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Priming relations in ambiguous noun-noun combinations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We conducted two experiments to examine whether the interpretation of an ambiguous noun phrase is influenced by exposure to a similar combination. In Experiment 1, we found that it was easier to verify a definition for a combination (e.g., adolescent doctor, a doctor for adolescents) when the prime used the same relation as the target (e.g., adolescent magazine, a magazine for adolescents; animal doctor, a doctor for animals) than when the prime used a different relation (e.g., country doctor; adolescent experience). In Experiment 2, we found that the interpretation generated for an ambiguous combination was affected by prior exposure to sentences containing a combination with the same modifier or head noun as the target combination. The data are inconsistent with key predictions of schema-based theories of conceptual combination. Although the results do not contradict key assumptions of relation-based theories, modifications to these theories are required to account for these data.  相似文献   

Perfumes are commonly used to cover body odour, or to provide a positive, attracting, and interesting impact, or a smell that belongs to a social group. A role in sexual communication of such non-pheromonal olfactory cues has been suggested in the literature. However, there remain the questions whether these stimuli are involved in human chemosexual communication and, if so, at what level, and whether they interact with other sensorial modalities, in particular vision. To answer these, we investigated the influence of male and female perfumes as nonconscious stimulation during visual assessments of a range of facial qualities across and within the sexes. The female subjects were in their ovulatory phase, to avoid changes in perception across the menstrual cycle. Our data indicate that non-pheromonal olfactory cues are potentially involved in mate choice and may elicit strong hedonic responses that can dominate visual signs, with a cross-modal interaction.  相似文献   

When people are presented with noun-noun compounds, they tend to produce two main types of interpretation: relational and property interpretations. One theory of compounding maintains that relational interpretations are preferred over property ones. However, many of the studies supporting this relational preference hypothesis appear to be vitiated by a failure to control for the familiarity of compounds. A rating study on so-called "novel" compounds used in previous studies is reported, which shows that many can be considered to be familiar. Then two experiments in which familiarity is controlled are presented, to test the relational preference hypothesis, using a sensibility judgment task (Experiment 1) and a comprehension judgment task (Experiment 2). The results show that familiarity has a clear effect on the ease of understanding of noun-noun compounds but that there is no hard evidence for relational preference. The implications of these results for the empirical literature and for current theories are discussed.  相似文献   

于薇  王爱君  张明 《心理学报》2017,(2):164-173
听觉主导效应是指多感觉通道信息整合过程中,听觉通道中的信息得到优先加工,从而主导其他感觉通道的信息。研究采用经典的声音诱发闪光错觉的范式,通过两个实验操纵了注意资源的分配方式以及实验任务难度,考察了主动注意听觉通道的声音刺激对声音诱发闪光错觉产生的影响,以及任务难度对声音诱发闪光错觉的影响。结果发现:(1)裂变错觉会受到注意资源分配程度的影响,但是融合错觉则不然;(2)任务难度既不会影响裂变错觉,也不会影响融合错觉。说明了分散注意能够影响听觉主导效应中的裂变错觉,并且这种主导效应与任务难度无关。  相似文献   

Viewing hedonically negative paintings increased the hedonic ratings of subsequently viewed test paintings (positive hedonic contrast; Experiment 1) and also increased the degree of preference between the test paintings (Experiments 2 and 3). This result differs from the reduction in hedonic preference (hedonic condensation) that accompanies negative hedonic contrast. It also differs from the reduction in perceived differences that usually accompanies expansion of stimulus range and that is predicted by numerous theories.  相似文献   

We examined how people use their knowledge of events to recover thematic role structure during the interpretation of noun-noun phrases. All phrases included one noun that was a good-agent/poor-patient (prosecutor) in a particular event (accuse), and the other noun was a good-patient/poor-agent (defendant) for the same event. If people interpret the noun-noun phrases by inverting the nouns and applying a thematic relation (see Downing, 1977; Levi, 1978), phrases should be interpreted more easily when the head nouns typically are good agents and the modifiers are good patients for specific events. Two experiments supported these predictions. Furthermore, the results indicated that in the less preferred thematic order (agent-patient), people often generated interpretations in which the modifiers became the focus of the interpretations. This finding suggests that violating thematic role preferences is one constraint on when the inversion process occurs during noun-noun interpretation.  相似文献   

