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A relative depth judgement task was used to distinguish perceived reversals in depth due to image orientation from spontaneous reversals such as those observed with a Necker cube. Results demonstrate that inversion effects due to image orientation can occur for several different types of pictorial representation and that many of these effects are incompatible with traditional explanations involving a perceptual bias for overhead illumination. When this bias was neutralized by placing the light source at the point of observation, the effects of image orientation were just as large as with overhead illumination. Similar results were also obtained for surfaces depicted with texture or motion in which all relevant shading information was eliminated. These results can be explained by a perceptual bias for backward slanting surfaces, but additional evidence suggests that this bias can be attenuated by the presence of smooth occlusion contours.  相似文献   

Perceived size and motion in depth from optical expansion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

N Yakimoff  P Lolova 《Perception》1986,15(4):461-466
One hundred subjects ranked the apparent tilt of ten quadrangles. A scale of perceived orientation was derived from a pair-comparison treatment of these data. The main characteristic determining estimated orientation of the quadrangles was the axis from which the sum of the squared distances to each point of the figure was minimal (the LS-axis). Judgements were also influenced by the orientation of an 'axis of balance', which ran through the centre of gravity and the lowermost apex of the quadrangle. Quadrangles with parallel LS-axes were systematically judged as differently tilted according to the difference in the orientation of their axes of balance. Both the LS-axis and the axis of balance are physical characteristics of an object that are of great importance for the optimal control of human action through vision.  相似文献   

Subjects judged the quality of rigid motion between pairs of three-dimensional drawings that differed by a rotation in depth. The figures were aligned with, and rotated around, either the vertical axis or an axis that was oblique with respect to the XYZ co-ordinate system. Rated quality of motion decreased with increasing angular disparity between the figures and with decreasing stimulus duration, regardless of whether the figures were vertical or oblique. The same subjects then participated in a mental rotation task using the same stimuli and angular disparities. An effect of principal axis emerged, such that subjects took longer to make decisions about obliquely aligned stimuli than about vertically aligned stimuli, especially if they received the oblique stimuli first. These data imply that perceived versus imagined movement through the same trajectory involves different processes. Whereas the apparent motion system performs its computations relatively automatically, the processes involved in mental rotation are more strategic in nature.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that observers use differences between velocities and ratios of velocities to judge the depth within a moving object, although depth cannot in general be determined from these quantities. In four experiments we examined the relative effects of velocity difference and velocity ratio on judged depth within a transparent object that was rotating about a vertical axis and translating horizontally, examined the effects of the velocity difference for pure rotations and pure translations, and examined the effect of the velocity difference for objects that varied in simulated internal depth. Both the velocity difference and the velocity ratio affected judged depth, with difference having the larger effect. The effect of velocity difference was greater for pure rotations than for pure translations. Simulated depth did not affect judged depth unless there was a corresponding change in the projected width of the object. Observers appear to use the velocity difference, the velocity ratio, and the projected width of the object heuristically to judge internal object depth, rather than using image information from which relative depth could potentially be recovered.  相似文献   

H Bülthoff  M Fahle  M Wegmann 《Perception》1991,20(2):145-153
Perceived difference in depth between two adjacent stimuli decreases with increasing disparity gradient even if the disparity stays constant, ie when the stimuli approach each other along paths within fronto-parallel planes. This depth scaling effect is more pronounced with line stimuli than with two isolated points or two small symbols and is insignificant for easily discriminable symbols. The decrease in perceived depth is more pronounced for horizontal orientation than for oblique or vertical orientation. The ratio of perceived depth difference to displayed disparity difference also decreases when the distance between the stimuli increases at a constant gradient in depth. This is to say that we are more correct in our depth estimates for steep gradients in depth when the euclidean distance between the stimuli is short.  相似文献   

Using both the method of adjustment and forced-choice techniques, it was found that binocular depth thresholds depend on the orientation of the test targets, which in these experiments consisted of long, thin rods. Stereoacuity is greatest with vertical rods and decreases progressively as the angle of orientation approaches horizontal. The relationship between stereoacuity and orientation is governed by the orientation of the images of the targets on the retina, and is predicted fairly well by the sine of the angle of orientation, suggesting an equivalence between angular rotation and reductions in rod length.  相似文献   

Effects of information specifying the position of an object in a 3-D scene were investigated in two experiments with twelve observers. To separate the effects of the change in scene position from the changes in the projection that occur with increased distance from the observer, the same projections were produced by simulating (a) a constant object at different scene positions and (b) different objects at the same scene position. The simulated scene consisted of a ground plane, a ceiling plane, and a cylinder on a pole attached to both planes. Motion-parallax scenes were studied in one experiment; texture-gradient scenes were studied in the other. Observers adjusted a line to match the perceived internal depth of the cylinder. Judged depth for objects matched in simulated size decreased as simulated distance from the observer increased. Judged depth decreased at a faster rate for the same projections shown at a constant scene position. Adding object-centered depth information (object rotation) increased judged depth for the motion-parallax displays. These results demonstrate that the judged internal depth of an object is reduced by the change in projection that occurs with increased distance, but this effect is diminished if information for change in scene position accompanies the change in projection.  相似文献   

