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This paper examined conceptual versus perceptual priming in identification of incomplete pictures by using a short-term priming paradigm, in which information that may be useful in identifying a fragmented target is presented just prior to the target’s presentation. The target was a picture that slowly and continuously became complete and the participants were required to press a key as soon as they knew what it was. Each target was preceded by a visual prime. The nature of this prime varied from very conceptual (e.g., the name of the picture’s category) to very perceptual (e.g., a similar-shaped pictorial prime from a different category). Primes also included those that combined perceptual and conceptual information (e.g., names or images of the target picture). Across three experiments, conceptual primes were effective while the purely perceptual primes were not. Accordingly, we conclude that pictures in this type of task are identified primarily by conceptual processing, with perceptual processing contributing relatively little.  相似文献   

To investigate the semantic memory organization of gender concepts, we used gender words to prime lexical decisions on stereotypically feminine and masculine adjectives (e.g., emotional and aggressive, respectively) in two experiments. Under certain conditions, gender primes facilitated performance on both stereotypically appropriate and inappropriate adjectives. Female subjects were facilitated when either the word woman or man primed stereotypically feminine adjectives. Male subjects were facilitated when the word male primed either stereotypically masculine or feminine adjectives (and they were inhibited when woman primed these adjectives, especially the masculine ones). These results suggest overlap in the memory representations of traits associated with the two genders.  相似文献   

In this study, we conducted a lexical decision test using masked priming paradigm to examine the morphological and orthographic priming effects in word recognition. Morphologically related word pairs can be derivational, sharing the same root or not (pseudo derivational). However, the orthographically related pairs share the same letters in different positions. Two groups of native Arabic-speaking children (N?=?57) from grade 4 and 5 participated in this study: typical readers (n?=?39) and dyslexic readers (n?=?18). To examine whether a potential morphological priming effect is driven by semantic or orthographic properties of shared morphemes, we compared prime-target pairs with derivation morphology and pseudo-derivation word related pairs. Between groups comparisons showed that a priming effect occurred only in typical readers. Comparisons between conditions revealed that a priming effect only occurred for accuracy in derivational morphology. No priming effect occurred in reaction times (RTs) between groups or conditions. These results provide evidence for root-based word recognition in Arabic children and give support to semantically rather than orthographically driven lexical access.  相似文献   

知觉流畅性对判断和决策的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流畅性是个体对加工信息难易程度的一种主观体验, 它分为知觉流畅性、概念流畅性、提取流畅性等。研究者通过操纵刺激与背景的颜色对比度、刺激的字体类型、清晰程度等因素来控制知觉流畅性, 发现知觉流畅性会影响一系列判断和决策任务, 如命题真实性、类别判断、偏好、熟悉性等。知觉流畅性既可以作为判断的直接线索也可以通过选择不同线索和认知策略来间接影响判断和决策。  相似文献   

知觉启动效应及其脑机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周仁来  许杰 《心理科学》2001,24(1):81-84,107
该文从三个方面对知觉启动效应研究进行了回顾:(1)知觉启动的一般特征:(2)刺激的物理特征与知觉启动之间的关系;(3)知觉启动的神经解剖基础及神经机制。该文指出.知觉启动主要加工刺激表面的物理特征;刺激的大小、位置、颜色、模式等特征尽管对知觉启动有影响.但刺激的形状和结构等特征对于知觉启动更重要;知觉启动主要受枕部皮层的调节。最后,讨论了几个有关知觉启动机制的理论假说。  相似文献   

Koriat (1981) demonstrated that an association from the target to a preceding prime, in the absence of an association from the prime to the target, facilitates lexical decision and referred to this effect as 'backward priming'. Backward priming is of relevance, because it can provide information about the mechanism underlying semantic priming effects. Following Neely (1991), we distinguish three mechanisms of priming: spreading activation, expectancy, and semantic matching/ integration. The goal was to determine which of these mechanisms causes backward priming, by assessing effects of backward priming on a language-relevant ERP component, the N400, and reaction time (R T). Based on previous work, we propose that the N400 priming effect reflects expectancy and semantic matching/ integration, but in contrast with R T does not reflect spreading activation. Experiment 1 shows a backward priming effect that is qualitatively similar for the N400 and R T in a lexical decision task. This effect was not modulated by an ISI manipulation. Experiment 2 clarifies that the N400 backward priming effect reflects genuine changes in N400 amplitude and cannot be ascribed to other factors. We will argue that these backward priming effects cannot be due to expectancy but are best accounted for in terms of semantic matching/ integration.  相似文献   

