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Consolidation refers to item stabilization in long-term memory. Retrieval renders a consolidated memory sensitive, and a "reconsolidation" process has been hypothesized to keep the original memory persistent. Some authors could not detect this phenomenon. Here we show that retrieved contextual fear memory is vulnerable to amnesic treatments and that the amygdala is critically involved. Cholinergic and histaminergic systems seem to modulate only consolidation, whereas cannabinoids are involved in both consolidation and reactivation. The lability of retrieved memory affords opportunities to treat disorders such as phobias, post-traumatic stress, or chronic pain, and these results help searching for appropriate therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Learning induces dynamic changes to the actin cytoskeleton that are required to support memory formation. However, the molecular mechanisms that mediate filamentous actin (F-actin) dynamics during learning and memory are poorly understood. Myosin II motors are highly expressed in actin-rich growth structures including dendritic spines, and we have recently shown that these molecular machines mobilize F-actin in response to synaptic stimulation and learning in the hippocampus. In this study, we report that Myosin II motors in the rat lateral amygdala (LA) are essential for fear memory formation. Pretraining infusions of the Myosin II inhibitor, blebbistatin (blebb), disrupted long term memory, while short term memory was unaffected. Interestingly, both post-training and pretesting infusions had no effect on memory formation, indicating that Myosin II motors operate during or shortly after learning to promote memory consolidation. These data support the idea that Myosin II motor-force generation is a general mechanism that supports memory consolidation in the mammalian CNS.  相似文献   

When administered near the time of training, protein synthesis inhibitors such as anisomycin impair later memory. A common interpretation of these findings is that memory consolidation requires new protein synthesis initiated by training. However, recent findings support an alternative interpretation that abnormally large increases in neurotransmitter release after injections of anisomycin may be responsible for producing amnesia. In the present study, a local anesthetic was administered prior to anisomycin injections in an attempt to mitigate neurotransmitter actions and thereby attenuate the resulting amnesia. Rats received lidocaine and anisomycin injections into the amygdala 130 and 120 min, respectively, prior to inhibitory avoidance training. Memory tests 48 h later revealed that lidocaine attenuated anisomycin-induced amnesia. In other rats, in vivo microdialysis was performed at the site of amygdala infusion of lidocaine and anisomycin. As seen previously, anisomycin injections produced large increases in release of norepinephrine in the amygdala. Lidocaine attenuated the anisomycin-induced increase in release of norepinephrine but did not reverse anisomycin inhibition of protein synthesis, as assessed by c-Fos immunohistochemistry. These findings are consistent with past evidence suggesting that anisomycin causes amnesia by initiating abnormal release of neurotransmitters in response to the inhibition of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Rats with cannulae implanted in the junction between the central and the basolateral nuclei of the amygdala were trained in one-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance and tested at 3 s for working memory (WM) or 1.5 or 24 h later for short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM), respectively. Several drugs were infused 6 min prior to training in the animals in which WM was measured or 0 min posttraining in those in which STM and LTM were measured: the glutamate receptor antagonists CNQX (0.5 microg) and AP5 (5.0 microg), the indirect GABA A receptor antagonist picrotoxin (0.08 microg), the cholinergic muscarinic receptor blocker scopolamine (2. 