pairs with large age differences between members interacted and associated most often. The social structure of this captive herd is influenced by social relationships between individual adult females, and the social behavior of individual females should be examined more closely in the wild.  相似文献   

Drawing on a social construction theory of ownership in biological material this paper discusses which differences in biological material might motivate differences in treatment and ownership rights. The analysis covers both the perspective of the person from whom the material originates and that of the potential recipient. Seven components of bundles of rights, drawing on the analytical tradition of Tony Honoré, and their relationship to various types of biological material are investigated. To exemplify these categories the cases of a heart, a kidney, stem cells and hair are used.  相似文献   

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