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This study examined the effect of the variability of representation of durations in reference memory on temporal discrimination performance in children aged 5 and 8 years as well as in adults using a bisection (Experiment 1) and a generalization task (Experiment 2). In each task, the participants were familiarized before the blocks of tested trials with either the same referent duration values (fixed condition) or a distribution of referent duration values, with a mean equal to the referent durations used in the fixed condition and a .20 coefficient of variation (variable condition). The results showed that the sensitivity to duration was lower in the variable than in the fixed condition in the children and, to a lesser extent, in the adults. The modelling of the data indicated that this effect was due to the increase in the variability of the representation of durations in reference memory, but also to changes in the decisional processes.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 compared the temporal performance of 5-year-olds, 8-year-olds and adults in a bisection task with and without referent durations (similarity vs. partition). The results showed that temporal sensitivity was lower in the partition than in the similarity condition in children, whereas it was similar in these two conditions in the adults. In addition, the 5-year-olds produced a higher bisection point value in the partition than in the similarity task. Experiment 2, which examined changes in bisection performance over the trial blocks in the partition task, revealed that the 5-year-olds' bisection performance improved over the trial blocks, whereas the performance of the older participants did not. Further analyses revealed a greater variability in the establishment of the duration criterion in young children.  相似文献   

Children, aged 5 and 8 years, and adults were tested in a bisection task with a sequence of stimuli in which time and number co-varied. In a counting and a non-counting condition, they were instructed either to process the duration of this sequence while ignoring the number of stimuli (temporal bisection), or to process the number of stimuli while ignoring the duration (numerical bisection). In the temporal bisection task, number interfered with the 5-year-olds' temporal performance, indicating that young children did not process time and number independently in a sequence of stimuli when they had to attend to duration. However, number interference decreased both with age and counting strategy. In contrast, in the numerical bisection task, duration did not interfere with numerical discrimination for any age group.  相似文献   

In children aged 5 and 8 years old as well as in adults, Experiment 1 tested the effect of feedback on temporal performance using a bisection task. Experiment 2 added a no-forced-choice condition by giving the participants the possibility of responding “I don't know”. The results of Experiment 1 showed that providing feedback increased the bisection point value (point of subjective equality) in all age groups and increased sensitivity to time in the youngest children. The results of Experiment 2 showed that the proportion of “I don't know” responses peaked at the probe duration close to the arithmetic mean of the two anchor durations and decreased as the distance from this central value increased in both the adults and the 8-year-olds. In the 5-year-olds, the proportion of “I don't know” responses was lower and remained constant whatever the probe duration values. Unlike in the youngest children, giving the adults and the 8-year-olds the opportunity to respond “I don't know” increased their sensitivity to time. The modelling of our data suggests that providing feedback in a temporal bisection task affects both the memory and the decision processes. However, whereas the feedback-related effect had a similar effect on decision processes across the age groups, it had an opposite effect on memory processes in the 5-year-olds and the older participants, decreasing the variability of the memory representation of the anchor durations in the former while increasing it in the latter. Finally, in bisection, feedback only improved temporal performance when the memory for duration was imprecise as in the case of the children.  相似文献   

Grassi M  Bonato M 《Perception》2012,41(4):498-500
Abstract. We discuss the results of Vicario (2011, Perception 40 23-29), in the light of an experiment designed to bypass some of the limits of that study. There, participants were asked to perform a temporal bisection on numerical stimuli (small or large digits) presented either for 700/900 ms or 2000/2200 ms. For the two longest durations only, bisections of larger digits occurred later than those of smaller digits. Here, subjects judged the temporal position of a flick occurring during the visual presentation of a digit (1, 5, or 9) which lasted on the screen for either 700 ms or 2000 ms. Results revealed no difference in the perceived temporal midpoints of large compared to small digits. In contrast, they showed a response bias: only with the shortest-duration stimuli the digit's magnitude affected the subject's response.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained in a change detection task with four colors. They were shown two colored circles on a sample array, followed by a test array with the color of one circle changed. The pigeons learned to choose the changed color and transferred their performance to four unfamiliar colors, suggesting that they had learned a generalized concept of color change. They also transferred performance to test delays several times their 50-msec training delay without prior delay training. The accurate delay performance of several seconds suggests that their change detection was memory based, as opposed to a perceptual attentional capture process. These experiments are the first to show that an animal species (pigeons, in this case) can learn a change detection task identical to ones used to test human memory, thereby providing the possibility of directly comparing short-term memory processing across species.  相似文献   