0 microg), norepinephrine (0.3 microg), the protein kinase C inhibitor staurosporin (1.0 microg), or the calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II inhibitor Kn-62 (3.5 ng). None of the drugs had any effect on either WM or STM. All had, as previously shown, strong effects on LTM: picrotoxin and norepinephrine enhanced it, and CNQX, AP5, scopolamine, Kn-62, and staurosporin inhibited it. The results do not support the idea that memory of this task is formed in the amygdala; they indicate that the amygdala is not involved in WM or STM processing and support the idea that the amygdala modulates LTM storage processes carried out elsewhere.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence indicates that the noradrenergic system of the basolateral amygdala (BLA) participates in the consolidation of various types of emotionally arousing memories. We previously reported that administration of an anesthetic-dose of sevoflurane immediately after continuous multiple-trail inhibition avoidance (CMIA) training impaired memory consolidation. This experiment investigated whether posttraining noradrenergic activation of the BLA is sufficient to reverse the memory impairing effect of sevoflurane. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats received bilateral injections of norepinephrine (NE 0.3, 1.0, or 3.0 μg/0.5 μl) or normal saline (NS 0.5 μl) immediately after training in a CMIA paradigm. Subsequently, the rats were exposed to sevoflurane (2% inspired) or air for 2h. Norepinephrine produced a dose-dependent enhancement of memory consolidation on a 24-h retention test. The highest dose of NE tested (3.0 μg/0.5 μl) blocked sevoflurane-induced impairment of memory consolidation and reversed the inhibitory effect of sevoflurane on activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein (Arc) expression in the hippocampus 2h after training. These findings provide evidence that the mechanism mediating the memory-impairing effect of sevoflurane involves a network interaction between the BLA noradrenergic system and modulation of Arc protein expression in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid hormones have been shown to enhance memory consolidation when applied at low doses posttraining, but are ineffective or impair memory at high doses. In a test of whether this quadratic relationship also exists for endogenously released glucocorticoids, healthy men and women received cold-pressor stress (CPS) or a control procedure immediately after reading a relatively neutral story and were tested for retention 1 week later. Cortisol levels in response to the stressor were assayed from saliva. CPS significantly elevated salivary cortisol in both sexes, but enhanced memory only in male subjects. Among CPS-treated male subjects, there was a significant quadratic correlation between cortisol release posttraining and subsequent memory. Thus, these findings represent the first demonstration of an inverted-U relationship between activity of endogenous stress hormones and human memory.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported that drugs affecting neuromodulatory systems within the basolateral amygdala (BLA), including drugs affecting muscarinic cholinergic receptors, modulate the consolidation of many kinds of training, including contextual fear conditioning (CFC). The present experiments investigated the involvement of muscarinic cholinergic influences within the BLA in modulating the consolidation of CFC extinction memory. Male Sprague Dawley rats implanted with unilateral cannula aimed at the BLA were trained on a CFC task, using footshock stimulation, and 24 and 48 h later were given extinction training by replacing them in the apparatus without footshock. Following each extinction session they received intra-BLA infusions of the cholinergic agonist oxotremorine (10 ng). Immediate post-extinction BLA infusions significantly enhanced extinction but infusions administered 180 min after extinction training did not influence extinction. Thus the oxotremorine effects were time-dependent and not attributable to non-specific effects on retention performance. These findings provide evidence that, as previously found with original CFC learning, cholinergic activation within the BLA modulates the consolidation of CFC extinction.  相似文献   

