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Most theoretical accounts of backward blocking place heavy stress on the necessity of the target cue having been trained in compound with the competing cue to produce a decrement in responding. Yet, other evidence suggests that a similar reduction in responding to the target cue can be observed when the outcome is later paired with a novel cue never trained in compound with the target cue (interference between cues trained apart). The present experiment shows that pairing another nonassociated cue with the same outcome may be sufficient to produce a decremental effect on the target cue, but the presence of a within-compound association between the target and the competing cue adds to this effect. Thus, both interference between cues trained apart and within-compound associations independently contribute to backward blocking.  相似文献   

Three experiments studied extinction of the associations which are formed between two flavors presented in a simultaneous compound. In Experiment 1 those associations were identified by a sensory preconditioning procedure in which the poisoning of one element of the compound led to the rejection of the other element. Separate presentation of either element between their joint occurence and the poisoning of one element sharply attenuated the rejection of the other element. That attenuation was interpreted in terms of the extinction of within-compound associations. Experiment 2 obtained similar results with an alternative extinction procedure in which the elements of the original compound were presented in other compounds. Experiment 3 obtained similar results when the existence of the within-compound associations was determined by an alternative assessment procedure in which one element of the compound was made more attractive by the induction of a specific hunger. These experiments suggest that within-compound associations can be extinguished when the elements are separately presented outside of the compound. Experiments 2 and 3 make less plausible an alternative interpretation of the effects of separate element presentation in terms of reduction of the novelty of the element. The findings may be taken as implying that the elements of a simultaneously presented compound are joined by a single symmetrical association which acts at various points during a sensory preconditioning experiment.  相似文献   

The nature of interference between cues (X, A) trained apart with a common outcome (O; an unconditioned stimulus) was explored by assessing proactive interference in first-order Pavlovian conditioning (i.e., A-O, X-O, resulting in attenuated responding to X). Three lick-suppression studies were conducted with water-deprived rats. Posttraining extinction of the interfering cue (A) attenuated proactive interference (Experiment 1), which mirrors the observation that extinction of the competing cue can reduce competition between cues trained together (e.g., recovery from overshadowing). Proactive interference was also attenuated with manipulations known to attenuate interference between outcomes trained apart (e.g., counterconditioning), namely reminder cues (Experiment 2) and renewal (Experiment 3). The findings suggest that similar processes underlie interference between cues trained apart, between cues trained together, and between outcomes trained apart.  相似文献   

In a human causal learning experiment, we investigated cue selection effects to test the comparator theory (Denniston, Savastano, & Miller, 2001; Miller & Matzel, 1988). The theory predicts that the occurrence of cue selection is independent of whether the relevant learning trials are presented in a standard forward manner or in a backward manner and that within-compound associations are of equal importance in both cases. We found that the strength of the cue-selection effect was positively correlated with knowledge of within-compound associations in the backward condition but not in the forward condition. Furthermore, cue-selection effects were less pronounced in the former than in the latter condition. These results are at variance with the comparator hypothesis but are in agreement with a modified associative theory and with the suggestion that retrospective revaluation might be due to rehearsal processes.  相似文献   

Contemporary theories of associative learning require cues be trained in compound for cue competition (interference) to occur. That is, Cues A and X should compete for behavioral control only if training consists of AX-outcome (O) trials and not if each cue is separately paired with O (i.e., X-O and A-O). Research with humans challenges this view by showing that A-O trials interpolated between training and testing of a X-O association impair responding to X (i.e., retroactive interference). In six conditioned suppression studies with rats, the authors demonstrate that two cues trained apart can each interfere with the potential of the other to predict the outcome. The authors conclude that this type of interference (a) reflects a failure to retrieve the target association due to priming at test of the interfering association and (b) is attenuated if the outcome is of high biological significance. These findings parallel previous reports in verbal learning research and suggest that a similar associative structure underlies some types of associations in nonverbal subjects.  相似文献   

We investigated blocking and retrospective revaluation of causal judgements using a scenario in which food cues acted as potential causes of an allergic reaction as the outcome. In the blocking contingency,the treatment cues were either paired or unpaired with the outcome prior to a second stage in which sequential compounds of treatment and target cues were paired with the outcome. The order of this compound and treatment training was reversed in retrospective revaluation contingencies. When the interstimulus interval between the treatment and target cues was unfilled on compound trials (Experiments 1 and 3), both blocking and retrospective revaluation were observed in that the target cue trained in compound with the paired treatment cue attracted lower causal ratings than the target cue trained in compound with the unpaired treatment cue. By contrast, performing a mental arithmetic task using numerals presented during the interstimulus interval had no effect on the magnitude of blocking but rendered retrospective revaluation unreliable (Experiments 2 and 3). These results provide further support for accounts of revaluation based upon within-compound associations.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, participants completed a computer task in which they judged the probability of outcomes occurring (e.g., flowers growing, a bug infestation) given cues (e.g., treatment of soil with a fictitious garden product). In each 2-phase experiment, cue X was associated with 1 outcome in Phase 1 and with a 2nd outcome in Phase 2. When the outcome in Phase 1 (e.g., X led to a bug infestation) was replaced in Phase 2 (e.g., X led to flowers growing), contextual control was observed (Experiments 1 and 2). Information learned in each phase was less likely to be retrieved when the cue was tested in a context different from the 1 where training occurred. When the 2nd outcome did not conflict with information acquired in the 1st phase (e.g., X led to flowers and bugs), no contextual control was observed (Experiment 2). Acquiring a 2nd association to X resulted in contextual control only when it conflicted with an association learned earlier. The authors discuss the role of interference produced when conflicting information is acquired in establishing contextual control.  相似文献   

