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The article describes a training program in structural/integrative family therapy for immigrant professionals from the former Soviet Union at the Training Center of the Shiluv Institute for Family and Couple Therapy in Jerusalem. The program was instituted to meet the pressing needs of a mass immigration of half a million people that came to Israel between 1990 and 1992. This is a retrospective look at the journey of the initial group of psychiatrists and psychologists who changed country, culture, language, and professional orientation in just two years. The authors state their conclusions as to the most expedient way to organize therapy for families from the former Soviet Union — a population in need of help but lacking an awareness of therapy and suspicious of the outsider.  相似文献   

In immigrant families, culture brokering (CB) occurs when children mediate the new culture for their family. The authors examined CB in Russian immigrant adolescent-mother dyads (N=226) to determine the types and amounts of CB that Russian adolescents performed, why adolescents assumed the CB role, and how the role affected adolescent and familial functioning. The present results indicated that most adolescents reported CB for their families (89%). Children of families that more recently arrived in the U.S., with mothers who were less American-language acculturated, culture brokered more. Higher levels of CB related to (a) higher adolescent stress and reports of problems at home and with friends and (b) lower feelings of school membership. Parent-reported problems at home did not relate to CB. The authors discussed implications for future research on the role of the child as culture broker.  相似文献   

In recent years, schools have been increasingly involved in youth's health-related behavior, particularly risky health behaviors (e.g., HIV/AIDS and pregnancy prevention programs). This study examined how acculturation processes among adolescent girls who are recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union (FSU) affect their practices of risky sexual behavior (RSB), defined as behavior that leads to increased risk for unplanned pregnancy or HIV infection. The study used an ecological perspective to understand how families and peers play a pivotal role in these acculturation processes. The results highlight the protective role of natal culture for RSB for this group of recent immigrants. The study also indicates that a higher level of acculturation to American culture is related to increased RSB in these recent immigrants. Thus, the study challenges the notion that biculturalism is always advantageous. School-based and after-school activities that incorporated Russian culture were found to play a protective role. The intergenerational discrepancies between adolescent girls and their parents and between peers and parents were predictive of RSB. Practical implications for practice of school professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

Most ultra-orthodox Jewish families live in tightly knit communities in which there is religious and cultural congruence between the structure of their communal organizations, their families, and the way individual members construe their world. Without excluding other family therapy models, this paper points to striking links between strictly orthodox Judaism and aspects of structural family therapy which suggest the latter may be particularly applicable to members of this ethnic minority. Therapeutic issues are illustrated with examples.  相似文献   

In the 1920s a group of health professionals and biologists in the Soviet Union embraced the nascent eugenics movement in order to justify the promotion of physical labor among Jews. Eugenics offered a scientific approach to solving the “Jewish question” through the productivization of Soviet Jewry. Drawing upon the work of Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, this group linked the settlement of Jews on the land to the belief that the physiognomy of Jews engaged in physical labor would be genetically passed on to their offspring. The goal was to overcome the perceived debilitating psychological and physical traits of shtetl Jewry by mobilizing Soviet Jewry for the building of socialism. By the late 1920s, however, eugenics fell victim to the Kremlin’s materialist conception of human society that emphasized social engineering and voluntarism and excluded biological influences on the transformation of Soviet society.  相似文献   

This paper reports results of a national community survey of self-reported suicide ideation and attempts and their relation to psychological distress, depression, social support, and adjustment difficulties in a sample of recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union (FSU) to Israel. Using a door-to-door sampling procedure, a sample of 788 Russian-born Jewish immigrants, ages 18-74 years, was selected to match the age and sex structure of the total immigrant population. An indigenous sample of Jews in Russia (n = 411) was matched with the immigrants for comparison. Parameters of interest were measured with the Demographic Inventory, Talbieh Brief Distress Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. The 1-month prevalence rate of suicide ideation in the immigrant sample (15.1%) was found to be significantly higher than that in Russian controls (6.6%). A total of 5.5% of immigrants but only 0.5% of controls had made a suicide attempt at some time in their lives. Risk factors for suicide ideation included younger age, living without a spouse, low level of social support, being a physician or teacher, a history of immigration from the Baltic countries or Moscow, or duration of stay in Israel from 2 to 3 years. The strongest risk factors were higher level of psychological distress and symptoms such as depression, hostility, and paranoid ideation. These findings can be used as a point of departure for the development of community-based suicide prevention programs for recent immigrants.  相似文献   

