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贾志平  张志杰 《心理科学》2014,37(3):536-541
本研究采用抽象数量和实际数量叠加的方式呈现刺激,进一步探讨数量对时间知觉的影响。两个实验都运用时间的系列比较任务,以抽象数量和实际数量这两种数量的一致和不一致为条件,将阿拉伯数字和其字体大小叠加及阿拉伯数字和其呈现个数叠加的方式系列呈现在屏幕中央,要求被试比较判断刺激呈现的时间长短。结果显示被试均依靠实际数量的大小判断时间长短,而似乎忽略了抽象数量的存在。这一结果表明实际数量对时间知觉的影响要比抽象数量大,支持并扩展了数量理论。  相似文献   

ATOM (a theory of magnitude) suggests that magnitude information of different formats (numbers, space, and time) is processed within a generalized magnitude network. In this study we investigated whether loudness, as a possible indicator of intensity and magnitude, interacts with the processing of numbers. Small and large numbers, spoken in a quiet and a loud voice, were simultaneously presented to the left and right ear (Experiments 1a and 1b). Participants judged whether the number presented to the left or right ear was louder or larger. Responses were faster when the smaller number was spoken in a quiet voice, and the larger number in a loud voice. Thus, task-irrelevant numerical information influenced the processing of loudness and vice versa. This bi-directional link was also confirmed by classical SNARC paradigms (spatial–numerical association of response codes; Experiments 2a–2c) when participants again judged the magnitude or loudness of separately presented stimuli. In contrast, no loudness–number association was found in a parity judgment task. Regular SNARC effects were found in the magnitude and parity judgment task, but not in the loudness judgment task. Instead, in the latter task, response side was associated with loudness. Possible explanations for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Research into the perception of space, time and quantity has generated three separate literatures. That number can be represented spatially is, of course, well accepted and forms a basis for research into spatial aspects of numerical processing. Links between number and time or between space and time, on the other hand, are rarely discussed and the shared properties of all three systems have not been considered. I propose here that time, space and quantity are part of a generalized magnitude system. I outline A Theory Of Magnitude (ATOM) as a conceptually new framework within which to re-interpret the cortical processing of these elements of the environment.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the mental representation of the fraction magnitude was componential and/or holistic in a numerical comparison task performed by adults. In Experiment 1, the comparison of fractions with common numerators (x/a_x/b) and of fractions with common denominators (a/x_b/x) primed the comparison of natural numbers. In Experiment 2, fillers (i.e., fractions without common components) were added to reduce the regularity of the stimuli. In both experiments, distance effects indicated that participants compared the numerators for a/x_b/x fractions, but that the magnitudes of the whole fractions were accessed and compared for x/a_x/b fractions. The priming effect of x/a_x/b fractions on natural numbers suggested that the interference of the denominator magnitude was controlled during the comparison of these fractions. These results suggested a hybrid representation of their magnitude (i.e., componential and holistic). In conclusion, the magnitude of the whole fraction can be accessed, probably by estimating the ratio between the magnitude of the denominator and the magnitude of the numerator. However, adults might prefer to rely on the magnitudes of the components and compare the magnitudes of the whole fractions only when the use of a componential strategy is made difficult.  相似文献   

Studies have reported high correlations in accuracy across estimation contexts, robust transfer of estimation training to novel numerical contexts, and adults drawing mistaken analogies between numerical and fractional values. We hypothesized that these disparate findings may reflect the benefits and costs of learning linear representations of numerical magnitude. Specifically, children learn that their default logarithmic representations are inappropriate for many numerical tasks, leading them to adopt more appropriate linear representations despite linear representations being inappropriate for estimating fractional magnitude. In Experiment 1, this hypothesis accurately predicted a developmental shift from logarithmic to linear estimates of numerical magnitude and a negative correlation between accuracy of numerical and fractional magnitude estimates (r = −.80). In Experiment 2, training that improved numerical estimates also led to poorer fractional magnitude estimates. Finally, both before and after training that eliminated age differences in estimation accuracy, complementary sex differences were observed across the two estimation contexts.  相似文献   