This research indicates that recent exposure to a similar combination (e.g., oil moisturizer or surgery treatment) influences the processing of a subsequent combination (e.g., oil treatment) by increasing the availability of the lexical entries for the modifier and head noun, and by altering the availability of the relation used to link the two nouns. The amount of lexical and relational priming obtained depends on whether the modifier or head noun is in common between the prime and target. The head noun prime yields more lexical priming than does the modifier prime and this finding suggests that the head noun is more strongly activated than the modifier. In contrast, relation priming is obtained only from the modifier prime and this finding is consistent with the CARIN theory (C. L. Gagné & E. J. Shoben, 1997) but inconsistent with schema-based theories of conceptual combination (e.g., G. L. Murphy, 1988; E. J. Wisniewski, 1996).  相似文献   

Hedonic capacity--an individuals ability to experience pleasurable affect--is important, not Only in accounting for the development of psychopathology but in understanding normal personality as well. In this article, the development and validation of three scales of hedonic capacity are described. One scale consists of MMPI items, a second consists of CPI items, and the third combines items from both inventories. These scales demonstrated acceptable internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Initial support for the construct validity of the scales was also obtained. Because they have been constructed from the MMPI and CPI, the scales described in this article can be used to address important questions in research on schizophrenia, depression, and normal personality with a wide variety of data that has already been collected.  相似文献   

In the highly social rat, male juvenile and adult subordinates initiate more playful contacts with dominant pairmates than vice versa. This study examined the effect of dominance on playful contacts in the relatively asocial golden hamster. Pairs of male hamsters were reared together from weaning, and their play was filmed in the juvenile (28-36 days) and the young adult (60-70 days) stages of development. By the adult stage, it became clear that one pairmate was dominant over the other. The dominant pairmate launched all aggressive attacks (i. e., bites to the lower flanks and rump), and the subordinate pairmate performed all the submissive gesturing (e. g., tail up submissive posture). Playful contact, which in this species involves gentle nibbling of the posterior cheeks, was more frequently launched by the dominant than by the subordinate. This was not only true at the adult stage, but also at the juvenile stage, before dominance-subordination relationships were sharply polarized. Therefore, it would appear that in the relatively asocial hamster, the subordinates tend to avoid playful contact with dominants. This is markedly different to rats, where the subordinates actively seek out and engage dominants in play. This contrast further supports our hypothesis that subordinate male rats use play as a means of maintaining familiarity with dominants. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Matching-based hedonic scaling in the pigeon   总被引:14,自引:14,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Four slightly hungry pigeons chose between pairs of grains in a Findley concurrent choice procedure. For Condition I, choice involved hemp versus buckwheat; for Condition II, wheat versus buckwheat; and for Condition III, hemp versus wheat. In all conditions, frequency of reinforcement was arranged according to concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules. On the assumption that subjects matched their behavior and time distributions to those of reinforcer value, the choice functions obtained in Conditions I and II were transformed to yield estimates of values of hemp and wheat relative to buckwheat. These, in turn, provided predictions about behavior and time allocation in Condition III. In general, the predicted outcomes were close to those actually obtained. The results evidence the effectiveness of matching-based hedonic scales in the prediction of choice between qualitatively different reinforcers.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigate whether relations that link the constituents of compounds during compound formation (e.g., teapot is formed by combining tea and pot using the relation head noun FOR modifier) also influence the processing of familiar compounds. Although there is evidence for the use of such relations in forming compounds, whether such relations affect the processing of familiar compounds is unknown. The data show clear effects of repetition and relational priming for written words on both a sense-nonsense task and a lexical decision task. These results indicate that the relation linking the constituents of familiar compounds is important to their access and use.  相似文献   

This research investigates issues surrounding early school children's use of the similarity between head and modifier terms in deriving interpretations for novel noun-noun conceptual combinations. In these experiments, 6- and 9-year-olds and adults were asked to formulate interpretations of similar and dissimilar conceptual combinations. Both children and adults were sensitive to the similarity aspect of conceptual combinations, although the children had some difficulty with the property interpretations that high-similarity combinations require. Next, we examined 40 popular children's books for the presence of noun-noun conceptual combinations. Adult participants provided interpretations for these combinations and rated the similarity of the head and modifier nouns. Results indicated that there were few high-similarity combinations and few combinations requiring property interpretations, suggesting that children have limited exposure to highly similar combinations and property interpretations. Further analysis of children's interpretations indicates that they may have difficulty in selecting and integrating properties of the modifier onto the head, a process required by property interpretations.  相似文献   

