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Adelphi University, Garden City, Long Island, New York 11530 Four experiments are described. The first three lend support to the assertion that retrieval from short-term storage (STS) is improved, possibly to a maximum, if items are recalled in their originally presented order. In the fourth experiment a modified recall condition was introduced in which written position of recall reflected order information. Although the subject was not constrained to recall the items in order under this modified recall condition, both item and order retention increased in comparison to both free and serial recall conditions. Within the theoretical framework adopted, the results indicate that retrieval from STS is improved by recalling in order; while long-term storage (LTS) is reduced by the constraint to recall in order. However, LTS is increased by the retention of order information when recalling in order is not required.  相似文献   

The ability of first and third graders to evaluate their recall performance was assessed. Third graders were more accurate in estimating the number of items they had recalled, although both groups showed considerable accuracy. The subjects' accuracy in assessing their recall after the fact was contrasted with indications that children are poor predictors of their recall performance.  相似文献   

The influence of item familiarity upon memory span was examined in adults and children aged 5, 7, and 10 years by comparing the recall of words and nonwords. Using a probed recall task, both item recall and position recall were tested. The effect of familiarity upon item recall was found to develop with age, from no effects in the 5-year-olds to significant effects in the older children and adults. By contrast, no effect of familiarity was found at any age when recall of position was required. Dissociations between word length effects and familiarity effects supported the conclusion that the familiarity effect does not result from rehearsal. Several explanations for the source of the familiarity effect were examined, and the familiarity effect was attributed to a strategic redintegration or reconstruction process, which is necessary for item recall but not for position recall.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined the relationship between free recall and immediate serial recall (ISR), using a within-subjects (Experiment 1) and a between-subjects (Experiment 2) design. In both experiments, participants read aloud lists of eight words and were precued or postcued to respond using free recall or ISR. The serial position curves were U-shaped for free recall and showed extended primacy effects with little or no recency for ISR, and there was little or no difference between recall for the precued and the postcued conditions. Critically, analyses of the output order showed that although the participants started their recall from different list positions in the two tasks, the degree to which subsequent recall was serial in a forward order was strikingly similar. We argue that recalling in a serial forward order is a general characteristic of memory and that performance on ISR and free recall is underpinned by common memory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Conclusions In this paper, I have briefly presented clinical illustrations of both unconsciously and consciously induced evocations of paintings. A supervision case with the unintentional recall of both a painting and a song was also discussed. To test the induced recall technique with paintings, I had decided a priori to apply it with that patient, in that particular session. It was serendipitous that he had read the night before about Goya’s painting (Díaz de Chumaceiro, 1995). Nevertheless, the induced question about any art is powerful, if applied at a moment of rapport, with those who have a background in that particular art form. If self-applied, the answers that surface to consciousness can serve to advance self-understanding of countertransferential binds that may be contributing to patients’ resistances to saying everything that comes to mind. Cora L. Díaz de Chumaceiro, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Caracas, Venezuela. Editorial Board member ofThe Arts in Psychotherapy Editorial Board member ofThe Arts in Psychotherapy.  相似文献   

This research extends the dual coding theory of memory retrieval (Paivio 1969, 2007) beyond its traditional focus on verbal and pictorial information to olfactory information. We manipulate the presence or absence of olfactory and pictorial stimuli at the time of encoding (study 1) or retrieval (study 2) and measure the impact on verbal recall. After a time delay, scent enhances recall of verbal information, and scent-based retrieval cues potentiate the facilitative effect of pictures on recall. These results cannot be attributed merely to increased elaboration at the time of exposure.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we studied the recall of missing items. Short lists of common words were presented once and were followed immediately by a random permutation of all but one of the presented items. The task of the subject was to recall the missing item--that is, the item present in the study set but missing from the probe set. Experiment 1 replicated the high accuracy with five-item lists originally reported by Yntema and Trask (1963) and showed that the latencies were quite short (about 750 msec). Experiment 2 varied list length unpredictably and showed that accuracy was a function of both list length (four, five, or six items) and serial position. Latency was again quite short but was essentially independent of list length and serial position. It was possible to simulate most of the effects with the power set model with no free parameters (i.e., parameters that varied with the experimental manipulations). The results seemed to be more consistent with a direct access model (the power set model of TODAM; Murdock, 1995) than with a simple search or serial-scanning model.  相似文献   

The relative importance of various covert cues used in free recall is inferred on the basis of conditional probabilities of free recall given success vs failure of cued recall of the same material. Thirty-six names associated with pictures arranged in a 6 by 6 matrix were learned. A free recall test of names was followed by cued recall of names, with pictures, positions, or joint pictures and positions used as cues. Matching tests based on these cues were also administered. The tests were given at one of two stages of training, immediately or after 2 days. Pictorial and position cues are equally well encoded, but pictorial cues are less accessible and, therefore, relatively more useful in cued recall than in free recall. Position and pictorial information related to the names appears to be encoded and forgotten independently, and there is no evidence for summation of subthreshold encoding effect.  相似文献   