The cue-duration effect (i.e., longer cues result in less conditioned responding than shorter cues) was examined as a function of whether cues were trained alone or in compound. Compound (AX) or elemental (X) cues of either long or short duration were paired with the unconditioned stimulus. In testing with X alone, the cue-duration effect was observed with elementally trained cues, but not with compound cues. Instead, stronger responding resulted from training with long compound cues relative to short compound cues (i.e., a reversed cue-duration effect). Moreover, an overshadowing effect (i.e., decreased responding due to compound conditioning) was observed when conditioning was conducted with a short cue, but compound conditioning resulted in enhanced responding when it was conducted with a long cue (i.e., reversed overshadowing). These findings are consistent with other recent demonstrations that some laws of learning that apply to elementally trained cues do not similarly apply to cues trained in compound.  相似文献   

The present series of experiments was designed to assess whether rule-based accounts of Pavlovian learning can account for cue competition effects observed after elemental training. All experiments involved initial differential conditioning training with A-US and B alone presentations. Miscuing refers to the fact that responding to A is impaired after one B-US presentation whereas interference is the impairment of responding to A after presentation of C-US pairings. Omission refers to the effects on B of A alone presentations. Experiments 1-2a provided clear evidence for miscuing whereas interference was not found after 1, 5 or 10 C-US pairings. Moreover, Experiments 3 and 3a found only weak evidence for interference in an A-US, B ∣ C-US, D ∣ A design used previously to show the effect. Experiments 4 and 5 failed to find any effect of US omission after one or five omission trials. The present results indicate that miscuing is more robust than is the interference effect. Moreover, the asymmetrical effects of US miscuing and US omission are difficult to accommodate within rule-based accounts of Pavlovian conditioning.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that encoding multiple cues enhances hypermnesia. College students were presented with 36 (Experiment 1) or 60 (Experiments 2 and 3) sets of words and were asked to encode the sets under single- or multiple-cue conditions. In the single-cue conditions, each set consisted of a cue and a target. In the multiple-cue conditions, each set consisted of three cues and a target. Following the presentation of the word sets, the participants received either three cued recall tests (Experiments 1 and 2) or three free recall tests (Experiment 3). With this manipulation, we observed greater hypermnesia in the multiple-cue conditions than in the single-cue conditions. Furthermore, the greater hypermnesic recall resulted from increased reminiscence rather than reduced intertest forgetting. The present findings support the hypothesis that the availability of multiple retrieval cues plays an important role in hypermnesia.  相似文献   

In each of three experiments animals received blocking, A+ AX+, in which food was always presented after one stimulus, A, that was occasionally accompanied by another stimulus, X. They also received a simple discrimination, AX+ BX-, in which the presence and absence of food was signaled by two compounds that contained one unique cue, A or B, and one common cue, X. In each of these designs, X can be said to be redundant relative to A as a signal for food. Test trials at the end of training revealed that responding during X was stronger after blocking than after the simple discrimination. These results contradict predictions from theories of learning that assume changes in associative strength of a stimulus are determined by a global error term based on the outcome predicted by all the stimuli that are present for a conditioning trial. The results are interpreted, instead, by assuming either that animals store a memory of every trial to which they have been exposed, or that learning is governed by an error term based on the significance of individual stimuli.  相似文献   

On the basis of a conditioning analysis of drug tolerance, drug-associated cues become associated with the drug effect. These cues elicit conditional compensatory responses and modulate the expression of tolerance. Although there are many findings consistent with the conditioning analysis of tolerance, there also are contrary findings. The results of these experiments suggest that some of the apparently contradictory findings result because interoceptive pharmacological cues, as well as exteroceptive environmental cues, are paired with a drug effect. That is, within each administration, early drug-onset cues may become associated with the later, larger drug effect, and these pharmacological cues may overshadow simultaneously present environmental cues. We demonstrate the contribution of such intraadministration associations to tolerance to the analgesic effect of morphine and to the expression of conditional compensatory hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined how cross-list directional associations influenced list-method directed forgetting and the degree of interference observed on each list. Each List 1 item had a (a) bidirectionally related item on List 2 (chip <----> potato), (b) forward association with an item on List 2 (chip --> wood), (c) backward association from an item on List 2 (chip <-- chisel), or (d) no relationship with List 2 items. The results revealed that associative relationships that eliminated retroactive interference in the baseline condition also eliminated the directed forgetting costs. In contrast, associative relationships did not affect List 2 recall in the forget group, which remained unchanged across experimental conditions. However, certain conditions reduced proactive interference in the remember group, thereby eliminating the benefits of directed forgetting. The directed forgetting costs and benefits were observed independently of each other. The authors propose that these effects emerged from a combination of item and context strengthening induced by different associative directions.  相似文献   

