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”兴黄教,即所以安众蒙古“是清政府根据当时蒙古诸部及西藏地区的实际情况,制定的一项重要国策。它不仅对蒙藏地区的政治、经济、文化的发展产生过重要的影响,而且对于祖国统一、民族团结、边疆稳固起到过积极重要的历史作用。  相似文献   

道德资本是特殊的资本形式,是企业发展不可或缺的条件,培育、应用和管理好道德资本将是企业获取更好效益和更多利润的重要方法和途径。西班牙的阿莱霍·何塞·G.西松围绕领导者的道德资本而展开的论述,提出了一些有创见的和有借鉴意义的理论。  相似文献   

120名在校孤儿影响学习的心理因素调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李国强  郑力 《心理科学》2004,27(2):402-403
本文研究120名在校孤儿影响其学习的儿项心理因素情况.录川问卷测验法和个案调查法,结果表明:孤儿的智力水平、心理健康水平低于同龄正常儿童,提高学习能力较差,问题行为较多,但在校学习方法、与教师关系较好。  相似文献   

2000年3月至11月,北京大学考古系与巴中市文管所、成都市文物考古研究所联合对巴中市境内的摩崖石刻造像作了全面的调查。本文即是此次调查结果的综述。文中认为,巴中石龛的开凿始于隋代,绝大多数均凿于盛唐。对研究佛教以及儒教、道教和民俗造像有资料参考价值。  相似文献   


This study explores visitors' perceptions of “broken” exhibits at the Museum of Science, Boston. Data were collected through comment cards, timing and tracking maps, exit interviews, surveys, and focus groups. Analysis of the data shows that the number of broken exhibits a visitor perceives impacts their disappointment in the gallery more than Museum counts of broken exhibits. The perceived broken exhibits follow a hierarchy. They are most often reported when they are non-functional. Partially functioning exhibits and design issues (such as poor usability and missing or incorrect information) are also reported, but less frequently. Pine and Gilmore's Field Guide for the Experience Economy (2005) is used as a framework to interpret the findings. Suggestions are made for ways of decreasing the effect of broken exhibits on visitor experiences.  相似文献   

蒙山德异于在吴中休休庵刊梓《坛经》。初次刊行后10年,“花山禅源”万恒复在高丽翻刻此本。又16年后,报国寺秋谷再度在吴中刊刻,并经高丽传入日本。其题跋者系郑思肖和景瞻。日本国会图书馆所藏版式、纸料应系高丽之翻刻本,时间未必在延祐三年。至元本、至元二十八年南海宗宝所刊《坛经》文字内容与休休庵本一致,卷前也载德异之序,该刊本据休休庵本刊梓。这表明休休庵本在刊梓一年后即已传至岭南。  相似文献   

生命科学馆包蕴着丰富的人史精神要素,其人文价值核心是尊重生命、热爱生命,对医学生的价值观、人生观、生命现有着生动的人文示范作用,实现了科学教育与人文素质教育的整合,是人文素质教育的医学实践实体.通过弘扬生命科学馆的人文精神,构建以求真、崇善、尚美的医学生素质教育模式.  相似文献   

镌刻于清代康熙二十二年(1683)的辽宁省阜新蒙古族自治县海棠山摩崖造像,在全国极为罕见,独放异彩。现存190尊造像,分布于73处、163龛中。镌刻造像突出了藏传佛教信徒崇拜和信仰的诸佛、菩萨、救度母、明王、佛母、天王、护法神、祖师、高僧等像。海棠山岩石上镌刻的文殊菩萨造像共有10尊,白文殊菩萨造像有一尊,此外还有一尊文殊菩萨所化现的忿怒相大威德金刚造像。通常文殊菩萨的雕、塑、画像都是坐或骑在狮子背上,而海棠山雕刻的文殊菩萨造像都是结跏趺坐于莲台上,因造型较为复杂,所以均采用了坐在各异的莲花座的造像。这些造像的造型无一雷同,在全国独一无二。  相似文献   

人文旅游资源在旅游发展中占有重要地位,它是一个地区旅游业得以持续发展的生命力。本文从这个观点出发,对迪庆松赞林寺的可开发的旅游资源作了大量调查,找出并分析了开发中存在的部分问题,进而提出解决的对策与建议,以促进中甸的旅游发展和经济建设,并希望对藏传佛教文化的传承与保护起到一定作用。  相似文献   

Although discussions of museums often revolve around exhibits, educators in these spaces have the potential to create in-depth, social learning experiences beyond what is possible at exhibits alone. There is still little empirical research, however, to inform how we understand, approach, and improve museum facilitation practices. In this study, we sought to address this gap by quantifying the impact of facilitation by trained educators working with visitors at interactive museum exhibits and comparing this to visitor engagement and learning outcomes for families without educator support. Using a quasi-experimental design, we measured the impact of staff facilitation on visitor engagement time, mathematical reasoning, math awareness, satisfaction, and intergenerational communication across three different exhibits, four trained educators, and two experimental conditions. Multivariate regression modeling showed that staff facilitation had a positive impact on engagement time, mathematical reasoning, and satisfaction, a negative impact on intergenerational communication, and no impact on math awareness.  相似文献   

A multiple-baseline design was used to examine the influence of an imagery intervention on the performance of swimmers’ times on a thousand-yard practice set. Performance times for four swimmers were collected over a 15-week period during preseason training. The intervention took place over a 3-week period and was introduced after the fourth week of the study. The results revealed that three out of four participants significantly improved their times on the one thousand-yard practice set after being introduced to the imagery intervention. The results are discussed in terms of the implications of using imagery to improve athlete's performance on continuous tasks.  相似文献   

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