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Twenty-six subjects memorized lists of (low I and high I) noun pairs under imagery or verbal mediation instructions. At recall the subjects were presented a digit (“1” or “2”) either auditorily or visually as an interfering stimulus.

Visual interference was found to selectively affect the retrieval of high I response terms. Also, the retrieval of nouns studied by imagery mediation was found to be selectively disrupted by visual interference.

These results suggest that the qualities of a visual image are retained all the way from image acquisition to retrieval, and that the visual components of images generated at the acquisition stage are probably not lost by subsequent coding processes.  相似文献   

Pavese and Umiltà found that, in an enumeration task, Stroop-like interference is larger when the digit identity is symbolically close to the enumeration response than when it is symbolically far. In two experiments testing 49 undergraduates, we further explored this phenomenon using Francolini and Egeth's paradigm. We found that symbolic distance affected interference even when the stimulus was briefly presented and masked. In Exp. 2, which tested numerosities outside the subitizing range, individuals used a different enumeration strategy but showed the same symbolic distance effect. These results support the hypothesis that Stroop interference found in enumeration tasks depends on a rapid and automatic activation of digits' magnitude representation. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1998  相似文献   

The time required to compare two symbols varies inversely with the distance between their referents on the judged dimension. Evidence for this phenomenon, here called the symbolic distance effect, is reviewed, and the paper describes a new experiment designed to clarify the nature of the effective “distance” by disentangling ordinal and interval distances between the referents of compared symbols. The data show that doubling the size difference between two circles speeds comparison of their names, even when ordinal distance between the circles is held constant. Several explanations of the mental processes involved in such memory comparisons are then critically evaluated, and a “scan plus comparison” model is tentatively adopted.  相似文献   

How people process and represent magnitude has often been studied using number comparison tasks. From the results of these tasks, a comparison distance effect (CDE) is generated, showing that it is easier to discriminate two numbers that are numerically further apart (e.g., 2 and 8) compared with numerically closer numbers (e.g., 6 and 8). However, it has been suggested that the CDE reflects decisional processes rather than magnitude representation. In this study, therefore, we investigated the development of symbolic and nonsymbolic number processes in kindergartners and first, second, and sixth graders using the priming paradigm. This task has been shown to measure magnitude and not decisional processes. Our findings revealed that a priming distance effect (PDE) is already present in kindergartners and that it remains stable across development. This suggests that formal schooling does not affect magnitude representation. No differences were found between the symbolic and nonsymbolic PDE, indicating that both notations are processed with comparable precision. Finally, a poorer performance on a standardized mathematics test seemed to be associated with a smaller PDE for both notations, possibly suggesting that children with lower mathematics scores have a less precise coding of magnitude. This supports the defective number module hypothesis, which assumes an impairment of number sense.  相似文献   

Two picture-word interference experiments are reported in which the boundaries of the semantic interference effect are explored. In both experiments, participants named pictures (e.g., a picture of a car) that appeared with superimposed word distractors. Distractor words from the same semantic category as the word for the picture (e.g., CAR) produced semantic interference, whereas semantically related distractors from a different category (e.g.,Bumper) led to semantic facilitation. In Experiment 2, the semantic facilitation from semantically related distractors was replicated. These results indicate that a semantic relationship between picture and distractor does not necessarily lead to interference and in fact can lead to facilitation. In all but one case tested until now, a semantic relationship between picture and distractor has led to semantic facilitation. The implications of these results for the assumption that the semantic interference effect arises as a consequence of lexical competition are discussed.  相似文献   

In four experiments, participants named target pictures that were accompanied by distractor pictures with phonologically related or unrelated names. Across experiments, the type of phonological relationship between the targets and the related distractors was varied: They were homophones (e.g., bat [animal/baseball]), or they shared word-initial segments (e.g., dog-doll) or word-final segments (e.g., ball-wall). The participants either named the objects after an extensive familiarization and practice phase or without any familiarization or practice. In all of the experiments, the mean target-naming latency was shorter in the related than in the unrelated condition, demonstrating that the phonological form of the name of the distractor picture became activated. These results are best explained within a cascaded model of lexical access--that is, under the assumption that the recognition of an object leads to the activation of its name.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 it was demonstrated that interference with a rat's retention of a target spatial cue decreases as the interval between prior conflicting cues and the target increases. Experiment 2 showed that interference can occur even when the interstimulus interval is long, if the memory of a conflicting cue is reactivated just prior to exposing an animal to the target cue. A third experiment suggested that these findings could not be easily interpreted in terms of a stimulus satiation effect. The implications of these findings for a trace decay model of short-term retention were discussed.  相似文献   

