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Abstract: John Yolton has argued that Locke held a direct realist position according to which sensory ideas are not perceived intermediaries, as on the representational realist position, but acts that take material substances as objects. This paper argues that were Locke to accept the position Yolton attributes to him he could not at once account for appearance‐reality discrepancies and maintain one of his most important anti‐nativist arguments. The paper goes on to offer an interpretation of Locke's distinction between ideas of substances and modes, a distinction that helps Locke to explain appearance‐reality discrepancies, although not in a large enough range of cases to strengthen Yolton's interpretation.  相似文献   

Abstract: This Symposium comprises five papers on Locke's theory of sense perception. The authors are John Rogers, Gideon Yaffe, Lex Newman, Tom Lennon, and Martha Bolton. There are also comments on the papers, both individually and as a group, by Vere Chappell. In addition to Locke's view of perception, the papers deal with the nature of Lockean ideas and with the question whether Locke is committed to skepticism regarding the external world. The authors (and the commentator) disagree in their readings of Locke on these issues, but most maintain – and some argue – that he holds a representative theory of perception, and that he is not an external‐world skeptic.  相似文献   

Abstract: It is common to assume that if Locke is to be regarded as a consistant epistemologist he must be read as holding that either ideas are the objects of perception or that [physical] objects are. He must either be a direct realist or a representationalist. But perhaps, paradoxical as it at first sounds, there is no reason to suppose that he could not hold both to be true. We see physical objects and when we do so we have ideas. We see or hear birds and bells but we also have visual and auditory ideas of birds and bells. This suggestion is explored through examination of what Locke says about perception in his Elements of Natural Philosophy and the accounts offered both by Locke in the Essay Concerning Human Understanding and by some of Locke's successors.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In this paper, I argue that John Locke's account of knowledge coupled with his commitments to moral ideas being voluntary constructions of our own minds and to divine voluntarism (moral rules are given by God according to his will) leads to a seriously flawed view of moral knowledge. After explicating Locke's view of moral knowledge, highlighting the specific problems that seem to arise from it, and suggesting some possible Lockean responses, I conclude that the best Locke can do is give us a trivial account of moral knowledge which cannot avoid problems with subjectivity and relativism.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper argues that Locke has a representative theory of sensitive knowledge. Perceivers are immediately aware of nothing but sensory ideas in the mind; yet perceivers think of real external substances that correspond to and cause those ideas, and they are warranted in believing that those substances exist (at that time). The theory poses two questions: what warrants the truth of such beliefs? What is it in virtue of which sensory ideas represent external objects and how do they make perceivers think of those objects? Both the epistemic and semantic issues need to be addressed. This paper urges that Locke's basic account of warrant is roughly reliabilist. The causal origin of sensory ideas assures that, in general, sense based beliefs are true. Locke defines the limit of this warrant by the theoretical point that we cannot discuss skeptical doubt without assuming the truthfulness of our perceptual faculty. Turning to the semantic question, the paper argues that ideas are mental modifications or entities. They are not intrinsically representative (satisfiable), but rather represent only by virtue of their causal origin. They merely “track” the presence of substances and their qualities. Ideas nevertheless prompt perceivers to think of their causes. This is roughly because sensory ideas have a specific mental role, namely, to serve as marks for distinguishing substances and their respective qualities for purposes of action. The paper suggests that, for Locke, the challenge posed by the semantic veil of ideas is to explain this externally directed marking function within bounds of his anti‐innatism. But it concludes that his answers to the twin questions fit together reasonably well.  相似文献   

汉字形码和音码的整体性对部件识别的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本实验从分析汉字整体知觉的具体表现形式入手,通过三个实验探讨字的整体知觉对部件知觉的影响。实验一以分解方式为变量,考查字形整体知觉对部件识别的影响,发现识别不同结构的字的部件之活动受知觉分解路线(如顺读或逆读)的影响。作者认为这种分解方式效应很可能跟部位有关。实验二证实了这一分析,并进而认为部位效应又跟部位与字形整体知觉的紧密程度有关。实验三以语音码为变量,发现成字部件的字音与整体字语音一致者(形声字),其分解知觉成绩比不一致者(非形声字)有明显的优势。这意味着,整体字音知觉的单一性对部件知觉的作用。最后,本研究还考查了部件识别法的有效性,并认为在研究知觉的整体与部分关系问题时,该法不失为一种新的实验范型。  相似文献   

距离、观察姿势对大小知觉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
問題 大小知觉是視知觉心理学中重要問題之一,也是人在实践活动中所經常接触的問題。前人研究表明,大小知觉总是与知觉对象的距离成一定的关系,并提出所謂大小-距离不变假設(Size-Distance Invariace Hypothesis)来說明这种現象。在一般情况下,对象离开观察者愈远,网膜视象随距离按比例縮小,而观察者所知觉的大小却仍接近对象的原来实际大小(物理大小),也就是說大小知觉保持着一定的恆常性。这是大小知觉与距离关  相似文献   

