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Effective and affordable therapies are needed for treating people with severe and persistent mental illness in a community mental health setting. In this pilot study, we evaluated the effectiveness of a modified dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) protocol for improving symptoms and functioning in a cohort of persons with severe and persistent mental illness. We provided six months of weekly DBT skills training in a group setting. Depression symptoms decreased significantly after treatment. There was a wide range of number of sessions attended, with a minority of the participants completing the full course of treatment. Increased attendance was correlated with improvements in depression symptoms, overall symptoms, quality of life, and community functioning. The study findings suggest that the group skills training component of DBT can be successfully implemented in a community mental health center and that further research to determine its efficacy in comparison to other treatments is warranted.  相似文献   


Effective and affordable therapies are needed for treating people with severe and persistent mental illness in a community mental health setting. In this pilot study, we evaluated the effectiveness of a modified dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) protocol for improving symptoms and functioning in a cohort of persons with severe and persistent mental illness. We provided six months of weekly DBT skills training in a group setting. Depression symptoms decreased significantly after treatment. There was a wide range of number of sessions attended, with a minority of the participants completing the full course of treatment. Increased attendance was correlated with improvements in depression symptoms, overall symptoms, quality of life, and community functioning. The study findings suggest that the group skills training component of DBT can be successfully implemented in a community mental health center and that further research to determine its efficacy in comparison to other treatments is warranted.  相似文献   

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was originally developed for chronically suicidal adults with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and emotion dysregulation. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) indicate DBT is associated with improvements in problem behaviors, including suicide ideation and behavior, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), attrition, and hospitalization. Positive outcomes with adults have prompted researchers to adapt DBT for adolescents. Given this interest in DBT for adolescents, it is important to review the theoretical rationale and the evidence base for this treatment and its adaptations. A solid theoretical foundation allows for adequate evaluation of content, structural, and developmental adaptations and provides a framework for understanding which symptoms or behaviors are expected to improve with treatment and why. We first summarize the adult DBT literature, including theory, treatment structure and content, and outcome research. Then, we review theoretical underpinnings, adaptations, and outcomes of DBT for adolescents. DBT has been adapted for adolescents with various psychiatric disorders (i.e., BPD, mood disorders, externalizing disorders, eating disorders, trichotillomania) and problem behaviors (i.e., suicide ideation and behavior, NSSI) across several settings (i.e., outpatient, day program, inpatient, residential, correctional facility). The rationale for using DBT with these adolescents rests in the common underlying dysfunction in emotion regulation among the aforementioned disorders and problem behaviors. Thus, the theoretical underpinnings of DBT suggest that this treatment is likely to be beneficial for adolescents with a broad array of emotion regulation difficulties, particularly underregulation of emotion resulting in behavioral excess. Results from open and quasi-experimental adolescent studies are promising; however, RCTs are sorely needed.  相似文献   

Similar to the state of the broader intellectual disabilities field, many gaps exist in the research and treatment of mental health concerns in people with Down syndrome. This review summarizes key findings on the type and prevalence of behavior and emotional problems in children, adolescents, and adults with Down syndrome. Such findings include relatively low rates of severe problems in children, and well-documented risks of depression and Alzheimer's disease in older adults. The review also considers emerging data on autism, and the paucity of studies on adolescents. Three next steps for research are highlighted, including a need to: (1) connect research on psychiatric status and diagnoses across developmental periods, including adolescence, and to examine such associated processes as sociability, anxiety and attention; (2) unravel complicated biopsycho-social risk and protective factors that serve to increase or diminish psychopathology; and (3) identify evidence-based treatments that both reduce distressful symptoms and enhance well-being in individuals with Down syndrome.  相似文献   

This study evaluated dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents (DBT‐A) vs. treatment as usual within a 6‐week partial hospitalization program. The 103 adolescent participants (mean age = 15.27 years) were predominantly girls (n = 63, 61%) with a variety of primary mental health diagnoses. Results indicated that DBT‐A was superior for decreasing symptoms of depression and interpersonal sensitivity, but no statistically significant difference was detected for anxiety or hostility. Implications for treating youth with transdiagnostic identities are discussed.  相似文献   

