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While left handers, where they do in fact appear to differ from right handers in cognitive function, have generally been found to be slightly inferior on verbal tasks, there are some reports of a sinistral superiority for nonverbal or spatial abilities. Tankle and Heilman (Brain and Language, 1982, 17, 124-132) report a sinistral superiority in (obligatory) reading of left-right mirror-reversed text. However, in an investigation which included various other forms of geometrical transformation of the written word, we find that strong familial sinistrals are either not different from or even slightly inferior to dextrals in reading most transformations, including left-right mirror reversals.  相似文献   

Previous studies of implicit reinforcement with children have presented the implicit reward phase after baseline conditions. The present study replicated this design and compared these effects within a design where implicit rewards were presented after direct rewards to both targets and peers. Thirty-two fourth grade children copied the letters of the alphabet under varying reward conditions. Data indicated the presence of reinforcement effects when presented after baseline, and extinction effects when presented after direct reward conditions.  相似文献   

Four experiments using normal subjects investigated differences in magnitude of the right visual field (RVF) superiority as a function of word material (frequency and concreteness/imageability status), nonword letter strings (some of which were homophonic with nonpresented real words), and type of task (overt naming or lexical decision with discriminatory manual responses) as well as sex of the subject and the subject's familiarity with the material. Both latency and error measures showed that RVF superiority was more consistent when overt naming was required and with male subjects. For female subjects engaged in lexical decisions, a left visual field (LVF) superiority was often apparent, especially in the first half of an experimental sequence; when actually naming the items aloud, they showed field asymmetries similar to males. Except from an analysis of errors, there was little evidence to support differential right hemisphere mediation of high frequency concrete/imageable materials. It is suggested that in females, right hemisphere space normally reserved for visuospatial processing may have been invaded by secondary speech mechanisms. These mechanisms appear to operate at an essentially lexical level and may act in a supportive or auxiliary capacity for difficult or unfamiliar material; they seem to be equally concerned with both phonological and graphological processing and may account for the well-known female superiority in verbal tasks and inferiority in visuospatial tasks. Other findings are discussed such as the degree of consistency of the field differences, both for the same subjects and for the same stimulus materials under different task requirements and experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Aligned pairs of spoken words were presented, and the subject timed in detecting the presence or absence of a prespecified target. The target, if present, was paired with either its synonym or its antonym or an unrelated word. If the target was absent, mutually synonymous, antonymous or unrelated word pairs occured. In experiment 1, presentation of the word pairs was dichotic, and in experiment 2 the same stimuli were now systematically presented to a single ear (competing monaural stimulation). In both cases a strategy of divided attention was imposed with respect to the words. A powerful REA was obtained in the second experiment, demonstrating that this phenomenon does not depend upon occlusion of the ipsilateral by the contralateral auditory pathways (Kimura 1961), but that competition within ears is sufficient. Secondly, the nature of the effect (facilitatory or interfering) from a co-present synonym or antonym of the target depends markedly upon how the ears are stimulated, in partial contrast to and extending the results of Lewis (1970).  相似文献   

While left-hemisphere language dominance is more general than dextrality, and reversed dominance is less frequent than sinistrality, there are disputes in both the clinical and the experimental literature on a number of related issues which pertain to a possible language contribution from the minor hemisphere. These issues include the nature and extent of bilaterality in sinistrals, whether this is more pronounced in the strongly or weakly sinistral, and in those with or without other sinistral close relatives, whether sinistrality is largely or at all a consequence of birth stress, whether sinistrals differ from dextrals in visuospatial or even verbal skills, Levy's (1978) hypothesis that a knowledge of the hand position employed in writing (hooked or noninverted) may accurately predict language lateralization in sinistrals, and the possible extent of a minor hemisphere contribution to the recognition of high frequency, concrete, or imageable nouns. Findings relating to the above issues are reviewed, and it is concluded that much of the current confusion stems from poor control of subject factors such as sex, strength and family history of handedness, and nature of stimuli and their mode of presentation.  相似文献   