In line bisection tasks, adults and children bisect towards the numerically larger of two nonsymbolic numerosities [de Hevia, M. D., & Spelke, E. S. (2009 de Hevia, M. D., & Spelke, E. S. (2009). Spontaneous mapping of number and space in adults and young children. Cognition, 110, 198207. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2008.11.003[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Spontaneous mapping of number and space in adults and young children. Cognition, 110, 198–207. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2008.11.003]. However, it is not clear whether this effect is driven by number itself or rather by visual cues such as subtended area [Gebuis, T., & Gevers, W. (2011 Gebuis, T., & Gevers, W. (2011). Numerosities and space: Indeed a cognitive illusion! A reply to de Hevia and Spelke (2009). Cognition, 121, 248252. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2010.09.008[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Numbers and space: Indeed a cognitive illusion! A reply to de Hevia and Spelke (2009 de Hevia, M. D., & Spelke, E. S. (2009). Spontaneous mapping of number and space in adults and young children. Cognition, 110, 198207. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2008.11.003[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Cognition, 121, 248–252. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2010.09.008]. Furthermore, this effect has only been demonstrated with flanking displays of two and nine items. Here, we report three studies that examined whether this “spatial bias” effect occurs across a range of absolute and ratio numerosity differences; in particular, we examined whether the bias would occur when both flankers were outside the subitizing range. Additionally, we manipulated the subtended area of the stimulus and the aggregate surface area to assess the influence of visual cues. We found that the spatial bias effect occurred for a range of flanking numerosities and for ratios of 3:5 and 5:6 when subtended area was not controlled (Experiment 1). However, when subtended area and aggregate surface area were held constant, the biasing effect was reversed such that participants bisected towards the flanker with fewer items (Experiment 2). Moreover, when flankers were identical, participants bisected towards the flanker with larger subtended area or larger aggregate surface area (Experiments 2 and 3). On the basis of these studies, we conclude that the spatial bias effect for nonsymbolic numerosities is primarily driven by visual cues.  相似文献   

Rousselle L  Noël MP 《Cognition》2007,102(3):361-395
Forty-five children with mathematics learning disabilities, with and without comorbid reading disabilities, were compared to 45 normally achieving peers in tasks assessing basic numerical skills. Children with mathematics disabilities were only impaired when comparing Arabic digits (i.e., symbolic number magnitude) but not when comparing collections (i.e., non-symbolic number magnitude). Moreover, they automatically processed number magnitude when comparing the physical size of Arabic digits in an Stroop paradigm adapted for processing speed differences. Finally, no evidence was found for differential patterns of performance between MD and MD/RD children in these tasks. These findings suggest that children with mathematics learning disabilities have difficulty in accessing number magnitude from symbols rather than in processing numerosity per se.  相似文献   

Age-related differences in time estimation were examined by comparing the temporal performance of young, young–old, and old–old adults, in relation to two major theories of cognitive aging: executive decline and cognitive slowing. We tested the hypothesis that processing speed and executive function are differentially involved in timing depending on the temporal task used. We also tested the assumption of greater age-related effects in time estimation in old–old participants. Participants performed two standard temporal tasks: duration production and duration reproduction. They also completed tests measuring executive function and processing speed. Findings supported the view that executive function is the best mediator of reproduction performance and inversely that processing speed is the best mediator of production performance. They also showed that young–old participants provide relatively accurate temporal judgments compared to old–old participants. These findings are discussed in terms of compensation mechanisms in aging.  相似文献   

In the present study an assumption of retrieval theories of negative priming was tested. In particular, retrieval theories assume that the same underlying process causes benefits in target-to-target repetition trials and cost effects in distractor-to-target repetition trials in selection tasks in which targets are accompanied by distractor stimuli. More specifically, retrieval theories predict a negative correlation: The higher the benefit in target-to-target repetition trials is, the higher the cost effect in distractor-to-target repetition trials should be. In fact, in a study with considerable power (N = 110) and a design that allowed a confound-free detection of correlations, I observed a significant negative correlation between benefit and cost effects. This result is interpreted as evidence for a common retrieval mechanism.  相似文献   

