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Early advances in psychoanalytic knowledge, profound though they were, were incomplete structures to be built upon, modified, and partially discarded. In addition to errors due to insufficient knowledge, Freud's difficulties with Dora stemmed from countertransference. Dora's transference included an identification with a governess/maid. Important oedipal role played by a nursemaid in Freud's life made him vulnerable to being left by Dora. The maid, Monika, "the prime originator" of Freud's neurosis, seduced him, chastised him, and taught him of hell. In his self-analysis she was associated with Freud's mother who left him when she gave birth to his sister. When he was two and a half years old, Monika was discharged and jailed for stealing. I suggest that Freud's attraction to Dora revealed itself in his libidinal imagery of the treatment and his premature sexual interpretations, the effects of which he misjudged. Defending against his attraction, he pushed her away from him, did not act to keep her in analysis or allow her to reenter analysis later. In addition, since Dora had left him as he must have felt his childhood nursemaid had, he reacted as if she were that maid. Hurt, saddened, and angered, he used reversal and deserted her, thus damping his feelings.  相似文献   

Freud's reaction to the death of his mother as he reported it in letters to Ernest Jones and Sandor Ferenczi is discussed. The sense of liberation and the absence of grief which he emphasized is given some analytic consideration. An attempt is then made to gain an understanding of Freud's somewhat cryptic remark that a change in the "values of life" in the "deeper layers" will have occurred following his mother's death. His discussion of these concepts in Civilization and Its Discontents, which was published just before her death, is utilized. The question is raised of whether the death of his mother may have been related to the change in Freud's view of the significance of the preoedipal mother which he presented in "Female Sexuality," the first paper he wrote after her death.  相似文献   

If Freud's theory of defense and repression is true, it is proposed that the manifest content of his conscious thought (his theory) would not accurately represent his real thoughts. It would rather distort, disguise, and hide them. Freud's own special method of analysis and interpretation, which rejects the manifest meaning of conscious thought, would have to be used to gain insight into his "real,' but still hidden, thoughts. Wherever Freud's manifest thoughts, rather than his real thoughts, have shaped subsequent theories of therapy and clinical practice, re-appraisal of these later theories and practices is recommended. Resolving this misunderstanding of Freud's thought may facilitate integration of clinical theory.  相似文献   

The figure of the governess, central in Freud's own history, is present in most of his cases. Freud described his nursemaid as "the prime originator" of his neuroses. Well after Freud's abandonment of the seduction theory, female servants were consistently portrayed as seducing boys, while their relationship with girls consisted of identification and rivalry. The role of Freud's own surrogate mother in his life and writing is examined, and two cases, Lucy R. and Dora, are looked at through the lens of female caretaking. A review and integration of relevant literature is followed by an exploration of the perplexing adherence in Freud's writing to the reality of seduction by a governess, even after he had abandoned the seduction theory. It is argued that it is in the figure of the female maid that the "shadowy" early history of Freud's mothering experiences may actually be engaged, however indirectly and unconsciously. This figure, and Freud's powerful, problematic identification with her, is a thread that when pulled helps unravel struggles in Freud's early theoretical development around issues of female sexuality and analytic authority. Revisiting Lucy R. and Dora provides a new perspective on Freud's difficulty with maternal transferences, and restores to their original importance his "worthless" governesses, those first analysts.  相似文献   

It is well known that, as part of Freud's early work with "hysteria," he reported making discoveries of sexual abuse that he interpreted first as genuine but subsequently as fantasy. Several writers now argue that Freud never made such discoveries; rather that he lied about them, only inferred abuse from his patients' symptoms, or suggested false memories to his clients. The present authors evaluate Freud's original work and these recent claims and conclude that (a) they are not new and are similar to the original reaction that Freud received; (b) the assertion that Freud did not make discoveries of abuse is unwarranted; and (c) these recent writers frequently have supported their positions by misrepresenting what Freud actually wrote, ignoring evidence that contradicted their position, failing to consider obvious and more plausible explanations for Freud's behavior, and going beyond the available data and stating with certainty what cannot be determined.  相似文献   

For nearly six decades after its publication in 1905, Freud's remarkable case of Dora remained untouched by critical comment. However, beginning in the early 1970's, an abundance of articles began to appear, which focused exclusively on the Dora case. The present paper reviews the literature of this so-called "Dora revival" in order to explain the historical and theoretical reasons leading to this extraordinary burst of research. Above all, two vital developments in the psychoanalytic discipline created the climate that fostered the Dora revival. First, there was a revolutionary change in attitude toward the phenomenon of countertransference: in contrast to the classical view of countertransference as a disruptive interference in treatment, analysts increasingly regarded countertransference as a pervasive and natural process, which could be potentially utilized to enhance understanding of the patient's unconscious conflicts and defenses. Second, there was enormous and rapid growth of a comprehensive psychoanalytic theory of adolescence and its treatment. Thus, based on a more favorable attitude toward countertransference, and a much improved understanding of the unique problems of adolescence, psychoanalysts could reexamine and better understand the decisive events that contributed to Freud's abortive analytic treatment of Dora.  相似文献   

