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Fifty-five preschool children were administered a number of tests purported to measure impulsivity: Delay of Gratification, Walk-the-Line-Slowly, Matching Familiar Figures Test, Schenectady Kindergarten Rating Scales, a teacher rating scale, and the Porteus Maze Test. Analyses indicated that impulsivity is multi-dimensional, with age-, sex-, IQ-, and teacher-related types. The results suggested that multiple indices are essential to the measurement and study of impulsivity. An interaction between sex and age of child was also revealed with respect to type and rate of activity. While 3- and 4-year-old girls differ radically from boys in type and rate of motor activity (fine muscle vs. gross muscle), 5-year-olds were virtually identical.  相似文献   

In the Creative Functioning Test, a participant is exposed to a series of briefly presented pictures leading to veridical perception (the straight series). This series is then reversed, allowing the participant to relinquish veridical perception and to reconsider his or her interpretation of the input. While this reversed series enables an assessment of creativity, the straight series enables an assessment of impulsivity. The goal of this article was to present the potential of using such a microgenetic technique to investigate both creativity and impulsivity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Impulsivity is a complex and multidimensional trait that is of interest to both personality psychologists and to clinicians. For investigators seeking the biological basis of personality traits, the use of neuroimaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) revolutionized personality psychology in less than a decade. Now, another revolution is under way, and it originates from molecular biology. Specifically, new findings in molecular genetics, the detailed mapping and the study of the function of genes, have shown that individual differences in personality traits can be related to individual differences within specific genes. In this article, we will review the current state of the field with respect to the neural and genetic basis of trait impulsivity.  相似文献   


“Impulsivity” refers to the choice of an immediate, small reinforcer over a delayed, large reinforcer. Traditional operant methods (single-subject designs, free-operant choice procedures) have frequently been used to study impulsivity in nonhuman subjects but, curiously, have not been applied to humans. Data are reported replicating and extending previous results obtained with an alternative paradigm using a group-statistical design and discrete-trials choice procedure. Adults chose between schedules differing in delay and/or amount of reinforcement, the reinforcer being slides of entertainment and sports personalities. Delay was defined as the interval between a choice response and onset of a slide, amount as the duration of viewing time. Some participants exhibited impulsivity even though such behavior reduced total viewing time. All participants exhibited impulsivity when this behavior increased total viewing time and was thus adaptive. Traditional operant methods may be ineffective in producing the maladaptive form of impulsivity.


自伤青少年的冲动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于丽霞  凌霄  江光荣 《心理学报》2013,45(3):320-335
以自我报告、行为学和脑电为指标, 检验自伤青少年的冲动性。研究1, 对820名普通中学生和72名工读生进行问卷调查, 探讨自伤行为与情绪调节困难、冲动性的关系。结果表明, 冲动性能够预测自伤行为, 且预测效应量大于情绪调节困难。研究2, 采用Go/Nogo范式的ERPs实验, 检验自伤组与对照组冲动控制的行为学与脑电差异。结果表明, 自伤组Nogo正确反应的N2波幅显著高于对照组, N2潜伏期在部分电极点处高于对照组。脑电地形图显示两者的脑电差异主要体现在前额叶区。结论:自伤青少年的冲动性高于同龄普通青少年。  相似文献   

There is a need for the development of behavioral measures of impusivity in order to elucidate the specific qualities of impulsive persons. The relationships between two behavioral measures of impulsivity and several personality inventories frequently used to assess inpulsivity were examined using 40 male Ss. The behavioral measures involved a motor-inhibition (MI) task and time-interval (TI) estimation. The personality measures included the Extraversion (E), Psychoticism (P) and Neuroticism (N) scales of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Barrat's Impulsivity Scale (BIS) and Gough's Socialization Scale (So). Significant relationships between MI scores and E, BIS and a proposed dimension of impulsivity obtained by the formation of E-P quadrants were found. In addition, performance on this task was related to So, P and E-N quadrants in the predicted directions. The consistency of these results supports the use of this task as a behavioral measure of impusivity in adults. Although personality inventory scores were not related to estimations, significant (negative) correlations were obtained between TI estimations and MI scores. The results indicate that TI estimation by itself is not an adequate measure of impulsivity, but does have implications for understanding impulsive behavior.  相似文献   

