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Testing predictions derived from attachment theory, this research investigated how adult attachment orientations are associated with selective exposure to information about the self, one's partner, and one's relationship. The results of two studies revealed that (a) more avoidantly attached individuals have limited interest in knowing their partner's intimate thoughts and feelings, (b) more anxiously attached individuals selectively prefer information on intimate topics pertaining to their partner and relationship and focus on information that highlights their own as well as their partner's shortcomings, and (c) regardless of attachment orientation, individuals express interest in learning about the negative relationship behaviors and characteristics of their insecurely attached partners. These findings suggest that selective information seeking may have important effects on relationships and may help explain how attachment orientations affect important relationship outcomes.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the effect of expressed interest on individuals’ openness to opposing viewpoints and perceptions of debate counterparts. Participants in Study 1 engaged in an online conversation with a purported debate counterpart who did or did not express interest in the participants’ viewpoint by asking an elaboration question—that is, a question geared at soliciting additional information. Compared to control participants, participants who received a question rated their debate counterpart more favorably, were more willing to engage in future interaction with their counterpart, and acted in a more receptive manner. Study 2 tested the effects of instructions to prepare elaboration questions on listeners’ responses to a speaker offering counter-attitudinal arguments. Preparing questions caused participants to be more open to the idea of having a conversation with the speaker, to make more positive attributions about typical proponents of the speaker’s viewpoint, and to judge the conclusions of the speech as more valid. Theoretical and practical implications of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

A Musical Preference Scale was devised from factor analyses of preference ratings for established categories of music based on divisions in the recording industry in the U.S.A. The scales of the Sensation Seeking Scale form V were correlated with rated likings of each of the categories derived from the factor analysis. Total Sensation Seeking correlated positively with liking for all types of rock music and negatively with liking for bland, soundtrack music. In addition to a liking of rock music, those having high scores of the Thrill and Adventure Seeking and Experience Seeking subscales liked folk and classical music. High scorers on the Disinhibition subscale liked rock and disliked religious and soundtrack music. The results are consistent with the theory that high sensation seekers have a high optimal level of stimulation and thus tolerate and like high intensity and/or complexity in music, and stimulation in general.  相似文献   

The relationships between sensation seeking and preferences for various foods were studied. A Japanese version of the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS) and food preference questionnaire were administered to a total of 105 students (66 males and 39 females). Preference ratings of 70 foods were factor analyzed and 7 factors concerning food preference patterns were extracted. Preference ratings for food items with high loadings on these 7 factors were correlated with subjects' scores on SSS. Significant and positive correlations were found between total scores of SSS and the preference ratings for spicy foods (loading on factor 1), meats (loading on factor 4), and alcoholic beverages (loading on factor 6). Among subscales of SSS, following subscores correlated significantly and positively with preference for several food groups: (1) ES, TAS and spicy foods. (2) TAS and meats, ES and a few items of meats. (3) TAS, BS and alcoholic beverages. But, Dis scale did not correlate with any food groups. Common features and differences between the results of present research and previous ones connected in the U.S.A. were discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the overgeneralized construct of ‘arousal’, pointing out some of the problems of speaking of it as mediated by a single system. The literature and current studies of the orienting and defensive reflexes, and augmenting-reducing of the cortical evoked potential in relation to the sensation-seeking (SS) trait are discussed. The data relating platelet MAO and CSF, plasma and urinary measures of bioamines, their metabolites and enzymes, to SS, extraversion and behavioral indices are also treated. Relationships between arousal measured in different systems are pointed out. Personality theory is seen as a vehicle for understanding the organization of arousal systems in adaptation to environmental stimulation.  相似文献   

