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《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(2):415-491
Mc Cormick , Ernest J. Job Analysis: Methods and Applications. Arvey , Richard D. Fairness in Selecting Employees. Kerr , Clark and Rosow , Jerome M. (Eds.) Hepworth , Andrew and Osbaldeston , Michael . The Way We Work: A European Study of Changing Practice in Office Job Design. Edwards , Richard . Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century. Karl F. Simpson , Jr . Professor/Business A dministration Bethel College North Newton, Kansas Desatnick , Robert L. The Expanding Role of the Human Resources Manager. Greenwood , James W. III and Greenwood , James W., Jr . Managing Executive Stress: A Systems Approach. Yoder , Dale and Heneman , Herbert G., JR. (Eds.) ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations. Dailey , Charles A. and Madsen Ann M. How to Evaluate People in Business: The Track-Record Method of Making Correct Judgments. Schrank , Robert . (Ed.) American Workers Abroad. Lee , Sang M. and Thorp , Cary D., Jr . (Eds.) Personnel Management: A Computer-Based System. Mink , Oscar G., Shultz , James M. and Mink , Barbara P. Developing and Managing Open Organizations: A Model and Methods for Maximizing Organizational Potential. Thompson , Frank J. (Ed.) Classics of Public Personnel Policy. Rowland , Kendrith , London , Manuel , Ferris , Gerald and Sherman , Jay L. (Eds.) Current Issues in Personnel Management. Hultman , Ken . The Path of Least Resistance: Preparing Employees for Change. Bradford , Leland P. and Bradford , Martha I. Retirement: Coping with Emotional Upheavals. Sell , R. G. and Shipley , Patricia (Eds.) Satisfactions in Work Design: Ergonomics and Other Approaches. Millar , Jean . British Management versus German Management: A Comparison of Organizational Effectiveness in West German and UK Factories. Pendergrass , Virginia E. (Ed.) Women Winning: A Handbook for Action Against Sex Discrimination. Peskin , Dean B. Sackedl What to Do When You Lose Your Job. Denova , Charles C. Test Construction for Training Evaluation. Cooper , Cary L. (Ed.) Behavioral Problems in Organizations. Roxe , Linda A. Personnel Management for the Smaller Company: A Hands-On Manual. Cinnamon , Kenneth and Farson , Dave . Cults and Cons: The Exploitation of the Emotional Growth Consumer. Francis , Dave and Young , Don . Improving Work Groups: A Practical Manual for Team Building. Le Breton , Preston P., Bryant , Vernon E., Zweizig , Douglas L., Mid -daugh , Da N G., Bryant , Anita Gras and Corbett , Tricia C. (Eds.) The Evaluation of Continuing Education for Professionals: A Systems View.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed:
Kirsch, Thomas B., The Jungians: A Comparative and Historical Perspective
Perera, Sylvia Brinton, Queen Maeve and Her Lovers.
Fonagy, Peter; Cooper, Arnold, Wallerstein, M. & Robert, S., (eds.) Psychoanalysis on the Move. The work of Joseph Sandler
Green, Andre, The Fabric of Affect in the Psychoanalytic Discourse,
Johnson, S. & Ruszcynski, S., (eds.) Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Independent Tradition
Vaidyanathan, T. G. & Kripal, J. J., (eds.) Vishnu on Freud's Desk – A Reader in Psychoanalysis and Hinduism.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(2):247-273
Books reviewed in this article:
W hyte , W illiam H., JR. The Organization Man
S hartle , C arroll L. Executive Performance and Leadership
S togdill , R alph M., S hartle , C arroll L., S cott , E llis L., C oons , A lvin E., AND J aynes , W illiam E. A Predictive Study of Administrative Work Patterns
F leishman , E dwin A., H arris , E dwin F., AND B urtt , H arold E. Leadership and Supervision in Industry: An Evaluation of a Supervisory Training Program
F rancis , R oy G., AND S tone , R obert C. Service and Procedure in Bureaucracy: A Case Study
B endix , R einhard . Work and Authority in Industry (Ideologies of Management in the Course of Industrialization)
B ursk , E dward C. (Ed.) Human Relations for Management .
McCL oskey , J oseph F., AND C oppinger , J ohn M. (Eds.) Operations Research for Management, Volume II (Case Histories, Methods, and Information Handling)
H ickman , C. A ddison , AND K uhn , M anford H. Individuals, Groups, and Economic Behavior
D etroit F ree P ress . Motivation Research Looks at Detroit Newspaper Readers
G ilman , G lenn . Human Relations in the Industrial Southeast (A Study of the Textile Industry)
G uilford , J. P. Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education
F arnsworth , P. R., AND McN emar , Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 8, 1967  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1952,5(4):359-374
Books reviewed in this article:
K arn , H arry W., and G ilmer , B everly V. Readings in Industrial and Business Psychology.
P arker , W illard E., and K leemeier , R obert W. Human Relations In Supervision.
C ooper , A lfred M. How to Supervise People.
W esterland , G unnar . Group Leadership: a Field Experiment.
E lls , R alph W. The Basic Abilities System of Job Evaluation.
M arx , M elvin H. (Ed.) Psychological Theory: Contemporary Readings.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Friedman, M.I., Tordoff, M.G., & Kare, M.R. (Eds.) (1991). Chemical senses, Volume 4: Appetite and Nutrition. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Pp. 491. ISBN 0-8247-8371-9. $150.

