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本研究采用了多特征决策研究中的过程追踪技术,对人事筛选和挑选决策的策略进行了单步跳转和多步跳转分析与比较。结果发现,在人事挑选时,被试更多采用基于方案的补偿性策略,并以有关合适人选的心理映像为标准做出决策;而筛选时更多采用基于特征的非补偿策略以减少认知负荷,同时,以方案间比较为目的的补偿性策略也更多使用。这些策略变化体现了决策者的认知适应性。  相似文献   

凌文辁  李林彤 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1474-1476
本研究在研制学习过程问卷的基础上,探讨了航修企业员工培训中学习动机与学习策略的匹配关系。研究表明:(1)学习方式包括学习动机和学习策略两个成分;(2)实用型学习动机的员工倾向于采用实用型学习策略,而应付型学习动机的员工倾向于采用应付型学习策略。这一结果证实了Marton等人关于学生的学习动机决定其学习策略的理论。  相似文献   

作假普遍存在于人事选拔各个阶段,并对最终选拔结果造成影响.研究者对于作假的内涵界定有较大差异,主要是由于研究者对作假结构、变异来源和作假水平有不同理解.根据不同作假定义可衍生出多种作假测量方法,常用的有基线差值法、认知模式法、嵌入量表法和行为模式法四类.从测量指标、次数和内容三个方面分析归纳这四类测量方法,其作假识别效用与选拔中作假测量的可行性各异.今后的研究应完善现有作假测量方法,开发作假动机测量工具,加强作假的过程性控制研究,并深入探索作假的个体差异.  相似文献   

概化理论是现代心理与教育测量理论之一,可应用在各种人事测评中,如表现性评价、多源评估、心理测验、结构化面试、水平测试、工作分析、评价中心等.与经典测量理论相比,概化理论应用于人事测评,表现出较强的优势,能够同时考察多种因素、确定多个维度权重等,其应用对象主要包括两大类,即企业和机构.概化理论应用于人事测评,存在应用领域、样本数据、测评效度和微观分析等问题.  相似文献   

人事决策信息利用和效能预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以 1 2 2名人事管理人员为被试 ,采用问卷测量法 ,分析了企业人事决策信息利用的现状 ,信息利用指标和效能的关系。结果发现 :1企业人事决策中比较重视能力要求信息、组织环境信息和个人档案材料 ,忽略心理特点信息的利用 ;2非程序信息、人职匹配信息对效能指标的直接预测力较强 ,其他指标的预测力较弱 ;3能力要求、考核成绩、个人档案材料等信息通过人职匹配信息的利用对效能指标产生影响。文章还构建了人事决策的效能预测模型 ,并讨论了研究结果对企业人事决策诊断和发展的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

人格测验在人事测评中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人事测评过程中,利用成熟的人格测验方法对管理者或应聘人员的人格特征进行诊断,可以为合理利用人力资源提供参考依据。文章首先强调了人格测验在人事测评中的必要性,在此基础上介绍了四种经典人格测验和三种管理情境中的人格测验,分析了人格测验在预测个体未来工作表现、工作风格以及实现人岗匹配方面所发挥的作用。最后,文章提出:加入社会评价性维度的人格测验可以鉴别个体是否具有健康人格,更好地发挥人格测验的三大功能。有助于企业在人事测评中合理使用人格测验。  相似文献   

中国的道家文化,几千年来一直是伟大的中华文化的支柱之一,为中华民族和中华文化的繁荣和发展作出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

大五人格理论与人事测评中的人格结构分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
吴正 《心理科学》1999,22(3):209-212
本研究以工商企业人事选拔工作中参与实际测评的成人被试为研究对象,采用因素分析方法对中国成人人格的内隐结构进行了分析,并对所获取得主要特质因素与大五人格理论模型的关系和差别进行了探讨。  相似文献   

人事智能是了解自己和他人的情绪情感、思想与行为并做出相应反应的能力,是成功人生必备的能力。马加爵事件除了暴露心理问题之外,也突现缺乏该能力。大学生的心理健康大成问题。其中仅次于学业问题的就是人际交往方面的问题。为了探讨大学生心理问题及其的解决方法,尝试从加强人事智能,优化心理品质,提高对心理问题的抵抗力角度入手加以研究。  相似文献   

