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Prior researchers have reported a tendency for individuals with developmental disabilities to select edible items more often than leisure items when those items are presented together in stimulus preference assessments. However, children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), with whom many behavior analysts currently practice, are underrepresented in this body of literature. We conducted a replication of prior research with 26 children with ASD. Results indicated that edible items were more likely than leisure items to rank highly in our preference assessments, in concurrence with prior research. However, leisure items were also selected more often overall than in prior research, and significant individual variation was observed. These results suggest that preference assessments containing both edible and leisure stimuli can yield useful information for behavior analysts providing services to children with ASD, and the degree of preference for edible items noted in prior work may not be reflected in this contemporary population.  相似文献   

Self-concepts of 70 adolescent siblings of children with profound levels of mental retardation were investigated. Their mean self-concept was compared with a matched group of 70 adolescent siblings of children without profound levels of retardation. Using the Tennessee Self-concept Scale, two variables (maternal self-concept and siblings' self-concept) were assessed for differences between siblings and mothers (the target group) of mentally retarded children and siblings and mothers (the comparison group) of children without mental retardation. No significant mean difference between the two groups suggests no special difficulties in psychosocial adjustment for siblings of the mentally retarded.  相似文献   

Three studies tested the hypothesis that gendered personality dispositions are related to gender attitudes and gender discriminatory behaviors. In Study 1, sex-typed individuals were more likely than androgynous, undifferentiated, and cross-sex-typed individuals to accept gender rules designating culturally appropriate behavior for men and women. In Study 2, sex-typed individuals were particularly likely to pay attention spontaneously to the sex of job applicants and then to devalue the interview performances of women. In Study 3, only sex-typed men tended to endorse sexist language. As expected, sex typing and gender ideology go together. This relation between two facets of the individual's gender psychology indicates that some sex role inventories may tap more than expressivity and instrumentality.  相似文献   

Middle school and high school girls participated in a 5-week nontraditional role-modeling intervention. Dependent variables were interest in nontraditional occupations, career salience, and vocational exploration behavior. No significant treatment effects were found on the criterion measures. High school as compared with middle school girls did engage in a significantly greater number of vocational exploration behaviors. Results are consistent with previous research showing that programs designed to increase interest in nontraditional occupations have little impact. It is suggested that the negligible results may be due to the tenacity of sex-typed aspirations or to the failure to design effective interventions for specific client groups.  相似文献   

Several studies have found that edible items tend to displace leisure items in multiple-stimulus preference assessments for individuals with developmental disabilities. One recent study (Conine & Vollmer, 2019) included screen-based technology devices in assessments and found that food items were less likely to displace leisure items and in some cases leisure items totally displaced edible items. The purpose of our study was to conduct a replication of Conine and Vollmer in Italy to evaluate cultural differences in food and leisure preferences. Results of our study were similar: For 44% of participants, at least one leisure item ranked above all edible items and leisure items displaced all edible items for 28% of participants. Participants in the present study showed a higher preference for leisure items or toys that were not screen-based technology devices, suggesting there may be cultural variation in the types of leisure items that are preferred.  相似文献   

The stability of individual differences has important implications for understanding the origins of gender-typed behaviors. For example, if some children have a stronger preference for same-sex playmates (gender segregation) than do others, then exploring characteristics that may differentiate these children from their peers (e.g., preference for gender-typed toys or teacher proximity) should prove fruitful. Otherwise, research might be focused more appropriately on group-level processes or situational factors rather than individual differences. In the current study, 57 2 1/2- to 3-year-olds from middle-class Canadian homes were observed repeatedly during free play at their preschools. Four aspects of gender typing (gender segregation, use of masculine and feminine gender-typed toys, teacher proximity) were measured so that the stability of individual differences and relations among the measures could be assessed. Stable individual differences were found for all four measures among boys, and for two of the measures (feminine toy play, teacher proximity) among girls. In addition, boys who played most frequently with masculine toys rarely were observed in proximity to the teacher. However, there was no relation between gender segregation and the other indices of gender typing.  相似文献   