Many recent computational models of verbal short-term memory postulate a separation between processes supporting memory for the identity of items and processes supporting memory for their serial order. Furthermore, some of these models assume that memory for serial order is supported by a timing signal. We report an attempt to find evidence for such a timing signal by comparing an “item probe” task, requiring memory for items, with a “list probe” task, requiring memory for serial order. Four experiments investigated effects of irrelevant speech, articulatory suppression, temporal grouping, and paced finger tapping on these two tasks. In Experiments 1 and 2, irrelevant speech and articulatory suppression had a greater detrimental effect on the list probe task than on the item probe task. Reaction time data indicated that the list probe task, but not the item probe task, induced serial rehearsal of items. Phonological similarity effects confirmed that both probe tasks induced phonological recoding of visual inputs. Experiment 3 showed that temporal grouping of items during list presentation improved performance on the list probe task more than on the item probe task. In Experiment 4, paced tapping had a greater detrimental effect on the list probe task than on the item probe task. However, there was no differential effect of whether tapping was to a simple or a complex rhythm. Overall, the data illustrate the utility of the item probe/list probe paradigm and provide support for models that assume memory for serial order and memory for items involve separate processes. Results are generally consistent with the timing-signal hypothesis but suggest further factors that need to be explored to distinguish it from other accounts.  相似文献   

In two experiments, independent groups of pigeons were trained on an identity matching task involving line orientations as sample and comparison stimuli. For some birds an overhead houselight was illuminated continuously throughout each training session. For other birds the houselight was never illuminated during training sessions. During subsequent testing, the lighting conditions during the delay were the same as in training on some trials, but on other trials they were opposite those of training during either the entire delay (Experiment 1) or during a portion of the delay (Experiment 2). In birds trained with the houselight off, turning the houselight on during the delay produced a large and enduring disruption in matching accuracy. On the other hand, in birds trained with the houselight on, turning the houselight off during the delay produced only a moderate and temporary disruption in matching accuracy. These findings are inconsistent with the prevailing view that retroactive interference in pigeons is a function of a change in illumination level relative to that which prevailed during training. In pigeons, as in monkeys, sustained retoactive interference effects obtain only when the level of illumination is increase during the delay interval.  相似文献   

This research studies lateral interference among items in the visual field under conditions in which central cognitive factors such as attention and memory limitations are eliminated or controlled for. Under these conditions lateral masking is still found, and it is still asymmetrical (peripheral items interfere with recognition of central items more than central with peripheral). These experiments therefore add to the evidence that both lateral interference and the asymmetry of interference have a component that does not result from cognitive strategies. The experiments also add to the evidence that the asymmetry effect at the sensory level can be attributed to the falloff in acuity from the center to the periphery of the retina, since the mean eccentricity of the target-mask cluster is more peripheral with a peripheral mask than with a central mask. The hypothesis is advanced that the asymmetry effect, as well as lateral interference itself, at the sensory level results from the grouping of target and mask into a single Gestalt-like configuration. The final experiment in the series supports this hypothesis  相似文献   

Pastoral ecstasy is defined as the capacity for and the experience of my distance from myself. It is the ability to stand outside one's social roles for purposes of critical reflection. Social roles are inevitable and cannot be laid aside. The role-distancing of the authentic self nurtures emotional well-being and enables the pastor to reflect, address his failures, and modify his patterns and behavior. The capacity for role-distancing demonstrates a natural self-role duplicity that is legitimate, i.e., to stand outside of and critically reflect on one's role while performing responsibly within it. Authentic living involves this legitimate duplicity and indicates honest commitment.This article was first presented as an address before the Southwest Regional Meeting of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Spring 1976.  相似文献   