Two theoretical approaches to the representation of Time and Location Markers in Memory were contrasted. According to predictions derived from one approach, the amount of forgetting will be the same for two-proposition sentences and sentences with a single proposition and a Time or a Location marker. According to the other approach, the amount of forgetting will be the same for one-proposition sentences and sentences with a Time or a Location Marker. Propositional structure and the level of within-sentence associations were orthogonally varied to create eight within-subject experimental conditions. Ninety subjects studied 40 sentences and were required to recall then. Four dependent variables were used: number of sentences completely recalled, number of sentences partially recalled, number of sentences where information was lost from within the proposition, and number of sentences where a complete proposition was lost. The results suggest that Time and Location markers are represented in memory as arguments in a proposition rather than as separate propositions. Level of associations within the sentence seems to have a different effect when the sentence is composed of one or two propositions. The results also suggest that there may be differences between the representations of Time and Location markers.  相似文献   

Bisection tasks are used in research on normal space and time perception and to assess the perceptual distortions accompanying neurological disorders. Several variants of the bisection task are used, which often yield inconsistent results, prompting the question of which variant is most dependable and which results are to be trusted. We addressed this question using theoretical and experimental approaches. Theoretical performance in bisection tasks is derived from a general model of psychophysical performance that includes sensory components and decisional processes. The model predicts how performance should differ across variants of the task, even when the sensory component is fixed. To test these predictions, data were collected in a within-subjects study with several variants of a spatial bisection task, including a two-response variant in which observers indicated whether a line was transected to the right or left of the midpoint, a three-response variant (which included the additional option to respond “midpoint”), and a paired-comparison variant of the three-response format. The data supported the model predictions, revealing that estimated bisection points were least dependable with the two-response variant, because this format confounds perceptual and decisional influences. Only the three-response paired-comparison format can separate out these influences. Implications for research in basic and clinical fields are discussed.  相似文献   

Gamache PL  Grondin S 《Perception》2010,39(11):1431-1451
To further explore how memory influences time judgments, we conducted two experiments on the lifespan of temporal representations in memory. Penney et al (2000, Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception and Performance 26 1770-1787) reported that the perceived duration of auditorily and visually marked intervals differs only when both marker-type intervals are compared directly. This finding can be explained by a 'memory-mixing' process, whereby the memory trace of previous intervals influences the perception of upcoming ones, which are then added to the memory content. In the experiments discussed here, we manipulated the mixing mode of auditory/visual signal presentations. In experiment 1, signals from the same modality were either grouped by blocks or randomised within blocks. The results showed that the auditory/visual difference decreased but remained present when modalities were grouped by blocks. In experiment 2, we used a line-segmentation task. The results showed that, after a training block was performed in one modality, the perceived duration of signals from the other modality was distorted for at least 30 trials and that the magnitude of the difference decreased as the block went on. The results of both experiments highlight the influence of memory on time judgments, providing empirical support to, and quantitative portrayal of, the memory-mixing process.  相似文献   

Laboratory measures play an important role in the study of aggression because they allow researchers to make causal inferences. However, these measures have also been criticized. In particular, the competitive reaction time task (CRTT) has been criticized for allowing aggression to be operationalized in multiple ways, leaving it susceptible to “p-hacking.” This article describes the development of the CRTT and the ways in which its paradigm flexibility and analytic flexibility allows it to test a wide range of hypotheses and research questions. This flexibility gives the CRTT significant scientific utility, but as with any research paradigm, comes with the obligation that it has to be used with integrity. Although safeguards exist and there is little evidence of misuse, study preregistration can increase confidence in CRTT findings. The importance of findings such as those of Hyatt et al. (in press), which provide further evidence for the validity of the CRTT, are also noted.  相似文献   

