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By spectral EEG-mapping and EP-mapping, especially the topologic dimension of electrical brain activity can be evaluated for clinical use. On the other hand, this method allows the highest solution from all functional imaging procedures within the time dimension of brain activity. On the other hand, the ability of topological solution is limited. But the latter is probably better than hitherto assumed and surprisingly well at least regarding neonates. However, several methodological prerequisites described here must be fulfilled. From the pathophysiological point of view, the limits must be considered besides the diagnostic possibilities. Meanwhile, spectral EEG-mapping and EP-mapping are diagnostically used in all main fields of traditional EEG-analysis, like seizures and in the preadiagnostics of tumors a.o. Also in the diagnostics of cerebrovascular disease including transient ischemic attacks, the EEG-mapping and/or EP-mapping are useful within the total diagnostics. There is a similar situation in the diagnostics of degenerative brain disorders. But the significance of frequently described changes inpsychoses, partly also neuroses and other functional disorders is not clear. Altogether, this non-invasive, economically most favourable method for the functional imaging procedures in brain diagnostics is promising to extent the routine diagnostics also to a more precise manner.  相似文献   

Vocalizations are preceded by slow EEG waves over inferior frontal scalp regions, but some controversy exists as to whether these slow potentials are left-lateralized as a function of speech. In this study both speech and non-speech vocalizations were studied, under conditions of repetitive and variable production. Averaged responses over the speech musculature, including the temporalis, masseter, orbicularis oris, and mylohyoid muscles, as well as the eyes and tongue, were calculated simultaneously with scalp EEG averages. The responses of the temporalis and masseter muscles, as well as that of the tongue, were correlated with EEG sites at specific latencies prior to speech, suggesting that no part of the inferior frontal EEG record was free from myogenic confounds. In addition, all significant EEG differences between speech and non-speech conditions were subsequently eliminated by covariance analysis, using selected muscle channels as covariates. Previous reports of asymmetrical “speech potentials” in the EEG probably reflected a combination of several myogenic confounds.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials were recorded during wakefulness, Stage 1, and Stage 2 non-REM sleep using a three-tone auditory oddball paradigm. Stage 1 sleep was divided into trials preceded by alpha and those preceded by theta. A negative wave peaking at about 100 ms, N1, displayed a significant decrease in amplitude with the onset of Stage 2 sleep. A later N2 peaked at about 250 ms in the waking state. This changed into a sleep-specific negative wave peaking at 300 ms (N300) at the alpha-theta transition within Stage 1. The P300 displayed a similar shift to become a P450 in Stage 2 sleep. N550 was specific to Stage 2, and was larger in response to rare, rather than frequent stimuli. There was no evidence of any enhancement to relevant rare stimuli compared with irrelevant rare stimuli.  相似文献   

The goals of the present study were to examine the recidivism rates of two matched samples of sexual offenders, those released prior to and after sex offender registration and notification (SORN) in New Jersey. The pre-SORN group (1990-1994) included 247 offenders, while the post-SORN group (1996-2000) included 248 offenders. The longitudinal analysis demonstrated that for sex offenders released from prison both prior to and after implementation of SORN, there are clearly two distinguishable groups of sex offenders in relation to patterns of recidivism. More than three-quarters of sex offenders were identified as at low risk of recidivism, with low rates of repeat criminal offenses. By contrast, the high-risk group of offenders was not only more likely to commit future criminal offenses, including sex offenses, but they were also more likely to commit significantly more offenses and to do so fairly quickly following release. Analyses also include an examination of the influence of demographics, substance abuse and mental health issues, treatment history, sex offense incident characteristics, and criminal history on recidivism. Finally, SORN status was not a significant predictor of sex or general recidivism. The study limitations and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Findings from the present experiments extend those of earlier studies and show that rats form weaker conditioned taste aversions if they are exposed to a sickness-inducing agent prior to a single training trial. The present experiments appear to rule out the possible confounding factors that, during pretraining, (1) animals became addicted to the drugs that were intended to induce sickness during training, (2) drug tolerances were created and hence reduced the effectiveness of the same or different sickness-inducing agents used to induce sickness during training, or (3) associations between other stimuli and sickness were formed and interfered with or blocked the formation of subsequent taste aversions. It was concluded that the associative capacity of sickness can be reduced through pre-exposure.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Two experiments are described in which short-term "habituation" of the auditory evoked response (AER) was examined using discrete trains of click stimuli and averaging across trains. In the first study, the stimuli consisted of randomly interspersed trains of regular clicks, at 3 or 10 sec interstimulus interval (ISI). In the second study, the ISIs were also short or long but were irregular varying between 2.4 and 3.6 sec in the former case and 6 to 12 sec in the latter. The N1-P2 component of the AER diminished within the 3 sec trains especially for the regular stimulation; no such development occurred with the longer ISI. The total voltage in the background EEG and the reaction-times to the stimuli showed essentially similar changes. The possible mechanisms governing the response decrement are discussed and it is concluded that the data may be interpreted in terms of the Groves and Thompson dual-process theory of habituation.  相似文献   

