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运用元分析法整合探究拒绝敏感性与边缘型人格特征关联的已有实证研究, 旨在分析两者间的关联, 并同时考察可能影响该关联的其他变量。经过文献检索和筛选, 共纳入符合要求的原始文献50篇, 含84个效应量, 总样本量为7400人。同质性检验结果表明, 纳入研究的异质性较高, 故进一步对各影响因素变量进行了亚样本及元回归分析。结果发现, 在不同研究设计类型、被试所处地、样本类型、边缘型人格特征指标、拒绝敏感性测量类型的亚样本下, 二者之间的关联存在一定差异, 其中在横向设计、其他地区样本、混合被试、整体边缘型人格特征、量表法测量时所得的拒绝敏感性与边缘型人格特征间的关联最强; 年龄与女性被试比例对该关联不存在显著影响。未来研究可通过纵向研究进一步揭示二者间的预测方向, 考察拒绝敏感性不同成分与边缘型人格特征间的关联, 并在国内开展探索二者关联的研究。  相似文献   

本研究采用人格形容词评定法对诸葛亮的人格进行了定量研究。因素分析结果表明,诸葛亮在大众印象中主要表现出"忠义"、"沉稳"、"严谨"、"贤明"和"守信"五大人格特征,并通过对该评定结果与收集到的其他资料进行相互印证,从而全面描绘诸葛亮在大众印象中的人格特征。  相似文献   

本研究采用卡氏16PF对71例高师学生人格特征与中小学教师职业人格的适应性进行了研究。结果表明,这些高师学生具有乐群外向、聪慧、积极独立、轻松兴奋、思想开放、敢于创新等良好人格特征,同时又存在着缺乏恒心、固执、自律性较差等人格上的不足;A、E、F、H、Q4这5个人格因素,男女生差异显;71例高师学生的人格特征与中小学教师职业人格特征比较,适应有29例。要培养出胜任中小学教育工作的新型教师,应重视对高师学生教师职业人格特征的塑造。  相似文献   

自杀与人格特征的关系一直受到广泛关注。以自杀意念和人格特征为线索,对国内外有关自杀意念与人格特征关系的原始研究文献及其发展趋势进行了综合评述,与自杀意念密切相关的人格特征主要有冲动性、攻击性、完美主义、神经质以及人格障碍(边缘型人格障碍、反社会型人格障碍、自恋型人格障碍、表演型人格障碍、强迫型人格障碍)等。提出了目前相关研究存在的局限主要包括:关注的群体较为单一;人格测评工具不一致;缺乏以人格因素为核心的多因素中介研究。  相似文献   

宽恕是积极心理学研究的最热点内容之一,大量研究都表明宽恕与个体的人格特征具有密切的关系。本文详细探讨了宽恕与大五人格、共情、自尊及宗教性和精神性等人格特征之间的关系,最后对宽恕与人格的研究进行了总结和研究展望。  相似文献   

气质的遗传因素:基因多态性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
气质是婴儿出生以后最早表现出来的一种人格特征,而人格特征的形成具有一定的生物学基础。气质作为人格特征的组成单元,与人格特征享有共同的生物过程。因此,与成年人人格特征相关的基因也有可能影响儿童气质。本文在成年人的人格特征研究的基础上,针对早期儿童发展的特点,讨论了可能影响早期儿童气质的候选基因。研究成人的人格特征与基因的相关性不能排除环境因素的影响,本文强调了对早期儿童气质与基因多态性之间的关系进行直接研究的重要性。  相似文献   

本研究采用SCL-90、EPQ等量表,对苏中地区小学教师的人格特征与心理健康问题的关系进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)苏中地区小学教师的人格特征与其心理健康状况显著相关。(2)苏中地区小学教师人格特征的N分、P分和E分因子进入心理健康因子的回归方程,是心理健康水平的关键性影响因素。(3)N分、P分和E分因子对心理健康的解释率为28.6%。  相似文献   