The relationship during a simple reaction time task between heart rate and four measures of task irrelevant somatic activity was evaluated in four age groups of children, i.e., 4-, 5-, 8-, and 10-year-olds and young adults, in order to evaluate further a hypothesized coupling of cardiac and somatic activity. At all age levels, phasic decreases in both heart rate and somatic activity coincident with performance were found with the magnitude of the effect increasing with age only on three somatic measures. However, tonic levels of both heart rate and somatic activity decreased with age. Performance on the reaction task was found to be inversely related to the age-related phasic somatic effects as well as age-related tonic heart rate and somatic activity.  相似文献   

Even though Transformers are extensively used for Natural Language Processing tasks, especially for machine translation, they lack an explicit memory to store key concepts of processed texts. This paper explores the properties of the content of symbolic working memory added to the Transformer model decoder. Such working memory enhances the quality of model predictions in machine translation task and works as a neural-symbolic representation of information that is important for the model to make correct translations. The study of memory content revealed that translated text keywords are stored in the working memory, pointing to the relevance of memory content to the processed text. Also, the diversity of tokens and parts of speech stored in memory correlates with the complexity of the corpora for machine translation task.  相似文献   

In the continuous response (CR) task, the subject is given the name of a familiar category and must respond with category examples within a fixed time limit. The response sequence and the interresponse times are the measured variables. A general model is proposed for performance in the CR task. The time taken to generate a response is identified with the shortest search time from among a set of simultaneous search processes. Each response has a generation probability that is a function of the parameters governing the search process durations. Data involving the category states in the United States are used to test the model. The model accounts for the performance of nearly all individuals in these data.This article is based on a dissertation completed at the University of California-Berkeley in partial fullfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in psychology. Portions of the article were presented at the joint meeting of the Psychometric and Classification Societies (June 1984) and at the meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology (August 1984). The authors wish to thank Barbara Mellers, Juliet Schaffer, Steve Palmer, and Eleanor Rosch for helpful comments.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of children's abilities to discriminate durations as a function of their ratio and examined whether the ability to discriminate durations that differed by a very difficult ratio is related to the development of attention capacities. Children aged 5 and 8 years, as well as adults, performed a series of temporal bisection tasks with a ratio between the short and the long anchor duration that was changed to control the difficulty of the task (5:6, 2:3, and 1:2) in two duration ranges (<1 s and >3 s). In addition, they completed neuropsychological tests in order to assess their short-term memory, working memory, and visual attention abilities. The results showed that, at ratios of 2:3 and 1:2, most participants were able to discriminate the anchor durations in bisection. However, their sensitivity to time improved, whatever the duration range, both as the distance between the anchor durations increased and with increasing age. For the smallest duration ratio (5:6), few of the children were able to discriminate the anchor durations in the bisection task in comparison to adults. Hierarchical regression analyses performed on the neuropsychological tests revealed that, for the 2:3 ratio between anchor durations, the participants' visual attention scores explained a large part of the variance in time sensitivity. The children's lower temporal sensitivity was probably due to their limited visual attention abilities, thus explaining the difficulty they experienced in discriminating very close durations (5:6).  相似文献   

The effects of aging on spatial memory performance of rats was studied in a holeboard task in which 4 of 16 holes were baited with food. Brown-Norway rats of five ages (4, 13, 19, 25, and 30 months) received a total of 80 acquisition trials. A clear age-related decline of spatial working and reference memory performance was found. The decline was most profound between 19 and 25 months of age. The speed of visiting holes and the development of a preferred pattern of hole-visits did not influence spatial discrimination performance. Correlational analysis supported the view that the working and reference memory measures represent distinct aspects of spatial memory.  相似文献   