This study assessed the relationship between sensation seeking measured as a trait variable and drinking behaviors observed unobtrusively in the laboratory. It was hypothesized that high-sensation-seeking subjects would consume more alcohol than low sensation seekers and experience greater enhancement of positive moods and body sensations associated with intoxication. Thirty female and 31 male subjects divided into high- and low-sensation-seeking subgroups participated in an ad libitum drinking situation with the manifest task of taste rating three types of vodka (actually 95% alcohol) or tonic. Dependent variables included beverage consumption, positive/negative mood states, body sensations, breath estimates of blood alcohol levels, and self-rated level of intoxication. All subjects reported feeling the effects of alcohol. Contrary to predictions, high-sensation-seeking subjects neither consumed more alcohol than their low-sensation-seeking counterparts nor drank more alcohol than tonic, Paradoxically, low-sensation-seeking women displayed significantly greater alcohol intake and intoxication than all other groups. Possible explanations for findings were considered as well as the necessity for multimethod assessments of both predictor (i.e., sensation seeking) and criterion (i.e., alcohol consumption) variables across time and situations.This research was supported by Grant Award AA04042-03 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to the first and third authors. Special Appreciation is expressed to Anne T. Patsiokas, Susan W. Altman, Victoria Molony-Sinnott, and Pamela J. Thompson for their invaluable assistance in collecting and analyzing the data.  相似文献   

In a sample of 81 subjects, significant negative correlations were obtained between scores on Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale and estimates of numerosity. A cognitive view of sensation seeking was suggested, according to which high scores are a function of an underestimation of the amount of stimulation experienced and low scores a function of overestimation. This approach was discussed in relation to motivational theories and those involving strength of the nervous system.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the computer aspects of a reaction time experiment with couples. The hardware consists of two computers connected through a local area network. Issues that deal with the first PC include timing routines, screen control, mice data decoding, and synchronization of computer software—written in Assembler for a PC without hard disk—with information presented in a videotape. The second computer was used for data processing that was written in VBA. Although the system was created for a dedicated purpose, it is easily applicable to other environments.  相似文献   

Recent discussion of Vogel-style “bootstrapping” scenarios suggests that they provide counterexamples to a wide variety of epistemological theories. Yet it remains unclear why it’s bad for a theory to permit bootstrapping, or even exactly what counts as a bootstrapping case. Going back to Vogel's original bootstrapping example, I note that an agent who could gain justification through the method Vogel describes would have available a “no-lose investigation”: an investigation that can justify a proposition but has no possibility of undermining it. The main suggestion of this article is that an epistemological theory should not permit no-lose investigations. I identify necessary and sufficient conditions for such investigations, then explore epistemological theories that rule them out. If we want to avoid both skepticism and no-lose investigations, we must eschew either Closure or epistemic externalism.  相似文献   

A validated Dutch version of Zuckerman's sensation seeking (SS) scale was sent to a population of downhill skiers. It was expected that injured skiers (N = 219) would have higher thrill and adventure seeking (TAS) scores compared to a control group of uninjured skiers (N = 288). Information on other risk factors for ski injury, as measured in an earlier study among the same skiers, was included in a logistic model in order to adjust for confounding. Response (73%) was slightly higher among females, younger skiers and higher educated persons. Skiers have a high TAS score compared to a Dutch reference population. The observed correlations between SS subscales, as well as the trends associated with age and gender are in full agreement with the literature. Surprisingly, TAS scores were lower among the cases (35.0) compared to the control group (37.3) [P < 0.01]. Adjustment for other risk factors for ski injury in the logistic regression does not change the effect of the TAS score substantially. It is postulated that skiers with a high TAS score could be more experienced in balancing on the border of their individual capacities. More research into this problem, preferably with a prospective design, is recommended.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine responses of sensation seekers concerning their tendency to take risks in driving in mortality salience. Ss completed the Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking scale (SSS). Two weeks later Ss were divided into two groups; the experimental group, which was exposed to a terrifying video film dealing with consequences of risky driving and a control group with a nature video film. After watching the films, each participant was asked to complete a risk-taking inventory (RT), which referred to the extent of risk s/he would take while driving. High sensation seekers reported more risk taking in driving than sensation avoiders. Furthermore, a significant interaction was found between Mortality Salience and Sensation Seeking regarding risky driving, especially speeding. The implications of these findings on the well-established educational approaches based on terror are presented in the discussion.  相似文献   