梁漱溟人格的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文采用人格形容词评定法、心理传记法对历史文化名人梁漱溟的人格及其形成、发展进行了研究。因素分析揭示了梁漱溟的自信、认真、自律、好强等人格特征,通过精神分析可推论其可能具有自恋型人格倾向,梁氏这些人格的形成、发展受多种因素的交互影响。他的人格可作为解释其参与的特定历史事件的强有力证据。  相似文献   

西方童话与中国神话中人物的人格特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨健  郭成 《心理科学》2004,27(4):871-873
童话和神话中人物的人格特征影响着个体早期的社会化。本文选择了24篇著名的西方童话和中国神话,采用人格形容词评定法,对其中人物的人格特征进行对比研究发现,这些人物既具有人类追求真善美的共性,也表现出不同民族所特有的民族精神和价值观的差异性。分析了这些共性和差异性的表现及其产生原因,阐述了这些人物的人格特征对儿童形成其个性品质、行为模式、道德品质、社会角色等方面的作用和意义。  相似文献   

我国中小学校教师人格特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、引言教师的人格特征是教师素质的重要组成部分。国外经济发达国家出于培养高质量人才的需要,十分注重提高从事基础教育的中小学校教师素质。与此相应,有关教师素质特别是教师人格品质的研究相当活跃。本文是作者硕士学位论文的缩写。指导教师是东北师范大学教育系郭占基教授。我国教师心理的研究起步较晚。迄今为止,关于教师人格持征的研究仍属罕见。为弥补这一缺陷,本文拟就当前我国中小学校教师人格特征、优秀教师与一般教师人格特征的异同等问题进行一些探索。  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of inclusive leadership on employee well-being and innovative behavior. We also investigated the mediating role of person-job fit in these relationships. We tested these effects on a sample of 207 employees in five telecommunication companies in Vietnam, using a questionnaire survey. The results showed that inclusive leadership is positively related to employee well-being and innovative behavior, and that person-job fit mediates these relationships. The study makes theoretical contributions to the literature of leadership and organizational psychology, and suggests useful managerial implications for organizations to boost employee well-being and innovative behavior. Taking a cultural approach, this study provides empirical cross-cultural validity of the effect of inclusive leadership on employee well-being.  相似文献   

This study summarizes the analysis of the interest patterns of 1,777 elementary and junior high school students as related to a sociometric device and teachers' ratings. The subjects were asked their preferences in terms of class interests, television viewing habits, music listening preferences, study preferences, study habits, vocational plans, and choices of reading as distributed over comic books, magazines, and literary books. In addition, demographic and employment data were obtained. A number of dropouts were identified four years later and their responses on these measures were compared with students who remained in school. The results of the study indicate that sociometric status and teachers' ratings as measures of social desirability do differentiate between certain interest patterns and these patterns are associated with a broad extroversion-introversion continuum. Dropouts were found to differ on certain of these measures.  相似文献   

科学发明中原型启发的创造性思维成分及其脑机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前对创造性思维的测量及神经机制的研究, 国际上大多采用发散思维任务、远距离联想测验、顿悟问题解决等任务。但这些测量工具大多停留在对非科学类问题解决的研究上, 因此生态效度和预测效度都不高。本项目在前面研究的基础上, 探讨更符合现实生活的科学发明中原型启发的创造性思维成分及机制。研究一通过两个行为实验探索原型启发能力的创造性思维成分测试的结构效度; 研究二运用大样本磁共振数据, 从脑机制上进一步验证创造性思维成分的结构效度; 研究三通过3个核磁任务态探索原型启发能力的主要创造性思维成分的脑机制; 研究四试图在高校和企业研发机构进行跟踪研究, 检验创造性思维成分测试的预测效度。通过本项目的开展, 希望开发具有更高预测效度和生态效度的用于发明创造领域的创造性测量工具。  相似文献   

