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<正>谨防被"忽悠"【文摘】最近在《联合早报》上看到一篇文章,题目是"生活在‘被忽悠'年代"。谈到最近中国社会不断出现的忽悠事件。仅近期不完全统计,"忽悠者"由于某些复杂的原因不断"显现真形":"中医食疗第一人"忽悠大师张悟本宣扬"绿豆治百病大法"引发市场绿豆涨价,  相似文献   

In this paper I argue first for a revisionary ontology, that is, for an understanding of "existence" as the property of a field not to be empty. In this context, I distinguish between "metaphysics" (the theory of totality or of fundamental reality) and "ontology" (the systematic investigation into the meaning of "existence"). In the second part, I provide a sketch for a corresponding revisionary theory of the modalities in light of the new ontology proposed.  相似文献   

In the chapter "The Adjustment of Controversies" in his eponymous work, Zhuangzi has the character Nanguo Ziqi declare "I effaced myself," thereby holding that one can return to the state of naturalness only after breaking with the "self" that is in opposition to "objects," abandoning his subject-object standpoint and entering a state of "effacement" wherein one fuses with the Dao. Coincidently, the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard also repeatedly stresses the "disappearance of the subject" in his later philosophy, trying to dissolve subject-centrism by means of a counterattack by the object wherein its logic would entrap the subject. Although they lived in different times, both Zhuangzi and Baudrillard note the same human predicament--the situation wherein the "I as subject" constantly obscures the "real I." Their resolutions of the predicament are similar: both put their hopes in the dissolution of the "I" or self in subject-object relations, with Zhuangzi declaring "I effaced myself' and Baudrillard mooting the "disappearance of the subject." They differ, however, on how to dissolve the "I" (myself). Briefly, Zhuangzi advocates "effacing myself through the Dao," that is, quitting one's "fixed mindset" and "egoism" and returning to the Dao by means of "forgetting" or "effacing"; Baudrillard, on the other hand, proposes to "efface oneself through the object," i.e., replace the supremacy of the subject with that of the object. Baudrillard's theory has often been criticized as pataphysics because of its nihilism without transcendence; in contrast, Zhuangzi's view, which construes the whole world as the unfolding of the Dao, seems more thought-provoking.  相似文献   

重辉"黄金纽带"维护世界和平明我很荣幸能够参加这次和平友好的盛会,与韩国日本的大德长老、善信居土们欢聚一堂,回顾我们三国佛教界往昔友好的历史,共商增进交流合作、延续佛祖慧命、维护世界和平的大计。这样的聚会稀有难得,在我们三国佛教史上还是第一次。纵观人...  相似文献   

珍贵的礼物隆重的恭迎.──萨拉齐清真寺恭迎"天房克尔白丝慢"纪实1996年2月9日是赖买丹月的第三个主麻日,包头市土右旗萨拉齐清真寺和本市六历清真寺两千多男女穆斯林,云集萨拉齐清真寺,参加恭迎"天房克尔白丝慢"捐赠转赠大会。这块覆盖在克尔白西面墙右上...  相似文献   

