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羌族服饰以其独特的审美情趣与审美韵味,成为中华众多民族服饰文化中的一朵奇葩。在灾后重建的浩瀚工程中,如何将羌族服饰品文化完整的传承和发扬下去,光靠简单的复制显然是不能达到预期效果的。对羌族服饰品的美学特点进行简单归纳,着重分析其在市场上的竞争力,并通过对羌族服饰品文化的创新应用设想,提出了羌族服饰品产业化发展的建议和策略。  相似文献   

我国是灾害多发的国家, 重大灾害事件不仅导致人民巨大的生命伤亡和经济财产的损失, 而且也给亲历灾害的幸存者带来了严重的个体、家庭和集体的心理创伤。本文重点回顾了5·12汶川大地震以来, 我国研究者在灾后心理创伤领域内的研究进展, 包括灾后心理创伤的流行病学调查, 灾后心理创伤的行为特征、认知功能变化、免疫功能变化以及灾后社会群体心理与行为表现与特征。同时, 分析了我国未来灾后心理与行为研究可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

四川汶川大地震心理危机干预的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对大地震我们如何应对?突发的灾难除了顷刻间造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失外,还会对人们的心理产生巨大影响。帮助灾区人民渡过心理创伤,减少心理疾病的发生和对心理社会功能的后遗影响。灾后心理危机同样是灾难,灾后心理疏导需专业人员,抗震救灾与灾后的心理干预同等重要。  相似文献   

羌族舞蹈作为我国少数民族舞蹈中的一支,其风格特点具体表现为"S"型体态和"一顺边"的美;胯部动作的大量使用;舞蹈运动中"以左为上"的原则。羌族舞蹈与羌族人民的生产生活密不可分,体现着当地的宗教意识,并且具有丰富的伦理意蕴。如何在文化的均质现象越来越严重的今天保存、发展羌族舞蹈的文化特性需要我们认真思考。具体可以从"一个体系"、"两个中心"、"三种类型"三个方面进行。  相似文献   

自我觉知的适应、不适应性及其在心理疗法中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自我觉知是当注意力指向个体自身时对自己所产生的内部主观状态,根据其指向及程度可以有多种分类方法。自我觉知在心理过程中既有适应性,如促进自我了解、对他人的理解、提高自尊等;但过度的自我觉知会对心理产生不良影响,诸多研究对其与抑郁和焦虑的关系进行了论证。很多心理疗法中都涉及到自我觉知对心理状况的影响,包括格式塔疗法、来访者中心疗法、森田疗法等等。如何保持适度的自我觉知以促进心理健康是需要进一步研究的。  相似文献   

在四川经历了汶川大地震后两年,青海又发生了玉树地震。地震灾害不仅对灾区幸存者造成了身体上的伤害,让人们失去家园和亲人,在心理上也给他们造成了严重的创伤。因此,对于这类人群的灾后心理康复治疗尤为重要。然而,幸存者心理的康复,单纯依靠心理辅导和治疗是不够的,而肢体上的运动能够起到缓解心理症状的良好效果。动作疗法就是一种行之有效的疗法。本文将介绍动作疗法在灾后心理康复的治疗中的运用,并提出具有针对性的动作疗法的措施。  相似文献   

心理和实践的关系问题,是心理学研究中一个极其重要的理论问题,也是至今没有得到很好地解决的一个问题。正确认识和处理心理与实践的关系,对心理学的健康发展具有重大的意义。传统的内省意识心理学,把心理看成一种特殊的、自我封闭的内部过程,脱离开实践孤立地研究心理。行为主义心理学则排除心理而孤立地研究行为。他们都不知道心理  相似文献   

羌族是我国民族大家庭中历史最悠久、文化最古老的民族之一,在远古时代分布甚广,据说他们是汉族前身“华夏族”的重要组成部分,远在殷商甲骨文中,就有不少关于羌人的记载,在历史长河中,羌族的若干分支由于种种条件和原因,逐渐演变而为汉藏语系中藏缅语族的各民族。研究藏、彝、白、哈尼、纳西、傈僳、拉祜、基诺、普米、景颇、独龙、怒、阿昌、土家等民族的历史,都必须探索其与羌族的关系。羌族在我国民族大家庭中占有  相似文献   

羌族文化蕴涵其特有的审美和文化,可以激起人们对中国传统文化的共鸣。对羌族文化进行探索分析,找到充满民族个性的图腾元素在家居软装饰上的应用方法,将羌族文化图腾再设计,形成一套现代羌族软装,使其更具时代性,且适用于除羌族本族人以外的大多数消费人群,可以进行大量推广。如此,不仅能给软装饰设计师们带来更富有创意的构思和灵感,也能让世界更多地感受到中华少数民族艺术的真谛。  相似文献   