The study investigates cross-modal simultaneous processing of emotional tone of voice and emotional facial expression by event-related potentials (ERPs), using a wide range of different emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust). Auditory emotional stimuli (a neutral word pronounced in an affective tone) and visual patterns (emotional facial expressions) were matched in congruous (the same emotion in face and voice) and incongruous (different emotions) pairs. Subjects (N=31) were required to watch and listen to the stimuli in order to comprehend them. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed a positive ERP deflection (P2), more posterior distributed. This P2 effect may represent a marker of cross-modal integration, modulated as a function of congruous/incongruous condition. Indeed, it shows an ampler peak in response to congruous stimuli than incongruous ones. It is suggested P2 can be a cognitive marker of multisensory processing, independently from the emotional content.  相似文献   

Readers' eye movements were monitored as they read sentences containing noun-noun compounds that varied in frequency (e.g., elevator mechanic, mountain lion). The left constituent of the compound was either plausible or implausible as a head noun at the point at which it appeared, whereas the compound as a whole was always plausible. When the head noun analysis of the left constituent was implausible, reading times on this word were inflated, beginning with the first fixation. This finding is consistent with previous demonstrations of very rapid effects of plausibility on eye movements. Compound frequency did not modulate the plausibility effect, and all disruption was resolved by the time readers' eyes moved to the next word. These findings suggest (contra Kennison, 2005) that the parser initially analyzes a singular noun as a head instead of a modifier. In addition, the findings confirm that the very rapid effect of plausibility on eye movements is not due to strategic factors, because in the present experiment, unlike in previous demonstrations, this effect appeared in sentences that were globally plausible.  相似文献   

This study addresses the choice of linking elements in novel Dutch noun-noun compounds. Previous off-line experiments (Krott, Baayen, & Schreuder, 2001) revealed that this choice can be predicted analogically on the basis of the distribution of linking elements in the left and right constituent families, i.e., the set of existing compounds that share the left (or right) constituent with the target compound. The present study replicates the observed graded analogical effects under time pressure, using an on-line decision task. Furthermore, the analogical support of the left constituent family predicts response latencies. We present an implemented interactive activation network model that accounts for the experimental data.  相似文献   

Sequential dependencies in taste research may be different from those obtained in other modalities, due to the long interstimulus intervals and the intermediate rinses. In two experiments, subjects judged the pleasantness of 50 aqueous solutions on 150-mm line scales. During data analyses pseudo-sequence effects arose, because data were aggregated over individuals and because the first trials of the experimental sessions deviated from the rest. After correcting for the pseudo-sequence effects, robust regression analyses revealed small but significant sequential dependencies. The current response deviation was positively related to previous response deviations and negatively related to previous subjective, internal representations.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine the effect of variations in voice onset time (VOT) on the perception of dichotic stop-consonant-vowel syllables contrasting in the voicing feature. The dichotic stimuli were partially fused, so that only a single response was required. Variations in VOT had a systematic effect on the probability of hearing the fused stimuli as voiced or voiceless. Changing the VOT of a voiceless stimulus had a larger effect than changing the VOT of a voiced stimulus. Unless one of the competing stimuli was close to the category boundary, the perceptual integration of their VOTs seemed to be roughly additive. The relative phase of the periodic portions of the stimuli had an unexpected effect on perception that remains to be explained. A number of subjects showed very strong right-ear dominance in these tests. The range and reliability of the laterality effects obtained, as well as certain other methodological features, make the present tests promising as tools for assessing individual differences in ear dominance.  相似文献   

A lexical decision task was used to investigate the effect of a word’s hedonic tone on decision time. Thirty words, varying in degrees of pleasantness, were randomly presented with 30 nonwords, half of which were pronounceable and half not. It was demonstrated that decision times for the pleasant words were significantly faster than for the unpleasant words. The two types of nonwords were also found to differ: Decision times for the pronounceable nonwords were significantly slower than for the nonpronounceables. Results are discussed in the light of previous work in both memory and perception. The utility of the lexical decision task for relevant future research is also considered. Part of the work reported in this paper was supported by North East London Polytechnic as partial fulfillment of the requirements for a higher degree (C.N.A.A.).  相似文献   

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