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The heritability, cross-situational consistency, and cross-temporal stability of aggressive behavior is examined in an effort to assess the logical, practical, and empirical utility of the violence-prone personality. For reasons of conceptual obscurity, circular reasoning, labeling, and negation of process, the concept of a violence-prone personality is rejected in favor of several more specific processes (i.e., Person × Situation interaction, survival strategies, psychological adjustment, the motivation to avoid change, implicit personality theories, systemic reinforcement of behavior, environmental stability, methodological issues).  相似文献   

Much of the effort to understand the brain substrate of theory of mind and empathy has involved the study of individuals with deficits in that domain, such as those on the autism spectrum. Studying individuals with presumed superior abilities in picking up social signals may yield important additional information. We predicted that psychic readers may have superior abilities and tested this by contrasting a group of 22 professional psychic readers with matched controls on a measure of theory of mind ("Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test) and a multidimensional measure of empathy [Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)]. Although psychic readers were not superior in reading the language of the eyes, they were shown to have more cognitive empathy, as measured with the "Fantasy" subscale of the IRI. We discuss the merits of research involving "experts" in social cognition and propose other possible groups of "master mindreaders."  相似文献   

Studies of perceptual awareness require sensitive measures reflecting subjective judgments of visibility. Two scales have been proposed for this purpose: the Continuous Scale (CS) and the Perceptual Awareness Scale (PAS). Here we compare the scales in the context of the Gabor patch orientation discrimination task and propose a Continuous Perceptual Awareness Scale (C-PAS) that aims to combine their advantages. The results of the study shown no differences in sensitivity between the scales. However, we observed differences between the scales in awareness ratings frequencies and accuracy associated with the lowest ratings. We concluded that visibility ratings are often biased, and thus, the scale sensitivity may not be optimal. Furthermore, based on the additional analyses, we argued that there is an advantage of using C-PAS over CS. The scale allows to use an additional variability of judgment within PAS categories and thus it may enable more fine-grained measurement of visibility at near-threshold conditions.  相似文献   

The pluralizing forces in many English speaking countries include a number of Muslim communities. As these become integrated into their host societies, their social and spiritual values, and above all a recognition of the Qur'an as their sacred Book have the potential to enrich the mythic and symbolic resources of English as a language of literature. For this, the Qur'an needs to establish recognition in the first place at a secular level as literature in order to pave the way for an awareness of its spiritual dimensions. This essay outlines some of the obstacles to such a development, and suggests ways in which they may be overcome. It shows how the Qur'an re‐presents in a distinctive way themes and motifs familiar to English readers of the Bible. It offers English renderings of a number of qur'anic pericopes. It attempts by use of a number of techniques to present them in a way that communicates something of the genius of the Qur'an as literature, and thereby to offer a basis on which non‐Muslims can share with Muslims its distinctive contribution to the spiritual heritage of humankind.  相似文献   

Many visual search experiments measure response time (RT) as their primary dependent variable. Analyses typically focus on mean (or median) RT. However, given enough data, the RT distribution can be a rich source of information. For this paper, we collected about 500 trials per cell per observer for both target-present and target-absent displays in each of three classic search tasks: feature search, with the target defined by color; conjunction search, with the target defined by both color and orientation; and spatial configuration search for a 2 among distractor 5s. This large data set allows us to characterize the RT distributions in detail. We present the raw RT distributions and fit several psychologically motivated functions (ex-Gaussian, ex-Wald, Gamma, and Weibull) to the data. We analyze and interpret parameter trends from these four functions within the context of theories of visual search.  相似文献   

Lukatela and Turvey (2000) demonstrated a phonological priming effect in the lexical decision task (LDT) with a 14-ms prime and concluded that phonology plays a central role in word meaning activation. In contrast, several other researchers reported that phonological priming is significant only at much longer prime durations (e.g., Ferrand & Grainger, 1994). In two replication attempts (Experiments 1a and 1b), involving a 15-ms prime duration, we found a clear phonological priming effect in one LDT and no evidence of phonological priming in another virtually identical LDT. In Experiment 2, in an attempt to determine whether individual differences may account for the presence or lack of a phonological priming effect, we also tested phonological and perceptual skill. Only participants higher in perceptual and phonological skill showed a phonological priming effect. We conclude that these (and potentially other) variables may have been responsible for previous inconsistent findings of early phonological priming effects.  相似文献   

This study argues for the necessity of applying offline contexts to social networking site research and the importance of distinguishing the relationship types of users' counterparts when studying Facebook users' behaviors. In an attempt to examine the relationship among users' behaviors, their counterparts' relationship types, and the users' perceived acquaintanceships after using Facebook, this study first investigated users' frequently used tools when interacting with different types of friends. Users tended to use less time- and effort-consuming and less privacy-concerned tools with newly acquired friends. This study further examined users' behaviors in terms of their closeness and intimacy and their perceived acquaintanceships toward four different types of friends. The study found that users gained more perceived acquaintanceships from less close friends with whom users have more frequent interaction but less intimate behaviors. As for closer friends, users tended to use more intimate activities to interact with them. However, these activities did not necessarily occur more frequently than the activities they employed with their less close friends. It was found that perceived acquaintanceships with closer friends were significantly lower than those with less close friends. This implies that Facebook is a mechanism for new friends, rather than close friends, to become more acquainted.  相似文献   