Susan A. Wheelan 《Sex roles》1996,34(9-10):665-686
This field study sought to ascertain whether all female or female dominated work groups, all male or male dominated work groups, and mixed sex work groups varied systematically in member perceptions of group developmental patterns, effectiveness, and productivity. The study also sought to determine whether high versus low status groups differed significantly on these variables. One hundred seventy-one work groups participated in the study. The results suggested that member perceptions of group functioning were more similar than different. Where significant differences were noted, group status, as opposed to gender composition, seemed to account for these differences in perception.  相似文献   

There has been a recent boom in research relating semantic space computational models to fMRI data, in an effort to better understand how the brain represents semantic information. In the first study reported here, we expanded on a previous study to examine how different semantic space models and modeling parameters affect the abilities of these computational models to predict brain activation in a data-driven set of 500 selected voxels. The findings suggest that these computational models may contain distinct types of semantic information that relate to different brain areas in different ways. On the basis of these findings, in a second study we conducted an additional exploratory analysis of theoretically motivated brain regions in the language network. We demonstrated that data-driven computational models can be successfully integrated into theoretical frameworks to inform and test theories of semantic representation and processing. The findings from our work are discussed in light of future directions for neuroimaging and computational research.  相似文献   

该研究采用文献计量学方法,以2005—2009年《心理学报》与《心理科学》的载文为研究对象,分别统计了两种期刊载文的研究领域、研究方法、载文体裁和作者特征等方面的数据信息。结果发现:基础领域是两种期刊心理学研究的主要领域;在应用领域方面两种期刊侧重点不同;两种期刊在研究方法的选择上是一致的,即实验法是心理学研究的主要研究方法,数据的搜集则主要靠测评法;两种期刊在心理学研究者的地区分布中都出现了明显的地区优势,优势地区与核心作者群略有不同。  相似文献   

Data previously reported from successful replications of 9 famous experiments (Zwaan et al., 2018) were re-analysed. Rather than the null hypothesis significance tests performed in the original study, this study performed a pervasiveness analysis, which examined the number of people in the original samples that demonstrated the effect each experiment is renowned for. Seven of the 9 experiments were shown to exceed the pervasiveness threshold adopted in this study. That is, in each of these 7 experiments, over 80% of participants demonstrated the target effect, indicating support for Zwaan et al.’s claim that these effects are robust. The remaining 2 experiments (Repetition Priming and Shape Simulation) did not meet this pervasiveness criterion, casting doubt on the reproducibility of these effects. The pervasiveness analysis was demonstrated to be a useful adjunct to traditional forms of analysis because it provides information directly relevant to claims about the reproducibility of psychological effects.  相似文献   

The goals for this investigation were to assess individuals' expectations for social support from genetic counselors, and to explore how these expectations influence perceptions of genetic counselor effectiveness. Two studies were conducted to address these goals. Results from the first study show that individuals most frequently expect genetic counselors to provide options and support following the disclosure of distressing test results, while data from the second study demonstrate that expectations play a significant role in individuals' assessment of genetic counselor effectiveness. These findings shed light on what individuals expect from genetic counselors following the disclosure of medically positive test results and inform how these expectations influence the success of genetic counseling sessions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Recent evidence indicates that people's judgments of their own learning are causally related to their study behavior and not epiphenomenal. I argue here that people use these metacognitions in an effort to selectively study material in their own region of proximal learning. First they attempt to eliminate materials that are already well learned. Then they progress successively from studying easier to more difficult materials. Successful implementation of this metacognitively guided strategy enhances learning. The necessary components are, first, that the metacognitions be accurate, and second, that the appropriate choices are implemented for study. With these parts in place, the individual is in position to effectively take control of his or her own learning.  相似文献   

This paper presents two studies exploring the operation of group cohesion and goal processes (difficulty and commitment) on group performance. The results from the first study, using a sample of college students in naturally occurring groups, revealed significant relationships among these variables and suggested that goals are the more immediate determinants of performance, mediating the effects of cohesion on performance. The second study employed a different design and task to address some limitations of the first study and to replicate those findings. The results from the second study were highly consistent with the first. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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