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Specificity of learning: why infants fall over a veritable cliff   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nine-month-old infants were tested at the precipice of safe and risky gaps in the surface of support. Their reaching and avoidance responses were compared in two postures, an experienced sitting posture and a less familiar crawling posture. The babies avoided reaching over risky gaps in the sitting posture but fell into risky gaps while attempting to reach in the crawling posture. This dissociation between developmental changes in posture suggests that (a) each postural milestone represents a different, modularly organized control system and (b) infants' adaptive avoidance responses are based on information about their postural stability relative to the gap size. Moreover, the results belie previous accounts suggesting that avoidance of a disparity in depth of the ground surface depends on general knowledge such as fear of heights, associations between depth information and falling, or knowledge that the body cannot be supported in empty space.  相似文献   

Chiou WB 《Adolescence》2006,41(164):753-768
In a culture or society with high collectivism, contingent orientation and constrained autonomy are the prominent characteristics of adolescents' self-construal. This article examined whether Taiwanese adolescents' contingency and autonomy were associated with their prevalent preferences for buffet consumption. Findings in a panel survey indicated that contingency was positively correlated with adolescents' buffet preference, whereas autonomy was negatively correlated. Moreover, the results showed that adolescents' contingent orientation and perceived autonomy could predict their subsequent buffet preference over a half-year period. A laboratory experiment showed that adolescents who perceived lower autonomy exhibited greater preferences for buffet over the other diet consumption. In general, the results suggest that collectivist adolescents' contingency and autonomy were related to their trait-like preferences for buffet, and the state-like preferences for buffet were affected by their perceived levels of autonomy. Findings provide further insights into the impact of adolescents' self-construal on their diet consumption.  相似文献   

This article has the purpose of calling attention to C.G. Jung's archetypal concept of the Self as an approach to ethics. The distinction between simple morality and transcendent ethics is established. Comparison is made between the archetype of the Self and Kant's categorical imperative. Freud's superego, however, is assimilated to a natural outlook on morality, such as the notion of altruism in sociobiology. The superego is only the psychic effect of the current moral code—which could be explained either culturally or as a Lamarckian acquired characteristic of the unconscious. Jung's transcendent ethics is expressed in an ethical mandala.  相似文献   

Betrayal is the sense of being harmed by the intentional actions or omissions of a trusted person. The most common forms of betrayal are harmful disclosures of confidential information, disloyalty, infidelity, dishonesty. They can be traumatic and cause considerable distress. The effects of betrayal include shock, loss and grief, morbid pre-occupation, damaged self-esteem, self-doubting, anger. Not infrequently they produce life-altering changes. The effects of a catastrophic betrayal are most relevant for anxiety disorders, and OC D and PTSD in particular.Betrayal can cause mental contamination, and the betrayer commonly becomes a source of contamination. In a series of experiments it was demonstrated that feelings of mental contamination can be aroused by imagining unacceptable non-consensual acts. The magnitude of the mental contamination was boosted by the introduction of betrayal themes. Feelings of mental contamination can also be aroused in some ‘perpetrators’ of non-consensual acts involving betrayal. The psychological significance of acts of betrayal is discussed.  相似文献   

A hyper-emotion theory of psychological illnesses is presented. It postulates that these illnesses have an onset in which a cognitive evaluation initiates a sequence of unconscious transitions yielding a basic emotion. This emotion is appropriate for the situation but inappropriate in its intensity. Whenever it recurs, it leads individuals to a focus on the precipitating situation and to characteristic patterns of inference that can bolster the illness. Individuals with a propensity to psychological illness accordingly reason better than more robust individuals, but only on topics relevant to their illness. The theory is assessed in the light of previous research, a small epidemiological study of patients, and 3 empirical studies.  相似文献   

肥胖谈论是一种关于身体外貌交流的社会现象,特别是指女性之间关于体型、体重和饮食习惯等自我贬损的谈话。通常认为女性通过肥胖谈论中的自我贬损,能够获得他人的安慰、支持以及印象管理等积极效果,但是研究表明肥胖谈论对身体意象、饮食失调、情绪等存在消极影响。未来的研究应该增加对肥胖谈论的纵向研究,进一步探究肥胖谈论的影响作用,扩展完善肥胖谈论的标准性操作。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for viewing assessment from nine vantage points simultaneously. Each of these dimensions or 'parameters' is divided into sublevels. The power and usefulness of the resultant model stems from the variety of possible unique interactions among these dimensions and their sublevels. The model has the following useful properties: (a) it provides a multidimensional definition of several aspects of psychological assessment, (b) it serves as a checklist and guide for the criticism of existing psychological tests and measures, (c) it has potential heuristic value in the generation of new measures and tests, (d) it is flexible, in that new parameters may be added and sublevels changed to suit specific needs, and (e) it is presented visually as a spatial model, thus allowing the viewer a more 'concrete' appreciation of what are really theoretical interactions.  相似文献   

A theory of discrimination which assumes that subjects compare psychological values evoked by a stimulus to a subjective referent is proposed. Momentary differences between psychological values for the stimulus and the referent are accumulated over time until one or the other of two response thresholds is first exceeded. The theory is analyzed as a random walk bounded between two absorbing barriers. A general solution to response conditioned expected response times is computed and the important role played by the moment generating function (mgf) for increments to the random walk is examined. From considerations of the mgf it is shown that unlike other random walk models [Stone, 1960; Laming, 1968] the present theory does not imply that response conditioned mean correct and error times must be equal. For two fixed stimuli and a fixed referent it is shown that by controlling values of response thresholds, subjects can produce Receiver Operating Characteristics similar or identical to those predicted by Signal Detection Theory, High Threshold Theory, or Low Threshold Theory.  相似文献   

Unconnected conditionals, also called irrelevant conditionals, are sentences of form if A, C, whose antecedent and consequent bear no connection. According to the main theories of conditional reasoning, the truth or high probability of an antecedent and a consequent is sufficient to make true or highly probable the corresponding conditional. We tested this assumption and showed that it does not hold for unconnected conditionals. Furthermore, we investigated experimentally the factors which favour the endorsement of irrelevant conditional constructions and found that this rate increases when an analogy can be built between the antecedent and the consequent or when the conditional is asserted before its components.  相似文献   

This paper argues that a behavioral analysis of psychological health is useful and appropriate. Such an analysis will allow us to better evaluate intervention outcomes without resorting only to the assessment of pathological behavior, thus providing an alternative to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual system of conceptualizing behavior. The goals of such an analysis are to distinguish between people and outcomes using each term of the three-term contingency as a dimension to consider. A brief review of other efforts to define psychological health is provided. Laboratory approaches to a behavioral analysis of healthy behavior are presented along with shortcomings in our science that impede our analysis. Finally, we present some of the functional characteristics of psychological health that we value.  相似文献   

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