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The issue of prototype formation from simple geometric figures presented in various modes was studied in four conditions. Base figures and their exemplars were scaled in terms of their physical similarity, which was considered to reflect cognitive similarity. Geometric exemplars were visually presented, imaged by the subject, and kinesthetically presented. Following initial presentation, a recognition task was given in which some old items, some new items, and the prototype (also a new item) were presented in the same modality as originally perceived. The results indicate that prototype formation spans a wide class of human experiences and that internal representations of geometric figures derived from experiences with one modality tend to be second-order isomorphic with similar experiences derived from another modality.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between transient change in the local structure of gastrocnemius muscle fibers and the segmented leg motor responses elicited by toes-up rotation of the support surface. The gastrocnemius muscle in healthy young subjects underwent a sustained 2-min, isometric stretch (Prestretch group), followed immediately by the rotations. Analysis showed that the prestretch affected the amplitude of the monosynaptic but not the automatic components of the medial gastrocnemius muscle responses (monosynaptic response: 93 +/- 20% of the mean of the last three rotations in the Prestretch group compared to 174 +/- 42% in the Control group; automatic response: 128 +/- 18% in the Prestretch group versus 123 +/- 31% in the Control group). The shortened tibialis anterior muscle response and the onset latencies of responses were not affected by prestretching the gastrocnemius muscle. The prestretch effect on the amplitude of the monosynaptic (mediated by group Ia afferents) but not the automatic gastrocnemius muscle response (mediated by group II afferents) suggests that the automatic component of the muscle response to platform rotations has a stronger supraspinal influence than the monosynaptic response and is thus less affected by local events such as prolonged stretching.  相似文献   

In their quantitative review of the literature, Healy, Lehman, and McDaniel [Healy, M. C., Lehman, M., & McDaniel, M. A. (1995). Age and voluntary turnover: A quantitative review. Personnel Psychology, 48, 335–345] concluded that age is only weakly related to voluntary turnover (average r = −.08).However, with the significant changes in mobility patterns among employees over the last two decades, the strength of the age–turnover relationship may have changed as well. In a meta-analysis of studies published between 1990 and 2008 (49 studies, N = 71,053), we found that the age–voluntary turnover relationship was in fact stronger (−.14) than what Healy et al. (1995) found. In addition, moderator tests revealed that race, tenure, and education level help explain differences in effect sizes across studies linking age to turnover. That is, the age–turnover relationship is stronger when there are more racial minorities in the sample (−.16), when organizational tenure is higher (−.18), and when education level is lower (−.20). In addition, the relationship is strongest when the timeframe for measuring turnover behavior is 1–2 years and when the research is conducted with U.S. samples.  相似文献   

A uniformly moving visual pattern can induce observer's self-motion perception in the opposite direction (vection), and an additional static stimulus can modulate (facilitate or inhibit) the strength of it. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of stimulus depth order and the depth distances of the visual stimulus on the inhibition and facilitation of vection caused by the additional static stimulus, measuring duration and estimated magnitude of vection as indices of vection strength. Analysis of this psychophysical experiment with four participants indicated that the static foreground presented in front of the moving pattern can facilitate vection, whereas the static background inhibits it (Duration: F1,3= 12.06, p<.05; Estimation: F1,3= 13.87, p<.05). Furthermore, the depth distances from the observer or the depth separation between the foreground and the background did not affect the self-motion perception (F2,6 < 1.0 for duration and estimation).  相似文献   

Aila Collins 《Sex roles》1985,12(11-12):1219-1230
Sex-related psychological characteristics of male and female engineering students were examined and correlated with measures of sympathetic-adrenal medullary hormones. Self-ratings showed that both males and females perceived themselves as equally high in characteristics generally viewed as masculine and feminine. Retrospective reports of play activities in childhood reflected the traditional sex-role patterns, whereas ratings of adult interests, hobbies, and job preferences showed that the two gender groups had moved in a more androgynous direction, with the increase in females' cross-sex interests being greater than that of males. The intellectual performance profiles showed the well-documented sex difference, with males excelling in visuospatial abilities and females in verabl abilities and perceptual speed. Correlations between measures of intellectual performance and catecholamine excretion were mainly positive in the male group and negative in the female group, which is consistent with findings from previous studies.  相似文献   

This study assessed the influence of blocked, random, and serial acquisition schedules on the learning of kinesthetically presented geometric patterns. Measures of both retention and prototype formation did not indicate an influence for type of presentation order. This nonsignificant finding is consistent with theories which purport that benefits of random and serial practice schedule result from the active involvement of the learner in both movement planning and the analysis of error information.  相似文献   

When finger taps are synchronized with an auditory sequence, both a global phase shift (PS) and a local event onset shift (EOS) in the sequence elicit a phase correction response (PCR) on the next tap. The PCR to an expected PS is intended and large, whereas that to an expected EOS is unintended and smaller. PCR magnitude increases linearly with perturbation magnitude up to about +/-15% of the sequence period (500 milliseconds). With larger perturbations, voluntary PCRs increase more slowly whereas involuntary PCRs reach an asymptote. These results, obtained previously in a blocked design [J. Exp. Psychol. Human Percept. Perform. (in press)], were replicated in a randomized design and in two additional task contexts that varied participants' intentions while neutralizing their expectations. Neither design nor expectations seemed to play a role. However, considerable individual differences were noted. The results confirm that phase correction is partially automatic and partially subject to voluntary control, and they provide empirical estimates of error correction functions that may be useful in formal modeling of sensorimotor synchronization behavior.  相似文献   