岷江上游,白云霭霭,千里岷山,连峰叠岫。在这白云深处,居住着我国一个历史悠久的古老民族——羌族。据史籍记载,羌族先民原生活于甘、青一带的河湟之间,后来经过几次大迁徒,其中的一支便迁徙定居于此。千百年来,勤劳勇敢的羌族人民以自己的勘劳智慧,同生活在此地的汉、藏族人民一起,披荆斩棘,共同开发了这片富饶美丽的土地,为缔造我们祖国的历史写下了光辉篇章.然而羌族的宗教信仰,在解放前尚停留在万物有灵和祖先崇拜的原始宗教阶段.在宗教观念上已有鬼神之分,诸神中亦有主神观念。他们崇拜的主神为天神(太阳神)、山神、树神、地神、羊神等。诸神均以白石为代表,供奉于山上、屋顶或庙宇内。此  相似文献   

This study explored pathways through which hurricane-related stressors affected the psychological functioning of elementary school aged children who survived Hurricane Katrina. Participants included 184 mothers from the New Orleans area who completed assessments one year pre-disaster (Time 1), and one and three years post-disaster (Time 2 and Time 3, respectively). Mothers rated their children's behavior problems at Time 3 only (n = 251 children; 53.0% male; mean age: 10.19 years, SD = 1.68 years). A path analytic model indicated that hurricane-related stressors were associated with increased maternal psychological distress and school mobility in the first post-disaster year, which were associated with higher child internalizing and externalizing symptoms three years post-disaster. Mediation analysis indicated that hurricane-related stressors were associated with child symptoms indirectly, through their impact on maternal psychological distress. Findings underscore the importance of interventions that boost maternal and child mental health and support children through post-disaster school transitions.  相似文献   

This prospective study examined the pathways by which religious involvement affected the post-disaster psychological functioning of women who survived Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The participants were 386 low-income, predominantly Black, single mothers. The women were enrolled in the study before the hurricane, providing a rare opportunity to document changes in mental health from before to after the storm, and to assess the protective role of religious involvement over time. Results of structural equation modeling indicated that, controlling for level of exposure to the hurricanes, pre-disaster physical health, age, and number of children, pre-disaster religiousness predicted higher levels of post-disaster (1) social resources and (2) optimism and sense of purpose. The latter, but not the former, was associated with better post-disaster psychological outcome. Mediation analysis confirmed the mediating role of optimism and sense of purpose.  相似文献   

灾后孤儿亲历双重重大创伤, 是创伤后应激障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD)的高发群体; 同时, 巨大创伤对其认知功能和行为模式也带来一定程度的影响。本研究拟以灾后孤儿这一特殊群体为研究对象, 考察“PTSD发生发展及其认知神经机制”, 具体如下:(1) 采用序列研究设计, 展开灾后孤儿PTSD流行病学调查, 描述其PTSD发生发展、变化的轨迹和时程特点; (2) 展开横断研究, 考察灾后孤儿认知发展特点, 并通过结构方程模型, 揭示其PTSD发生发展的心理行为机制; (3) 采用眼动和脑电技术展开比较研究, 考察罹患PTSD孤儿的认知神经机制。本研究的研究结果将对今后的灾后孤儿安置及心理援助提供科学建议; 为有针对性地提供心理干预、制定心理干预的总体规划提供科学依据; 力争为今后孤儿的创伤心理的诊断、干预效果评估提供科学客观的指标和方法。  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on cognitive and psychosocial functioning among middle-aged (45-64 years), older (65-89 years) and oldest-old adults (90 years and over) in the Louisiana Healthy Aging Study (LHAS). Analyses of pre- and post-disaster cognitive data showed storm-related decrements in working memory for the middle-aged and older adults, but not for the oldest-old adults. Regression analyses confirmed that measures of social engagement and storm-related disruption significantly predicted pre- to post-disaster differences in short-term and working memory performance for the middle-aged and older adults only. These results are consistent with a burden perspective on post-disaster psychological reactions. Implications for current views of disaster reactions are discussed.  相似文献   