This paper explores therapists'perceptions of their assessment and treatment of new immigrant families from two very distinct populations: the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia. Some 145 professionals, approximately 70 per cent of those who treat new immigrants in the northern part of Israel, were questioned about various aspects of their assessment and treatment process. The differences between therapists and client families regarding the client's similarity to or difference from the majority culture are discussed. Of particular concern is whether therapists favour personal rather than contextual formulations of client problems. The results indicate that the wider the gap between the cultural background of the therapist and the immigrant families, the more sensitive and contextual the therapist's assessment and intervention choices.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the potential mediating effect of adolescents' perceptions of family relationships using a structural equation modeling approach. The sample consisted of 226 immigrant adolescents from the former Soviet Union resettled in a suburban county in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. who were selected at random from the local public schools. The study included independent assessment of acculturation to the host (American) and native (Russian) culture. Results confirm the mediational role of family relationships on the impact of Russian acculturation on reduced distress. In addition, family relationships partially mediated the link between American acculturation and reduced psychological distress for these youth. The findings suggest that for this immigrant population native acculturation was related to less distress only when linked to positive familial relationships, whereas American acculturation was related to less distress directly, as well as through its positive impact on familial relationships.  相似文献   

Russia accepted the notion of the unconscious and psychoanalysis before many Western countries. The first Russian Psychoanalytic Society was established in 1911. After World War I and the Russian Revolution, for a short happy period, the following psychoanalysts were active: Sabina Spielrein, Tatiana Rosenthal, Moshe Wulff, Nikolai Osipov and Ivan Ermakov. Scholars associated with Soviet ideas participated too, including Aleksandr Luria, Michail Rejsner and Pavel Blonskij. Lev Vygotskij himself dealt with the unconscious. A second psychoanalytical society was set up in Kazan. Unfortunately, at the end of the 1920s, repression dissolved the psychoanalytic movement. Even the word 'psychoanalysis' was banned for decades. Nonetheless, interest in the unconscious, as distinct from psychoanalytic theory, survived in the work of the Georgian leader D. Uznadze. His followers organized the 1979 International Symposium on the Unconscious, in Tbilisi, Georgia, which marked the breaking of an ideological barrier. Since then, many medical, psychological, philosophical and sociological scholars have taken an interest in the unconscious, a subject both feared, for its ideological implications, and desired.Since the 1980s, psychoanalytic ideas have been published in the scientific press and have spread in society. The fall of the USSR in 1991 liberalized the scientific and institutional development of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the studies of socioeconomic and ethnic and racial differences in intelligence carried out in Russia/USSR during the late 1920s and early 1930s. In these studies the IQs of social classes and of ethnic minorities were tested. These included Tatars (a Caucasoid people), Chuvash and Altai (mixed Caucasoid–Mongoloid peoples), Evenk (a mixed Caucasoid–Arctic people), and Uzbeks (a Central–South Asian people). The results of these studies showed socioeconomic differences of 12 IQ points between the children of white collar and blue collar workers, and that with the exception of the Tartars the ethnic minorities obtained lower IQs than European Russians.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined a bidimensional model of acculturation (which includes both heritage and U.S. practices, values, and identifications) in relation to hazardous alcohol use, illicit drug use, unsafe sexual behavior, and impaired driving. A sample of 3,251 first- and second-generation immigrant students from 30 U.S. colleges and universities completed measures of behavioral acculturation; cultural values (individualism, collectivism, and self-construal); ethnic and U.S. identity; and patterns of alcohol and drug use, engagement in potentially unsafe sexual activities, and driving while (or riding with a driver who was) intoxicated. Results indicate that heritage practices and collectivist values were generally protective against health risk behaviors, with collectivist values most strongly and consistently protective. Nonetheless, heritage identifications were positively associated with sexual risk taking for Hispanics. U.S. practices, values, and identifications were not consistently related to risk behavior participation. Results are discussed in terms of bidimensional approaches to acculturation, the immigrant paradox, and implications for counseling practice.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a difficult time for most children, but even more complex for the adolescents coming from immigrant families. Immigrant is a vague, broad concept and is difficult to define. Not all immigrants experience financial, psychological and social adjustment in the same way. In this paper it refers to the ones who experience ‘cultural misunderstanding’ characterized by social isolation, social confusion and deep general uncertainty. The paper focuses on some of the general aspects of the lack of appropriate support that the offspring of immigrant parents experience. A brief outline is given to show the attempt made by the Intercultural Therapy Centre (NAFSIYAT) to provide a transcultural therapeutic milieu for the adolescents from immigrant parents.  相似文献   