Interaction between perceived and imagined rotation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Experiment 1, subjects performed a mental-rotation task in which they were timed as they decided whether rotated letters were normal or backwards. Between presentations of the letters, they watched a rotating textured disk that induced an aftereffect of rotary movement on the letters. The function relating reaction times to orientation was influenced asymmetrically by the aftereffect, suggesting that perceived movement interacts with imagined movement. Experiment 2 showed that the aftereffect produced a negligible influence on perceived orientation, suggesting that the influence of the aftereffect on mental rotation was not caused by changes in the perceived orientations of the letters. Detailed analysis of the mental-rotation functions suggested that the aftereffect may sometimes have induced subjects to rotate letters through the larger rather than the smaller angle back to the upright where the aftereffect was in the appropriate direction.  相似文献   

Comparisons between involuntarily and voluntarily retrieved autobiographical memories have revealed similarities in encoding and maintenance, with differences in terms of specificity and emotional responses. Our study extended this research area into the domain of musical memory, which afforded a unique opportunity to compare the same memory as accessed both involuntarily and voluntarily. Specifically, we compared instances of involuntary musical imagery (INMI, or “earworms”)—the spontaneous mental recall and repetition of a tune—to deliberate recall of the same tune as voluntary musical imagery (VMI) in terms of recall accuracy and emotional responses. Twenty participants completed two 3-day tasks. In an INMI task, participants recorded information about INMI episodes as they occurred; in a VMI task, participants were prompted via text message to deliberately imagine each tune they had previously experienced as INMI. In both tasks, tempi of the imagined tunes were recorded by tapping to the musical beat while wearing an accelerometer and additional information (e.g., tune name, emotion ratings) was logged in a diary. Overall, INMI and VMI tempo measurements for the same tune were strongly correlated. Tempo recall for tunes that have definitive, recorded versions was relatively accurate, and tunes that were retrieved deliberately (VMI) were not recalled more accurately in terms of tempo than spontaneous and involuntary instances of imagined music (INMI). Some evidence that INMI elicited stronger emotional responses than VMI was also revealed. These results demonstrate several parallels to previous literature on involuntary memories and add new insights on the phenomenology of INMI.  相似文献   

Kudoh N 《Perception》2005,34(11):1399-1416
Walking without vision to previously viewed targets was compared with visual perception of allocentric distance in two experiments. Experimental evidence had shown that physically equal distances in a sagittal plane on the ground were perceptually underestimated as compared with those in a frontoparallel plane, even under full-cue conditions. In spite of this perceptual anisotropy of space, Loomis et al (1992 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance 18 906-921) found that subjects could match both types of distances in a blind-walking task. In experiment 1 of the present study, subjects were required to reproduce the extent of allocentric distance between two targets by either walking towards the targets, or by walking in a direction incompatible with the locations of the targets. The latter condition required subjects to derive an accurate allocentric distance from information based on the perceived locations of the two targets. The walked distance in the two conditions was almost identical whether the two targets were presented in depth (depth-presentation condition) or in the frontoparallel plane (width-presentation condition). The results of a perceptual-matching task showed that the depth distances had to be much greater than the width distances in order to be judged to be equal in length (depth compression). In experiment 2, subjects were required to reproduce the extent of allocentric distance from the viewing point by blindly walking in a direction other than toward the targets. The walked distance in the depth-presentation condition was shorter than that in the width-presentation condition. This anisotropy in motor responses, however, was mainly caused by apparent overestimation of length oriented in width, not by depth compression. In addition, the walked distances were much better scaled than those in experiment 1. These results suggest that the perceptual and motor systems share a common representation of the location of targets, whereas a dissociation in allocentric distance exists between the two systems in full-cue conditions.  相似文献   

A simple synchronizer clock circuit is described that aids in the rejection of 60-Hz noise from evoked potential measurements.  相似文献   

Contextual cueing refers to the cueing of spatial attention by repeated spatial context. Previous studies have demonstrated distinctive properties of contextual cueing by background scenes and by an array of search items. Whereas scene-based contextual cueing reflects explicit learning of the scene–target association, array-based contextual cueing is supported primarily by implicit learning. In this study, we investigated the interaction between scene-based and array-based contextual cueing. Participants searched for a target that was predicted by both the background scene and the locations of distractor items. We tested three possible patterns of interaction: (1) The scene and the array could be learned independently, in which case cueing should be expressed even when only one cue was preserved; (2) the scene and array could be learned jointly, in which case cueing should occur only when both cues were preserved; (3) overshadowing might occur, in which case learning of the stronger cue should preclude learning of the weaker cue. In several experiments, we manipulated the nature of the contextual cues present during training and testing. We also tested explicit awareness of scenes, scene–target associations, and arrays. The results supported the overshadowing account: Specifically, scene-based contextual cueing precluded array-based contextual cueing when both were predictive of the location of a search target. We suggest that explicit, endogenous cues dominate over implicit cues in guiding spatial attention.  相似文献   

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