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This article presents a model of couple therapy based on the reciprocal double bind. Two cases are presented to illustrate the model, and different modes of intervention are described. This paper stresses that therapy has more to do with the intersection of the maps of the world of members of a system than it has with a search for some individual or systemic truth.  相似文献   

A brief psychotherapy model based on systems theory is presented. The model emphasizes the interactional context of clients' problems and represents an efficient intervention paradigm.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

斯宾诺莎的<神学政治论>,在圣经诠释历史上堪称是里程碑式的著作.他通过质疑作为真理之标准与公众法律之来源的圣经,倡导思想、言说与著述的自由.他对圣经研究最具原创性的贡献,并不在于其探求真理所坚持的理性主义标准,而在于对圣经文本自身及其内容所进行的历史理解.本文将简介斯宾诺莎对圣经诠释的历史批判方法,并兼及述评.  相似文献   

The roots of systemic therapy in Germany date back to the sixties. Systemic therapy is one of the most widely applied forms of psychotherapy and counseling in Germany. The majority of therapists and counselors in child guidance centers, couples therapy counseling centers and youth protective services have been trained in systemic therapy. A high number of clinical psychologists, social workers and medical doctors have received training in this model of therapy. In the beginning, multigenerational, experiential, as well as structural-strategic and Milan systemic approaches were popular. Today, the post-modern systems concepts, solution-oriented and narrative approaches and self-organization theory appear to be predominant. Some centers provide research and training in behavioral and psychodynamic family and couples therapy. However, systemic approaches are clearly leading the field with over 10,000 people who have received systemic training and about 150 training institutes across the country. The critical attitude shared by many leading figures towards empirical research has limited its success in university programs. In addition, training is usually provided in the form of post-graduate courses rather than at academic institutions. Currently, three journals and one online-journal publish articles on various systemic topics. Many publishing houses have a series of books on systemic therapy and one publishing house specializes exclusively on systems oriented books. In 2008, systemic therapy gained recognition as an evidence-based treatment. Four years later, the appropriate authorities have not initiated the process of assessing it as a treatment paid for by public health insurances. In consequence, systemic therapy is not available on a large scale in the public outpatient psychotherapy system. Some additional remarks are provided on the history and current situation of systemic therapy in Austria and Switzerland.  相似文献   

焦虑障碍是最常见的心理障碍之一.其具有症状重、病程慢、复发率高、社会功能明显缺损等特点,给个人、家庭和社会造成了巨大的负担.家庭环境因素在焦虑障碍的发病、转归和预后方面都起到重要作用.本文介绍了国内外关于焦虑障碍患者家庭特点和家庭互动模式的研究结果.系统式家庭治疗作为一种家庭治疗模式,具有其独特的治疗理念和方法,国内外研究结果表明系统式家庭治疗用于焦虑障碍具有良好疗效.今后,还应该运用更加多元化的研究方法探讨中国焦虑症家庭动力学特点和家庭功能,并采用更加严格的随机对照设计,进一步证实系统式家庭治疗对焦虑障碍的治疗效果.  相似文献   

焦虑障碍是最常见的心理障碍之一.其具有症状重、病程慢、复发率高、社会功能明显缺损等特点,给个人、家庭和社会造成了巨大的负担.家庭环境因素在焦虑障碍的发病、转归和预后方面都起到重要作用.本文介绍了国内外关于焦虑障碍患者家庭特点和家庭互动模式的研究结果.系统式家庭治疗作为一种家庭治疗模式,具有其独特的治疗理念和方法,国内外研究结果表明系统式家庭治疗用于焦虑障碍具有良好疗效.今后,还应该运用更加多元化的研究方法探讨中国焦虑症家庭动力学特点和家庭功能,并采用更加严格的随机对照设计,进一步证实系统式家庭治疗对焦虑障碍的治疗效果.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2):41-53
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This article describes emotionally focused couple therapy and the contribution of this model to the field of couple therapy. A focus on emotional processing in the present moment, on process factors and on a genuine empathic connection with both clients is at the heart of this model. The creation of new patterns of emotional responses results in the creation of key new interactional responses. EFT is empirically validated on several levels: on the level of treatment outcome, and on the levels of the relational theory in which it is based and key moments and factors in the change process.  相似文献   

Spinoza unequivocally states in the Ethics that intuitive knowledge is more powerful than reason. Nonetheless, it is not clear what exactly this greater power promises in the face of the passions. Does this mean that intuitive knowledge is not liable to akrasia? Ronald Sandler offers what, to my knowledge, is the only explicit answer to this question in recent Spinoza scholarship. According to Sandler, intuitive knowledge, unlike reason, is not susceptible to akrasia. This is because, intuitive knowledge enables the knower to greater power over the passions due to its immediacy, its foundation and because it engenders the boundlessly powerful intellectual love of God. In this paper, I consider to what extent (if at all) intuitive knowledge is liable to akrasia by exploring whether Sandler's claim can justifiably be attributed to Spinoza. I argue that, given our modal status, it is not plausible to claim that akrasia would never apply to intuitive knowledge. Since intuitive ideas are the ideas of a finite mind actually existing as a part of Nature, even the intellectual love of God accompanying these ideas cannot provide a boundless power guaranteeing that the power of these ideas will not be overridden by passionate ideas.  相似文献   

In the proof-theoretic semantics approach to meaning, harmony, requiring a balance between introduction-rules (I-rules) and elimination rules (E-rules) within a meaning conferring natural-deduction proof-system, is a central notion. In this paper, we consider two notions of harmony that were proposed in the literature: 1. GE-harmony, requiring a certain form of the E-rules, given the form of the I-rules. 2. Local intrinsic harmony: imposes the existence of certain transformations of derivations, known as reduction and expansion. We propose a construction of the E-rules (in GE-form) from given I-rules, and prove that the constructed rules satisfy also local intrinsic harmony. The construction is based on a classification of I-rules, and constitute an implementation to Gentzen’s (and Pawitz’) remark, that E-rules can be “read off” I-rules.  相似文献   

A Note on Grace     

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