采用快速命名方法探讨不同注意条件下的知觉启动效应及其机制。实验中呈现一系列颜色词,要求被试分别完成集中和分散注意任务,然后进行词命名和再认测验。在词命名任务中.实验1包括旧词、重组颜色词和新词,而在实验2中重组颜色词改为新颜色词。结果表明,在实验1中,只有在集中注意条件下,被试对旧词的命名时间明显短于重组颜色词.即表现出知觉启动效应。而在实验2的两种注意条件下,被试对旧词的命名时间均明显短于新颜色词。这提示,在不同注意条件下的学习会影响其后的颜色知觉启动,并且与词和颜色的联结捆绑有关。  相似文献   

为了考察拥挤感启动对威胁性面部表情识别的影响,以28名大学生为被试,进行不同拥挤启动条件下的愤怒-中性和恐惧-中性表情识别任务。信号检测论分析发现,拥挤感启动降低了愤怒表情识别的辨别力,不影响其判断标准,也不影响恐惧表情识别的辨别力和判断标准;主观报告的愤怒表情强度在拥挤感启动条件下显著高于非拥挤条件,恐惧、中性表情强度则不受拥挤感启动的影响。结果表明,拥挤感启动使人们辨别愤怒表情的知觉敏感性下降。  相似文献   

《Memory (Hove, England)》2013,21(6):643-663
This study explores implicit memory within the domain of text processing. Three experiments were designed to study priming in word-fragment completion, wordstem completion, and free association tests following presentation of target words in the context of a coherent text. In order to examine the time course of perceptual and conceptual processes we investigated the priming effects by manipulating the perceptual context in which the target words had been read and the time given to the subjects for each test-cue. Three main results emerged. First, we found a significant priming effect in the three implicit tests for words previously studied in a text. Second, the magnitude of the priming effect only varied when the task demands required perceptual and conceptual processing, as was the case with the completion tests. Third, priming effects did not depend on subjects' comprehension of the text read. These results are discussed in the framework of the transfer appropriate processing view proposed by Roediger, Weldon, and Challis (1989).  相似文献   

赵俊华  张大均 《心理科学》2006,29(3):752-754,743
语义启动是研究语义表征的主要范式。在过去的30年里,通过对语义启动效应的研究,词汇的语义表征理论也从符号联结发展到神经联结,其影响因素也逐步重视多方面的交互作用。究其问题,已有研究还存在很多不一致的结论,对语义内在的表征机制和学习机制缺乏深入了解,对影响语义表征的个体因素考虑不多。  相似文献   

安蓉  阴国恩  冯虹 《心理科学》2007,30(2):351-354,319
在实物图片或轮廓图先期呈现的条件下研究了6岁、9岁、12岁及成人被试对两可图形的命名或相似判断。结果表明:(1)命名项目或相似判断与线索项目有关时,各年龄被试对判断项的命名或相似判断均表现出与线索项目一致的倾向。(2)轮廓图作为线索项目时.命名或相似判断反应时较长;实物作为线索项目时,命名或相似判断反应时较短。无关项目作为为线索项目时.被试命名或相似判断的反应时居中;命名项目或相似判断项目均与线索项目一致时反应时较短;命名项目或相似判断项目均与线索项目不一致时反应时延长。(3)被试命名或相似判断的反应时随其年龄的增长而下降,6岁和9岁儿童的反应时较长;12岁儿童的反应时较短;成人的反应时最短。  相似文献   

金钱是一种重要的资源, 也是人们日常生活中非常熟悉的概念。国内外有关实证研究发现, 启动金钱概念会诱发自足感、经济型心理定势、自由市场的价值观以及利己自我图式(社会认知模型), 从而导致亲社会行为减少。文章探讨了金钱概念启动对利他性亲社会行为、遵规与公益性亲社会行为、关系性亲社会行为和特质性亲社会行为的影响。未来的研究应该进一步关注:(1)金钱概念启动在组织管理中的研究; (2)贫富差异在金钱概念启动与亲社会行为关系中的调节效应; (3)深化时间概念启动影响亲社会行为的研究; (4)金钱概念启动影响亲社会行为的神经机制研究。  相似文献   