本文用Garner快速分类法研究了发音人规范化和语境补偿过程与声调知觉的关系。得到的主要结果是:(1)发音人变化对声调识别产生了显著的Gar-ner干扰;声调变化对男女声判别产生了同样的十扰。(2)语境变化对声调识别也产生了显著的Garner干扰。按照Garner方法的假设,这说明发音人规范化和语境变异补偿与声调识别之问是相互联系和相互影响的。(3)虽然发音人和语境同时变化引起的声调识别反应时延长约等于它们单独变化时反应时延长量之和,但正确率下降远大于单独变化时下降量之和。说明发音人和语境变异对声调识别的干扰不是独立的,它们之间存在相互作用。这种作用增加了声调识别的难度。  相似文献   

Abstract— If, as we believe, language is a specialization alt the way down to its roots, then perception of its consonantal elements should be immediately phonetic, not as in the conventional view, a secondary translation from percepts of an auditory sort. Supporting observations come from an experiment in which formant transitions that distinguish [da] and [gal were presented as sinusoids and combined with a synthetic syllable made of resonances, thus causing the auditory system to treat these acoustically incoherent parts as different sources Evidence for the source difference was varied by changing the intensity of the sinusoids relative to the remainder of the syllable. Over the greater part of a 60-dB range, listeners accurately identified the consonants, indicating that they had integrated the stimuli according to a coherence that existed only in the phonetic domain. At the lowest intensities, indeed, the consonants were accurately identified, even though the whistles—the normal responses to the sinusoids—were not. There followed then a range over which perception was duplex. Both consonants and whistles were accurately identified At the highest intensities, phonetic integration failed, but accurate perception of the whistles was maintained. That the phonetic percept was present when as auditory counterpart was absent, and vice versa, is evidence that the phonetic percept is independent of its auditory counterpart and not a translation from it, as is the fact that the two percepts followed very different courses in response to the experimental variable.  相似文献   

Abstract: In a series of influential articles, George Bealer argues for the autonomy of philosophical knowledge on the basis that philosophically known truths must be necessary truths. The main point of his argument is that the truths investigated by the sciences are contingent truths to be discovered a posteriori by observation, while the truths of philosophy are necessary truths to be discovered a priori by intuition. The project of assimilating philosophy to the sciences is supposed to be rendered illegitimate by the more or less sharp distinction in these characteristic methods and its modal basis. In this article Bealer's particular way of drawing the distinction between philosophy and science is challenged in a novel manner, and thereby philosophical naturalism is further defended.  相似文献   

Even though reading instruction had been historically the most important academic responsibility of schools, recently, it has drawn much greater attention because language processing has become the backbone of the unprecedented advancement in information technology. In light of this background, specific reading disability (RD, hereafter) has become the focus of intense research efforts. As the most commonly encountered variety of Learning Disability, RD is almost always identified on the basis of a discrepancy seen between the IQ score of the at-risk reader and his or her reading achievement score. In general, poor readers who have a “significant” discrepancy between IQ and achievement are classified as having learning disability (LD, hereafter); poor readers whose reading score and IQ are on par with each other are identified as not having a learning disability. This procedure, in essence, classifies children who experience difficulty in learning to read into two categories: poor readers with reading disability and poor readers without reading disability. This approach is based on the assumption that poor readers identified as having reading disability are qualitatively different from poor readers who are not so identified. This paper examines the validity of this form of classification and offers a new approach for dealing with children with reading problems. The proposed approach utilizes a method of diagnosis which is based on the Componential Model of reading which, instead of categorizing poor readers into the two categories, focuses on the cause of the reading difficulty and targets remedial instruction at the source of the reading problem.  相似文献   

Eight experiments, based on the original design of Schafer & Murphy (1943) for study of the development of the figure—ground relationship, are examined and the results found to be contradictory. The definition given of the perception of the figure–ground relationship is judged to be inadequate and ascribed to an unwillingness of behavioristically oriented psychologists to analyze the term perception with reference to perceptual experience.  相似文献   

杨玉芳 《心理学报》1989,22(1):31-36
本文报告的实验用时长为100—500ms的汉语普通话元音yi和ao负载的一、二声和二、三声声调连续体作刺激,用一声和二声反应曲线和平均反应百分数作指标,研究了时长和元音音色对声调识别的影响。主要结果是:(1)从一、二声和二、三声连续体得到的数据都说明,时长对声调识别有显著影响。(2)一、二声连续体的结果表明,元音音色对声调识别无显著影响;从二、三声连续体得到的结果相反,元音音色影响声调识别。文中讨论了两组数据结果的差异,并与有关的文献报告作了比较。  相似文献   

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