Eight human subjects pressed a lever on a range of variable-interval schedules for 0.25¢ to 35.0¢ per reinforcement. Herrnstein's hyperbola described seven of the eight subjects' response-rate data well. For all subjects, the y-asymptote of the hyperbola increased with increasing reinforcer magnitude and its reciprocal was a linear function of the reciprocal of reinforcer magnitude. These results confirm predictions made by linear system theory; they contradict formal properties of Herrnstein's account and of six other mathematical accounts of single-alternative responding.  相似文献   

K Turano 《Perception》1991,20(4):455-466
Selective adaptation effects were measured with contrast-modulated patterns and sine-wave gratings in order to determine the extent to which the two patterns are processed by common mechanisms. Direction-specific adaptation effects were measured for a contrast-modulated adapting pattern and a test pattern. The contrast-modulated adapting pattern was composed of a sine-wave grating of 8 cycles deg-1 whose contrast was spatially modulated by a sinusoid of 1 cycle deg-1 at one of four levels: 100%, 60%, 30%, or 0%. The results showed that contrast-modulation thresholds for contrast-modulated gratings were raised by 0.3 to 0.5 log units following adaptation to a contrast-modulated grating moving in the same direction as the test pattern, relative to thresholds obtained following adaptation to a contrast-modulated grafting moving in the opposite direction. Cross-adaptation effects were also measured with a sine-wave adapting pattern and a contrast-modulated test pattern. The sine-wave adapting pattern was a sine-wave grating of 1 cycle deg-1 whose contrast was set to one of three levels: 16.4%, 1.25%, or 0%. The contrast-modulated test pattern was a sine-wave grating of 8 cycles deg-1 whose contrast was modulated by a sinusoid of 1 cycle deg-1. The results revealed that contrast-modulation thresholds for contrast-modulated gratings were raised by approximately 0.25 log units following adaptation to moving sine-wave gratings, relative to thresholds obtained following adaptation to a uniform field. Cross-adaptation effects were also obtained with a contrast-modulated adapting pattern and a sine-wave test pattern. The results support the view that signals generated from luminance-domain stimuli and from contrast-domain stimuli are processed by a common motion mechanism.  相似文献   

Ito Y  Hatta T 《Memory & cognition》2003,31(3):360-368
Two experiments were conducted with the following objectives (1) to replicate the finding of similar semantic representation of Arabic and written-word (Kanji and Kana) numbers with a direct numerical task, (2) to investigate the automatic semantic processing of Arabic and written-word numbers, and (3) to verify whether the assumption of a common semantic representation is valid in an indirect numerical task. Subjects were asked to judge which of two numbers (e.g, 6-8) was larger either in its numerical size (Experiment 1) or in its physical size (Experiment 2) using the three notations. Effects of two factors were analyzed: the congruity between numerical and physical size and the numerical distance. The effects of these factors were very similar across the three notations in Experiment 1, but were drastically different in Experiment 2. The results of Experiment 2 demonstrated the nonsemantic processing of Kana numbers, and suggest that there may be separate semantic representations for Arabic and Kanji numbers.  相似文献   

David Navon 《Cognition》1978,6(3):223-228
Several observations about the way humans conceive of attributes, changes and covariation of stimuli are presented as indications for the existence of a conceptual hierarchy of dimensions in which time dominates space, and space dominates every other dimension.  相似文献   

在视觉工作记忆加工过程中, 对记忆项目的维持及操作需要将转瞬即逝的感觉输入转换为稳定的记忆表征, 这一加工过程被定义为视觉工作记忆巩固。鉴于巩固在视觉工作记忆中所起到的“门控”作用, 研究者们已经发展出多种研究范式对其可能涉及的运作机制进行探讨。然而, 在不同范式下所观察到的巩固时程存在较大差异, 其所遵循的巩固模式也尚不清晰。此外, 对于巩固所涉及的理论及神经机制亦存在不同的观点。通过对比不同范式的差异性及梳理各方的观点, 可以有效推动这些问题的解决。未来研究除了可以在多种范式下对巩固模式进行验证, 还可以探究注意在巩固中的作用, 以及项目熟悉性等因素会对巩固加工产生何种影响。  相似文献   