The article reports an experiment testing whether the Hebb repetition effect—the gradual improvement of immediate serial recall when the same list is repeated several times—depends on overt recall of the repeated lists. Previous reports which suggest that recall is critical confound the recall manipulation with retention interval. The present experiment orthogonally varies retention interval (0 or 9 s) and whether the list is to be recalled after the retention interval. Hebb repetition learning is assessed in a final test phase. A repetition effect was obtained in all four experimental conditions; it was larger for recalled than non-recalled lists, whereas retention interval had no effect. The results show that encoding is sufficient to generate cumulative long-term learning, which is strengthened by recall. Rehearsal, if it takes place in the retention interval at all, does not have the same effect on long-term learning as overt recall.  相似文献   

A model for four-mode component analysis is developed and presented. The developed model, which is an extension of Tucker's three-mode factor analytic model, allows for the simultaneous analysis of all modes of a four-mode data matrix and the consideration of relationships among the modes. An empirical example based upon viewer perceptions of repetitive advertising shows the four-mode model applicable to real data.This research was supported by the University of Kansas School of Business Research Fund provided by the Fourth National Bank & Trust Company, Wichita. The ideas and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author.  相似文献   

The authors report a new theory of false memory building upon existing associative memory models and implemented in fSAM, the first fully specified quantitative model of false recall. Participants frequently intrude unstudied critical words while recalling lists comprising their strongest semantic associates but infrequently produce other extralist and prior-list intrusions. The authors developed the theory by simulating recall of such lists, using factorial combinations of semantic mechanisms operating at encoding, retrieval, or both stages. During encoding, unstudied words' associations to list context were strengthened in proportion to their strength of semantic association either to each studied word or to all co-rehearsed words. During retrieval, words received preference in proportion to their strength of semantic association to the most recently recalled single word or multiple words. The authors simulated all intrusion types and veridical recall for lists varying in semantic association strength among studied and critical words from the same and different lists. Multiplicative semantic encoding and retrieval mechanisms performed well in combination. Using such combined mechanisms, the authors also simulated several core findings from the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm literature, including developmental patterns, specific list effects, association strength effects, and true-false correlations. These results challenge existing false-memory theories.  相似文献   

Cued recall success varies with what people know and with what they do during an episode. This paper focuses on prior knowledge and disentangles the relative effects of 10 features of words and their relationships on cued recall. Results are reported for correlational and multiple regression analyses of data obtained from free association norms and from 29 experiments. The 10 features were only weakly correlated with each other in the norms and, with notable exceptions, in the experiments. The regression analysis indicated that forward cue-to-target strength explained the most variance, followed by backward target-to-cue strength. Target connectivity and set size explained the next most variance, along with mediated cue-to-target strength. Finally, frequency, concreteness, shared associate strength, and cue set size also contributed significantly to recall. Taken together, indices of prior word knowledge explain 49% of the recall variance. Theoretically driven equations that use free association to predict cued recall were also evaluated. Each equation was designed to condense multiple indices of word interconnectivity into a single predictor.  相似文献   

The theory of reasoned action (TRA) specifies a set of expectancy-value, belief-based frameworks that underpin attitude (behavioural beliefs × outcome evaluations) and subjective norm (normative beliefs × motivation to comply). Unfortunately, the most common method for analysing these frameworks generates statistically uninterpretable findings, resulting in what has been termed the ‘expectancy-value muddle’. Recently, however, a dimensional salience approach was found to resolve this muddle for the belief-based framework underpinning attitude. An online survey of 262 participants was therefore conducted to determine whether the dimensional salience approach could also be applied to the belief-based framework underpinning subjective norm. Results revealed that motivations to comply were greater for salient, as opposed to non-salient, social referents. The belief-based framework underpinning subjective norm was therefore represented by evaluating normative belief ratings for salient social referents. This modified framework was found to predict subjective norm, although predictions were greater when participants were forced to select five salient social referents rather than being free to select any number of social referents. These findings validate the use of the dimensional salience approach for examining the belief-based frameworks underpinning subjective norm. As such, this approach provides a complete solution to addressing the expectancy-value muddle in the TRA.  相似文献   

The matching law applies to wagtails' foraging in the wild   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Field data concerning the time budgets and foraging success of pied wagtails (Motacilla alba yarrelli, Gould) are reanalyzed. It is found that the data are well described by the generalized matching law, with a marked bias towards spending time on the territory. In this case matching is not the result of maximizing reward rate, but it remains possible that it results from an allocation of time that maximizes survival.  相似文献   

若水 《中国道教》2005,(2):39-41
一李唐王朝被称作老子李耳的后代,道教被定为国教,并以此作为唐高宗、太宗的既定国策。此时的学术思潮以扶持道教为重点,同时尊崇儒学,道、儒配合联同反佛。许多有才能的知识分子天性向道以及“寒窗苦读”的儒生之路不足以实现青云直上的人生超越,便采取“终南捷径”的方式,隐居从道。此时上至卿相重臣如贺知章,下至绝代诗人李太白皆是如此……不难看出道学壮大的声势。道教之影响在绘画上,出现“道释人物”一科;音乐上《玄真道曲》、《大罗天曲》大盛;文学上诗人与道士往来唱和,著名道教理论家司马承祯、李白、孟浩然、王维、贺知章等有“…  相似文献   

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