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G K Edgar  A T Smith 《Perception》1990,19(6):759-766
Measurements of the perceived spatial frequency of stationary sinewave gratings were made with the gratings presented at the same eccentricity in the left, right, upper, and lower visual hemifields. Ten subjects performed the task binocularly with spatial frequencies of 1, 2, and 4 cycles deg-1. Two of these subjects also performed the task monocularly at 2 cycles deg-1. In the majority of cases, the spatial frequency of stimuli presented in the left and lower visual hemifields was overestimated relative to stimuli presented in the right and upper visual hemifields. The results were similar for all spatial frequencies tested, and the direction of the asymmetry was the same whether viewing was with the left eye, right eye or binocular, suggesting that the differences in perceived spatial frequency are not retinal in origin.  相似文献   

Voluntary covert attention selects relevant sensory information for prioritized processing. The behavioral and neural consequences of such selection have been extensively documented, but its phenomenology has received little empirical investigation. Involuntary attention increases perceived spatial frequency (Gobell & Carrasco, 2005), but involuntary attention can differ from voluntary attention in its effects on performance in tasks mediated by spatial resolution (Yeshurun, Montagna, & Carrasco, 2008). Therefore, we ask whether voluntary attention affects the subjective appearance of spatial frequency—a fundamental dimension of visual perception underlying spatial resolution. We used a demanding rapid serial visual presentation task to direct voluntary attention and measured perceived spatial frequency at the attended and unattended locations. Attention increased the perceived spatial frequency of suprathreshold stimuli and also improved performance on a concurrent orientation discrimination task. In the control experiment, we ruled out response bias as an alternative account by using a lengthened interstimulus interval, which allows observers to disengage attention from the cued location. In contrast to the main experiment, the observers showed neither increased perceived spatial frequency nor improved orientation discrimination at the attended location. Thus, this study establishes that voluntary attention increases perceived spatial frequency. This phenomenological consequence links behavioral and neurophysiological studies on the effects of attention.  相似文献   

Tozawa J 《Perception》2008,37(1):3-21
The distance-calibration hypothesis states that retinal velocity is scaled by using distance cues, and judged velocity remains unchanged when distance is changed. The relational hypothesis states that judged velocity depends on retinal velocities, and is proportional to judged distance. These hypotheses were compared in three experiments where the movements of the standard stimulus and the comparison stimulus were manipulated by the ratio of the angular velocity of the comparison stimulus to the angular velocity of the standard stimulus. The presentation conditions of the standard stimulus and the comparison stimulus, and the colour cues of the two stimuli were also manipulated in order to change the strength of the cues available to the observers. The results indicate that judged velocities and the relationship of judged distance and velocity depend on the strength of the cues. When cues are strong, the distance-calibration hypothesis adequately explains speed constancy. When cues are weak, judged velocity and the relationship between judged distance and velocity are consistent with the prediction of the relational hypothesis. The perceived speed of a stimulus depends not only on the physical speed of the stimulus but also on non-motion cues, some of which are distance cues involved in depth perception.  相似文献   

Brief trains of pulsed stimuli were used to assess whether magnocellular or parvocellular visual pathways could be differentiated perceptually. Trains of either one to four sine-wave, square-wave, or checkerboard gratings were presented at three temporal and two spatial frequencies to six observers. The task of the observer was to report the perceived number of stimuli (gratings) in a train. The difference between actual number and perceived number of gratings was recorded as an error score. It was found that neither the pattern nor the spatial frequency of the gratings significantly affected perceptual accuracy. On the other hand, the number of gratings in a train and the interstimulus interval between gratings produced significant differences. Perceptual accuracy was greater when lower numbers of gratings in a train were presented with longer interstimulus intervals. The observers typically reported fewer stimuli than were presented. The source of the discrepancy is discussed in terms of a light adaptive process initiated in the retina.  相似文献   

Male and female subjects with normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity and less than .25 diopter of corrected astigmatism were asked to make contrast threshold judgments in response to both stationary and drifting grating displays. Results indicate a sex difference in contrast sensitivity as a function of spatial frequency for vertical and oblique orientations.  相似文献   