Hay and Sawyer recently demonstrated that the constancy of visual direction (CVD) also operates for near targets. A luminous spot in the dark, 40 cm from the eyes, was perceived as stationary when S nodded his head. This implies that CVD takes target distance, as well as head rotation, into account as a stationary environment is perceived during head movements. Distance is a variable in CVD because, during a turning or nodding of the head, the eyes become displaced relative to the main target direction, the line between the target and the rotation axis of the head. This displacement of the eyes during head rotation causes an additional change in the target direction, i.e., a total angular change greater than the angle of the head rotation. The extent of this additional angular displacement is greater the nearer the target. We demonstrated that the natural combination of accommodation and convergence can supply the information needed by the nervous system to compensate for this additional target displacement. We also found that wearing glasses that alter the relation between these oculomotor adjustments and target distance produces an adaptation in CVD. An adaptation period of 1.5 h produced a large adaptation effect. This effect was not entirely accounted for by an adaptation in distance perception. Measurements of the alteration between oculomotor cues and registered distance with two kinds of tests for distance perception yielded effects significantly smaller than the effect measured with the CVD test. We concluded that the wearing of the glasses had also produced an adaptation within CVD.  相似文献   

How information is represented in visual images was explored in five experiments where subjects judged whether or not various properties were appropriate for given animals. It took more time to evaluate an animal when the subjective image of it was small, whether size was manipulated directly or indirectly (e.g., by having a target animal imaged at the correct relative size next to an elephant or a fly). More time also was required if the animal was imaged in a relatively “complex” environment (next to 4 vs. 2 digits painted on an imaginary wall, or next to a 16 cell vs. 4 cell matrix). Finally, subjectively larger images required more time to evoke than smaller images. These results support a constructivist notion of imagery, and the idea that images may act as ‘analogues’ to percepts.  相似文献   

We present three experiments in which observers searched for a target digit among distractor digits in displays in which the mean numerical target?Cdistractor distance was varied. Search speed and accuracy increased with numerical distance in both target-present and target-absent trials (Exp. 1A). In Experiment 1B, the target 5 was replaced with the letter S. The results suggest that the findings of Experiment 1A do not simply reflect the fact that digits that were numerically closer to the target coincidentally also shared more physical features with it. In Experiment 2, the numerical distance effect increased with set size in both target-present and target-absent trials. These findings are consistent with the view that increasing numerical target?Cdistractor distance affords faster nontarget rejection and target identification times. Recent neurobiological findings (e.g., Nieder, 2011) on the neuronal coding of numerosity have reported a width of tuning curves of numerosity-selective neurons that suggests graded, distance-dependent coactivation of the representations of adjacent numbers, which in visual search would make it harder to reject numerically closer distractors as nontargets.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, researchers have used symbolic cues such as spatial words and arrows to direct observers' attention to the location of target objects that appear at a single, fixed distance in simple visual environments; however, they have done so by using symbolic cues that provide only partial—directional—information about the spatial location of target objects. Thus, it remains unclear whether observers can only shift their attention broadly in the cued direction in response to these cues or whether they can shift their attention to the specific location of the target by combining an expectation about direction (derived from apprehension of the directional cue) with an expectation about distance (derived from some extra-symbolic cue). The results of two experiments showed that observers do shift their attention to relatively coarse spatial locations by combining expectancies about direction and distance, and that the extent to which observers do so is modulated by the presence of visible markers and the expected distance of the target. These findings are important because they provide the first evidence that extra-symbolic information about distance contributes to the symbolic control of spatial attention.  相似文献   

The notion of perceptual tuning is investigated by presenting alternatives either before, after, or both before and after a tachistoscopic stimulus. Study 1 (N = 12) showed that identification accuracy is best with alternatives both before and after the stimulus, poorest with alternatives after the stimulus, and intermediate with alternatives only before the stimulus. Study 2 (N = 3) indicated that performance with alternatives both before and after the stimulus varies according to where S is permitted to fixate prior to each exposure. The possibility of a central tuning mechanism was not strongly supported.  相似文献   

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