Smith, J.A., & Boyd, K.M. (1991). Lives in the balance: The ethics of using animals in biomedical research. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. xvi + 352. ISBN 0-19-8547447. £19.50.

Davis, H. and Balfour, D. (Eds.) (1992). The inevitable bond. Examining scientist-animal interactions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 399. ISBN 0-521-40510-6. £45.00.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1961,14(2):221-235
Books reviewed in this article:
B arnes , L ouis B. Organizational Systems and Engineering Groups: A Comparative Study of Two Technical Groups in Industry.
P fiffner , J ohn M., and S herwood , F rank P. Administrative Organization.
B aritz , L oren . The Servants of Power: A History of the Use of Social Science in American Industry.
P urcell , T heodore V. Blue Collar Man: Patterns of Dual Allegiance in Industry.
G ellerman , S aul W. People, Problems and Profits: The Uses of Psychology in Management.
S trauss , G eorge , and S ayles , L eonard R. Personnel: The Human Problems of Management.
W ermel , M ichael , and B eideman , G eraldine M. Industry's Interest in the Older Worker and the Retired Employee: Proceedings of a Conference.
K lopfer , W alter G. The Psychological Report: Use and Communication of Psychological Findings.
F arnsworth , P. R., M c N emar , O., and M c N emar , Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 12, 1961.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(1):99-124
Book reviews in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick , M ausner , B ernard , and S nyderman , B arbara B loch . The Motivation to Work .
B ass , B ernard M., and B erg , I rwin A. (Eds.) Objective APProaches to Personality Asessment .
A nderson , H arold H. (Ed.) Creativity and Its Cultivation .
S altonstall , R obert . Human Relations in Administration: Text and Cases .
J acobson , H oward B oone , and R oucek , J oseph S. (Eds.) Automation and Society .
T horndike , R obert L., and H agen , E lizabeth . Ten Thousand Careers .
D imock , M arshall E. Administrative Vitality: The Conflict with Bureaucracy .
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know .
W eber , C. A., and K arnes , J ohn W., J r . Industrial Leadership: The American Way to Teamwork .
D avis , K eith , and S cott , W illiam G. Readings in Human Relations .
S togdill , R alph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement .
B each , L eslie R., and C lark , E lon L. Psychology in Business .
R oberts , D avid R. Executive Compensation .
Briefly Mentioned N iles , H enry E., N iles , M ary C ushing , and S tephens , J ames C. The Office Supervisor: His Relations to Persons and to Work .
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1969,22(2):205-235
Books reviewed in this article:
E ngel , J ames F., K ollat , D avid T., and B lackwell , R oger D. Consumer Behavior.
L itwin , G eorge H., and S tringer , R obert A. J r . Motivation and Organizational Climate.
K irkpatrick , J ames J., E wen , R obert B., B arrett , R ichard S., and K atzell , R aymond A. Testing and Fair Employment: Fairness and Validity of Personnel Tests for Diferent Ethnic Groups.
G eist , H arold . The Psychological Aspects of Retirement.
H olden , P aul E., P ederson , C arlton A., and G ermane , G ayton E. Top Management.
C alvert , R obert , J r . Employing the Minority Group College Graduate (Recruiting, Evaluating Qualifications, Retaining Employees).
E dwards , A llen L. Experimental Design in Psychological Research
G laser , B arney G. (Editor) Organizational Careers: A Source-book for Theory.
Management Education and Development.
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know.
M c M urry , R obert N., and A rnold , J ames S. How to Build a Dynamic Sales Organization.
Z ytowski , D onald G. (Editor) Vocational Behavior: Readings in Theory and Research.
H erman , S tanley M. The Peopte Specialists.
Evaluation of Executive Performance.
M c F arland , D alton E. Personnel Management: Theory and Practice.
M ussen , P aul H., and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 60, 1969.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1955,8(4):507-529
Book review in this article
G hiselli , E dwin E., and B rown , C larence W. Personnel and Industrial Psychology.
L ombard , G eorge F. F. Behavior in a Selling Group.
H ersey , R exford . Zest for Work.
H enriksson , E rik . Frånvaro från Arbetet.
B ursk , E dward C. (Ed.) The Management Team.
L indgren , H enry C. Effective Leadership in Human Relations.
P lanty , E arl G., and F reeston , J. T homas . Developing Management Ability.
W olfle , D ael . America's Resources of Specialized Talent.
N ational M anpower C ouncil . A Policy for Skilled Manpower.
W hitehill , A rthur M., J r . Personnel Relations: The Human Aspects of Administration.
B urlington , R ichard S tevens , and M ay , D onald C urtis . Handbook of Probability and Statistics with Tables.
W ert , J ames E., N eidt , C harles C., and A hmann , J. S tanley . Statistical Methods in Educational and psychological Research  相似文献   