The perceived spatial frequency of a visual pattern can increase when a pattern drifts or is presented at a peripheral visual field location, as compared with a foveally viewed, stationary pattern. We confirmed previously reported effects of motion on foveally viewed patterns and of location on stationary patterns and extended this analysis to the effect of motion on peripherally viewed patterns and the effect of location on drifting patterns. Most central to our investigation was the combined effect of temporal modulation and spatial location on perceived spatial frequency. The group data, as well as the individual sets of data for most observers, are consistent with the mathematical concept of separability for the effects of temporal modulation and spatial location on perceived spatial frequency. Two qualitative psychophysical models suggest explanations for the effects. Both models assume that the receptive-field sizes of a set of underlying psychophysical mechanisms monotonically change as a function of temporal modulation or visual field location, whereas the perceptual labels attached to a set of channels remain invariant. These models predict that drifting or peripheral viewing of a pattern will cause a shift in the perceived spatial frequency of the pattern to a higher apparent spatial frequency.  相似文献   

Hay and Sawyer recently demonstrated that the constancy of visual direction (CVD) also operates for near targets. A luminous spot in the dark, 40 cm from the eyes, was perceived as stationary when S nodded his head. This implies that CVD takes target distance, as well as head rotation, into account as a stationary environment is perceived during head movements. Distance is a variable in CVD because, during a turning or nodding of the head, the eyes become displaced relative to the main target direction, the line between the target and the rotation axis of the head. This displacement of the eyes during head rotation causes an additional change in the target direction, i.e., a total angular change greater than the angle of the head rotation. The extent of this additional angular displacement is greater the nearer the target. We demonstrated that the natural combination of accommodation and convergence can supply the information needed by the nervous system to compensate for this additional target displacement. We also found that wearing glasses that alter the relation between these oculomotor adjustments and target distance produces an adaptation in CVD. An adaptation period of 1.5 h produced a large adaptation effect. This effect was not entirely accounted for by an adaptation in distance perception. Measurements of the alteration between oculomotor cues and registered distance with two kinds of tests for distance perception yielded effects significantly smaller than the effect measured with the CVD test. We concluded that the wearing of the glasses had also produced an adaptation within CVD.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported that attempt to demonstrate a critical role played by sensory persistence on a standard perceived-duration task employing brief visual stimuli. Experiment 1 examined the effect on perceived duration of varying the spatial frequency of a target. For both 40- and 70-msec flashes, increased spatial frequency resulted in reduced estimates of perceived duration. These results were contrasted with predictions derived from cognitive processing models of duration perception. In Experiment 2, three typical types of target employed in current research (an outlined circle, a “noise”-filled circle, and a completely filled circle) were shown to differ significantly in their perceived duration and in their sensitivity to increases in physical duration. The results were discussed in terms of variable degrees of retinal persistence produced by the three types of targets. The possible implications for specific discrepancies in the literature and across-study comparisons in general were enumerated.  相似文献   

Summary Distance constancy was clearly defined with Thouless and Brunswik indexes by examining its previous definitions. The typical functions expressing the relationships between apparent distance and physical distance were derived from; 1. much available data obtained by many researchers, 2. Thouless and Brunswik indexes (formulas), 3. Luneburg's theory. These derived functions were classified into type I, II and III according to their psychological significance. The validity of the classification was verified by experiments showing that the functions of type III were available in poorly articulated spaces with a long viewing distance, that is, on a housetop and a road, with the method of equal appearing intervals. Moreover, the relationships between distance constancy and personal constants in Luneburg's theory were clarified.
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entfernungskonstanz nach Überprüfung ihrer früheren Definitionen mit Thouless' und Brunswiks Indexen genau definiert. Die typischen Funktionen, die die Beziehungen zwischen scheinbarer Entfernung und physikalischer Entfernung zeigen, werden abgeleitet aus 1. den verfügbaren Forschungsergebnissen zahlreicher Gelehrter, 2. Thouless' und Brunswiks Indexen (Formeln), 3. Luneburgs Theorie. Diese abgeleiteten Funktionen werden ihrer psychologischen Bedeutung entsprechend in Typus I, II und III eingeteilt. Die Gültigkeit dieser Klassifikation wurde durch Experimente verifiziert, die mit der Anwendung der Methode von gleich erscheinenden Abständen zeigen, daß die Funktionen vom Typus III in ungenügend artikulierten Räumen mit einer langen Beobachtungsentfernung, d.h. auf einem Dach und einem Weg, gültig sind. Außerdem werden die Beziehungen zwischen Entfernungskonstanz und Personalkonstante in Luneburgs Theorie festgestellt.