This review examines the cerebral control of musical behaviors. In clinical populations, impairment of related musical and linguistic functions, such as reading, writing, articulation, time sense, and prosody, implies the likely role of the language hemisphere in music. Similarly, for both clinical and normal populations, an investigation of mental abilities common to music and language points to left hemisphere control for certain aspects of temporal order, duration, simultaneity, rhythm, effector motor control, and categorical perception. While clinical studies have revealed deficits in various kinds of music capabilities with both left and right cerebral lesions, normal subjects similarly demonstrate varying degrees of asymmetry for components of music emphasizing pitch, harmony, timbre, intensity, and rhythm. Since differential laterality effects are apparent as a function of subjects' training or adopted strategies, the way musical information is processed may be an important determinant of hemispheric mediation. One hemisphere should not be regarded as “dominant” for music, but rather each interacts with the other, operating according to its own specialization.  相似文献   

In three experiments, infants between 8 and 20 weeks of age were familiarized during habituation trials to either a stationary or revolving patterned cylinder (Experiment 1) or to the same object when it was revolving at one of two angular velocities (Experiments 2 and 3). In the postfamiliarization trials, angular velocity was changed with the color of the pattern either the same as or different from that in the familiarization trials. The results showed that the infants were not only sensitive to movement and changes in velocity but to the color of the moving pattern. Furthermore, this response to color generalized across changes in angular velocity. These findings indicate that a necessary condition for identity constancy, detection of an object property with object transformations, is present between 8 and 20 weeks, prior to the stage of manual manipulation of objects. A number of subsidiary findings concerning movement discrimination at 55 and 100 cm viewing distances by 11- and 17-week-old infants are also described.  相似文献   

EEG alpha asymmetry was studied in 90 normal adults: right-handed, left-handed, and ambidextrous, male and female. Recordings were made from homologous central, parietal, and occipital leads, referenced to vertex, while subjects engaged in writing, speaking, reading, listening to speech, singing, and block design construction. These data confirm our previous findings that alpha asymmetry is task-dependent and extend them to a broader range of tasks, subjects, and leads. Among right-handers significant differences were found between the language tasks and the musical and spatial tasks: the RL alpha ratio is higher in the language tasks. In addition, significant ordering of RL alpha ratios was found among the language tasks themselves: WRITE å SPEAK > READ > LISTEN. No one “verbal” task can be considered representative of all language behaviors. Task differences in asymmetry were greater at the central than at the parietal leads, and no differences were found at the occiput. Differences among the handedness groups were found in RL alpha ratio in specific tasks, in the relationship among tasks, and in alpha power level. Non-right-handers showed less task-dependent asymmetry. On some measures ambidexters appear to be a distinct group, not simply representing the middle range of a left-handed/right-handed continuum. Reversal of the “expected” right-handed pattern (SPEAK RL ratio > BLOCKS RL ratio) was seen in 10% of right-handers, and in 36% of left-handers, particularly among left-handed females (46%), suggesting a possible sex difference among non-right-handers. No sex difference was found among right-handers on any task with any measure at any lead.  相似文献   

The present experiments were designed to test whether or not processing in visual information channels defined by spatial position is independent in the visual search paradigm. In Experiment 1 subjects were asked to judge whether or not a red square was present in a display of two colored geometric figures. Their mean reaction time (RT) to respond no to a “divided target” display in which one figure was red and the other was a square was about 100 msec longer than to control displays containing either two red circles or two green squares. This result is inconsistent with a spatially serial independent-channel model and with many spatially parallel independent-channel models. The relatively slow responding to divided target displays was replicated in Experiments 2 and 3, when subjects judged whether or not an “A” was present in a display of two alphanumeric characters, and a divided target display was one which contained two features of “A.” Experiments 4 and 5 demonstrated that the dependence observed in the first three experiments was probably the result of two mechanisms: crosstalk integration, whereby the target features are integrated across the two spatial channels, and repetition facilitation, whereby processing is facilitated (in some cases) when the two figures in the display are physically identical. Experiment 6 suggested that subjects organized the display in terms of spatial channels even when the task allowed subjects to ignore spatial location.  相似文献   