Background: Childhood abuse in the early lives of gender variant people has been under‐reported, although higher psychiatric morbidity, particularly depression and suicidality, than in the general population is more widely recognised. There are increasing numbers of people seeking advice and treatment for gender dysphoria (GD) some of whose experiences of depression and childhood abuse may be additional treatment considerations. Aim: To illuminate the issues relating to childhood abuse, depression and GD via case examples underpinned by a summary review of the relevant literature, for their combined relevance to therapeutic practice and service provision. Methods: A review of relevant online literature was conducted and two case examples were developed subsequently to capture the core review themes from a practice perspective. Results: Nine studies met the inclusion criteria. Gender variant children and adolescents may experience abuse by peers and teachers, as well as parents and caregivers. Emotional abuse and neglect may have more adverse consequences than more active forms of abuse. Conclusions: This is an under‐researched area, and inconsistencies of design, definition, measurement and controls were evident in the literature. While no clear association between depressive vulnerability and childhood abuse could be found, prevalence of such abuse was high. A case is made for clients with GD to have the opportunity to explore the influence and meaning of their adverse childhood experiences on their social and psychological development, and for additional training and education for practitioners.  相似文献   

In this study, 20 families with two parents, an infant under the age of 1 year, and one or two older siblings between the ages of 4 and 7 years, were observed in their homes. Each family was observed four times at approximately monthly intervals. Only data from the last three observations were reported. Two issues were being studied: gender differences in the interactions of the older child with the infant, and maternal socialization of the older child's nurturant interactions with the infant. Older girls interacted more with their infant siblings, particularly in a nurturant manner. There was virtually no evidence of direct maternal socialization of this gender difference.The research reported here was supported by a grant from the Purdue Research Foundation. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, 1988. I would like to thank Cathy Fruchey, Larilynn Cole, Cheryl Kesterke and Ann Mensch for their assistance. I would also like to thank Mary Jo Rogers and Julia Haseleu for their work on the pilot project.  相似文献   


This study compared preferred coaching styles of children and their parents using the Leadership Scale for Sport (LSS; Chelladurai & Saleh, 1980). The LSS preferred form was revised and then administered to children ranging from 10 to 18 years of age who competed in summer youth sport leagues and to one parent within each family unit (n = 239). A doubly multivariate repeated measure MANOVA revealed a significant multivariate difference for adolescent athletes and their parents on the five subscales of the LSS. Discriminant function and univariate analyses indicated that male and female children and their parents differed on autocratic and democratic behavior and children had a significantly higher score on democratic behavior and social support than did their parents. Parents, coaches, and researchers in youth sports could use the revised LSS to determine children-athletes’ preferences for coaching styles and for developing more effective programs.  相似文献   

Hypotheses generated by a developmental taxonomy that distinguishes between childhood and adolescent onset conduct disorders were tested. Hypotheses predicted that (1) individual and familial factors would be more strongly related to childhood onset conduct disorder, whereas ethnic minority status and exposure to deviant peers would be more strongly related to adolescent onset conduct disorder and (2) individuals with childhood onset disorder would be more likely to commit violent and victim oriented offenses than individuals with adolescent onset conduct disorder. The first hypothesis was strongly supported and the second hypothesis was partially supported. Implications for early identification of youth at risk for chronic offending are discussed.  相似文献   

Existing research suggests that approximately 19% of females experience childhood sexual trauma (CST). Little is known, however, about the parenting behaviour of mothers who have experienced CST. Using propensity‐matched controls, the present study examines prenatal psychosocial distress, postnatal depressive symptomatology, and caregiving behaviours of women reporting CST at or before the age of 14. Data for these analyses were obtained from mother reports and from observational protocols from a longitudinal study of low‐income, rural families. Propensity score methodology was used to create a contrast group matched on family of origin variables in an effort to isolate and examine the long‐term associations of CST beyond the effects of other childhood adversities such as poverty. Study findings provide evidence that women with CST histories report greater prenatal psychosocial distress compared to women without trauma histories. Findings further provide evidence for a spillover process from prenatal distress to the broader caregiving system including less sensitive parenting through postnatal depressive symptoms for women with CST histories. These results highlight the importance of screening for CST and psychosocial distress and depression prenatally. Interventions for women with CST histories and directions for future study are proposed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In two studies, we examined inter-individual variability in responses to both negative and positive events. In the first study, participants (119 college students) reported on negative and positive events from their own lives. The second was an experiment in which participants (133 college students) were given either negative or positive feedback about their personality. With negative events, more insecure individuals, especially anxiously attached, evidenced more intense negative emotional reactions and greater processing of (i.e., ruminating on) negative experiences. With positive events, securely attached individuals and less anxiously attached engaged in greater processing of positive experiences (maximized), whereas more insecure individuals tended to minimize positive experiences. Gender differences for emotion regulation were moderated by either attachment or event type. Findings for negative events generally coincide with prior research, and those for positive events provide new evidence that attachment style could affect how people react to positive events and emotions.  相似文献   