Matsumiya K  Howard IP  Kaneko H 《Perception》2007,36(7):990-1002
An impression of a surface seen through holes is created when one fuses dichoptic pairs of discs, with one member of each pair black and the other member white. This is referred to as the 'sieve effect'. The stimulus contains no positional disparities. Howard (1995, Perception 24 67-74) noted qualitatively that the sieve effect occurs when the rivalrous regions are within the range of sizes, contrasts, and relative sizes where exclusive rivalry occurs, rather than binocular lustre, stimulus combination, or dominant rivalry. This suggests that perceived depth in the sieve effect should be at a maximum when exclusive rivalry is most prominent. We used a disparity depth probe to measure the magnitude of perceived depth in the sieve effect as a function of the sizes, contrasts, and relative sizes of the rivalrous regions. We also measured the rate of exclusive rivalry of the same stimuli under the same conditions. Perceived depth and the rate of exclusive rivalry were affected in the same way by each of the three variables. Furthermore, perceived depth and the rate of exclusive rivalry were affected in the same way by changes in vergence angle, although the configuration of the stimulus surface was held constant. These findings confirm the hypothesis that the sieve effect is correlated with the incidence of exclusive rivalry.  相似文献   

When subjects must identify a barely visible line in a briefly flashed display, their accuracy depends on the configuration of the context in which the target line appears. Weisstein and Harris (1974) found that accuracy is highest when the target is part of a pattern that resembles a unified, three-dimensional object, and lowest in a flat-looking pattern composed of disconnected lines; they labeled this phenomenon the object-superiority effect. In the three experiments reported here, identification accuracy was found to correlate highly and significantly (r =.78) with the judged depth of the patterns. Judged structural relevance of the target line to the pattern (McClelland & Miller, 1979) was uncorrelated with accuracy (r=?.28). Even when the target line appeared as an isolated fragment within the context pattern, a pattern perceived as three-dimensional yielded higher identification accuracy than one perceived as flat.  相似文献   

The question of whether an afterimage viewed in a dark field appears to move during eye movement was studied by comparing recordings of eye movements with recordings of reports of perceived movement. The correlation was found to be quite good even under conditions where the eye movements were spontaneous rather than specifically directed. The results were taken to support the hypothesis that the behavior of the retinal image is “interpreted” by taking into account information concerning what the eyes are doing.  相似文献   

Many theoretical analyses of 3-dimensional form perception assume that visible surfaces in the environment are perceptually represented in terms of local mappings of metric depth and/or orientation. Although this approach is often taken for granted in the study of human vision, there have been relatively few attempts to demonstrate its psychological validity empirically. In an effort to shed new light on this issue, our research has been designed to investigate the accuracy with which observers can discriminate metric depth and orientation intervals on smoothly curved surfaces. Observers were presented with visual images of surfaces defined by shading and/or texture, on which two pairs of points were designated with small dots. In Experiment 1, their task was to identify which pair of points had a greater difference in depth; in Experiment 2 they were required to judge which pair had a greater difference in orientation. The Weber fractions obtained for these tasks were 10 to 100 times greater than those that have been reported for other types of sensory discrimination, indicating that the perception of metric structure from these displays is surprisingly coarse grained.  相似文献   

Three-month-olds are sensitive to orientation changes of line drawings when they have a three-dimensional (3-D) interpretation and when the changes are defined by both 3-D depth and two-dimensional (2-D) picture plane cues [Bhatt, R. S., & Bertin, E. (2001). Pictorial cues and three-dimensional information processing in early infancy. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 315-332]. In the current study, we examined whether 3-month-olds are sensitive to pictorial line junction cues that signal orientation changes solely in the 3-D depth plane. The results revealed that infants discriminated a misoriented elongated cube in an array when the stimuli contained both shading and lines (Experiment 2) but not when only lines depicted the elongated cubes (Experiment 1). Testing with comparable 2-D images revealed that, even in the presence of shading information, detection of orientation changes is specific to images that have a 3-D interpretation. Together, the results suggest that 3-month-olds are sensitive to pictorial line junction cues that signal orientation changes in the 3-D depth plane to adults provided that shading information is available and the images have a 3-D interpretation.  相似文献   

J Allik 《Perception》1992,21(6):731-746
Three different perceptual systems--orientation, motion, and depth--can recover a global perceptual organization from spatially correlated random multielement patterns. In all three cases the global structure composed of random elements is evaluated by mechanisms performing measurements in the energy domain within appropriately defined local space-time areas. The selective increase in energy of one fraction of the elements may dramatically change the whole perceptual organization of the stimulus. In specially devised patterns one and the same element can belong to two or more separate perceptual organizations, the perceptual salience of one of which can be reinforced by a luminance increment of the elements comprising it. If a stimulus provides two different perceptual organizations to which each element could potentially belong, one of four possible solutions of the existing ambiguity will occur: suppression, rivalry, mixture, or parity. Two superimposed global orientation patterns either suppress or dominate over each other but cannot be seen simultaneously or in a mixed form. Characteristic of the depth system is that it allows multiple binocular matchings and parity of possible perceptual solutions. Finally, if a stimulus provides two or more paths along which each element may appear to move, the perceived global motion direction is determined by a mixture of directions of these competing motion paths. Dissimilarities in these ways of resolving ambiguities may be based on different principles defining regularity and coherence of an object in the orientation, motion, and depth domains.  相似文献   

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