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A therapy research team interviewed a therapist in the presence of a couple. Following each of six consecutive sessions with a couple, an interviewer posed questions to the therapist and couple. While one question was standard to each interview, other questions were generated by team members who tracked the entire process via live observation. These questions were directed first at the therapist, then at the couple, and then focused on therapeutic process and outcome. Findings of this process for the therapy system included decreasing the hierarchy within the client/therapist relationship; increasing the client ownership and energy in the therapy process; discovering the presence of parallel processes between the systems; and informing the direction of future therapy sessions. Practical, clinical implications are discussed for a variety of therapy settings.  相似文献   

This paper describes findings from a grounded theory study on the process of constructing problem definitions by marital and family therapists. Coding of the observations and interviews resulted in two meta-problem definition processes. In the first meta-process clinicians kept their definitions internal to themselves during the therapy session. In contrast, the second meta-definition process involved clinicians bringing forth their internal problem definitions and incorporating them into the therapeutic conversation. Implications for existing conceptualizations and marital and family therapy practice and supervision are discussed, as well as suggestions for further consideration.  相似文献   

Creativity has been shown to enhance problem solving, and to increase flexibility and adaptability—qualities associated with positive therapeutic outcomes. Literature related to therapist and/or client creativity is primarily anecdotal. Empirical literature addressing how therapists can facilitate the creativity of their clients in family therapy is scarce. In this study, the researchers used process methodology to code the behavior of therapists and clients in 31 videotaped family therapy sessions. Results show a significant positive correlation between interventions that induce positive affect and the creative client behaviors of optimism and playfulness.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate whether the method (Narrative Processes Coding System) for studying the narrative sequences of individual psychotherapy developed by Angus and Hardtke (1994) can be applied in a family therapeutic process. According to the results narrative process coding system adds new dimensions and gives new depth in the narrative understanding of family therapeutic process. In micro-analytic interactional level it shows the complicated interactions between narration, plot, and narrative process type.  相似文献   

Although there has been a proliferation of models of supervision in the marriage and family therapy literature recently, most tend to focus on methods rather than on the process of supervision. The model presented here is grounded in developmental concepts and focuses on student learning through a dialectical process of cognitive and emotional growth and incorporates three stages: 1) developing relationships; 2) breaking impasses, and 3) orchestrating changes. Students discover that supervision becomes isomorphic with relationship issues that arise in their therapy sessions. Dialectical in nature in that each stage is characterized by the resolution of contradictory emotions, the supervision process helps supervisees experience emotional shifts in their interactions with others, referred to as emotional restructuring.  相似文献   

创造力研究的新领域:合作创造力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创造力研究已经从重视个体创造力逐渐走向重视具有复杂互动功能的合作创造力。本文首先论述了合作创造力研究的产生及特点,然后总结了合作创造领域目前研究的主要问题,如个体与群体同一性、个体与群体动机以及有助于创造的个体及环境因素,并指出合作创造力研究领域需要解决的问题,认为应在重视合作创造过程与机制研究的基础上,建构系统的合作创造力理论,同时注重研究合作创造力的支持环境与支持技术,并且发展出合作创造力的评估体系。  相似文献   

A qualitative study of a supervision course included pre-and post-interviews of the participants in addition to in-class participant observation. In an effort to be consistent with a postmodern perspective, the data were reviewed by the four members of the research team, each of whom shares his or her analysis, or story. Common themes which emerged in response to the focus on student change include greater awareness of isomorphic processes, ethical and legal issues, and evaluative processes.  相似文献   


This qualitative study was conducted with nine individuals who have successfully completed a Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) doctoral program. A hermeneutic phenomenological approach was employed to explore the experiences of these MFT doctoral graduates and the contributing factors to their success. The four overarching themes that emerged from the data included: (1) Necessity of and dependence on connections and support systems, (2) Becoming adept at overcoming challenges through limited resources, (3) Ability to translate skills and integrate processes, (4) Gratitude and appreciation for the journey. Implications for this field of study are discussed. Future research and implications are explored.  相似文献   