An implicit assumption in the literature on functional hemispheric asymmetry is that the right hemisphere plays a special role in mental imagery. Using a definition of mental imagery as quasi-perceptual experience, we draw distinctions among visual imagery, visual recognition memory, and visuospatial abilities. We then review the research literature to evaluate the hypothesis that mental imagery is a specialized function of the right cerebral hemisphere, and find that it receives little unambiguous support. Case reports of loss of imagery are no more frequent with right than with left unilateral brain damage. Systematic studies of brain-injured patients provide some support for the hypothesis, but are also consistent with the alternative hypothesis of bilateral representation of imagery. Commissurotomized patients report dreaming and being able to form visual images. Behavioral and psychophysiological studies of non-brain-injured patients either fail to provide evidence in favor of the hypothesis or can be interpreted as compatible with the alternate hypothesis of bilateral hemispheric involvement in imagery. We conclude that there is, presently, insufficient empirical basis for considering imagery a right hemispheric function. We then discuss implications of this conclusion for future research.  相似文献   

Voice and face recognition were tested in 21 left- and 9 right-hemisphere-damaged patients. Test materials were photographs and recordings of famous political and entertainment personalities. Pathological face recognition (prosopagnosia) and voice recognition (phonagnosia) were both significantly more prevalent in the right-hemisphere group. Only one instance of prosopagnosia and one of phonagnosia were observed in the left-hemisphere group, all of whom were aphasic. Of the right-hemisphere cases, there were four instances of each agnosia, with three patients showing a dual impairment. These findings are discussed in relation to differential modes of processing by the two cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that children's deficiency in encoding itemspecific and relational information in episodic events contributes to age differences in recall and recognition. In two experiments, grade school children and college adults were presented with word triplets varying in categorical relatedness. The processing of the item-specific and relational information in the triplets was independently manipulated. Experiment 1 assessed cued recall, and Experiment 2 assessed recognition of both the central target and incidental contextual members of each triplet. The results showed that the processing manipulations had independent and different effects on recall and recognition, on memory for the members of the different kinds of triplets, on the use of the retrieval cues, and on memory for target and incidental words. Developmental differences were found in both recall and recognition, and of both target and incidental words, that varied with triplet type and the processing manipulations and that were attributable to differences in the encoding of item-specific and relational information in the triplets. The discussion contrasts alternative accounts of children's encoding deficiency, and suggests that the distinction between automatic, age-invariant, and strategic age-sensitive encoding processes needs to be redrawn.  相似文献   

The relationships between career maturity and the career curriculum practices and policies of 38 Melbourne metropolitan secondary schools were investigated in this study. An Australian adaption of the Career Development Inventory was used as the measure of career maturity of random samples of year 9 and year 11 students. Career curriculum practices were ascertained via questionnaires. Questionnaires were completed by the principal, career teacher, and three subject teachers in each of the schools in the study. The questionnaires yielded five factors, one associated with congruence to Super's theory and four assocated with innovation/implementation factors. The results of the study supported the view that schools with career education programs achieved higher gains in the career maturity of their students between years 9 and 11 than schools with no career education programs. The findings also showed a strong relationship between the type of program offered, the support of the school for that program, and the gains in career maturity of the students between years 9 and 11.  相似文献   

The ability of first- and third-grade children and college adults to make excuse inferences about a speaker's use of an utterance and to modify those inferences appropriately upon receiving later information was examined in four experiments. Short stories containing an utterance by a speaker were read aloud. Utterances in the story were preceded by contextual information that suggested either that the speaker was truthful or making an excuse. Utterances were followed by information that confirmed or disconfirmed the excuse interpretation. The results of Experiment 1 indicated that even first and third graders can make excuse inferences, but these children rarely modify these interpretations upon receiving disconfirming information. In Experiments 2–4 possible reasons for the children's interpretive inflexibility were examined by varying the difficulty of relating the excuse interpretation and succeeding information. Results suggested processing difficulty, as well as an interpretive “set,” contributed to the children's inflexibility.  相似文献   

In four experiments, this study examined some reasons why second and fourth grade children use cues relatively ineffectively to retrieve episodic information in memory. Retrieval success was conceptualized as using a cue to describe episodic information in memory. The experiments manipulated factors hypothesized to affect the discriminability and constructability of compatible encodings of context cue information at retrieval. In general, the effects were accomplished by varying the specificity of cue-target information at acquisition, and similar or different samplings of cue information alone at retrieval by means of orienting questions. Experiment 1 varied the encoding of item specific or categorical information. Experiment 2 varied the encoding of supercategorical or subcategorical information. Experiment 3 used two acquisition trials, crossing Categorical × Item Specific encoding and repeating identical encoding experiences. Experiment 4 varied Separate and Interactive Imagery encoding instructions. The results showed that problems of both discriminability and constructability contribute to developmental differences in the use of retrieval cues.  相似文献   