Orientation-contingent color aftereffects have been interpreted by nonassociative mechanisms (adaptation of neural units that are both color and orientation specific) and by associative mechanisms (conditioning resulting from the pairing of pattern and hue). To evaluate associative accounts, contingent aftereffects were induced by exposing subjects to compound chromatic grid patterns consisting of two component gratings: one was horizontal or vertical, and the other a left- or right-learning diagonal. The ability of a component grating to elicit a color aftereffect depended on the relative salience and the aftereffect training history of the grating components. That is, orientation-contingent color aftereffects, like other conditional responses, display overshadowing and blocking. The results suggest that conditioning contributes to these aftereffects.  相似文献   

Subjects judged the disutility of health conditions (e.g. blindness) using one of them (e.g. blindness+deafness) as a standard, using three elicitation methods: analog scale (AS, how bad is blindness compared to blindness+deafness?); magnitude estimation (ME, blindness+deafness is how many times as bad as blindness?); and person trade‐off (PTO, how many people cured of blindness is as good as 10 people cured of blindness+deafness?). ME disutilities of the less bad condition were smallest, and AS was highest. Interleaving PTO with ME made PTO more like ME. AS disutilities were inconsistent with direct judgments of differences between pairs of conditions. ME and PTO judgments were internally inconsistent: e.g. the disutility of one‐eye‐blindness relative to blindness+deafness was larger than predicted from comparison of each to blindness. Consistency training reduced inconsistency, increased agreement between AS and PTO, and transferred from one method to the other. The results support the use of consistency checks in utility elicitation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Buetti S  Kerzel D 《Acta psychologica》2008,129(3):420-428
In the Simon effect, responses to a non-spatial attribute are faster when the irrelevant spatial position of the stimulus corresponds to the position of the response. It was suggested that there are two distinct mechanisms involved in the Simon effect. In the visuomotor Simon effect, the stimulus transiently activates the corresponding response which results in a decaying Simon effect function (i.e., the Simon effect decreases in slower reaction time [RT]-bins). In contrast, the cognitive Simon effect arises from a conflict between stimulus and response codes and is associated with a stable Simon effect function (i.e., the Simon effect is the same in fast and slow RT-bins). We recorded RTs and motor parameters of pointing movements in a Simon paradigm. Consistent with the previous research, the time course of the Simon effect in RTs was stable with vertical visual and horizontal acoustic stimuli (cognitive Simon tasks), but decreased with horizontal visual stimuli (visuomotor Simon task). In contrast, the Simon effect in motor parameters decreased across RT-bins in all conditions, supporting the idea that only a single, common mechanism underlies the Simon effect.  相似文献   

研究选取122名3到5岁幼儿,同时测量了选择性信任、心理理论和执行功能,并控制了幼儿的语言能力,通过追踪研究进行交叉滞后回归分析探讨了幼儿选择性信任与心理理论和执行功能之间的关联。结果表明:幼儿的选择性信任与执行功能呈显著正相关,控制了幼儿的年龄和语言能力之后,相关仍然显著;第一年的选择性信任可以正向预测第二年的执行功能,而第一年的执行功能不能预测第二年的选择性信任;选择性信任与心理理论之间不存在纵向的相互关联。该结果为幼儿选择性信任领域的争议提供了重要的证据支持。  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the effects of extinction on aggressive responding in male college students. In Experiment 1 subjects initially performed on a task where shuttle responding was either continuously or partially reinforced with tokens while either a nonaggressive button-pressing response or an aggressive pad-striking response was concurrently reinforced by escape from a moderately aversive tone. During shuttle acquisition there was clear preference for the escape response of button pressing, but when shuttle responding was extinguished subjects began to respond aggressively by striking the pad to escape. The time course of aggressive escape responses during concurrent shuttle extinction was an inverted U; aggressive responding rose to a peak and then declined. Aggressive responding began earlier in extinction following continuous- as contrasted with partial-reinforcement shuttle training. Experiment 2 showed that similar extinction-induced aggression was precipitated by both moderate and extended continuous-reinforcement shuttle training, with earlier onset after extended reinforcement. Experiment 3 ruled out the possibility that the emergence of the pad-striking response during extinction was simply induced response variation. These data were interpreted within the theoretical framework of P.T.P. Wong's recently advanced stage model of extinction (Animal Learning and Behavior, 1978,6, 82–93).  相似文献   

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