近年来,研究者们将“治疗联盟”(Therapeutic Alliance,TA)的概念与在线自助干预(Internet-based Self-help Interventions,ISIs)相结合,以解决ISIs中用户参与度较低的问题。这种在数字环境中形成的TA,被称之为“数字治疗联盟”(Digital Therapeutic Alliance, DTA)。随着人工智能的迅速发展,聊天机器人可模拟人类指导,相对于传统ISIs程序更易于与用户建立关系,可通过友好、尊重、倾听、鼓励、真诚、理解、信任这几个关系线索来促进DTA的发展,为解决用户低参与度的问题提供了一种新思路。未来的研究可从影响因素、ISIs技术迭代、测量规范、实验操纵等方面对DTA作进一步的探索。  相似文献   

Two types of theories are usually invoked to account for cue-interaction effects in human-contingency learning, performance-based theories, such as the comparator hypothesis and statistical models, and learning-based theories, such as associative models. Interestingly, the former models predict two important cue-interaction effects, forward and backward blocking, should affect responding in a similar manner, whereas learning-based models predict the effect of forward blocking should be larger than the effect of backward blocking. Previous experiments involved important methodological problems, and results have been contradictory. The present experiment was designed to explore potential asymmetries between forward and backward blocking. Analyses yielded similar effect sizes, thereby favoring the explanation by performance-based models.  相似文献   

Learning in a well-established paradigm of probabilistic category learning, the weather prediction task, has been assumed to be mediated by a variety of strategies reflecting explicit learning processes, such as hypothesis testing, when it is administered to young healthy participants. Higher categorization accuracy has been observed in the task when explicit processes are facilitated. We hypothesized that furnishing verbal labels for the cues would boost the formation, testing, and application of verbal rules, leading to higher categorization accuracy. We manipulated the availability of cue names by training separate groups of participants for three consecutive days to associate hard-to-name artificial auditory cues to pseudowords or to hard-to-name ideograms, or to associate stimulus intensity with colors; a fourth group remained unexposed to the cues. Verbal labels, cue individuation, and exposure to the stimulus set each had an additive effect on categorization performance in a subsequent 200-trial session of the weather prediction task using these auditory cues. This study suggests that cue nameability, when controlled for cue individuation and cue familiarity, has an effect on hypothesis-testing processes underlying category learning.  相似文献   

《Cognitive psychology》1984,16(2):217-242
Several researchers have shown that the time required to retrieve a sentence increases with the number of unrelated facts learned about concepts in that sentence. L. M. Reder and J. R. Anderson (1980, Cognitive Psychology, 12, 447–472) have argued that such fan effects also occur when the facts are integrated, provided that subjects must carry out a search of memory. In the present set of three experiments, we followed Reder and Anderson's procedure but, in a highintegration condition, used facts that were causally linked. In the first experiment, recall and recognition accuracy were better when fan was six than when it was three, and this effect was more pronounced in a high- than in a low-integration condition. In the second experiment, the overall fan effect was negative for recognition time in the high-integration condition, whereas in the low-integration condition, we obtained the usual positive fan effect. In the third experiment, subjects learned the materials on their own to provide a better opportunity for them to integrate facts. All fan effects became smaller or more negative relative to those observed in the preceding study. We consider a class of models for the findings in which subjects use confirming and disconfirming evidence as a basis for early termination of search.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to compare valid and invalid cue conditions for peripheral and central cues. Experiments 1, 3, and 4 used reaction time (RT) as the dependent variable. Experiment 2 used a threshold measure. Peripheral and central cues were presented on each trial. The peripheral cue was uninformative in all experiments. The central cue was informative in Experiments 1 and 2, where it predicted stimulus side on 70% of the trials. Experiment 3 included 50% and 100% central-cue prediction conditions as well as the 70% treatment. Experiment 4 included 60%, 75%, and 90% central-cue prediction conditions. The effects of the central and peripheral cues were independent and additive in all four experiments, indicating that: (1) both cue types can act simultaneously, and that the relationship between them is additive under the conditions used in these experiments, (2) informativeness is not a necessary condition for attentional effects with peripheral cues, and (3) covert visual orientation influences sensory thresholds and RT in similar ways. The results of Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrated that the facilitation associated with peripheral cues was insensitive to manipulations which demonstrate that subjects use the informational value of the central cue to direct voluntary attention. The results are discussed with reference to two issues; first, the proposition that central and peripheral cues exert their influence on performance in independent information-processing stages, following the additive factor method, and, second, the problems raised for additive factors method when cues elicit both an “explicit” response—regarding the presence or absence of a specified letter—and an “implicit response”—involving the planning and possible execution of eye and hand movements.  相似文献   

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