With the use of questionnaire returns from 214 male and 286 female upper-year high school students, a model of adolescent drug use is proposed. The model hypothesizes that the parents' child-rearing practices produce within the child a personality which shapes his attitudes toward the use of drugs, which in turn affect the child's use of marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco. The personality dimension in the model is Authoritarianism. The model proved more successful in predicting illicit than licit drug use. Further, love on the part of the mother and positive control on the part of the father were the most salient dimensions within the model with regard to child-rearing practices.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to learn how parents master the job of parenting children with special needs. Through collaborative interviews using qualitative research methods, this study taps into the stories of five veteran families who reflect on the many challenges they faced from difficult beginnings to years of day-to-day struggles, and how they managed these challenges. Guidelines for family practitioners, based on the results, are discussed.  相似文献   

In this qualitative research study, the authors use grounded theory analysis to examine the experiences of clinicians in training and use client feedback to inform treatment. Twenty-six marriage and family therapy graduate students in their first or second semester of clinical practicum participated in this study. Participants were trained in eliciting and responding to client feedback at the end of every therapy session. At the end of the semester, participants reflected on their learning experience. Participant experiences reflected a developmental learning process beginning with significant challenges followed by positive clinical changes and positive clinician changes, culminating in overall buy-in regarding the importance of client feedback for nearly all clinicians. The results support the literature that client feedback directly informs the therapeutic process while suggesting important recommendations for training new clinicians in learning to use client feedback.  相似文献   

Although much social science research has been conducted within American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) communities, relatively little research has been conducted by or for those communities. We describe an approach that facilitates the active involvement of AIAN communities in the research process, from conceptualizing the issues to be investigated to developing a research design, and from collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the data to disseminating the results. The Tribal Participatory Research (TPR) approach is consistent with recent developments in psychology that emphasize the inclusion of community members and the social construction of knowledge. We describe the foundations of the approach and present specific mechanisms that can be employed in collaborations between researchers and AIAN communities. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of the use of TPR regarding project timelines and budgets, interpretation of the data, and ultimately the relationships between tribes and researchers.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of relationships within and between the community of the researchers and the community of the research participants, as they relate to qualitative, community psychology research. Although relationships are salient to all research, their role is particularly prominent in qualitative research, in which a closer rapport is established between researcher and research participant than in quantitative research, and the impact of both sides of this interaction on the research process is acknowledged. Instead of merely looking at the community and relationships of the participants, the usual focus of research, this paper also explores the often-overlooked community and relationships of the researchers and then goes on to look at the impact on the research process of the interaction of these two separate communities. This inside story, while seldom explicitly explored or articulated, has implications for community research in general and particularly for applied research.  相似文献   

The clients’ and therapists’ perceptions about the degree to which each of four common factors in therapy—extra-therapeutic factors; model/techniques; therapeutic alliance; and hope/expectancy—contribute to change in the therapeutic process were investigated in this study. In addition, the perceptions about the percentage of change attributed to clients and therapists were also explored. Results revealed that the therapists and clients have different perceptions on what factors contribute the most to change and that clients and therapists believe that the client contributes the most to change in a therapeutic process.M. L. Thomas, MSW, is a doctoral student in Marriage and Family Therapy at Florida State University.  相似文献   

Sexuality in a committed relationship is based ideally on both intimacy and mutuality. Gender socialization may limit women's and men's capacities in these two important areas of sexual relationships. This article describes the results of a content analysis of nine best-selling popular press books on the New York Times Bestseller List between 1988 and 1998 according to their advice related to sexual intimacy and mutuality. Books were analyzed to determine the degree to which they built barriers or bridges to the development of intimacy and mutuality. Results indicate that while most authors offered advice that built bridges to intimacy, several built barriers to the development of mutuality. Implications for therapists are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the use of communication technology (CT) by therapists in private practice. CT has exploded in the last decade and therapists have begun to implement this technology in their work. It is important to understand better the types of technology therapists are using and how they decide which devices are most useful for clinical practice. Additionally, the availability of the therapist has long been debated and CT provides media to make therapists readily available. Results show that therapists have boundary concerns and ethical dilemmas regarding CT and often feel unprepared to handle inappropriate out-of-session contacts when they occur.  相似文献   

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