Recent books     
《Cognition & emotion》2013,27(6):643-644

Niedenthal, P.M., & Kitayama, S. (Eds.). (1994). The heart's eye: Emotional influences in perception and attention. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. ISBN 0–12–410560–2. 289pp. $55.00

MacKinnon, N.J. (1994). Symbolic interactionism as affect control. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. ISBN 0–7914–2042–6 (pbk). 245pp. $19.95.

Cuthbertson-Johnson, B., Franks, D.D., & Doman, M. (Eds.) (1994). The sociology of emotions: An annotated bibliography. New York Garland Publishing. ISBN 0–8240–2321–8. 222pp. $37.00

Flanagan, O., & Rorty, A.O. (Eds.) (1990). Identity; character and morality: Essays in moral psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN 0–262–56074–7 (pbk). 487pp. $18.50.

Mackie, D.M., 8 Hamilton D.L. (Eds.) (1993). Affect, cognition, and stereotyping: interactive processes in group perception. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. ISBN 0–12–46441–0–4. 389pp. $59.95

Dobson, K.S., & Kendall, P.C. (Eds.) (1993). Psychopethology and cognition. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. ISBN 0–12–404175–2. 492pp. $49.95.

Graham, G., & Stephens, G.L. (Eds.) (1994). Philosophical psychopathology. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. ISBN 0–262–07159–2. 332pp. $34.95.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
M eltzer , D. and W illiams , M. H. The Apprehension of Beauty.
W ehr , G erhard . Jung: A Biography.
W innicott , D. W. Human Nature.
S idoli , M. and D avies , M. (Eds.) Jungian Child Psychotherapy: Individuation in Childhood.
W illeford , W. Feeling, Imagination, and the Self: Transformations of the Mother-Infant Relationship.
R yce -M enuhin , Joel. The Self in Early Childhood.
M ahdi , L. C., F oster , S. L ittle , M. (Eds.). Betwixt and Between: Patterns of Masculine and Feminine Initiation.  相似文献   

Book reveiw in this article
Getting Free : A Handbook for Women in Abusive Relationships, G inny N icartt , Seattle: Seal Press, 1982, xxvi + 272 pp., $7.95 (paperback). Order from the Seal Press, 312 South Washington, Seattle, WA 98104.
Wife-Battering: A Systems Theory Approach , J ean G iles -S ims , New York: Guilford Press, 1983, xiv + 193 pp., $17.50 (hardback).
The Abusive Partner: An Analysis oj Domestic Battering , M akia R oy , (Ed.) New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982, xii + 319 pp., $18.95 (hardback).
In the shadow of the past: Psychology portrays the sexes , M ikiam L ewin (Ed.), New York: Columbia University Press, 1984, 344 pp., $30.00 (hardback).
Two paychecks: Life in dual-earner families, JOAN ALDOUS (Ed.), Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1982, 247 pp.
Work and family. Changing roles of men and women, P atricia V oydanoff (Ed.), Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield, 1984, 383 pp.
Women at work, M ary F rank F ox and S harlene H esse -BIBER, Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield, 1984, 276 pp.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1958,11(4):631-633
Book review in this article.
M errill , H arwood F., and M arting , E lizabeth . (Eds.) Developing Executive Skills: New Patterns for Management Growth . New York: American Management Association, Inc., 1958. Pp. 431. $9.00.
L eavitt , H arold J. Managerial Psychology . Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1958. Pp. xi + 335. $5.00.