Sensation seeking (SS) has traditionally been viewed as a phenomenon of the appetitive motivational system. The limited SS research exploring contributions from the aversive motivational system reveals greater anxious reactivity to dangerous activities among low sensation seekers. The present study extends this line of work by comparing levels of fear and anxiety during anticipation of predictable and unpredictable aversive stimuli across high- and low-SS groups. Low sensation seekers displayed greater fear-potentiated startle (FPS) to predictable aversive stimuli, and only those low on SS showed FPS and skin conductance response effects during experimental contexts in which aversive stimuli were delivered unpredictably. Findings implicate enhanced apprehensive anticipation among those low on SS as a potential deterrent for their participation in intense and threatening stimulus events.  相似文献   

According to attachment theory, attachment style derives from social experiences throughout the life span. The authors tested this expectation by examining associations between the quality of observed interaction patterns in the family of origin during adolescence and self-reported romantic attachment style and observed romantic relationship behaviors in adulthood (ages 25 and 27). Family and romantic relationship interactions were rated by trained observers from video recordings of structured conversation tasks. Attachment style was assessed with items from D. W. Griffin and K. Bartholomew's (1994a) Relationship Scales Questionnaire. Observational ratings of warmth and sensitivity in family interactions were positively related to similar behaviors by romantic partners and to attachment security. In addition, romantic interactions characterized by high warmth and low hostility at age 25 predicted greater attachment security at 27, after controlling for attachment security at age 25. However, attachment security at age 25 did not predict later romantic relationship interactions after controlling for earlier interactions. These findings underscore the importance of close relationships in the development of romantic attachment security but do not indicate that attachment security predicts the quality of interactions in romantic relationships.  相似文献   

In order to test the relationship between sensation seeking, as measured by the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS) Form V, and antisocial behaviour, evaluated by a Self-reported Delinquency (SRD) scale, a correlational study in a student sample was carried out. The results obtained show, as predicted, a positive relationship between either the SSS Total score or its subscales, (Experience Seeking and Disinhibition) with the SRD. The other SSS subscales, to a lesser extent, also show a similar pattern of correlation.  相似文献   

Sensation seeking among high- and low-risk sports participants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Investigated were the sensation seeking tendencies of a diverse sample of 166 athletes. The main aim of the study was to assess empirical support for Zuckermans (1994)Impulsive-Sensation-Seeking (ImpSS) theory and to replicate and extend previous research findings in this area using high- and low-risk sport participants. The Sensation Seeking Scale-V (Zuckerman et al., 1978) and the Impulsiveness Scale of the Impulsiveness-Venturesome-Empathy Scale (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1978), were administered to both male and female athletes currently engaged in one of eight sport disciplines: Hang-gliding, mountaineering, sky-diving, automobile racing, swimming, marathon running, aerobics or golf. Results provided support for the main thrust of Zuckermans ImpSS theory (a) that sensation seeking is integrated within a broader trait called Impulsive-Sensation Seeking; and (b) that total sensation seeking differentiated between high- and low-risk sport participants. On the other hand, these participants did not differ on the impulsiveness dimension. These and other findings are integrated with respect to Zuckermans (1994)Impulsive-Sensation Seeking model. Limitations of the present study and suggestions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the roles of sensation seeking and invulnerability as predictors of health compromising behaviors in a multiethnic sample of 1690 emerging adult college students (mean age = 19.8, range 18–25 years) from nine US colleges and universities. Participants completed the Arnett Sensation Seeking Inventory and the Adolescent Invulnerability Scale; and reported how often they had participated in a set of health compromising risk behaviors (i.e., substance use, impaired driving, and sexual behaviors) in the 30 days prior to assessment. Sensation seeking and danger invulnerability scores were moderately correlated (r = .30). Findings from a series of multivariate Poisson regression analyses suggest that when considered simultaneously as predictors, sensation seeking appears to be a general risk factor associated with engagement in a variety of risk behaviors, whereas danger invulnerability is primarily a factor in those risk behaviors that are less common among peers (e.g., hard drug use, casual sex, and driving while intoxicated).  相似文献   

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