In incidental sequence learning situations, there is often a number of participants who can report the task-inherent sequential regularity after training. Two kinds of mechanisms for the generation of this explicit knowledge have been proposed in the literature. First, a sequence representation may become explicit when its strength reaches a certain level (Cleeremans, 2006), and secondly, explicit knowledge may emerge as the result of a search process that is triggered by unexpected events that occur during task processing and require an explanation (the unexpected-event hypothesis; Haider & Frensch, 2009). Our study aimed at systematically exploring the contribution of both mechanisms to the generation of explicit sequence knowledge in an incidental learning situation. We varied the amount of specific sequence training and inserted unexpected events into a 6-choice serial reaction time task. Results support the unexpected-event view, as the generation of explicit sequence knowledge could not be predicted by the representation strength acquired through implicit sequence learning. Rather sequence detection turned out to be more likely when participants were shifted to the fixed repeating sequence after training than when practicing one and the same fixed sequence without interruption. The behavioral effects of representation strength appear to be related to the effectiveness of unexpected changes in performance as triggers of a controlled search.  相似文献   

The increasing prevalence of dementia among members of the Christian Churches prompts a re-evaluation of Christian ecclesiology. This is particularly true for the ecclesiology born of the theologies of liberation, because of the emphasis it places upon conscious participation in the historical life of the community. The present article draws on stories of people with dementia as recorded by themselves and those close to them; by reflection upon these stories, it seeks to re-think the character of the Church in the face of this challenge, and so to offer a richer interpretation of its identity as a community of liberation.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(3):235-245
The effect of team-member experience was examined in relation to perceptions of importance of teamwork behaviors during an analysis of team performance. Impor- tance ratings were collected from military aircrews (i.e., two-member teams) from three distinct types of aircraft. Results indicated that when assessing team behavior importance, less experienced team members weighted difficulty of performing team behaviors more heavily, whereas more experienced team members weighted time spent performing team behaviors more heavily. Implications for analyzing team performance, with respect to the process of conducting such analyses and the type of information collected, are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a novel sequential visual search paradigm Danziger, Kingstone, and Snyder (1998) demonstrated that inhibition of return (IOR) can reside at three spatial locations. In the present study, we extended the work of Danziger et al. by investigating whether there is a limit to the number of locations that can be inhibited in a sequential visual search task. Our study revealed that IOR can be measured at a minimum of five locations. The magnitude of the IOR effect was largest at the most recently searched location and declined from there in an approximately linear fashion. Two models that can account for our data are presented.  相似文献   

Prejudice against atheists is pervasive in the United States. Atheists lag behind virtually all other minority groups on measures of social acceptance. The sociofunctional approach suggests that distrust is at the core of anti‐atheist prejudice, thus making it qualitatively different than prejudice against other disadvantaged groups. Accordingly, this research examined political bias against atheists, gays, and Blacks and the affective content accompanying such biases. Results indicated that atheists suffered the largest deficit in voting intentions from Christian participants, and this deficit was accompanied by distrust, disgust, and fear, thereby suggesting that the affective content of anti‐atheist prejudice is both broader and more extreme than prejudice against other historically disadvantaged groups. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed.  相似文献   

With the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 2004, Response to Intervention (RTI) was officially introduced. Unlike the discrepancy model, which determines eligibility in special education with a discrepancy between achievement and ability, RTI was designed to provide intensive instruction to students in the general classroom as soon as difficulties in acquiring requisite reading skills are detected. The proposed goals of RTI include the improvement of reading achievement and the identification of students with learning disabilities (LD). Although RTI holds promise for the former goal when certain conditions are met, the latter goal is more elusive. The Component Model of Reading (CMR) is described in the current paper as an alternative to the discrepancy model and RTI. CMR, which consists of three domains, evaluates a poor reader's performance multidimensionally, so the most appropriate instruction for the reader can be designed to ensure reading success. Empirical evidence of CMR is presented.  相似文献   

The present study tries to characterize the specificity of female conversion by examining the—mostly unedited—sources kept in the State Archive of Venice, i.e. Inquisition trials, official decrees of the Government of Venice, letters and dispatches from and to the bailo (i.e. the Venetian Ambassador at Constantinople). In the light of these documents, the dimension of women's conversion appears to be more intimate than that of their male counterparts. For instance, being far from the political scene, Christian women did not convert to Islam in search of titles and honours; rather, for some of them, to embrace the Muslim religion meant to try to escape from a grey life and to redeem themselves by settling down in the Ottoman domains. On the other hand, Muslim women's conversions to Christianity were often overcast by the shadow of forced proselytism.  相似文献   

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