C alhoon , R ichard P., N oland , E. W illiam , and W hitehill , A rthur M., J r . Cases on Human Relations in Management . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1958. Pp. viii + 444. $6.00.
G ross , N eal , M ason , W ard S., and M c E achern , A lexander W. Explorations in Role Analysis: Studies of the School Superintendency Role . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1958. Pp. xiv + 379. $8.75.
H eider , F ritz . The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1958. Pp. ix + 322. $6.25.
M c C ormick , E rnest , J. Human Engineering . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1957. Pp. xi + 467. $8.00.
B ellows , R oger , B ellows , C arol S., E step , M. F rances , R ush , C arl H., S choll , C harles E., and W ilson , R onald F. Workbook in Industrial Psychology and Personnel Management . Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company, 1957. Pp. iv + 94. $2.40.
Y oder , D ale , H eneman , H. G., J r ., T urnbull , J ohn G., and S tone , C. H arold . Handbook of Personnel Management and Labor Relations . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1958. Pp. v + approximately 1200. $12.50.
C hamberlain , N eil W., P ierson , F rank C., and W olfson , T heresa . (Eds.) A Decade of Industrial Relations Research, 1946–1956: An Appraisal of the Literature in the Field . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958. Pp. viii + 205. $3.50.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(4):539-562
Books reviewed in this article:
P ackard , V ance . The Hidden Persuaders.
E ditors of F ortune M agazine . The Executive Life.
Z elko , H arold P. Successful Conference and Discussion Techniques.
A rgylf M ichael . The Scientific Study of Social Behavior.
C lark , F. L e G ros , and D unne , A gnes C. Ageing in Industry.
D avis , K eith . Human Relations in Business.
B errien , F. K., and B ash , W endell H. Human Relations: Comments and Cases.
A rensberg , C onrad M., B arkin S olomon , C halmers , W. E llison , W ilensky , H arold , L., W orthy , J ames C., and D ennis , B arbara D. (Eds.) Research in Industrial Human Relations: A Critical Appraisal.
H ughes , J ames M onroe . Human Relations in Educational Organization: A Basic Text in Personnel Administration.
S iegel , S idney . Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences.
D ixon , W ilfrid J., and M assey , F hank J., J r . Introduction to Statistical Analysis.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1948,1(4):485-500
Book review in this Article
Wage Rates in Union Agreements. Washington: Bureau o National Affairs, 1948. Pp. 647.
K aplan , O scar J. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Vocational Guidance. (2 Vols.)
F lanagan J ohn C. (Ed.) The Aviation Psychology Program in the Army Air Forces.
F erguson , L. W. (Chairman). Clerical Salary Administration.
B aker , H elen, and T rue , J ohn M. The Operation of Job Evaluation Plans; A Survey of Experience.
F roehlich , C. P., and B enson , A. L. Guidance Testing.
D arley , J. G. (Chairman). The Use of Tests in College.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Gormenzano, I., & Wasserman, E.A. (Eds.) (1992). Learning and memory: The behavioral and biological substrates. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Pp. vii + 413. ISBN 0-8058-0888-4. £45.95 (Hbk).