The relationships between hypnagogic imagery and EEG activity were studied. 7 subjects (4 women and 3 men) reported the content of hypnagogic imagery every minute and the hypnagogic EEGs were classified into 5 stages according to Hori's modified criteria. The content of the hypnagogic imagery changed as a function of the hypnagogic EEG stages.  相似文献   

Non-parametric signal detection analysis of the results of three order judgement experiments are reported in which Ss judged the order of visual and auditory signal pairs. Under one condition they only made the order judgement, under others they made both the order judgement and a decision about the visual or the auditory signal. No tendency to report the attended signal as coming first was evident under the latter conditions, contradicting the predictions of the prior entry hypothesis, although a significant decrease in sensitivity was observed under these conditions.  相似文献   

Vertex potentials elicited by visual feedback (signals following an auditory intensity discrimination have been studied with eight Ss. Feedback signals which confirmed the prior sensory decision elicited small P3s, while disconfirming, feedback elicited P3s that were larger. On the average, the latency of P3 was also found to increase with increasing disparity between the judgment and. the feedback information. These effects were part bf an overall dichotomy in waveshape following confirming vs disconforming feedback. These findings are incorporated in a general model of the role of P3 in perceptual decision making.  相似文献   

Risk assessment and appetitive behaviors in response to familiar and unfamiliar conspecific odors were measured in mice rendered dominant or subordinate by a series of resident-intruder encounters. Subordinate mice showed elevated levels of risk assessment in response to the odors of both familiar dominant and unfamiliar males. These behaviors were almost totally absent among dominant males exposed to familiar subordinate or unfamiliar male odors. Subordinate mice showed a marginally significant elevation in latencies to approach familiar, but not unfamiliar, dominant odors. Dominant and subordinate mice spent comparable amounts of time in the cage area containing familiar antagonist odors, however, and the durations of subordinates were mildly elevated, rather than decreased, when unfamiliar conspecific odors were present. There were no group differences in any of the appetitive behaviors. These findings suggest that apparent preferences for conspecific odors may arise from quantitatively and/or qualitatively differing emotional states. The inclusion of risk assessment measures is suggested to be a useful adjunct for studies of olfactory preference/rejection. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present experiment was to determine the relation between changes in heart rate and averaged evoked potentials. Sixteen male subjects with variable heart rates received 50 flashes of light during fast heart beats, 50 during slow heart beats, and 50 during midrange heart rate level. Evoked responses were recorded from the scalp overlying the right and left occipital lobes. Heart rate, respiration, eye movements, and cephalic blood flow were also recorded. The results indicated that spontaneous changes in heart rate are related to changes in visual evoked responses and that this relation differs for the two cerebral hemispheres. Furthermore, cephalic pulse amplitude was largest following slow heart beats and smallest following fast heart beats, which suggests that changes in heart rate are related to changes in cerebrovascular as well as electrocortical activity. The results are discussed in terms of formulations derived from behavioral studies regarding the relation between cardiovascular activity and attentional processes.  相似文献   

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