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There has recently been a surge of development in augmented reality (AR) technologies that has led to an ecosystem of hardware and software for AR, including tools for artists and designers to accelerate the design of AR content and experiences without requiring complex programming. AR is viewed as a key “disruptive technology” and future display technologies (such as digital eyewear) will provide seamless continuity between reality and the digitally augmented. This article will argue that the technologization of human perception and experience of reality, coupled with the development of artificial intelligence (AI)–based natural language assistants, may lead to a secular re‐enchantment of the world, in the sense outlined by Charles Taylor, where human existence is shaped through AR inhabited by advanced personal and social AI agents in the form of digital avatars and daemons, and that enchantment has been persistent throughout the formation of modernity and is being rekindled by the integration of AI in the plane of AR.  相似文献   

The design and construction of a digital frequency discriminator, useful in various research and clinical applications of biofeedback, is presented. The module may be constructed for approximately $25 (excluding power supply and mounting hardware).  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed tremendous advancements in the computer hardware and software used to perform scientific visualization. In this paper, we consider how the visualization of a particular data set, the digital terrain model derived from the Viking orbiter imagery, has been realized in four distinct projects over this period. These examples serve to demonstrate how the vast improvements in computational performance both decrease the cost of such visualization efforts and permit an increasing level of interactivity. We then consider how even today’s graphical systems require the visualization designer to make intelligent choices and tradeoffs in database rendering. Finally, we discuss how insights gleaned from an understanding of human visual perception can guide these design decisions, and suggest new options for visualization hardware and software.  相似文献   

We describe an original client-server approach to behavioral research control and the Whisker system, a specific implementation of this design. The server process controls several types of hardware, including digital input/output devices, multiple graphical monitors and touchscreens, keyboards, mice, and sound cards. It provides a way to access this hardware for client programs, communicating with them via a simple text-based network protocol based on the standard Internet protocol. Clients to implement behavioral tasks may be written in any network-capable programming language. Applications to date have been in experimental psychology and behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, using rodents, humans, nonhuman primates, dogs, pigs, and birds. This system is flexible and reliable, although there are potential disadvantages in terms of complexity. Its design, features, and performance are described.  相似文献   

The AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) has initiated an important discussion on medical professionalism and the use of social media by issuing thoughtful and practical guidance for physicians and medical students. The implications of online activities for trust in the profession, as well as for trust between patient and doctor, however, will need further exploration as digital life expands and evolves.  相似文献   

Psychology celebrates diversity, recognizes the value and legitimacy of diverse beliefs, and strives to be inclusive. Yet, the profession lacks sociopolitical diversity. Most psychologists are politically liberal, and conservatives are vastly underrepresented in the profession. Moreover, when sociopolitical views guide the research, advocacy, or professional practice of psychologists, those views most often are liberal. The lack of political diversity in psychology has unintended negative consequences for research, policy advocacy, clinical practice, the design and implementation of social interventions, and professional education. It excludes or marginalizes conservatives and conservative views, having detrimental effects on the profession in each of these areas. This article examines the importance of political diversity and the negative consequences of its absence and provides strategies for increasing sociopolitical pluralism in psychology.  相似文献   

A series of modules provide students with the basic skills to set up and use a computer to run psychological experiments. The modules include basic knowledge of AC/DC power supplies, relay switching, analog/digital conversion, integrated circuit board design and soldering, and elementary programming (FORTH and BASIC). These skills are then utilized to build an interface board and to design and run actual on-line experiments. The hardware orientation is combined with computer skills and experimental methodology to allow students to experience all stages of modem psychological experimentation.  相似文献   

Counseling specialties are a natural result of a complex field. Regulation of the counseling profession has been sought and accomplished in most states. Whether the public is protected best by state regulation of the practice of counseling specialties is a question facing the profession. An alternative to governmental regulation of specialties is offered.  相似文献   

The speed at which technology evolves, and therefore the speed at which online mental health services evolve and the training required to keep up with them, has become a real concern for the profession. The need for training in transferring face-to-face skills to the online environment has been recognised for some years by leading professional organisations as not only desirable but also essential. In addition, there is an increasing need to keep abreast of digital culture and the type of online environments that clients inhabit. This applies to counsellors and therapists whatever space they are using to deliver services, which may be in the traditional face-to-face consulting room or using tools that enable therapy at a distance, such as the Internet.  相似文献   

Making decisions with an, often significant, element of risk seems to be an integral part of many of the projects of the diverse profession of engineering. Whether it be decisions about the design of products, manufacturing processes, public works, or developing technological solutions to environmental, social and global problems, risk taking seems inherent to the profession. Despite this, little attention has been paid to the topic and specifically to how our understanding of engineering as a distinctive profession might affect how we should make decisions under risk. This paper seeks to remedy this, firstly by offering a nuanced account of risk and then by considering how specific claims about our understanding of engineering as a social profession, with corresponding social values and obligations, should inform how we make decisions about risk in this context.  相似文献   

This study examines profile, research area, research activities, perception of psychology, self-image and profession-related satisfaction doctoral students of psychology in India. Seventy-seven participants responded to a mailed questionnaire. It has subsections related to self-image as researcher, student-supervisor relationship, research process, profession-related satisfaction, and status of psychology in India. It was observed that most participants belonged to urban background, middle class, and nuclear family. They perceived job opportunities in various fields and aspired most for teaching and research. Further, gender and financial assistance did not influence self-image and student-supervisor relationship. However, financial assistance influenced satisfaction with different aspects of profession. Implications of the findings are discussed in light of doctoral training of psychology in India and reorientation of psychology as a profession.  相似文献   