Squire, L.R., Weinberger, N.M., Lynch, G., & McGaugh, J.L. (Eds.) (1991). Memory: Organization and locus of change. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 438. ISBN 0-19-506921-8. £55.00.

Quiatt, D., & Reynolds, V. (1993). Primate behaviour: Information, social knowledge, and the evolution of culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 322. ISBN 0-521-35255-X. £42.50 (Hbk).

Dawkins, M.S. (1993). Through our eyes only? the search for animal consciousness. Oxford: W.H. Freeman/Spektrum. Pp. x + 192. ISBN 0-7167-4501-1. £14.99 (Hbk).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Johnson, J.V., & Hohansson, G. (Eds.)- (1991). The psychosocial work environment: Work organization, democratization and health. Essays in memory of Bertil Gar dell. New York: Baywood. pp. 335. ISBN 0-89503-078-0 (hardback). ISBN 0-89503-077-2 (paperback).

Shackel, B., & Richardson, S. (Eds.) (1991). Human factors of informatics usability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 438. ISBN 0-521-36570-8. Hardback £35.00

Frese, M., & Brodbeck, F.C. (1989). Computer in Büro und Verwaltung. Berlin: Springer. Pp. 237. ISBN: 3-540-50774-4. DM 88. Published in German.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(3):573-573
Book review in This Article:
A rgyris , C hris . Management and Organizational Development: The Path from xa to yb.
L evinson , H arry , M olinari , J anice and S pohn , A ndrew G. Organizational Diagnosis.
W einberg , G erald M. The Psychology of Computer Programming.
K lein , S tuart M. Workers Under Stress: The Impact of Work Pressure on Group Cohesion
D rake , J ohn D. Interviewing for Managers.
M ace , M yles . Directors: Myth and Reality.
P eskin , D ean B. Human Behavior and Employment Interviewing.
D ichter , E rnest . Motivating Human Behavior.
K rause , E lliott A. The Sociology of Occupations.
P ugh , D. S. (Ed.) Organization Theory.
H ornstein , H arvey A., B unker , B arbara B enedict , B urke , W. W arner , G indes , M arion and L ewicki , R oy J. (Editors) Social Intervention: A Behavioral Science Approach.
C olbert , J ohn and H ohn , M arcia . Guide to Manpower Training.
K irkpatrick , D onald L. A Practical Guide for Supervisory Training and Development.
M yers , C harles A. The Role of the Private Sector in Manpower Development.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1955,8(2):275-289
Book Reviewed in This Article:
S heldon , W illiam H. Atlas of Men: A Guide for Somatotyping the Adult Male at all Ages.
B rown , J. A. C. The Social Psychology of Industry.
R oethlisberger , F. J., L ombard , G eorge F., and R ankin , H arriet O. Training for Human Relations.
O tis , J ay L. and L eukart , R ichard H. Job Evaluation
A dams , W alter (Ed.) The Structure of American Industry: Some Case Studies.
R iley , M atilda W hite , R iley , J ohn W., J r ., and T oby , J ackson . Sociological Studies in Scale Analysis.  相似文献   

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