医患沟通的能力和技巧是院前急救人员必备的重要素养之一,与院前急救服务的效率和质量密切相关.在美国急救医疗服务体系中,普遍遵循医患沟通"十条金律",包括:(1)保持职业化状态;(2)始终保持与患者目光接触;(3)给予患者恰当的称呼;(4)使用患者听得懂的语言;(5)保持恰当的语速、语调和语气;(6)与他人谈论患者病情务必谨慎;(7)当心自身的肢体语言;(8)给患者留下回答问题或反应的时间;(9)告诉患者病情真相;(10)注重与特殊群体的沟通.本文简要解析了"十条金律"的内涵与意义,对我国院前急救人员或有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Plato's "Form of the Good," or "the Good," with an interest in Plato's riddle that "the Good is the One." Unlike the traditional approach to explaining the Good in the Republic as "rational order" or a unity of Forms, this ]paper argues that the Good is the unique transcendent principle, like the apex of a hierarchy, but does not encompass the whole structure. According to its Ontological position, its multiple facets (functions) include the Ontological foundation of uniting "to be" and "ought to be," the ultimate source of knowledge, and the Ideal goal of uniting the common good and individual goods. The practical dimension of the Good is highlighted in exploring the lifelong study of the Philosopher-Kings and their political personality. It is also pointed out that "sudden enlightenment" plays an important role in their path toward the Good. Finally, this paper proposes that the Good should be the a priori beginning of education and the end of the practice of virtues in the community.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine the general issue of how reference is possible in philosophy of language through a case analysis of the "double reference" semantic-syntactic structure of ideographic hexagram (guaxiang 卦象) names in the Yijing text. I regard the case of the "hexagram" names as being quite representative of the "double-reference" semantic-syntactic structure of referring names. I thus explore how the general morals drawn from this account of "hexagram" names can engage two representative approaches, the Fregean and Kripkean ones, and contribute to our understanding and treatment of the issue of reference.  相似文献   

This special theme section concerns "Philosophy of language, Chinese language, and Chinese philosophy," presenting (with its own distinct focus) the general theme of an ongoing international collective research project, "Philosophical Issues concerning Chinese Language and Development of Contemporary Philosophy of Language," the initial results of which are presented in the four articles here.  相似文献   

张丽丽 《天风》2012,(5):40-41
最近在网上看到"基督徒的10条信仰危机"的帖子,读来发人深省。今略加一些自己的感想,与大家分享。一、把愚昧无知当敬虔智慧与愚昧是《箴言》中的重要主题,其中以敬畏神为智慧的开端,在这卷书中,愚昧人则有不同的文字表达,分别为:"愚蒙人"、"愚妄人"、"愚昧人"、"愚顽人"、  相似文献   

In contemporary moral and political philosophy, there are two leading approaches to the justification of rights. These could be broadly identified as deontological theories and consequential theories. These two schools of theories each have their own strengths and weakness, while there is also a third contractual approach that is under represented. Because Rawls' and Scanlon's well-known contractual theories are designed for purposes other than the justification of rights, the purpose of this paper is to establish a principle of rights on the basis of Rawls' justification device of the "original position." First, it supplies a criterion based on human conduct or action. Second, based on this account of human conduct, different types of relationships are constructed and presented to the parties in the "original position." Third, it will show that the parties in the "original position" would choose one of these relationships as the principle of rights. Finally, Rawls' first principle of justice will be reformulated. The procedure of choosing a principle of rights in this paper could also be viewed as a demonstration that, when properly situated and motivated, human beings exhibit their potential as rational beings.  相似文献   

当我们思考邪教“法轮功”何以成势的问题时.有两个方面的问题应该回答:一是应该廓清邪教“法轮功”成势的历史过程和史实:二是思考邪教“法轮功”成势的思想文化背景。这两个方面的工作,本人都作了一些尝试。第一方面的工作.已有“二十年辨是非——“法轮功”何以成势(《科学与无神论》杂志2002年至2003年连载)”:第二方面的工作,于今年完成的“‘法轮功’成势思想文化背景研究”是中国反邪教协会的2009年课题:“十年反思——后‘法轮功’时期社会神秘主义思潮的流变及其可能的影响”其中的一部分。选出部分章节刊登在《科学与无神论》上.供大家讨论。本文拟从上世纪世界流行的“新时代运动”思潮影响来考察邪教“法轮功”的成势。“新时代运动”思潮,借助中国改革开放的大背景,的确造就了像张宏堡、张香玉、沈昌、李洪志这样一些具有神功异能的“新时代大师”:也造就了中国新时代的理论基石——人体科学和具有“灵性”思维的中国“新时代”弄潮儿柯云路。他们沿着“新时代”开创的路.“创造性”的辟出一个科学哲学的新解,从而成为中国“新时代运动”的标帜。让历史告诉现在.警示未来——正胜邪则治而安,、在思想文化领域,我们应该高度重视国内外各种腐朽思潮的影响.以防微杜渐,让我们的国家的思想文化沿着正确、健康、向上的方向不断发展、前进。  相似文献   