The paper examines on the one hand the influence of the Berlin Institute in the 1920s on Franz Alexander's training and on his later work, as it was a workshop aiming to test the possibilities of a large utilization of psychoanalytic therapy in an institutional framework. On the other hand, the spirit of experimentation of Sándor Ferenczi and the endeavor to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of psychoanalysis by the use of countertransference and emotional exchange also became important for Alexander. A glimpse of recent researches on Freud's timetable gives background information with possible comparisons between Freud's technique and that of Alexander.  相似文献   

The controversy about the place of Sigmund Freud's unfinished draft of 1895, "Project for a Scientific Psychology," in the history of his thought, is addressed. It is argued that the "Project" may be understood as a suppressed response to the theory of hysteria presented by Josef Breuer in his and Freud's joint work, Studies on Hysteria. It is suggested that the "Project" may be read, in part, as a substitute for Breuer's theory. The timing and circumstances of the "Project's" composition are discussed. Its substantive and formal congruence with Studies on Hysteria is brought out. Freud's comments on scientific hypotheses are discussed, and it is shown that they constitute an implicit criticism of Breuer's theory.  相似文献   

The fact that analysts inevitably analyze "in character" (i.e., as themselves) has been commonly assumed but unacknowledged publicly ever since Freud's Papers on Technique (1911-1915). Analysts' implicit private beliefs about the impact of their own characters on analytic work have been addressed obliquely via theorizing about the analyst's subjectivity and the role of mutually created resistances and enactments in the transference/countertransference matrix, but these views remain largely tacit. The author suggests that the psychoanalytic concept of character has run aground as a moral issue, not a theoretical one, and that its deeper role as the vehicle for unconscious action remains indispensable in analytic work. An extended clinical example is presented to illustrate the author's preliminary ideas about the impact of her own character in this analysis.  相似文献   

Schur's (1966, 1972) speculations that the "specimen dream" exculpates Fliess rather than Freud and that Freud was unaware of this are challenged. Schur's assertion that Freud was not aware of "current conflict" when writing The Interpretation of Dreams is countered with the previously unpublished "Completion of the Analysis" of the dream of "Running up the Stairs," which illustrates Freud's withholding of "current conflict" from his published associations. The view is advanced that Freud's and Fliess's treatment of Emma Eckstein might have been an important element in Freud's self-analysis because it was a repetition of his childhood conflicts. The identities of Emma Eckstein (operated on by Fliess) and Anna Hammerschlag Lichtheim, together with the previously unnoticed, published exchange between Abraham and Freud, are used to add further insight into Freud's interpretation of the dream. In addition, new material concerning Freud's father's terminal illness, beginning in July, 1985, casts further light on the specimen dream as well as others. It is argued that concerns about Martha Freud's sixth pregnancy and wishes for improved contraception were important determinants of the dream and part of the undisclosed associations. It is also argued that rivalrous elements of the associations are elaborated in the later non vixit dream.  相似文献   

Among Freud's papers, we find instances in which Freud describes the "psychopathology of everyday life" as he found it in himself and in others. "A Religious Experience" (Freud, 1928) contains examples of both kinds. In addition, this paper contains a slip of which Freud appears to have been unaware. Freud's paper interprets a religious conversion described in a letter written to him in English. In the translation of this letter into German, Freud inserted material that was not present in the original. He mentions another slip he made in speaking about the letter. These slips and some associated details in the paper indicate persisting unconscious conflict. The content of these slips and details points to an association with Freud's childhood anxiety dream reported in The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud, 1900). Freud's associations and discussion of that dream lead to the Philippson Bible of his childhood, which provides additional connections to the paper of 1928.  相似文献   

John Watson was fascinated by the discoveries of psychoanalysis, but he rejected Freud's central concept of the unconscious as incompatible with behaviorism. After failing to explain psychoanalysis in terms of William James's concept of habit, Watson borrowed concepts from classical conditioning to explain Freud's discoveries. Watson's famous experiment with Little Albert is interpreted not only in the context of Pavlovian conditioning but also as a psychoanalytically inspired attempt to capture simplified analogues of adult phobic behavior, including the "transference" of emotion in an infant. Watson used his behavioristic concept of conditioned emotional responses to compete with Freud's concepts of displacement and the unconscious transference of emotion. Behind a mask of anti-Freudian bias, Watson surprisingly emerges as a psychologist who popularized Freud and pioneered the scientific appraisal of his ideas in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Inventing Freud     
Written to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Freud's birth, this paper construes Nina Coltart's statement that "if Freud did not exist it would be necessary to invent him," with its implicit comparison of Freud to God, to refer to (a) the things that Freud taught that are incontrovertibly true; (b) the unavoidable subjectivity in all judgments of Freud; and (c) the resemblances between psychoanalysis and religion. This last comparison is likewise seen to have both positive and negative aspects. Freud's ideas have inspired many people, yet he unscientifically arrogated sovereign authority over psychoanalysis. Freud's admirers are reminded of his extreme difficulty in admitting he was wrong and changing his mind when he should have known better, while his detractors are encouraged to consider the evidence supporting many of Freud's core tenets and to recognize that his discovery of psychoanalysis is indeed one of the supreme achievements in human history.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of Freud's treatment of the patient known as Emmy von N. in which for the first time he used what he called "Breuer's technique of investigation under hypnosis." It is shown that the main component of Freud's therapy owed nothing to Breuer: the patient's traumatic memories were altered by direct suggestion under hypnosis. The abreaction which did take place seems to have resulted from Freud's expectation that it should occur. Two cases published by Delboeuf and Janet in late 1888 and early 1889 were treated by a then unusual method which analysis demonstrates to have been virtually identical to the technique used by Freud. Evidence is presented that the Delboeuf and Janet cases could have been known to Freud before he began his treatment of Emmy von N.  相似文献   