当前,物流行业正处于发展阶段,物流教师提升自我,进行必要的师资培训十分重要,针对物流教师,培训工作坚持注重实效、联系实际、立足校本的原则,充分发挥校本培训的功能和优势,营造有利教师终生教育和可持续发展的良好环境,造就师德修养高、业务素质精、教学技能全、教学基本功过硬、具有一定教科研能力、适应新时期新课程改革需求的教师队伍。  相似文献   

临床药学作为一门新兴学科,是医院药学的一个分支。日本作为药学教育发展较快的发达国家,在临床药学人才培养领域积累了丰富的经验。在分析社会对临床药学人才需求的基础上,总结日本临床药学人才培养目标、培养模式及课程设置特点,期望为我国临床药学教育和人才培养模式改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study of a prisoners' subculture in a Nigerian prison dealt with the prisoners' interactions among themselves and their adaptations to the subculture. It did not deal, except in passing, with the official or formal prison organization, which is unusually different from prisons in the United States and Great Britain. The focus was on the principal values and practices of the subculture and the vulnerability to them of different groups of prisoners. Striking similarities were found between the subculture and the world outside the prison. The prisoners' world, however, parodies the outside world rather than being a reflection of it.  相似文献   

In Germany computer-simulated scenarios have been applied in personnel management for several years. Their goals are either to assess how potential managers cope with complex and connected problem states (job aptitude testing aspect) or to provide feedback on manager strengths and weaknesses in dealing with complexity, and how to modify these when necessary (training aspect). This paper presents and evaluates those scenarios that have been subjected to validity studies.  相似文献   

Various stimulus components (video, orally-presented questions) and response components (multiple-choice, written, orally-given replies) of situational judgement tests of occupational social competency were investigated as to their impact upon the validity for a behavior-oriented role playing criterion while keeping test content constant. The stimulus component video alone had no impact upon validity. The response components contributed to validity. Validity increased with improved fidelity of response components. Concerning stimulus-response-combinations, the validity of two video tests (r = 0.17 and r = 0.36) was not higher than the validity of similar oral questioning (r = 0.13 and r = 0.37) but was significantly lower than a situational interview (r = 0.59). Response fidelity proved to be a bottleneck regarding validity of video tests. As a result, it is recommended that, in order to maximize validity of video and multimedia efforts, the developers of video- and multimedia tests focus special attention on response fidelity.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Schabracq, Marc J., Winnibst, Jacques A.M. and Cooper, Cary L., Handbook of Work and Health Psychology Bandura, Albert, Self-efficacy: the exercise of control Wiggins, Jerry S. The Five-Factor Model of Personality. Theoretical Perspectives Arredondo, Patricia, Successful diversity management initiatives: a blueprint for planning and implementation  相似文献   

农村中医药人才的培养机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目前农村中医药人员的人员状况和从业素质令人担忧,主要存在人数减少、人员学识低下、临床能力不足等问题。发展中医药事业,重点是加强中医药人才的教育,培养出一批农村中医药人才骨干队伍,从而满足农村基层对中医药卫生医疗保健的需要。  相似文献   

Parent training is consistently highlighted as one of the most effective means of preventing delinquency and treating young children with conduct problems, and it has proven to be one of the most cost-effective interventions for doing so. There is, however, far less evidence supporting the efficacy of parent-training programs with adolescents and juvenile offenders. Nonetheless, it still seems to be one of the more promising methods for treating the behavior problems of adolescent delinquents, especially when used in conjunction with other carefully selected program components. We begin with an overview of parent training, highlighting the key components of successful programs. Research on the efficacy of parent training in the treatment of behavior problems among children and adolescents is discussed, particularly the differential impact of parental-training programs with specific groups of youths and families. We then discuss the ways in which parent training has been combined with other interventions in the treatment of delinquency. We conclude with a discussion of the problems encountered in implementing parent training, including recommendations for meeting the unique challenges of effective program implementation. The findings and conclusions of the research reported here are those of the authors and do not reflect the official positions or policies of the National Institute of Justice, The Office of Justice Programs, or the U.S. Department of Justice.  相似文献   

用于企业人事管理的《企业管理能力倾向测验》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《企业管理能力倾向测验》(简称MAT)的开发满足了企业改革的需要,企业管理职业能力倾向被界定为一种介乎于一般智力和具体的知识,技能之间的心理特点,MAT主要考究受测者与做好企业管理工作有关的那些影响较广,比较稳定,潜在的,不易受到环境影响的能力,MAT包括言语理解,数量关系,逻辑推理,资料分析和思维策略等5个部分,MAT经过两次预测和课目筛选,常模样本包括26个省市的149家企业2814名中层以上  相似文献   

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