Noradrenergic activation of the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA) modulates the consolidation of memory for many kinds of highly emotionally arousing training tasks. The present experiments investigated whether posttraining noradrenergic activation of the BLA is sufficient to enable memory consolidation of a low-arousing training experience. Sprague-Dawley rats received intra-BLA infusions of norepinephrine, the beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol or saline immediately after either 3 or 10 min of object recognition training. Saline-infused controls exhibited poor 24-h retention when given 3 min of object recognition training and good retention when given 10 min of training. Norepinephrine administered after 3 min of object recognition training produced dose-dependent enhancement of 24-h object recognition memory whereas propranolol administered after 10 min of training produced dose-dependent impairment of memory. These findings provide evidence that posttraining noradrenergic activation of the BLA enhances memory of a low-arousing training experience that would otherwise not induce long-term memory. Thus, regardless of the degree of emotional arousal induced by an experience, noradrenergic activation of the BLA after the experience ensures that it will be better remembered.  相似文献   

Extensive evidence indicates that the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA) mediates hormonal and neurotransmitter effects on the consolidation of emotionally influenced memory and that such modulatory influences involve noradrenergic activation of the BLA. As the BLA also expresses a high density of receptors for orphanin FQ/nociceptin (OFQ/N), an opioid-like peptide with anxiolytic and amnestic properties, the present experiments investigated whether the BLA is involved in mediating OFQ/N effects on memory consolidation and whether such effects require noradrenergic activity. OFQ/N (0.01-100 pmol in 0.2 microL) administered bilaterally into the BLA of male Sprague-Dawley rats immediately after aversively motivated inhibitory avoidance training induced dose-dependent impairment on a 48-h retention trial. The beta(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist atenolol (2.0 nmol) administered concurrently into the BLA potentiated the dose-response effects of OFQ/N. In contrast, immediate post-training infusions of the peptidergic OFQ/N receptor antagonist [Nphe(1)]nociceptin(1-13)NH(2) (1-100 pmol in 0.2 microL) into the BLA enhanced 48-h retention of inhibitory avoidance training, an effect that was blocked by coadministration of atenolol. Delayed infusions of OFQ/N or [Nphe(1)]nociceptin(1-13)NH(2) into the BLA administered either 6 or 3 h after training, respectively, or immediate post-training infusions of OFQ/N into the adjacent central amygdala did not significantly alter retention performance. These findings indicate that endogenously released OFQ/N interacts with noradrenergic activity within the BLA in modulating memory consolidation.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that the NO/sGC/PKG pathway plays a key role in memory processing but the actual participation of this signaling cascade in the amygdala during memory consolidation remains unknown. Here, we show that when infused in the amygdala immediately after inhibitory avoidance training, but not later, the NO synthase inhibitor L-NNA hindered long-term memory retention without affecting locomotion, exploratory behavior, anxiety state or retrieval of the avoidance response. The amnesic effect of L-NNA was not state-dependent and was mimicked by the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor LY83583 and the PKG inhibitor KT-5823. On the contrary, post-training intra-amygdala infusion of the NOS substrate L-Arg, the NO-releasing compound SNAP or the non-hydrolysable analog of cGMP 8Br-cGMP increased memory retention in a dose-dependent manner. Co-infusion of 8Br-cGMP reversed the amnesic effect of L-NNA and LY83583 but not that of KT-5823. Our data indicate that the NO-induced activation of PKG in the amygdala is a necessary step for consolidation of inhibitory avoidance memory.  相似文献   

These experiments investigated the role of the alpha(2)-adrenoceptors of the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) in modulating the retention of inhibitory avoidance (IA). In Experiment 1, male Sprague Dawley rats implanted with bilateral cannulae in the BLA received microinfusions of a selective alpha(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist idazoxan 20 min either before or immediately after training. Retention was tested 48 h later. Idazoxan induced a dose-dependent enhancement of retention performance and was more effective when administered post-training. In Experiment 2, animals received pre- or post-training intra-BLA infusions of a selective alpha(2)-adrenoceptor agonist UK 14,304. The agonist induced a dose-dependent impairment of retention performance and, as with the antagonist treatments, post-training infusions were more effective. These results provide additional evidence that consolidation of inhibitory avoidance memory depends critically on prolonged activation of the noradrenergic system in the BLA and indicate that this modulatory influence is mediated, in part, by pre-synaptic alpha(2)-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

This study reports evidence that patients with schizophrenia demonstrate a slowing of working memory (WM) consolidation, which is the process of transforming transient perceptual representations into durable WM representations. Sixteen schizophrenia patients and 16 healthy control participants performed a task measuring the visual WM consolidation rate in a change-detection paradigm. A target display containing 3 colored squares was followed by a variable delay of 17-483 ms, a pattern mask, and then a test stimulus. This pattern mask does not interfere with perception but disrupts WM consolidation. Control participants reached no-mask performance by 250 ms, indicating completed WM consolidation, whereas patients failed to reach no-mask performance by 483 ms. Slowed consolidation may play an important and largely unrecognized role in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

In rats, amygdala benzodiazepine-like immunoreactivity decreases by 29% immediately after the animals step down from the platform of an inhibitory avoidance apparatus and decreases by a further 45% immediately after they receive a training footshock. The decrease is attributable to a release of diazepam or diazepam-like molecules. The immediate post-training intraamygdala injection of the central benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil (10 nmole/amygdala) causes memory facilitation, and that of the GABA-A agonist muscimol (0.005 to 0.5 nmole) causes retrograde amnesia. Pretraining ip flumazenil administration (2.0 and 5.0 mg/kg) attenuates the effect of post-training muscimol by a factor of at least 100. The higher dose of pretraining flumazenil also causes memory facilitation. The data suggest that post-training consolidation is down-regulated by a GABA-A mechanism in the amygdala modulated by endogenous benzodiazepines released during training and at the time of consolidation.  相似文献   