Maternal mental disorders can significantly impact on children's psychosocial and psychological development, incurring substantial ongoing economic and personal costs. A key mediating mechanism is mother–infant relationship quality (MIRQ). Research studies and perinatal mental health screening initiatives have predominantly focused on depressive symptoms and perinatal depression as predictors of MIRQ. While maternal depression is associated with suboptimal MIRQ, the findings have not been consistent. Personality characteristics are associated with parenting and proneness to depression, presenting a potential addition to prenatal mental health assessment. We conducted a systematic review of studies that have examined the link between prenatal depressive symptoms and/or personality characteristics with postnatal MIRQ. Our findings suggest that both maternal personality traits and depressive symptoms measured in early pregnancy are associated with postnatal MIRQ. A measure of personality characteristics may enhance prenatal mental health assessment, affording opportunities for targeted intervention commencing in pregnancy to improve MIRQ, parenting, maternal mental health outcomes, and infant psychosocial and psychological development, and thereby contributing to the reduction of human and economic cost burdens.  相似文献   

It is well established that children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) frequently experience co-occurring mental health problems in addition to difficulties in their peer relationships. Although substantial research has focused on the extent to which peer functioning contributes to subsequent co-occurring mental health problems, much less research has considered how co-occurring mental health problems affect peer functioning domains. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to examine the effect of co-occurring mental health problems on the peer functioning of youth with ADHD. The impact of co-occurring externalizing (i.e., oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder) and internalizing (i.e., anxiety, depression) symptoms are reviewed, with a focus on whether these co-occurring symptoms exacerbate, attenuate, or have no effect across peer domains of social skills/competence, peer status, and friendship among youth with ADHD. Drawing from a developmental psychopathology framework, this review then draws attention to relevant causal processes and developmental cascades (including social-cognitive, affective, and family and parenting factors) in offering promising avenues for future work.  相似文献   

Given the chronic and deleterious course of serious mental illness (SMI; schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), significant efforts have been undertaken to improve prediction of SMI and provide treatment for adolescents in the early, putatively prodromal stage of these illnesses. While risk assessments and disorder-specific treatments for adolescents at risk for SMI have shown some efficacy, significant issues remain around disorder-specific treatments for these youth. There is substantial heterogeneity of psychopathology within adolescents at high risk for SMI that leads to many false-positives and varying diagnostic outcomes. As a result, initial treatment focusing on broad symptoms and skills has been proposed in place of disorder-specific treatments. We discuss the rationale for providing an already-developed and empirically supported transdiagnostic treatment for emotional disorders (termed the Unified Protocol) as a first-line staging of treatment for adolescents experiencing early SMI symptoms. Additionally, we outline the open trial we are piloting using this transdiagnostic treatment in adolescents between the ages of 13 – 17 who have begun experiencing distressing yet subsyndromal psychosis or bipolar mood symptoms. Preliminary findings suggest feasibility and acceptability as well as initial efficacy in improving psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, and difficulties regulating emotions. We also present case studies from our open trial. A unified, cognitive-behavioral treatment for early presentations of SMI has important clinical and public health benefits, including streamlining treatment and providing broad skills that are applicable to a wide range of psychopathology.  相似文献   

Current outcome research on primary prevention mental health programs is encouraging and the future is exciting. Data continue to accumulate regarding the efficacy of preventive intervention. Exemplary programs can prevent multiple problems across different outcome domains suggesting the need for collaboration among preventionists across disciplines and research areas. The commentators on our review (Durlak and Wells, 1997) offered many useful suggestions to improve the next generation of research. Most recommendations fall broadly under the rubric of increasing the precision of theory, design, and program evaluation. If current recommendations for improving future research are followed, the next reviewers of primary prevention mental health programs for children and adolescents will have a more complete and useful database for analysis.  相似文献   