Systematic changes in performance on memory tasks have been observed as a function of the number of prior items or lists learned. In an attempt to determine whether this was an ‘attentional’ phenomenon the effect of arousal (as indexed by Impulsivity and manipulated by caffeine) on memory performance was examined. One hundred college students were given either 4 mg of caffeine/kg body weight or a placebo and then shown four lists (two 24-item and two 80-item) of four letter words. A forced-choice recognition test for the last 20 items was given immediately after each list. The performance of the high impulsives who were given a placebo (least aroused subjects) declined as a function of the number of prior lists learned. Low impulsives (more aroused) showed significantly less decline. Caffeine significantly improved recognition memory especially on the final lists. Decrements in memory performance, as a function of number of prior litsts, are thus reduced by the same variables which reduce vigilance decrements. It is suggested that common explanations will be required.  相似文献   

The influence of the mode of presentation (simultaneous vs. sequential) on accuracy and latency of visuospatial recognition was explored in three experiments. In Experiment 1, two groups were administered a visuospatial task in which a number of positions were shown either simultaneously or sequentially (in a random order); memory was tested using a recognition procedure of visuospatial patterns, either identical or different (a single cell displaced). The results showed that (1) performance was higher in the simultaneous than in the sequential presentation, and (2) decision time increased with complexity in the sequential presentation but not in the simultaneous presentation. In Experiment 2, the same task was used in three conditions of presentation, simultaneous, random sequential, and ordered sequential; at test, a single location, rather than a pattern, was presented for recognition. The results showed that (1) performance was higher in the simultaneous and in the ordered sequential presentations than in the random sequential one, and (2) decision time increased with complexity. In Experiment 3, the same task was used in the same three conditions of presentation, simultaneous, random sequential, and ordered sequential; at test either an identical or a “displaced” pattern was presented for recognition. The results showed that (1) performance was equivalent in the three types of presentation, and (2) decision time increased with complexity for “hit” items; different patterns of linear relations were observed for “correct rejections” items. The results are interpreted in terms of the organisation of visuospatial working memory, and three types of encoding—extrafigural spatial encoding, visual pattern encoding, and spatial path encoding—were proposed.  相似文献   

The 2-4-6 rule discovery task introduced by Wason (1960) elicits generally poor hypothesis-testing behaviour as reflected by the underwhelming effort and creativity participants invest in the process before announcing their “best” guess. The traditional task departs from real-world hypothesis testing in a significant respect: Reasoners proceed to discover the rule solely from an internal representation of the problem space. Two studies reported here examined representational effects in the 2-4-6 task by developing task isomorphs that offered external, physically manipulable, representations of the dimensions of the problem space. These isomorphs led to a significantly higher incidence of successful rule discovery, driven by significantly greater diligence and creative exploration of the problem space, compared to other task isomorphs that did not offer such an external representation. These results confirm the fruitfulness of a research programme that explores the contextual determinants of sound hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

Subjects with eyes closed imagined a spot moving from cell to cell in a matrix in response to spoken instructions: Up, Down, Left, and Right. After 12 such moves from a given starting point, the subject indicated the final position of the spot. Accuracy was studied as a function of matrix order, which varied from 3 X 3 to 8 X 8. (Visual angles of the displayed matrices were also varied, from 4.6 degrees/cell in one experiment to 1 degree/cell in another, but with little or no effect on results.) The greatest decrement in accuracy occurred between 3 X 3 and 4 X 4 cells. Moreover, showing the subjects a systematic way of structuring matrices (i.e., of dividing them into parts that could be visualized more or less individually) improved performance markedly on all but the 3 X 3 matrix. These results, which agree fairly well with the verbal reports of the subjects, indicate that some capacity limitation of the image system is exceeded in going from a 3 X 3 to a 4 X 4 grid. Implications concerning the nature of imagery are discussed.  相似文献   

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