Impulsivity has often been invoked as a proximate driver of different life-history strategies. However, conceptualisations of “impulsivity” are inconsistent and ambiguities exist regarding which facets of impulsivity are actually involved in the canalisation of reproductive strategies. Two variables commonly used to represent impulsivity were examined in relation to reproductive behaviour. Results demonstrated that sensation seeking was significantly related to strategy-based behaviour, but impulsivity (defined as a failure to deliberate) was only weakly correlated. The effect of impulsivity disappeared when sensation seeking was controlled. Sex differences emerged for sensation seeking but not impulsivity. We conclude that “impulsivity” is not a unitary trait and that clearer distinctions should be made between facets of this construct.  相似文献   

Neuropsychology Review - It is well established that poor inhibitory control confers both a vulnerability to, and maintenance of, addictive behaviors across the substance and behavioral spectrums....  相似文献   

Anorexia nervosa is a disorder of unknown etiology that is a complex of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes occurring in individuals who starve themselves. The incidence of this disease has increased dramatically in the last twenty years. Most patients seem to be unaware of or unconcerned about their emaciation. After presenting a case, this study reviews the most recent findings about this disease, including the symptoms, social characteristics of its victims, increaed incidence, history, and prognosis. Suggestions are offered for pastoral care and counseling.  相似文献   

The present literature review study investigated the relationship between impulsivity and driver behaviors, offences and road traffic accidents through the lenses of characterological perspective. The studies published from 1970 to 2014 that examined and reported a relationship between impulsivity and at least one driving related outcome (e.g., a self-report measure of driver behavior) were included. The relevant 38 out of 288 studies are presented in four sections based on the driving related outcomes as; (i) aberrant driver behaviors and driving anger/aggression, (ii) driving under the influence, (iii) traffic offences and accidents, (iv) other. The vast majority of the studies reported significant relationships between impulsivity and the driving outcomes. The general findings of the studies in the literature, suggestions including a new definition of impulsivity in driving context, and future directions are discussed in the scope of a proposed integrative conceptual framework.  相似文献   

以应激-易感模型为依据考察冲动性特质与自杀意念的关系,并在此基础上提出一个有调节的中介模型,探讨负性生活事件影响的中介作用以及家庭环境的调节作用。采用巴瑞特冲动性量表、青少年生活事件量表、家庭环境量表、贝克自杀意念量表对902名大学生进行集体施测,旨在考察负性生活事件的影响对大学生冲动性特质与自杀意念的中介作用以及家庭环境的调节作用,结果表明:(1)冲动性特质和负性生活事件的影响能正向预测大学生的自杀意念;(2)负性生活事件的影响在冲动性特质和自杀意念之间起中介作用;(3)负性生活事件影响的中介作用和冲动性特质的直接作用受家庭环境的调节。这些结果对于综合解释环境与个体因素对自杀意念的作用与机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Internet addiction has been considered to be associated with poor impulse control. The aim of this study is to compare the trait impulsivity of those suffering from Internet addiction with that of individuals suffering from pathological gambling. Twenty-seven patients diagnosed with Internet addiction (age: 24.78±4.37 years), 27 patients diagnosed with pathological gambling (age: 25.67±3.97 years), and 27 healthy controls (age: 25.33±2.79 years) were enrolled in this study. All patients were men seeking treatment. Trait impulsivity and the severity of the Internet addiction and pathological gambling were measured by the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11, the Young's Internet Addiction Test, and the South Oaks Gambling Screen, respectively. The Beck Depression Inventory and the Beck Anxiety Inventory were also administered to all subjects. Our results show that those suffering from Internet addiction showed increased levels of trait impulsivity which were comparable to those of patients diagnosed with pathological gambling. Additionally, the severity of Internet addiction was positively correlated with the level of trait impulsivity in patients with Internet addiction. These results state that Internet addiction can be conceptualized as an impulse control disorder and that trait impulsivity is a marker for vulnerability to Internet addiction.  相似文献   