Adolescents use the Internet at higher rates than any other age group. The Internet therefore offers an obvious opportunity for the provision of mental health information for them. Little is known, however, about adolescent behaviour online, especially access of age‐appropriate mental health resources. This review of the published literature examines theoretical and research studies to develop an understanding of adolescent mental health‐seeking behaviour on the Internet. It is clear that adolescents do seek health information online, but little is known about its content, nature or mode of delivery. There appears to be no research specific to mental health resources for adolescents online.  相似文献   

Minority stress theory posits that unique stressors create an invalidating environment, which places sexual minority individuals at increased risk for psychiatric morbidity. Sexual minority veterans’ experience of minority stressors results in elevated levels of emotion dysregulation, anxiety, depression, and suicidality. Clinical interventions designed to address minority stress and treat emotional dysregulation and related disorders among sexual minority veterans are warranted. Professional guidelines recommend the adaptation of evidence-based treatments to address the unique features of sexual minority and veteran mental health. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a treatment for emotion dysregulation and related problems that addresses an invalidating environment, which is an appropriate framework for sexual minorities. The current research adapts the Emotion Regulation module of DBT Skills Training. This adaptation highlights minority stress as part of the invalidating environment and adds new teaching points to address the unique features of sexual minority mental health to create Affirmative DBT Skills Training. Six sexual minority veterans completed Affirmative DBT Skills Training meeting on a weekly basis for 10 consecutive weeks. Before and after treatment, participants completed measures of emotion regulation, anxiety, and depression as well as assessments of minority stress processes. Affirmative DBT Skills Training was well received in this sample. Results suggest that the intervention was effective in decreasing emotion dysregulation and symptoms of depression. These findings suggest Affirmative DBT Skills Training is a promising treatment, although more research is warranted, particularly given the small sample size and lack of a control group.  相似文献   

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was developed as a treatment for parasuicidal women with borderline personality disorder and has been adapted for several other populations. This article describes standard DBT and several adaptations of it and reviews outcome studies with borderline patients in outpatient, inpatient, and crisis intervention settings, borderline patients with substance use disorders, suicidal adolescents, patients with eating disorders, inmates in correctional settings, depressed elders, and adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This treatment outcome review is followed by discussion of predictors of change in DBT, possible mechanisms of change, and current developments in theory, practice, and research.  相似文献   

In the past 10 years, mental and behavioral health has seen a proliferation of technology-based interventions in the form of online and other computer-delivered programs. This paper focuses on technology-based treatment and preventive interventions aimed at benefitting children and adolescents via either involving the parents and families, or only the youth. The review considered only technology-based interventions that had at least one published study with a randomized controlled trial design. Questions being addressed included: (1) What are the technology-based interventions in the mental/behavioral health area that have been systematically evaluated in published studies? (2) What are the common and unique characteristics of these interventions and their application with respect to sample characteristics, target problems, and technology characteristics (platforms, structures, elements, and communication formats)? and (3) Which intervention approaches and strategies have accrued the greatest evidence? The review identified 30 technology-based psychosocial interventions for children and families, 19 of which were parent or family-focused (32 studies) and 11 of which were youth-focused (in 13 studies). For the parent/family-focused interventions, greatest promise was found in those that addressed either youth behavioral problems or depressive/anxious symptoms, as well as more general bolstering of parenting efficacy. The youth-focused interventions showed some promise in reducing depressive/anxious symptoms. Advantages and disadvantages of the technology-based approaches were considered, and areas for future research and development were discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe a case series of adolescents (mean age = 16.5 years, SD = 1.0) with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) who received dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Twelve outpatients with AN and BN took part in 25 weeks of twice weekly therapy consisting of individual therapy and a skills training group. Family members were involved in the treatment. The patients were compared pre- and posttreatment on behavioral symptoms of AN and BN and symptoms of general psychopathology using standardized instruments (Structured Inventory for Anorectic and Bulimic Syndromes, Eating Disorder Inventory-2, The Symptom Checklist-90-Revised). Posttreatment, significant improvements in behavioral symptoms of eating disorder and symptoms of psychopathology were identified. The application of DBT adapted for the treatment of AN and BN among adolescents was associated with a decrease in behavioral symptoms of eating disorders and symptoms of general psychopathology. However, randomized controlled studies are required to prove the efficacy of this approach.  相似文献   