渊声 《天风》2018,(2):43-43
最近,听到一个笑话:一个墨西哥的妇人生下第七个孩子,妇产科医生打电话给她丈夫说:"也许你应该考虑计划生育。"那丈夫听后很不高兴地说:"医生,你要知道这是上主赐给我们的!"医生说:"是的!一点没错。可是主也时常降雨给我们,你为什么撑伞呢?"  相似文献   

雪峰 《天风》2012,(1):46-47
哥林多是一座很特别的城市,那里汇聚着各行各业的人群,其中不乏才华横溢的社会精英。因此,哥林多教会的信徒中,亦有不少知识分子。有了这一群人,教会便极具活力,“凡事富足,口才、知识都全备”,以致“在恩赐上没有一样不及人的”(参林前1:5—7)。  相似文献   

谢炳国 《天风》2018,(5):55-55
据"新闻夜航"报道:在民间一直有"左眼跳财,右眼跳灾"的说法。大连有一位张女士,8年前外出谈生意时,左侧眼皮突然开跳。她认为左眼跳是个好兆头,再加上当天生意谈得很顺利,张女士便对"左眼跳财"这个说法深信不疑。结果她的左眼皮跳个不停,一跳就是8年。最近她的左脸抽搐越来越严重,万分痛苦。到医院检查被确诊为面部痉挛,经过医院左侧面神经微血管减压术后,困扰她8年的左眼跳终于停了下来。  相似文献   

晓望 《天风》2012,(10):64-64
为美国觉醒祷告遏制道德沦丧为了遏制美国道德快速沦丧,许多祷告勇士和代祷领袖呼吁迫切祷告,唯有透过同心祈求上帝施恩,才能改变现况。一个为美国祷告的联合祷告大会"美国爱耶稣——觉醒"(AmericaFor Jesus:The Awakening)活动,于2012年9月28日至29日,在费城独立厅举行。自1980年于华盛顿特区国家广场举行的"华盛顿复兴"活动以来,近年已有7次这样的祷告呼召,最近一次是在维吉尼亚海滩举行的"2007聚集"。知名布道家葛理翰牧师也发出紧急代祷信,希望美国人民可以转向上帝。  相似文献   

子时 《天风》2018,(5):44-45
"那善于管理教会的长老,当以为配受加倍的敬奉。那劳苦传道教导人的,更当如此"最近两年,不同形式的众筹在网络上悄然兴起,浏览QQ空间、微信朋友圈等,经常会看到一些重病患者利用网络平台向社会募捐,以获得资金治病。  相似文献   

丽丽  恩光 《天风》2012,(7):52-53
几乎所有人都会希望自己的婚姻能够美满、幸福,但是随着日益抬头的消费主义、个人主义、享乐主义、"娱乐精神"等美其名曰的花头不断出现,传统的爱情观念——"执子之手,与子偕老"也被不断地冲击着。应该如何应对婚姻中出现的各种问题,已经成了当代婚姻生活中的一个重大课题,  相似文献   

佛教与中国文化的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
佛教与中国文化的关系赵朴初佛教文化是中国传统文化的一部分。文化问题,是最近思想文化界讨论的"热门"论题。传统文化的讨论,又是这"热门"之中的兴奋点。对于这次讨论,我了解不够,考虑也不太成熟。但我认为,人类文化发展是一个连续不断的过程,传统文化和现代文...  相似文献   

佚名 《天风》2009,(9):39-39
某天,三个朋友一起去钓鱼. 朋友一说:"难得只有我们三个,不如我们都说说自己有过的失败,也好彼此劝勉安慰一下?"朋友二说:"我曾经……"朋友一说:"我也曾经……"朋友三站起来说:"把别人的秘密告诉所有人,是我最大的冲动,或说是我最大的失败,但我真的连一分钟都不能等了!"  相似文献   

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