Evidence from previous studies indicates that the noradrenergic and GABAergic influences within the basolateral amygdala (BLA) modulate the consolidation of memory for fear conditioning. The present experiments investigated whether the same modulatory influences are involved in regulating the extinction of fear-based learning. To investigate this issue, male Sprague Dawley rats implanted with unilateral or bilateral cannula aimed at the BLA were trained on a contextual fear conditioning (CFC) task and 24 and 48 h later were given extinction training. Immediately following each extinction session they received intra-BLA infusions of the GABAergic antagonist bicuculline (50 ng), the beta-adrenocepter antagonist propranolol (500 ng), bicuculline with propranolol, norepinephrine (NE) (0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 microg), the GABAergic agonist muscimol (125 ng), NE with muscimol or a control solution. To investigate the involvement of the dorsal hippocampus (DH) as a possible target of BLA activation during extinction, other animals were given infusions of muscimol (500 ng) via an ipsilateral cannula implanted in the DH. Bilateral BLA infusions of bicuculline significantly enhanced extinction, as did infusions into the right, but not left BLA. Propranolol infused into the right BLA together with bicuculline blocked the bicuculline-induced memory enhancement. Norepinephrine infused into the right BLA also enhanced extinction, and this effect was not blocked by co-infusions of muscimol. Additionally, muscimol infused into the DH did not attenuate the memory enhancing effects of norepinephrine infused into the BLA. These findings provide evidence that, as with original CFC learning, noradrenergic activation within the BLA modulates the consolidation of CFC extinction. The findings also suggest that the BLA influence on extinction is not mediated by an interaction with the dorsal hippocampus.  相似文献   

The central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) is traditionally portrayed in fear conditioning as the key neural output that relays conditioned information established in the basolateral amygdala complex to extra-amygdalar brain structures that generate emotional responses. However, several recent studies have questioned this serial processing view of the amygdalar fear conditioning circuit by showing an influence of the CeA on memory consolidation. We previously reported that inhibition of endogenous CeA secretion of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) at the time of contextual training effectively impaired fear memory consolidation. However, the time-dependent range of CeA CRF secretion in facilitating consolidation processing has not been examined. Therefore, to address this issue, we performed CeA site-specific microinjections of CRF antisense oligonucleotides (CRF ASO) at several post-training time intervals. Rats microinjected with CRF ASO at post-training intervals up to 24-h subsequently exhibited significant impairments in contextual freezing retention in contrast to animals treated 96-h after training. To further establish the validity of the results, CeA fiber-sparing lesions were made at two distinct post-training periods (24-h and 96-h), corresponding respectively to the temporal intervals when CeA CRF ASO administration disrupted or had no significant effects on memory consolidation. Similar to the CeA CRF ASO results, CeA lesions made 24-h, but not 96-h, after training induced significant freezing deficits in the retention test. In conclusion, the current results demonstrate: (1) an extended involvement of CeA CRF in contextual memory consolidation and (2) that contextual fear memory storage is not dependent on a functional CeA.  相似文献   

Both sleep spindles and slow oscillations have been implicated in sleep-dependent memory consolidation. Whereas spindles occur during both light and deep sleep, slow oscillations are restricted to deep sleep, raising the possibility of greater consolidation-related spindle involvement during deep sleep. We assessed declarative memory retention over an interval containing a nap and determined spindle density for light and deep sleep separately. In deep sleep, spindle density was considerably higher and showed a strong and robust positive correlation with retention. This relation was absent for light sleep, suggesting that the potentiating effects of spindles are tied to their co-occurrence with slow oscillations.  相似文献   