自然灾难后身心反应的影响因素:研究与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
所有经历自然灾难的人都会出现应激反应。随着时间的推移, 这些反应或消退, 或转化为一种创伤后成长(PTG), 或恶化为创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)等。根据危险因素模型, 这一过程受三类因素影响:(1)前灾难因素, 如性别、年龄等;(2)当下灾难因素, 如创伤暴露程度等;(3)后灾难因素, 如社会支持、复原特征等。其中, 后灾难因素得到了更多的关注。在危险-保护因素模式及机体主动模式的基础上, 分析了后灾难因素的作用机制, 通过研究的整合, 探讨了其对于灾后研究和干预的启示。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore factors associated with psychological resilience in a sample of 360 survivors of the two earthquakes in Van, Turkey in 2011. Using a survey with measures on various pre-, within-, and post-disaster variables, it has been shown that psychological resilience was influenced by multiple factors, providing empirical evidence for a multifactorial understanding of resilience. Furthermore, the study extended the traditional ways of resilience assessment by including stress-coping ability and severity of trauma-related symptoms as indicators of psychological resilience simultaneously. Findings were discussed considering the implications for research and interventions in the aftermath of natural disasters.  相似文献   

Disasters have been associated with both acute and prolonged distress and significant post-disaster psychiatric symptoms. These outcomes may be further complicated by extended periods without vital services and supplies, such as electricity and drinking water. The present study investigated the relations between post-disaster loss of services and psychiatric symptoms in urban/non-urban disaster victims. Random-digit?Cdial methodology was used to interview 1,249 victims of Hurricane Ike, a strong storm that hit Galveston, TX in 2008. Findings demonstrated significant relations between loss of services and post-disaster symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and worry. These relations varied by urban/non-urban settings; there were significant positive relations between loss of services and symptoms of depression in non-urban settings, but not in urban settings. Similarly, a stronger relation between loss of services and symptoms of PTSD also was demonstrated in non-urban compared to urban settings. Findings highlight the potential importance of pre-disaster preparation, post-disaster restoration of services, and post-disaster community support in post-disaster psychiatric outcomes, with a particular emphasis in non-urban settings.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between psychological well-being and the impact of loss and psychological uncertainty after the 2000 Miyake Island volcanic eruption. 231 Japanese evacuees (ages 20-93, average 59.52 years old) responded to mailed questionnaires 10 months after the volcanic eruption in 2000. The questionnaire included the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) for posttraumatic stress disorder, an 11-item version of the Center for Epidemiological Study-Depression Scale (CES-D), assessment of disaster losses, demographics, and measure of relevant pre- and post-disaster activities (e.g., relocation, worry, doctor visits). Findings indicated that material loss and uncertainty of losses were significantly associated with higher rates of reported PTSD and depression symptoms. Those who relocated multiple times reported significantly higher rates of PTSD symptoms than those who relocated less frequently. Demographic characteristics such as being older, widowed, lower SES, less education, and longer length of residency on the island were also strongly associated with higher reported PTSD symptoms. Depression symptoms were strongly associated with being widowed, lower SES, longer length of residency on the island, and previous experiences of evacuations due to disasters.  相似文献   

Although religion often comprises a central component of the social and cultural make-up of communities in developing countries affected by disasters, there is often limited understanding of how religious faith, religious leaders, and religious institutions contribute to vulnerability and resilience in the post-disaster period. Using a case study related to the earthquake in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2006, our research examined the role of faith and religion from the perspective of affected populations, including individuals, religious leaders, and academics. The research suggests complexity in fatalistic thinking and the role of religious activities, where both vulnerability and resilience co-existed. The nature of religious leadership was found to be highly dependent on the individual, although leaders primarily saw their roles as supporting the psychological recovery of the affected population. Examining religious institutions suggests that physical structures, collective engagement in activities, networks, and theological perspectives provided opportunities for initiatives aiming at disaster risk reduction, although not all of these aspects remain functional in the aftermath of disasters. The article concludes by discussing the importance of incorporating religious faith and institutions in disaster risk reduction programming and unifying messages between faith and non-faith organizations.  相似文献   


This study assessed the mental and physical health status and psychological problems related to the September 11th terrorist incidents among a representative sample of adults living near New York City, using continuously time-sampled data collected throughout 2001. Prevalence estimates for poor mental or physical health after September 11th (October through December) were comparable to those for the entire year of 2001 (i.e. approximately 33%). Psychological problems related to the terrorist incidents were reported by more than half of the respondents, and appeared to peak in prevalence approximately two to three months following the incidents, followed by a decline in the next month and subsequent year. Poor mental health, female gender, media re-exposure, and ongoing or increased alcohol use were risk factors for psychological problems, while older age (65+ years old) and being married were protective factors. Risk factors for poor physical and mental health or psychological problems were generally stable over the three-month period following September 11th, but some changes were identified consistent with stage models of post-disaster psychological adjustment. Implications are discussed for using continuous time-sampling as a strategy to research patterns of relatively acute stress-related sequelae of terrorism in populations whose members are affected despite primarily not having been at the disaster epicenter.  相似文献   

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