In the typical single-stimulus perceptual identification task, accuracy is improved by prior study of test words, a repetition priming benefit. There is also a cost, inasmuch as previously studied words are likely to be produced (incorrectly) as responses if the test word is orthographically similar but not identical to a studied word. In two-alternative forced-choice perceptual identification, a test word is flashed and followed by two alternatives, one of which is the correct response. When the two alternatives are orthographically similar, test words identical to previously studied items are identified more accurately than new words (a benefit) but tests words orthographically similar to studied words are identified less accurately than new words (a cost). Ratcliff and McKoon (in press) argue that these are bias effects that arise in the decision stage of word identification. We report five experiments that examined the alternative hypothesis that these bias effects arise from postperceptual guessing strategies. In single-stimulus perceptual identification, repetition priming benefits were equally great for young and older adults who claimed to use deliberate guessing strategies and those who did not (Experiment 1). In contrast, only groups of young and older people who claimed to deliberately guess studied words in a two-alternative forced-choice task (Experiments 2 and 5) showed reliable benefits and costs. Costs and benefits were abolished in the two-alternative forced-choice task when a very long study list was used, presumably because the increased retrieval burden made the use of deliberate guessing strategies less attractive (Experiment 3). Under conditions similar to those of Experiment 3, repetition priming was observed in single-stimulus perceptual identification (Experiment 4). These results are consistent with the view that costs and benefits in the forced-choice perceptual identification task arise from deliberate guessing strategies but that those in the single-stimulus task do not. The possibility that the observed relationship between strategy reports and priming effects reflects erroneous postexperimental assessments of strategies by participants is also considered.  相似文献   

Using both visual-visual and auditory-visual priming lexical decision tasks, this study investigated phonological processing in reading logographic Chinese. Compound words sharing segmental templates but differing in lexical tones were used as primes and targets while their relative frequency was manipulated. It was found that tone neighbours did not prime each other significantly and the SOA of 100 msec in visual-visual priming. When the SOA was increased to 357 msec, or when primes were presented auditorily, the processing of target words was significantly delayed by their tone neighbours. Larger inhibitory effects were observed for low frequency targets with high frequency primes. It was argued that although phonological information is automatically activated and this activation affects access to semantics in reading Chinese,phonological mediation is not the only or the main ~urce of constraints on semantic activation.  相似文献   

The present experiment was conducted to explore the facilitory effects of rhyme in lexical processing in brain-damaged individuals. Normal subjects and non-fluent and fluent aphasic subjects performed auditory lexical decision and rhyme judgement tasks, in which prime-target pairs were phonologically related (either identical or rhyming) or unrelated. Results revealed rhyme facilitation of lexical decisions to real-word targets for normal and non-fluent aphasic subjects; for fluent aphasic subjects, results were equivocal. In the rhyme judgement task, facilitory effects of rhyme were found for all three groups with real-word targets. None of the groups showed clear rhyme facilitation effects with non-word targets in either task. Findings are discussed with reference to the role of phonology in lexical processing in normal and aphasic populations.  相似文献   

本文采用4(字形)x2(字号)的组内设计,对各条件的反应时、首次注视和总注视时间进行分析,从而探讨汉字识别整体或局部优先的问题。无论字号大小,部件位置错误条件的反应时均显著短于部件内容错误。小号字在部件位置和内容错误条件的首次注视时间差异不显著。大号字在部件位置错误条件的首次注视时间显著长于部件内容错误。部件位置错误条件总注视时间均显著短于部件内容错误。以上结果暗示了汉字识别中整体和局部加工存在不同的时间进程。  相似文献   

Although it is currently popular to model human associative learning using connectionist networks, the mechanism by which their output activations are converted to probabilities of response has received relatively little attention. Several possible models of this decision process are considered here, including a simple ratio rule, a simple difference rule, their exponential versions, and a winner-take-all network. Two categorization experiments that attempt to dissociate these models are reported. Analogues of the experiments were presented to a single-layer, feed-forward, delta-rule network. Only the exponential ratio rule and the winner-take-all architecture, acting on the networks' output activations that corresponded to responses available on test, were capable of fully predicting the mean response results. In addition, unlike the exponential ratio rule, the winner-take-all model has the potential to predict latencies. Further studies will be required to determine whether latencies produced under more stringent conditions conform to the model's predictions.  相似文献   

A phantom decoy is an alternative that is superior to another “target” option but is unavailable at the time of choice. In value‐based decisions involving phantom decoys (e.g., consumer choices), individuals often show increased preference for the similar, inferior target option over a non‐dominated competitor alternative. Unlike value‐based decisions that are driven by subjective goals, perceptual decisions typically have an outside criterion that defines the goal of the task (e.g., target is present or absent). Despite their obvious differences, past research has documented a number of commonalities between both types of decisions. In a set of three experiments, we examine the influence of phantom options on simple perceptual decisions and point out a critical difference between perceptual and value‐based decisions. Our results show that in perceptual choice, participants prefer competitor options to target options, the opposite of the pattern typically found in consumer choice. We use the results of the experiments to examine the predictions of four different models of context effects including loss aversion and dynamic, preference accumulation models. We find that accumulation models provide the best explanation for our results as well as being able to generalize to other context effects. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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