Delay classical eyeblink conditioning (EBC) is an important model of associative, cerebellar-dependent learning. Norepinephrine (NE) plays a significant modulatory role in the acquisition of learning; however, other neurotransmitters are also involved. The goal was to determine whether NE, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate (GLU) release are observed in cerebellar cortex during EBC, and whether such release was selectively associated with training. Further studies examined the role of the beta-noradrenergic receptor in consolidation of the learned response by local infusion of propranolol at 5-120 min following training into the cerebellar cortex. In vivo microdialysis coupled to EBC was performed to examine neurotransmitter release. An increase in the extracellular level of NE was observed during EBC and was maximal on day 1 and diminished in amplitude with subsequent days of training. No changes in baseline NE release were observed in pseudoconditioning indicating that NE release is directly related to the associative learning process. The extracellular levels of GABA were also increased selectively during paired training however, the magnitude of GABA release increased over days of training. GLU release was observed to increase during both paired and unpaired training, suggesting that learning does not occur prior to the information arriving in the cerebellum. When propranolol was administered at either 5-, 60-, or 120-min post-training, there was an inhibition of conditioned responses, these data support the hypothesis that NE is important for consolidation of learning. In another set of experiments we demonstrate that the timing of release of NE, GABA and glutamate are significantly delayed in onset and lengthened in duration in the 22-month-old F344 rats. Over days of training the timing of release becomes closer to the timing of training and this is associated with increased learning of conditioned responses in the aged rats.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the influence of bilateral intra-central amygdala (intra-CeA) microinjections of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agents on amnesia induced by a cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist, arachydonilcyclopropylamide (ACPA). This study used a step-through inhibitory (passive) avoidance task to assess memory in adult male Wistar rats. The results showed that intra-CeA administration of ACPA (2 ng/rat) immediately after training decreased inhibitory avoidance (IA) memory consolidation as evidenced by a decrease in step-through latency on the test day, which was suggestive of drug-induced amnesia. Post-training intra-CeA microinjections of NMDA (0.0001, 0.001 and 0.01 μg/rat) did not affect IA memory consolidation. However co-administration of NMDA with ACPA (2 ng/rat) prevented the impairment of IA memory consolidation that was induced by ACPA. Although post-training intra-CeA administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist, d-(−)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (d-AP5; 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 μg/rat) alone had no effect, its co-administration with an ineffective dose of ACPA (1 ng/rat) impaired IA memory consolidation. Post-training intra-CeA microinjection of an ineffective dose of d-AP5 (0.01 μg/rat) prevented an NMDA response to the impaired effect of ACPA. These results suggest that amnesia induced by intra-CeA administration of ACPA is at least partly mediated through an NMDA receptor mechanism in the Ce-A.  相似文献   

Previous findings suggest that the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) is involved in memory for emotionally arousing training. There is also extensive evidence that the basolateral amygdala (BLA) modulates the consolidation of emotional arousing training experiences via interactions with other brain regions. The present experiments examined the effects of posttraining intra-rACC infusions of the cholinergic agonist oxotremorine (OXO) on inhibitory avoidance (IA) retention and investigated whether the BLA and rACC interact in enabling OXO effects on memory. In the first experiment, male Sprague-Dawley rats were implanted with bilateral cannulae above the rACC and given immediate posttraining OXO infusions. OXO (0.5 or 3 ng) induced significant enhancement of retention performance on a 48-h test. In the second experiment, unilateral posttraining OXO infusions (0.5, 3.0 or 10 ng) enhanced retention when infused into rACC, but not caudal ACC, consistent with previous evidence that ACC is composed of functionally distinct regions. A third experiment investigated the effects of posttraining intra-rACC OXO infusions (0.5 or 10 ng) in rats with bilateral sham or NMDA-induced lesions of the BLA. The BLA lesions did not impair IA retention, but blocked the enhancement induced by posttraining intra-rACC OXO infusions. Lastly, unilateral NMDA lesions of rACC blocked the enhancement of IA retention induced by posttraining ipsilateral OXO infusions into the BLA. These findings support the hypothesis that the rACC is involved in modulating the storage of emotional events and provide additional evidence that the BLA modulates memory consolidation through interactions with efferent brain regions, including the cortex.  相似文献   

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