Impulsivity: core aspect of borderline personality disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This prospective follow-up study addresses whether impulsivity versus other aspects of borderline personality disorder (BPD) are (1) stable over a 7-year follow-up period; (2) able to predict the persistence versus remittance of BPD over 7 years of follow-up, and (3) more predictive of the level of borderline psychopathology on follow-up than other aspects of the disorder. When the cohort was assembled, 88 of 130 subjects scored seven or higher on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (DIB), indicating a definite diagnosis of BPD. The cohort was reassessed at 2 and 7 years after the index admission. At the 7-year follow up, 81(62.3%) of the original cohort were re-examined, two (1.6%) were deceased, six (4.6%) suicided, 36 (27.7%) refused to participate and five (3.8%) could not be located. The results indicated that the initial impulse action subscale score was highly correlated with the 7-year follow-up score (r = 0.53). Using a stepwise multiple regression technique, the impulse action subscale score from the DIB best predicted borderline psychopathology at the 7-year follow up, with an r2 of 0.24, F = 24.84, p < 0.001. This prospective study of subjects with BPD indicates that impulsivity is stable over time and highly predictive of borderline psychopathology over 7 years follow up. These results suggest the treatment of impulsivity may impact the course of BPD.  相似文献   

Nonsuicidal and suicidal adolescent inpatients were compared to community high school students using behavioral measures of impulsivity. Measures of problem solving ability, hopelessness, and depression were also administered to all groups. The suicidal inpatients were characterized by greater impulsivity, hopelessness, and depression than both nonsuicidal inpatients and community high school students. There were no differences in problemsolving abilities found between the suicidal inpatients and either the nonsuicidal inpatients or the community controls.  相似文献   

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents, and impulsivity has emerged as a promising marker of risk. The present study tested whether distinct domains of impulsivity are differentially associated with suicide ideation, plans, and attempts. Adolescents (n?=?381; boys?=?106, girls?=?275) aged 13–19 years (M?=?15.62, SD?=?1.41) were recruited from an acute, residential treatment program. Within 48 h of admission to the hospital, participants were administered structured clinical interviews assessing mental health disorders and suicidality. Following these interviews, participants completed self-report questionnaires assessing symptom severity and impulsivity. Consistent with past research, an exploratory factor analysis of our 90-item impulsivity instrument resulted in a three-factor solution: Pervasive Influence of Feelings, Feelings Trigger Action, and Lack of Follow-Through. Concurrent analysis of these factors confirmed hypotheses of unique associations with suicide ideation and attempts in the past month. Specifically, whereas Pervasive Influence of Feelings (i.e., tendency for emotions to shape thoughts about the self and the future) is uniquely associated with greater suicidal ideation, Feelings Trigger Action (i.e., impulsive behavioral reactivity to emotions) is uniquely associated with the occurrence of suicide attempts, even after controlling for current psychiatric diagnoses and symptoms. Exploratory gender analyses revealed that these effects were significant in female but not male adolescents. These findings provide new insight about how specific domains of impulsivity differentially increase risk for suicide ideation and attempts. Implications for early identification and prevention of youth suicide are discussed.  相似文献   

Impulsivity and reward sensitivity are often treated as interchangeable constructs. This conflation may be traced back to Gray’s interpretation of impulsivity as the trait level manifestation of the Behavioral Activation System (BAS), that mediates sensitivity to rewards. In this study (N = 696) we evaluated discriminant hypotheses regarding the relationships between BAS-mediated reward sensitivity, impulsivity and Eysenck’s PEN superfactors. We hypothesized that reward sensitivity would be mainly linked with Extraversion, and that impulsivity would be primarily connected with Psychoticism. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling and equality constraints tests. Results mostly supported our expectations: reward sensitivity was more strongly related to Extraversion than to the other PEN superfactors, while impulsivity was more strongly related to Psychoticism and Neuroticism. Implications for BAS and impulsivity research are discussed.  相似文献   

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