Only recently has the mental health community recognized the applicability of diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents, including a consideration of specific age-related features. This paper provides a current review of the literature on PTSD pertaining to children and adolescents. Following a discussion of issues on diagnostic criteria and assessment of this affective disorder in this population, there is an overview of the existing literature on prevalence, comorbidity, risk factors, parental and family factors, and issues of gender and age of onset. The remainder of the paper focuses on the range of traumatic stressors in children and adolescents that can result in PTSD, including natural or human disasters, war and violence, chronic or life-threatening medical conditions, community violence and the witnessing of traumatic events, and physical and/or sexual abuse and other forms of interpersonal violence. Throughout the paper, there is an emphasis on the importance of considering developmental factors. Finally, implications of the existing literature for future areas of research are addressed.  相似文献   

近年来, 人工智能技术的飞速发展及应用催生了“智能化心理健康测评”这一领域。智能化心理健康测评能够弥补传统方法的不足, 降低漏诊率并提高诊断效率, 这对于心理健康问题的普查及预警具有重大意义。目前, 智能化心理健康测评处于初步发展阶段, 研究者基于在线行为数据、便携式设备数据等开展主要以数据驱动为导向的探索研究, 旨在实现更高的预测准确率, 但是测评结果的可解释性等指标尚不够理想。未来的智能化心理健康测评需要强调心理学领域知识和经验的深度介入, 提高测评的针对性和精细化程度, 加强信效度检验, 这对于智能化心理健康测评工具的进一步发展和应用至关重要。  相似文献   

汶川地震后青少年的心理反应受到社会的普遍关注。本文作者及其团队对汶川地震后青少年的心理反应进行了为期6年的研究,以期为震后青少年的心理恢复和发展提供帮助。本文主要介绍了6年来本团队在创伤后心理反应的理论分析、青少年创伤后心理反应的状况及其相互关系、影响因素及其机制、干预策略等方面所进行的探索,较为全面地阐述了创伤后青少年主要的心理反应及其研究的理论基础,概括了青少年创伤后应激障碍、抑郁和创伤后成长的状况及其发展趋势,深入分析了影响青少年创伤后应激障碍和创伤后成长的影响机制,提出了针对创伤后青少年的心理干预策略,并探究了未来研究需要关注的内容。  相似文献   

Interest in applications of mindfulness-based approaches with adults has grown rapidly in recent times, and there is an expanding research base that suggests these are efficacious approaches to promoting psychological health and well-being. Interest has spread to applications of mindfulness-based approaches with children and adolescents, yet the research is still in its infancy. I aim to provide a preliminary review of the current research base of mindfulness-based approaches with children and adolescents, focusing on MBSR/MBCT models, which place the regular practice of mindfulness meditation at the core of the intervention. Overall, the current research base provides support for the feasibility of mindfulness-based interventions with children and adolescents, however there is no generalized empirical evidence of the efficacy of these interventions. For the field to advance, I suggest that research needs to shift away from feasibility studies towards large, well-designed studies with robust methodologies, and adopt standardized formats for interventions, allowing for replication and comparison studies, to develop a firm research evidence base.  相似文献   

Depression is a prevalent and impairing problem affecting both women and offspring during the perinatal (pregnancy and the postpartum) period. Despite this, few studies have examined treatments for perinatal adolescents with depressive symptoms. The present study examined the feasibility and preliminary outcomes of a dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) informed skills group among depressed adolescent perinatal women (N = 25) recruited from both a public health parent education program and an adolescent obstetric clinic. A brief composite case example is included to illustrate how DBT skills were taught, practiced, and applied. Findings suggest the intervention was credible, acceptable, and associated with improvement in depression. Challenges with feasibility of enrolling and retaining adolescent perinatal women were evident, as approximately half of the enrolled participants did not complete the study. This study provides preliminary evidence that a DBT-informed skills group may be a promising intervention for depressed adolescent perinatal women and points to important directions for clinical practice and research, including treatment engagement and retention.  相似文献   

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