Relationships between gender choices and both movement patterns and social behavior were studied in first- and second-grade boys. Three-child, structured play groups were each composed of a boy whose mother saw him as high masculine in play preference on the Games Inventory, one seen as average, and one low masculine. Behaviors rated from videotapes included gender presentation variables, (e.g., leg separation), indicators of dominance and personal comfort (e.g.,range of movements), and indicators of social skill and peer response (e.g., interaction initiations). The low masculine boys were found to be the most feminine in their gender presentation, least dominant and aggressive, and the least socially successful of the boys. The greatest difference was between the low and the high masculine boys. The average masculine boys' scores were generally intermediate,but more similar to the low masculine boys on some variables and more similar to the high masculine boys on others. These conclusions apply to a group interaction play task, but not to an initial noninteractive play task. A secondary study in which girls played with low and average masculine boys is also reported. Here it was found that low masculine boys were generally intermediate between average boys and girls on gender presentation and dominance variables, but lowest of the groups on social interaction variables. The authors appreciate the comments of Peter Bentler and Spencer Thompson on a draft of this paper, the assistance of Laura McCain in running subjects and scoring tapes, and the expertise of Shu-Yeng Wong for computer programming.  相似文献   

Higher rates of attempted suicide have been documented among people who identify themselves as gay, lesbian, and bisexual (LGB) compared with heterosexuals. This study sought to ascertain the association between childhood abuse and neglect and attempted suicide, comparing LGBs and heterosexuals. Childhood sexual abuse among men and childhood sexual and physical abuse among women were found to mediate the association between LGB identity and attempted suicide. The experience of childhood abuse likely plays a significant role in the relationship between LGB identity and attempted suicide, but other factors such as experience of discrimination are also important.  相似文献   

Though the left cheek appears more emotive, perceptions of attractiveness vary with gender. For the first time, this study assessed the relationship between perceptions of emotion (happiness) and attractiveness in naturalistic photographic portraits. One hundred ninety-two participants (63 male; 129 female) viewed pairs of left and right cheek poses, and made a forced-choice decision indicating which image appeared (a) more emotive and (b) more attractive (order counterbalanced). Half the images were mirror-reversed to control for perceptual biases. Results indicated a striking gender difference: for males, the left cheek appears both more emotive and more attractive; for females, preferences are subject to stronger perceptual influences, with the right cheek bias for emotion and attractiveness reversing to a left cheek bias when images are mirror-reversed. These findings suggest that if you want to show the world your "best side", men should lead with the left but for women, the right cheek is right.  相似文献   

Though the left cheek appears more emotive, perceptions of attractiveness vary with gender. For the first time, this study assessed the relationship between perceptions of emotion (happiness) and attractiveness in naturalistic photographic portraits. One hundred ninety-two participants (63 male; 129 female) viewed pairs of left and right cheek poses, and made a forced-choice decision indicating which image appeared (a) more emotive and (b) more attractive (order counterbalanced). Half the images were mirror-reversed to control for perceptual biases. Results indicated a striking gender difference: for males, the left cheek appears both more emotive and more attractive; for females, preferences are subject to stronger perceptual influences, with the right cheek bias for emotion and attractiveness reversing to a left cheek bias when images are mirror-reversed. These findings suggest that if you want to show the world your “best side”, men should lead with the left but for women, the right cheek is right.  相似文献   

One hundred ten women in both traditional and nontraditional professions were compared on childhood play and related socialization experiences. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects that different play experiences had on career choices of professional women. A survey questionnaire on play experiences and related factors was administered to the subjects. Chi Squares and t-tests for differences between means revealed significant differences among subgroups of women on several independent variables. Professional business women had participated more in competitive sports as children, and-along with women in other nontraditional professions-reported more male playmates and fewer female playmates than did women in traditional professions. Forms of encouragement by fathers differed from that of mothers, and women in nontraditional professions received different forms of parental encouragement than women in traditional professions.  相似文献   

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