The experiment tested a prediction, derived from the lexicalist model of grammar (J. Bresnan 1978, in M. Halle, J. Bresnan, & G. A. Miller (Eds.), Linguistic theory and psychological reality, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp. 1–59), that difficulty in accessing a verb from the lexicon should impair the generation of the associated to-complement clause while not significantly affecting the generation of word-independent constructions such as questions. Four aphasic subjects with word-finding difficulties but relatively high BDAE ratings on grammatical ability were examined. A modified story completion paradigm was used to elicit the favored constructions. Consistent with the hypothesis, all subjects showed greater difficulty in generating to-complements.  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypotheses that similarity of ideal self and occupational stereotypes are important in determining the vocational preferences of adolescents, while similarity between expected self and occupational stereotypes is important in determining their occupational expectations. Subjects were 97 male and 88 female high school students. Findings were consistent with the view that ideal self played an important role in determining vocational preferences for males and females. However, contrary to expectations, ideal self was more strongly associated than expected self with vocational expectations for females, though not for males.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to evaluate the hypothesis that different processes are involved in decisions about terminal and pre-terminal items in a sequential item recognition task. The impetus for the investigation was previous findings that the matching of terminal and pre-terminal items to simultaneously presented bilateral probes yielded a right visual field (RVF) and left visual field (LVF) advantage respectively.Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that the interaction between match type and visual field, generally attributed to hemispheric specialization, is restricted to decisions about terminal items, while the left visual field advantage found for pre-terminal items was dependent on a left-to-right scanning strategy. Experiments 3 and 4 provided further evidence that a serial search through the probe set determined responses to pre-terminal items by showing that the effect was dependent on a varied mapping between stimuli and targets. When target items could be identified without a serial search through the memory set, the left visual field advantage for pre-terminal items was abolished.The results confirm that distinct processing principles are involved in decisions about terminal and pre-terminal items in recognition memory. They suggest that the process responsible for decisions about pre-terminal items involves a habit-controlled scanning mechanism operating serially on spatially distributed information. The process responsible for decisions about terminal items may be based on either: (a) hemispheric principles, or (b) a link between the content of attention and spatially distributed expectations.  相似文献   

The nature of acoustic memory and its relationship to the categorizing process in speech perception is investigated in three experiments on the serial recall of lists of syllables. The first study confirms previous reports that sequences comprising the syllables, bah, dah, and gah show neither enhanced retention when presented auditorily rather than visually, nor a recency effect—both occurred with sequences in which vowel sounds differed (bee, bih, boo). This was found not to be a simple vowel-consonant difference since acoustic memory effects did occur with consonant sequences that were acoustically more discriminable (sha, ma, ga and ash, am, ag). Further experiments used the stimulus suffix effect to provide evidence of acoustic memory, and showed (1), increasing the acoustic similarity of the set grossly impairs acoustic memory effects for vowels as well as consonants, and (2) such memory effects are no greater for steady-state vowels than for continuously changing diphthongs. It is concluded that the usefulness of the information that can be retrieved from acoustic memory depends on the acoustic similarity of the items in the list rather than on their phonetic class or whether or not they have “encoded” acoustic cues. These results question whether there is any psychological evidence for “encoded” speech sounds being categorized in ways different from other speech sounds.  相似文献   

Semantic and visual memory codes in learning disabled readers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two experiments investigated whether learning disabled readers' impaired recall is due to multiple coding deficiencies. In Experiment 1, learning disabled and skilled readers viewed nonsense pictures without names or with either relevant or irrelevant names with respect to the distinctive characteristics of the picture. Both types of names improved recall of nondisabled readers, while learning disabled readers exhibited better recall for unnamed pictures. No significant difference in recall was found between name training (relevant, irrelevant) conditions within reading groups. In Experiment 2, both reading groups participated in recall training for complex visual forms labeled with unrelated words, hierarchically related words, or without labels. A subsequent reproduction transfer task showed a facilitation in performance in skilled readers due to labeling, with learning disabled readers exhibiting better reproduction for unnamed pictures. Measures of output organization (clustering) indicated that recall is related to the development of superordinate categories. The results suggest that learning disabled children's reading difficulties are due to an inability to activate a semantic representation that interconnects visual and verbal codes.  相似文献   

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