I wish to express my thanks to Professor Yoshiharu Akishige for his guidance in this field of work, and Dr. Katsumi Ishii, the retired professor of Kyushu University, for his invaluable suggestions, especially for constant guidance in the problems of Luneburg's theory. Thanks are also due to Assistant Professor Masao Hashiguchi of Kagoshima University for his valuable advice and generous help concerning the mathematical problems. I am also indebted to the students of our department for their help in carrying out the experiments.  相似文献   

Equations were developed to predict the apparent motion of a physically stationary object resulting from head movement as a function of errors in the perceived distances of the object or of its parts. These equations, which specify the apparent motion in terms of relative and common components, were applied to the results of two experiments. In the experiments, the perceived slant of an object was varied with respect to its physical slant by means of perspective cues. In Experiment I, O reported the apparent motion and apparent distance of each end of the object independently. The results are consistent with the equations in terms of apparent relative motion, but not in terms of apparent common motion. The latter results are attributed to the tendency for apparent relative motion to dominate apparent common motion when both are present simultaneously. In Experiment II, a direct report of apparent relative motion (in this case, apparent rotation) was obtained for illusory slants of a physically frontoparallel object. It was found that apparent rotations in the predicted direction occurred as a result of head motion, even though under these conditions no rotary motion was present on the retina.  相似文献   

P Emmerson  H Ross 《Perception》1985,14(3):349-358
Colour constancy is commonly considered to be the product both of high-order (cognitive) and of lower-order (retinal) mechanisms. A study is reported of colour appearance in situations where the spectral radiance of an object changes significantly with viewing distance. Subjects were instructed to match the colour appearance of a number of coloured tiles in air and at various viewing distances in different types of water. Colour-constancy ratios were calculated by comparing the visual data with simultaneously obtained spectroradiometric and photometric data. The obtained constancy ratios were attributed to the role of distance estimation in the determination of colour appearance, an effect that is presumably masked under normal viewing conditions, where long viewpaths are necessary to produce significant radiance changes. A similarity to the size-distance invariance hypothesis is noted.  相似文献   

We investigated spatial perception of virtual images that were produced by convex and plane mirrors. In Experiment 1, 36 subjects reproduced both the perceived size and the perceived distance of virtual images for five targets that had been placed at a real distance of 10 or 20 m. In Experiment 2, 30 subjects verbally judged both the perceived size and the perceived distance of virtual images for five targets that were placed at each of five real distances of 2.5-45 m. In both experiments, the subjects received objective-size and objective-distance instructions. The results were that (1) size constancy was attained for a distance of up to 45 m, (2) distance was readily discriminated within this distance range, although virtual images produced by the mirror of strong curvature were judged to be farther away than those produced by the mirrors of less curvature, and (3) the ratio of perceived size to perceived distance was described as a power function of visual angle, and the ratio for the convex mirror was larger than that for the plane mirror. We compared the taking-into-account model and the direct perception model on the basis of a correlation analysis for proximal, virtual, and real levels of the stimuli. The taking-into-account model, which assumes that visual angle is transformed into perceived size by taking perceived distance into account, was supported by an analysis for the proximal level of stimuli. The direct perception model, which assumes that there is no inferential process between perceived size and perceived distance, was partially supported by an analysis for the distal level of the stimuli.  相似文献   

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