The space the analyst creates in his consulting room gives expression to the most primitive elements in his personality. It does this despite, and even by means of, the professional conventions it incorporates. This phenomenon is first apparent in Freud's office where the space of the psychoanalytic situation originated. Here the room itself--filled with the antiquities he collected so passionately--met important narcissistic/symbiotic needs. In this sense it encodes a very early, unanalyzed level of relationship with his mother. It is suggested here that these phenomena, visible in Freud's office, are continuing elements of the analytic frame. Because of the character of the analyst and the structure of the relationship, the room becomes a mise-en-scène in which the narcissistic/symbiotic layers of both participants' characters are played out. Failing to recognize this may lead the analyst to treat seemingly regressive behavior as resistance and to intervene at developmental levels the patients has not achieved. Indeed, such "regressions" can only be understood as products of the situation itself. Phenomenologically, the analyst has become the corner in which he took refuge as a child; the corner to which the patient now comes for sanctuary. Because this connection is unconscious it cannot be called an alliance. Rather, it is a fortuitous interlocking that--like mother-child symbiosis--constitutes a matrix for new growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines Freud's evolving network of enterprise from 1876 to 1900 and the ensemble of metaphors which he used in the development of his theory (1888–1900). It will be shown that, in spite of Freud's obligatory change of career at age 26, there is no sharp break between Freud's early scientific work and his psychological research. Many signs of continuity between the two periods can be found. Freud's journey of scientific self-discovery only progressively led him to the frontiers of the unknown and his ultimate challenge: exploring the secrets of sexuality. Freud's avowed commitment to the study of the unconscious may have happened as late as 1899 as his metaphors celebrate an intimate fusion between the creator and his creation.  相似文献   


Definitions of and attitudes towards countertransference have changed throughout the twentieth century. From being seen as a contaminant in the analytical process, countertransference has come to be seen by many therapists as a potentially useful source of information about a client and his or her problems. There are dangers as well as benefits associated with analysis and utilization of countertransference. This article reviews these issues and proposes some guidelines that therapists may find useful when contemplating their countertransference reactions to clients, and when considering how best to utilize these.  相似文献   

The author traces the history of free association, the "fundamental rule," through the Freud-Ferenczi relationship and controversy. The use of "activity," first proposed by Freud in 1910 with phobic and compulsive patients, was then championed by Ferenczi in the early twenties. The goal of activity was to enhance-or, more accurately, "to force"--the associations into the analysis. Subsequently, Ferenczi reversed himself, concluding that his analysis was re-creating the traumatic parental environment which originally caused the patient's neurosis. The far-reaching results of Ferenczi's change of heart included a redefinition of countertransference and added the techniques of "indulgence" and "relaxation" to soften Freud's emphasis on "abstinence" and "frustration. A vignette from the analysis of a dangerously self-destructive bulimic patient illustrates the value of free association in helping a patient feel understood by the analyst without pressure to give up her symptoms. Constantly monitoring his therapeutic ambition, the analyst demonstrates the value of free association in enhancing the patient's understanding of herself and of the survival value of her symptoms. This vignette highlights the fact that the analyst's therapeutic ambition makes freedom to associate even more difficult for the patient and inevitably intrudes on the analyst's evenly hovering attention. Of course for the analyst to have a therapeutic wish is necessary and desirable but for the analyst to demand change promotes compliance and hidden rebellion which limits the analysis.  相似文献   

Freud was Right… About the Origins of Abnormal Behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Freud's psychodynamic theory is predominantly based on case histories of patients who displayed abnormal behavior. From a scientific point of view, Freud's analyses of these cases are unacceptable because the key concepts of his theory cannot be tested empirically. However, in one respect, Freud was totally right: most forms of abnormal behavior originate in childhood. In this paper various factors are discussed that play a role in the etiology of abnormal behavior in children and adolescents. Furthermore, problems are signaled that hinder effective interventions for disordered youths.  相似文献   

The history of Freud's illness shows that he tried to avoid confrontation with it, and to treat it as unimportant. In his personal letters, the ill body remains outside-as another person, "Konrad," not he himself-and it is not taken into account. Particularly in Freud's correspondence with Ferenczi, we realize to what extent certain phenomena, especially depressive ones, he considered somatic, with a tendency to dismiss them, and this despite important occasional insights, such as about the role played by hate in psychosomatic illnesses. In the post-Freudian development, these topics have been more and more integrated in the dialogue, in the discourse between the analyst and the analysand.  相似文献   

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