G Schneiderman  H Evans 《Adolescence》1975,10(40):495-498
Certain types of acting-out in the adolescent express the feelings of deprivation of the parental pair in a maladaptive aggressive way. Family therapists have attempted to convert the acting-out behavioral disorders into an effective state, i.e., make the family aware of their feelings of deprivation by focusing on the aggressive component. In many instances, the family becomes depressed and then interrupts or terminates treatment. The authors feel that this is due to the therapist's interpretations which bring about the depressive state via guilt provocation. The family understands the interpretations as meaning "You are bad to have your adolescent offspring behave in such a way". The therapist is thus seen as the family's collective super-ego. In order to prevent premature termination, the therapist should instead help the members of the family to become more conscious of their loving, "welfare" feelings for one another. In this way the self-esteem of the family is increased, which then permits more verbal action of aggressive feelings--thus a decrease in the acting-out, and ultimately an increase in the capacity to mourn. It should be pointed out, however, that in certain families, the technique described is not applicable. In these cases, although there is acting-out, the families are unable to draw on sufficient good experiences together which are necessary to elicit positive feeling for one another. The absence of readily available "welfare" feelings is of diagnostic and prognostic significance and differentiates the disorganized, sociopathic or schizophrenic family from the acting-out of parental deprivation as illustrated in this paper.  相似文献   

The study articulates a contextual approach to research on acculturation of immigrants, suggesting that the relationship between acculturation and adjustment is dependent on the cultural demands of the life domains considered. Specifically, the study investigated the mediating effects of adjustment in occupational and social life domains on the relationship between acculturation and psychological adjustment for 391 refugees from the former Soviet Union. The study used bilinear measures of acculturation to the host (American) and heritage (Russian) cultures. Using Structural Equation Modeling, the study confirmed the hypothesized relationships, such that the positive effects of American acculturation on psychological adjustment were mediated by occupational adjustment, and the effects of Russian acculturation on psychological adjustment were mediated by satisfaction with co-ethnic social support. Psychological adjustment was measured in two ways, as psychological well-being, using a measure of life satisfaction, and as symptoms of depression and anxiety, using the Hopkins symptom checklist (HSCL). Life satisfaction served as a mediator between adjustment in occupational and social domains and HSCL, suggesting that it may be an intervening variable through which environmental stress associated with immigration contributes to the development of symptoms of mental disorder.  相似文献   

Lewis C 《Family process》2011,50(4):436-452
Foster care is a system created to protect children from an unsafe home environment yet multiple foster home placements, conflictual or nonexistent relationships between foster parents and birth parents, long, drawn out court battles, and living in an on-going state of not knowing when or if they will be going home are just some of the challenges many children in care are expected to manage. This paper presents a guide for therapists working with families involved in foster care. Utilizing ideas from the postmodern therapies and structural family therapy, suggestions will be provided about who needs to talk to whom about what, when to have these necessary conversations, and how to talk to people in a way that mobilizes adults to take action for the children, with the goal of minimizing postplacement trauma, strengthening and repairing relational bonds, and moving children out of foster care and into permanent homes as quickly as possible.  相似文献   

Refugee families referred for therapy present a wide array of problems and expectations, not always in accordance with what therapy may offer. Major differences between referring professionals, families and therapists regarding problem definitions and solutions may complicate collaboration. Interventions that may overcome these barriers and move initial interviews into a therapeutic context are described. Three patterns regarding referral process, problem presentation and expectations (here called referral contexts) are outlined: 'the relational', where families ask for psychological and interpersonal assistance, 'the unfocused', where families are referred to therapy without expressing any wish for it, and 'the fixed solution', where families seek support for solutions that are not of a therapeutic nature. The interventions described form part of a negotiation where motives and interest for therapy are explored and agreements regarding further therapy are outlined.  相似文献   

Story telling can be used as an original method to restructure families with children. It actively involves parents in communicating with children in their own language, helping the family to switch from a rational language to an emotional/imaginary one, circumventing resistances and permitting its members to resume a natural path in parent-child communication. This paper illustrates how stories can be used in family interaction for treating problems of family origin. Selected stories were given to parents and children for them to read-listen/make comments/dramatize during the phase of family treatment which dealt specifically with learning problems. Three family cases in which story telling was useful in solving children's disabilities through promoting changes in the family structure and creating or enlightening parental functions of orientation and guidance are analyzed.This work was done at CERF, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and received the Margarita Ravioli Award from the Asociacion Argentina de Psiquiatria Infantil for the best paper in mental health and education, Buenos Aires, September, 1987. We wish to acknowledge psychologists Helen Lamuraglia, Julia Koremblit, and Susana Sola for their therapeutic cooperation with the family cases P and F respectively. We especially thank Harry Aponte, Alberto Gonzalez, and Helen Lamuraglia for their support, comments, and review of the paper, which enriched our scope and discussion.  相似文献   

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