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Metamemory for narrative text   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this experiment, we investigated metamemory for narrative text passages. Subjects read two stories and made memory predictions for the idea units in one and rated the importance of ideas in the other. Half of the subjects were asked to recall the story immediately after reading the passages and half were asked to recall 1 week later; half received passages with single inconsistent idea units and half received passages with corresponding consistent idea units. All subjects made confidence judgments about the accuracy of their recall. Subjects’ prediction ratings were related to recall, as shown by significant prediction accuracy quotients. Importance ratings were related to recall on the delayed test but not on the immediate test. Memory prediction ratings predicted recall better than did importance ratings. The absolute level of memory predictions did not differ with delay, but subjects did give higher confidence judgments on an immediate than on a delayed test. Subjects recalled the inconsistent idea better than the consistent idea for one story but not for the other. For both stories, subjects predicted that they would remember the inconsistent ideas better, suggesting that they have avon Restorff-type view, rather than a schema view, of memory. We conclude that subjects can predict their memory for the idea units in narrative text.  相似文献   

The author examined memory for text in terms of the independent influences of semantic knowledge associations and text organization. Semantic associations were operationalized as the semantic relatedness between individual text concepts and the text as a whole and assessed with latent semantic analysis. The author assessed text organization by simulating comprehension with the construction integration model. Text organization consistently accounted for unique variance in recall. Semantic associations strongly predicted expository recall and predicted narrative recall significantly but to a lesser extent, even when the familiarity of the narrative content was manipulated. Results suggest that prior semantic associations and novel associations in the text structure influence memory independently, and that these influences can be affected by text genre.  相似文献   

We describe a program using HyperCard for the Macintosh that allows the collection of several different types of text processing data in a realistic, natural, and unobtrusive experimental setting. The program allows a sentence-by-sentence presentation of text and allows unconstrained movement forward and backward through the text. Subjects can, at any point during reading, look back at individual sentences presented previously, or review all previously presented sentences at once. All sentence readings and rereadings are timed, and the sequence of readings, rereadings, and reviews is recorded. Following passage reading, questions are asked to examine comprehension and memory of the passage. The program is well suited for the examination of comprehension evaluation and regulation in readers, as well as for the examination of other comprehension and memory processes.  相似文献   

The effect of text difficulty on metamemory for narrative and expository text was investigated. In Experiment 1, we found an interaction between type of text and type of question (thematic or detailed). For readers of narrative texts, correlations between predicted and actual performance were highest for detailed questions, but this pattern was reversed for readers of expository texts. Next, text difficulty was explored as a possible factor affecting metamemory accuracy. In Experiments 2 and 3, metamemory accuracy was a nonmonotonic function of text difficulty. Subjects made remarkably accurate predictions of future performance (meanG > .6) for both narrative and expository texts that were of intermediate difficulty (approximately a 12th-grade reading level). We propose anoptimum effort hypothesis, predicting greatest metamemory accuracy when the texts are of intermediate difficulty.  相似文献   

A program is presented that solves for an optimal transformation of data that minimizes skew. Various possible transformations are represented by a function that depends upon a single parameter, λ. A process of iterative approximations is employed to find a value of λ that will transform the data so as to produce a third moment equal to zero. The transformation found by this process may be used as computed or used to indicate which of the commonly employed transformations will most adequately counteract skew. The use of this program in processing data before analysis of variance is discussed.  相似文献   

Exteroceptive suppression (ES) of temporalis muscle activity has received recent attention as a method of investigating central mechanisms in the pathogenesis of chronic headache disorders. Unfortunately, the resolution of conflicting findings has been hampered by the use of different assessment and scoring methodologies across laboratories, which has limited the direct comparison of findings across studies. A computer program was developed with the goal of providing an automated and reliable method of scoring ES responses. Processing an ES response with this software provides both visual and quantitative information relating to various response parameters. Multiple levels of smoothing the raw waveform data are available, and the software offers scoring on the basis of multiple depth-of-suppression criteria. The program also generates values for a variety of ES parameters: latency, duration, area, maximum level of suppression with its corresponding time (msec), and baseline level of muscle activity. It is likely that a reliable and standardized scoring protocol would enhance comparability of ES data generated across different settings.  相似文献   

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