Psychological treatments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Psychology has recently identified itself as a health care profession and codified this change in the bylaws of the American Psychological Association. Although psychologists make a number of contributions to the nation's health--and mental health--the most identifiable activity focuses on treating physical or psychological pathology with psychological interventions. Recently, health care policymakers have established that evidence supporting the efficacy of these interventions is more than sufficient for their inclusion in health care systems around the world. To promote faster and more widespread dissemination of these interventions specifically targeting problems severe enough to be included in health care systems and to solidify the identification of psychology as a health care profession, perhaps it is time for a change in terminology. It is proposed that psychologists label these procedures psychological treatments so as to differentiate them from more generic psychotherapy, which is often used outside of the scope of health care systems.  相似文献   

Mobile technology has rapidly made digital games a popular entertainment to this digital generation, and thus digital game design received considerable attention in both the game industry and design education. Digital game design involves diverse dimensions in which digital game story design (DGSD) particularly attracts our interest, as the literature needs more information, especially the creativity assessment of DGSD. Existing measuring tools do not adequately address the characteristics of game-story duality. Thus, an analytic creativity assessment scale of DGSD (CAS-DGSD) based on literature and original ideas was developed in our previous work. This study aims to statistically examine its construct validity, internal consistency reliability, and interrater reliability to verify its effectiveness. Three commercial games of 3 different game genres (action, puzzle, and role-play) were rated by 32 student raters and 4 expert raters. Statistical results show acceptable construct validity, internal consistency reliability, and interrater reliability of the CAS-DGSD. The CAS-DGSD not only helps evaluators like teachers identify which aspects of DGSD are short of creativity, but also serves as a guideline for digital game story designers like design students and product developers to tailor creative and entertaining game stories.  相似文献   

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Primary School Teachers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stress within the teaching profession has a negative impact on the health and well-being of individual teachers and on retention and recruitment for the profession as a whole. There is increasing literature to suggest that Mindfulness is a useful intervention to address a variety of psychological problems, and that Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a particularly helpful intervention for stress. We investigated the effects of teaching a MBSR course to primary school teachers to reduce stress. The MBSR course was taught to a group of primary school teachers and evaluated to establish its effects on levels of anxiety, depression, and stress, as well as movement towards a stated goal and changes in awareness. The results showed improvement for most participants for anxiety, depression, and stress, some of which were statistically significant. There were also significant improvements on two of the four dimensions of a mindfulness skills inventory. These results suggest that this approach could be a potentially cost-effective method to combat teacher stress and burnout.  相似文献   

Researchers generally collect two dependent measures from most types of speeded responses: reaction time and error proportion. Recently, experimenters have tested lexical theories using alternative empirical measures, such as response force in decision tasks and response duration in naming tasks. We offer a set of software tools that expands the battery of dependent measures normally available to naming experimenters to include various duration and intensity measures of digitized voice recordings. This article explains the functionality, programming logic, and theoretical motivation behind each measure, as well as the software to support digitized naming experiments. The software runs in DOS on IBM-PC-compatible hardware with SoundBlaster 16-bit sound cards, and it takes advantage of the decreasing costs of hard-drive space and digital sound cards.  相似文献   

Both of us have been involved with helping professions, especially new scientific or technological professions, develop ethics programs—for undergraduates, graduates, and practitioners. By “ethics program”, we mean any strategy for teaching ethics, including developing materials. Our purpose here is to generalize from that experience to identify the chief elements needed to get an ethics program started in a new profession. We are focusing on new professions for two reasons. First, all the older professions, both in the US and in most other countries, now have ethics programs of some sort. They do not need our advice to get started. Second, new professions face special problems just because they are new—everything from deciding who belongs to the profession to formalizing ethical standards so that they can be taught. Our purpose in this paper is to generalize from our experience and to identify some of the fundamentals for getting an ethics program started in a new profession. We present our recommendations in the form of response to 6 questions anyone designing an ethics program for a new profession should ask. We realize that our brief discussion does not provide a complete treatment of the subject. Our purpose has been to point in the right direction those considering an ethics program for new profession.  相似文献   

An overview of the Walter/Palya ECBASIC experiment controller is provided. The hardware, firmware, and underlying design considerations are presented. The controller is a simple printed circuit board microprocessor that interfaces directly to 8 inputs and 40 outputs and directly to any general purpose computer. It can be programmed in a specially written BASIC (ECBASIC) that provides high-level commands for most experimental manipulations. It can function as either a stand-alone computer or a networkable preperipheral processor. It costs about $150.  相似文献   

This report describes the hardware and software developed to implement an Apple II (48 KB) as a real-time control device for operant experiments. The hardware has a straightforward design, so that it is readily understandable and can be built by individuals with only minimal experience in the use of integrated circuits and other electronic components. The software routines listed below represent an approach to controlling and handling the data generated by an operant experiment. Using these routines, we are able to record each response and experimental event, the time of the occurrence, and the conditions at that time.  相似文献   

Its obvious shortcomings aside, this study by H. Steven Moffic, John Coverdale, and Timothy Bayer is disquieting. It comes as no surprise that residents have lapses of cognitive recall. Every medical teacher knows this very well. What is worrisome is that their amnesia concerns the oldest, most revered, and most influential moral statement in the history of the profession...Purely apart from its content, the oath continues to have power as the solemnification of a physician's entry into the profession. It signifies a willingness to submit to a way of life that demands some suppression of self-interest. If studying the oath more explicitly reenforces this solemnification or strengthens the physician's dedication to the welfare of the patient, the effort will be worthwhile.  相似文献   

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